OpenCV docs say A.mul(B) is per-element multiplication. Yet the following code produces the following output, and then gives this error:
OpenCV Error: Sizes of input arguments do not match
cout << laplacian_pyramids[i][numLevels - 1 - l].rows << endl;
cout << gaussian_weight_pyramids[i][l].rows << endl;
cout << laplacian_pyramids[i][numLevels - 1 - l].cols << endl;
cout << gaussian_weight_pyramids[i][l].cols << endl;
Mat prod = gaussian_weight_pyramids[i][l].mul(laplacian_pyramids[i][numLevels - 1 - l]);
gives the error. I tried Mat::multiply to a similar effect.
I would recommend converting single channel to three channels:
Mat A = Mat::zeros(100, 200, CV_32FC1);
Mat B = Mat::zeros(100, 200, CV_32FC3);
// Mat C = A.mul(B); // Sizes of input arguments do not match
Mat Afc3;
Mat t[] = {A, A, A};
merge(t, 3, Afc3);
Mat C = Afc3.mul(B); // now Afc3 has 3 channels ans it is type of 32_FC3
// we can multiply each elem in B by the same coef from A
But if B it is a CV_8UC3 type, it does not work because opencv would not allow to multiply Mats which have different types of pixels. In that case, convert 8UC3 to 32FC3 remebering to scale each pixel by 1/255.0 beacuse each pixel in 32FC3 has a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (and of course each pixel in 8UC3 has a value between 0 and 255).
Mat A = Mat::zeros(100, 200, CV_32FC1);
Mat B = Mat::zeros(100, 200, CV_8UC3);
// Mat C = A.mul(B);
Mat Afc3, Bfc3;
Mat t[] = {A, A, A};
merge(t, 3, Afc3);
B.convertTo(Bfc3, CV_32FC3, 1/255.0);
Mat C = Afc3.mul(Bfc3);
There can be 2 reasons for such error: different number of channels or different type of data (for example if first matrix contain unsigned char and second matrix contain unsigned short). Of course there can be both reasons. In general there 3 types of solutions for problems like the one you encountered:
1) Write your own 'for' loop that will do the operation you need. You won't benefit from optimizations that might be present in OpenCV functions but other solutions will have their own overheads. You can see this tutorial about how to access pixels in efficient way.
2) Use functions like 'merge' or 'convertTo' in order to create input of same type and number of channels. See answer posted by #marol for code example. In this solution the main overhead is copy of data. That means extra time and space. This is reasonable solution if you are going to perform multiple operations with both images. But if all you need is simple multiplication it won't be very effective.
3) Use workarounds. For example if your matrices have same type but differ in number of channels you can use reshape function:
// two matrices of same size but different number of channels
Mat laplac(100, 200, CV_32FC3);
Mat gauss(100, 200, CV_32FC1);
// turn them into single channel matrices. they have NxM rows and 1 or 3 columns.
// note that there no copy of data. any change in them will affect original matrices
Mat laplac2 = laplac.reshape( 1, laplac.rows*laplac.cols );
Mat gauss2 = gauss.reshape( 1, gauss.rows*gauss.cols ;
// perform multiplication
laplac2.col(0) = laplac2.col(0).mul(gauss2);
laplac2.col(1) = laplac2.col(1).mul(gauss2);
laplac2.col(2) = laplac2.col(2).mul(gauss2);
This way you are using only OpenCV build-in functions without copy overhead. But I doubt that this will be any faster than solution-1, because solution-1 is more efficient in terms of memory access.
In any case you won't have nice and clean operation that takes exactly one line :(
I faced a problem with C++ blobFromImage function in OpenCV. I trained a CNN-network in Keras which takes a 4-d blob as input (common practice, nothing special). The problem is that my blob order is NHWC (where Channle size is always 6) but blobFromImage returns only NCHW. There is no any trouble to reshape numpy-blob in python but I haven't found any solution for C++.
Input data is two 3-channel images stitched together (at channel axis) in one blob. For example, if images resolution is 1280x720 than blob shape will be (1, 720, 1280, 6)
Is there any way to create blob of NHWC in C++ or reshape blobFromImage result to NHWC?
It seems like you received an answer to your question in the OpenCV forum
assuming, you have 2 (float) images A and B of equal size, 3 channels each, you could first merge them like this:
vector<Mat> v = {A,B};
Mat C;
merge(v, C);
now C has 6 interleaved channels, and we need to add the "batch" dimension:
int sz[] = {1, A.rows, A.cols, 6};
Mat blob(4, sz, CV_32F,;
but careful ! your blob does NOT hold a deep copy of the data, so C has to be kept alive during the processing !
EDIT: due to public demand, here's the reverse operation ;)
// extract 2d, 6chan Mat
Mat c2(blob.size[2], blob.size[3], CV_32FC(6), blob.ptr(0));
// split into channels
vector<Mat> v2;
// merge back into 2 images
Mat a,b;
merge(vector<Mat>(v2.begin(), v2.begin()+3), a);
merge(vector<Mat>(v2.begin()+3, v2.end()), b);
I'm trying to convert an OpenCV 3-channel Mat to a 3D Eigen Tensor.
So far, I can convert 1-channel grayscale Mat by:
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("/image/path.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Eigen::MatrixXd myMatrix;
cv::cv2eigen(mat, myMatrix);
My attempt to convert a BGR mat to a Tensor have been:
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("/image/path.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
Eigen::MatrixXd temp;
cv::cv2eigen(mat, temp);
Eigen::Tensor<double, 3> myTensor = Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<double, 3>>(, 3, mat.rows, mat.cols);
However, I'm getting the following error :
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type cv::Exception: OpenCV(4.1.0) /tmp/opencv-20190505-12101-14vk1fh/opencv-4.1.0/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp:1195:
error: (-215:Assertion failed) !fixedType() || ((Mat*)obj)->type() == mtype in function 'create'
in the line: cv::cv2eigen(mat, temp);
Any help is appreciated!
The answer might be disappointing for you.
After going through 12 pages, My conclusion is you have to separate the RGB to individual channel MAT and then convert to eigenmatrix. Or create your own Eigen type and opencv convert function
In OpenCV it is tested like this. It only allows a single channel greyscale image
And in OpenCV it is implemented like this. Which dont give you much option for custom type aka cv::scalar to eigen std::vector
And according to this post,
I think Eigen was not meant to be used in this way (with vectors as
"scalar" types).
they also have the difficulting in dealing with RGB image in eigen.
Take note that Opencv Scalar and eigen Scalar has a different meaning
It is possible to do so if and only if you use your own datatype aka matrix
So you either choose to store the 3 channel info in 3 eigen matrix and you can use default eigen and opencv routing.
Mat src = imread("img.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); //load image
Mat bgr[3]; //destination array
split(src,bgr);//split source
//Note: OpenCV uses BGR color order
imshow("blue.png",bgr[0]); //blue channel
imshow("green.png",bgr[1]); //green channel
imshow("red.png",bgr[2]); //red channel
Eigen::MatrixXd bm,gm,rm;
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[0], bm);
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[1], gm);
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[2], rm);
Or you can define your own type and write you own version of the opencv cv2eigen function
custom eigen type follow this. and it wont be pretty
Rewrite your own cv2eigen_custom function similar to this
So good luck.
Since you need tensor. forget about cv function
Mat image;
image = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
Tensor<float, 3> t_3d(image.rows, image.cols, 3);
// t_3d(i, j, k) where i is row j is column and k is channel.
for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++)
t_3d(i, j, 0) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0];
t_3d(i, j, 1) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1];
t_3d(i, j, 2) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2];
//cv ref<data_Type>(row_num, col_num)
watch out for i,j as em not sure about the order. I only write the code based on reference. didnt compile for it.
Also watch out for image type to tensor type cast problem. Some times you might not get what you wanted.
this code should in principle solve your problem
Edit number 2
following the example of this
int storage[128]; // 2 x 4 x 2 x 8 = 128
TensorMap<Tensor<int, 4>> t_4d(storage, 2, 4, 2, 8);
Applied to your case is
cv::Mat frame=imread('myimg.ppm');
TensorMap<Tensor<float, 3>> t_3d(, image.rows, image.cols, 3);
problem is I'm not sure this will work or not. Even it works, you still have to figure out how the inside data is being organized so that you can get the shape correctly. Good luck
Updated answer - OpenCV now has conversion functions for Eigen::Tensor which will solve your problem. I needed this same functionality too so I made a contribution back to the project for everyone to use. See the documentation here:
Note: if you want RGB order, you will still need to reorder the channels in OpenCV before converting to Eigen::Tensor
I have a matrix img (480*640 pixel, float 64 bits) on which I apply a complex mask. After this, I need to multiply my matrix by a value but in order to win time I want to do this multiplication only on the non-zero elements because for now the multiplication is too long because I have to iterate the operation 2000 times on 2000 different matrix but with the same mask. So I found the index (on x/y axes) of the nonzero pixels which I keep in a vector of Point. But I don't succeed to use this vector to do the multplication only on the pixels indexed in this same vector.
Here is an example (with a simple mask) to understand my problem :
Mat img_temp(480, 640, CV_64FC1);
Mat img = img_temp.clone();
Mat mask = Mat::ones(img.size(), CV_8UC1);
double value = 3.56;
// Apply mask
img_temp.copyTo(img, mask);
// Finding non zero elements
vector<Point> nonZero;
findNonZero(img, nonZero);
// Previous multiplication (long because on all pixels)
Mat result = img.clone()*value;
// What I wish to do : multiplication only on non-zero pixels (not functional)
Mat result = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_64FC1);<int>(nonZero) = * value
What is tricky is that my pixels are not on a range (for example pixels 3, 4 and 50, 51 on a line).
Thank you in advance.
I would suggest using Mat.convertTo.
Basically, for the parameter alpha, which is the scaling factor, use the value of the mask (3.56 in your case). Make sure that the Mat is of type CV_32 or CV_64.
This will be faster than finding all non-zero pixels, saving their coordinates in a Vector and iterating (it was faster for me in Java).
Hope it helps!
Constructing vector of points will also increase computation time. I think you should consider iterating over all pixels and multiply if the pixel is not equal to zero.
Iterating will be faster if you have the matrix as raw data.
If you do
Mat result = img*value;
Instead of
Mat result = img.clone()*value;
The speed will be almost 10 times as fast
I have also tested your suggestion with vector but this is even slower than your first solution.
Below the code I used to test your firs suggestion
cv::Mat multMask(cv::Mat &img, std::vector<cv::Point> mask, double fact)
if (img.type() != CV_64FC1) throw "invalid format";
cv::Mat res = cv::Mat::zeros(img.size(), img.type());
int iLen = (int)mask.size();
for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
cv::Point &p = mask[i];
((double*)( + res.step.p[0] * p.y))[p.x] = ((double*)( + img.step.p[0] * p.y))[p.x] * fact;
return res;
How can we get the mean of an input RGB image(3 dimensional Mat object) so that we get a gray image? The cvtColor() function of OpenCV converts the image to gray based on a pre-existing formula. I want to get the mean of all three channels and store the resultant image in another matrix. The cv::mean() function in OpenCV returns the scalar mean of all input channels.
Were this Python, with img being a RGB image, img.mean(2) would get me what I want. Successive calls of the addWeighted() function and using gray= blue/3.0 + red/3.0 +green/3.0 [ After splitting channels] yielded different results when compared with Python.
Is there anything analogous to img.mean(2) in C++ or the OpenCV library of C++?
Is there anything analogous to img.mean(2) in C++ or the OpenCV library of C++?
No, but you can easily compute that. There are a few ways of doing it:
Loop over all the image, and set each value as the mean of the input pixel values. Take care of computing the intermediate values for the mean on a type with more capacity and accuracy than uchar (here I used double) or you may end up with wrong results. You can also optimize the code further, e.g. see this question and its answers. You just need to change the function computed in the inner loop to compute the mean.
Use reduce. You can reshape you 3 channel matrix of size rows x cols to be a matrix of shape ((rows*cols) x 3), and then you can use the reduce operation with parameter REDUCE_AVG to compute the average row-wise. Then reshape the matrix to correct size. reshape operation is very fast, since you just modify the header without affecting the stored data.
Use matrix operations to sum channels. You can use split to get the matrix for each channel, and sum them. Take care to not saturate your values while summing up! (Thanks to beaker for this one.)
You can see that the first approach is faster with small matrices, but as soon as the size increase, the second approach performs much better since you take advantage of OpenCV optimizations.
The third approach works surprisingly well (thanks to matrix expressions).
Some numbers, time in ms. Time may vary on you computer depending on OpenCV optimizations enabled. Run in release!
Size : 10x10 100x100 1000x1000 10000x10000
Loop : 0.0077 0.3625 34.82 3456.71
Reduce: 1.44 1.42 8.88 716.75
Split : 0.1158 0.0656 2.26304 246.476
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
Mat3b img(1000, 1000);
randu(img, Scalar(0, 0, 0), Scalar(10, 10, 10));
double tic = double(getTickCount());
Mat1b mean_img(img.rows, img.cols, uchar(0));
for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; ++c) {
const Vec3b& v = img(r, c);
mean_img(r, c) = static_cast<uchar>(round((double(v[0]) + double(v[1]) + double(v[2])) / 3.0));
double toc = (double(getTickCount()) - tic) * 1000.0 / getTickFrequency();
cout << "Loop: " << toc << endl;
double tic = double(getTickCount());
Mat1b mean_img2 = img.reshape(1, img.rows*img.cols);
reduce(mean_img2, mean_img2, 1, REDUCE_AVG);
mean_img2 = mean_img2.reshape(1, img.rows);
double toc = (double(getTickCount()) - tic) * 1000.0 / getTickFrequency();
cout << "Reduce: " << toc << endl;
double tic = double(getTickCount());
vector<Mat1b> planes;
split(img, planes);
Mat1b mean_img3;
if (img.channels() == 3) {
mean_img3 = (planes[0] + planes[1] + planes[2]) / 3.0;
double toc = (double(getTickCount()) - tic) * 1000.0 / getTickFrequency();
cout << "Split: " << toc << endl;
return 0;
Calculates an average (mean) of array elements.
C++: Scalar mean(InputArray src, InputArray mask=noArray())
Python: cv2.mean(src[, mask]) → retval
C: CvScalar cvAvg(const CvArr* arr, const CvArr* mask=NULL )
Python: cv.Avg(arr, mask=None) → scalar
src – input array that should have from 1 to 4 channels so that the result can be stored in Scalar_ .
mask – optional operation mask.
The function mean calculates the mean value M of array elements, independently for each channel, and return it:
When all the mask elements are 0’s, the functions return Scalar::all(0) .
Also check this answer how to calculate and use cvMat mean value
I am looking to normalize the pixel values of an image to the range [0..1] using C++/OpenCV. However, when I do the normalization using either image *= 1./255 or the normalize function the pixel values are rounded down to zero. I have tried setting the image to type CV_32FC3.
Below is the code I have:
Mat image;
Mat tempImage;
// (didn't work) tempImage *= 1./255;
image.convertTo(tempImage, CV_32F, 3);
normalize(image, tempImage, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
int r = 100;
int c = 150;
uchar* ptr = (uchar*)( + r * tempImage.step);
Vec3f tempVals;
tempVals.val[0] = ptr[3*c+1];
tempVals.val[1] = ptr[3*c+2];
tempVals.val[2] = ptr[3*c+3];
cout<<" temp image - "<< tempVals << endl;
uchar* ptr2 = (uchar*)( + r * image.step);
Vec3f imVals;
imVals.val[0] = ptr2[3*c+1];
imVals.val[1] = ptr2[3*c+2];
imVals.val[2] = ptr2[3*c+3];
cout<<" image - "<< imVals << endl;
This produces the following output in the console:
temp image - [0, 0, 0]
image - [90, 78, 60]
You can make convertTo() do the normalization for you:
image.convertTo(tempImage, CV_32FC3, 1.f/255);
You are passing 3 to convertTo(), presumably as channel-count, but that's not the correct signature.
I used the normalize function and it worked (Java):
You should use a 32F depth for your destination image. I believe the reason for this, is that since you need to get decimal values, you should use an a non-integer OpenCV data type. According to this table, the float types correspond to the 32F depth. I chose the number of channels to be 1 and it worked; CV_32FC1
Remember also that it's unlikely to spot any visual difference in the image.
Finally, since you probably have thousands of pixels in your image, your console might seem that it's printing only zeros. However due to the large amount of data, try to use CTRL+F to see what's going on. Hope this helps.