Enumerating distibutions - combinations

I'm trying to create a text file with every possible distribution of 100% into n containers? So that for 4 containers, it would look something like this:
0.97, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01
0.96, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02
0.96, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01
0.96, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01
Any ideas on a good way to accomplish this?

Based on your response in the comments above, here's a recursive solution in Ruby:
$resolution = 100
$res_f = $resolution.to_f
def allocate(remainder, bin_number, all_bin_values, number_of_bins)
if bin_number >= number_of_bins
all_bin_values << remainder / $res_f
puts all_bin_values.join(", ")
remainder.downto(1) do |i|
if remainder - i >= number_of_bins - bin_number
all_bin_values << i / $res_f
allocate(remainder - i, bin_number + 1, all_bin_values, number_of_bins)
num_bins = (ARGV.shift || 4).to_i
allocate($resolution, 1, [], num_bins)
The number of containers defaults to 4, but you can override that at run time by providing a command-line argument.
I was surprised by your comment that a looped version "was way too slow". All else being equal, looping should be faster than recursion and that was the case when I timed the iterative version given here:
resolution = 100
res_f = resolution.to_f
resolution.downto(1) do |first|
remainder1 = resolution - first
remainder1.downto(1) do |second|
remainder2 = remainder1 - second
remainder2.downto(1) do |third|
fourth = remainder2 - third
printf "%g, %g, %g, %g\n", first / res_f,
second / res_f, third / res_f, fourth / res_f if fourth > 0
Although this is faster, the downside is that if you wanted a different number of containers the code would have to be modified accordingly by adding additional nested loops.


How to divide a number into several, unequal, yet increasing numbers [ for sending a PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots ) contract XTO ]

I try to create an MQL4-script (an almost C++ related language, MQL4) where I want to divide a double value into 9 parts, where the fractions would be unequal, yet increasing
My current code attempts to do it this way (pseudo-code) :
Lots1 = 0.1;
Lots2 = (Lots1 / 100) * 120;//120% of Lot1
Lots3 = (Lots2 / 100) * 130;//130% of Lot2
Lots4 = (Lots3 / 100) * 140;//140% of Lot3
Lots5 = (Lots4 / 100) * 140;//140% of Lot4
Lots6 = (Lots5 / 100) * 160;//160% of Lot5
Lots7 = (Lots6 / 100) * 170;//170% of Lot6
Lots8 = (Lots7 / 100) * 180;//180% of Lot7
Lots9 = (Lots8 / 100) * 190;//190% of Lot8
or better :
double Lots = 0.1; // a Lot Size
double lot = Lots;
/* Here is the array with percentages of lots' increments
in order */
int AllZoneLots[8] = { 120, 130, 140, 140, 160, 170, 180, 190 }; // 120%, 130%,...
/* Here, the lot sizes are used by looping the array
and increasing the lot size by the count */
for( int i = 0; i < ArraySize( AllZoneLots ); i++ ) {
lots = AllZoneLots[i] * ( lots / 100 ) *;
// PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots );
But, what I want is to just have a fixed value of 6.7 split into 9 parts, like these codes do, yet to have the value increasing, rather than being same...
e.g, 6.7 split into :
double lots = { 0.10, 0.12, 0.16, 0.22, 0.31, 0.50, 0.85, 1.53, 2.91 };
/* This is just an example
of how to divide a value of 6.7 into 9, growing parts
This can be done so as to make equal steps in the values. If there are 9 steps, divide the value by 45 to get the first value, and the equal step x. Why? Because the sum of 1..9 is 45.
x = 6.7 / 45
which is 0.148889
The first term is x, the second term is 2 * x, the third term is 3 * x etc. They add up to 45 * x which is 6.7, but it's better to divide last. So the second term, say, would be 6.7 * 2 / 45;
Here is code which shows how it can be done in C, since MQL4 works with C Syntax:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
double val = 6.7;
double term;
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
term = val * i / 45;
printf("%.3f ", term);
sum += term;
printf("\nsum = %.3f\n", sum);
Program output:
0.149 0.298 0.447 0.596 0.744 0.893 1.042 1.191 1.340
sum = 6.700
Not sure I understood right, but probably you need total of 3.5 shared between all lots.
And I can see only 8 lots not counting initial one.
totalPercentage = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(AllZoneLots); i++) {
totalPercentage += AllZoneLots[i];
double totalValue = 3.5;
// total value is total percentage, Lots1 - 100%, so:
Lots1 = totalValue / totalPercentage * 100.00;
Then you continue with your code.
If you want to include Lots1, you just add 100 to the total and do the same.
Q : How to divide a number into several, unequal, yet increasing numbers [ for sending a PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots ) contract XTO ]?
A : The problem is not as free as it might look for a first sight :
In metatrader Terminal ecosystem, the problem formulation has also to obey the externally decided factors ( that are mandatory for any XTO with an ambition not to get rejected, as being principally incompatible with the XTO Terms & Conditions set, and to get filled ~ "placed" At Market )
These factors are reportable via a call to:
MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_MINLOT ); // a minimum permitted size
MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_LOTSTEP ); // a mandatory size-stepping
MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_MAXLOT ); // a maximum permitted size
Additionally, any such lot-size has to be prior of submitting an XTO also "normalised" for given number of decimal places, so as to successfully placed / accepted by the Trading-Server on the Broker's side. A failure to do so results in remotely rejected XTO-s ( which obviously come at a remarkable blocking / immense code-execution latency penalty one would always want to prevent from ever happening in real trading )
Last, but not least, any such XTO sizing has to be covered by a safe amount of leveraged equity ( checking the free-margin availability first, before ever sending any such XTO for reasons just mentioned above ).
The code:
While the initial pseudo-code above, does a progressive ( Martingale-alike ) lot-size scaling:
>>> aListOfFACTORs = [ 100, 120, 130, 140, 140, 160, 170, 180, 190 ]
>>> for endPoint in range( len( aListOfFACTORs ) ):
... product = 1.
... for item in aListOfFACTORs[:1+endPoint]:
... product *= item / 100.
... print( "Lots{0:} ~ ought be about {1:} times the amount of Lots1".format( 1 + endPoint, product ) )
Lots1 ~ ought be about 1.0 times the amount of Lots1
Lots2 ~ ought be about 1.2 times the amount of Lots1
Lots3 ~ ought be about 1.56 times the amount of Lots1
Lots4 ~ ought be about 2.184 times the amount of Lots1
Lots5 ~ ought be about 3.0576 times the amount of Lots1
Lots6 ~ ought be about 4.89216 times the amount of Lots1
Lots7 ~ ought be about 8.316672 times the amount of Lots1
Lots8 ~ ought be about 14.9700096 times the amount of Lots1
Lots9 ~ ought be about 28.44301824 times the amount of Lots1
the _MINLOT, _LOTSTEP and _MAXLOT put the game into a new light.
Any successful strategy is not free to chose the sizes. Given the said 9-steps and a fixed amount of the total-amount ~ 6.7 lots, the process can obey the stepping and total, plus, it must obey the MarketInfo()-reported sizing algebra
Given 9-steps are mandatory,
each one has to be at least _MINLOT-sized:
double total_amount_to_split = aSizeToSPLIT;
total_amount_to_split = Min( aSizeToSPLIT, // a wished-to-have-sizing
FreeMargin/LotInBaseCurr*sFty // a FreeMargin-covered size
int next = 0;
while ( total_amount_to_split >= _MINLOT )
{ total_amount_to_split -= _MINLOT;
lot_size[next++] = _MINLOT;
------------------------------------------------- HERE, WE HAVE 0:next lot_sizes
next NEED NOT == 9
If there is anything yet to split:
there is an integer amount of _LOTSTEP-s to distribute among 'em
HERE, and ONLY here, you have a freedom to decide about split/mapping
of the integer amount of _LOTSTEP-sized
additions to the _MINLOT "pre"-sets
in lot_size[]-s
YET, still no more than _MAXLOT is permissible for the above explained reasons
------------------------------------------------- CODE has to obey this, if XTO-s
are to
get a chance

Using series to approximate log(2)

double k = 0;
int l = 1;
double digits = pow(0.1, 5);
k += (pow(-1, l - 1)/l);
} while((log(2)-k)>=digits);
I'm trying to write a little program based on an example I seen using a series of Σ_(l=1) (pow(-1, l - 1)/l) to estimate log(2);
It's supposed to be a guess refinement thing where time it gets closer and closer to the right value until so many digits match.
The above is what I tried but but it's not coming out right. After messing with it for quite a while I can't figure out where I'm messing up.
I assume that you are trying to extimate the natural logarithm of 2 by its Taylor series expansion:
∞ (-1)n + 1
ln(x) = ∑ ――――――――(x - 1)n
n=1 n
One of the problems of your code is the condition choosen to stop the iterations at a specified precision:
do { ... } while((log(2)-k)>=digits);
Besides using log(2) directly (aren't you supposed to find it out instead of using a library function?), at the second iteration (and for every other even iteration) log(2) - k gets negative (-0.3068...) ending the loop.
A possible (but not optimal) fix could be to use std::abs(log(2) - k) instead, or to end the loop when the absolute value of 1.0 / l (which is the difference between two consecutive iterations) is small enough.
Also, using pow(-1, l - 1) to calculate the sequence 1, -1, 1, -1, ... Is really a waste, especially in a series with such a slow convergence rate.
A more efficient series (see here) is:
∞ 1
ln(x) = 2 ∑ ――――――― ((x - 1) / (x + 1))2n + 1
n=0 2n + 1
You can extimate it without using pow:
double x = 2.0; // I want to calculate ln(2)
int n = 1;
double eps = 0.00001,
kpow = (x - 1.0) / (x + 1.0),
kpow2 = kpow * kpow,
k = 2 * kpow;
do {
n += 2;
kpow *= kpow2;
dk = 2 * kpow / n;
k += dk;
} while ( std::abs(dk) >= eps );

Random Forest - or other Machine Learning - with Different number of features

I am trying to compare a list of numbers with another list of lists to see how many of them match fairly closely. However each of my data sets could have a different length.
As an example, if I had a list of time spent studying, student 1 might have
1 - [ 10.0, 25.0, 15.7, 45.0]
and be compared against the list of other students that were
2 - [ 9.0, 30.0, 3.0]
3 - [ 26.0, 44.0]
4 - [ 5.0, 70.0, 90.0, 100.0]
5 - [ 9.0, 27.0, 13.7, 42.0, 56.0, 60.0, 75.0]
I would want the comparison to score highly comparing study 1 vs 5 because there were 4 times that all scored well, even though student 5 had extra times that student 1 didn't have, and I would want it to score fairly well for student 1 vs 3 because some of the numbers matched closely, even though some did not
I am just getting started with machine learning, and am only passingly familiar with Random Forests. Can you use them to do this type of comparison or do they have to have the same parameters ? Can you suggest a different method ?
Effectively what I am looking for is an intersection of sets, with loose parameters. I would like to implement this in python
Thank you!
Start by first normalizing the data in the range 0 to 1. This can be done using the following formula.
Norm(e) = (e - Emin) / (Emax - Emin)
for each value e in each vector. (I don't know how to put math symbols in here or I would.)
So for example the first vector would become...
1 - [ 10.0, 25.0, 15.7, 45.0]
Norm(10.0) = (10.0 - 10.0) / (45.0 - 10.0) = 0.0
1 - [ 0.0, 25.0, 15.7, 45.0]
Norm(25.0) = (25.0 - 10.0) / 35.0 = 15/35 = 3/7 ~= 0.42857142
1 - [ 0.0, 0.42857142, 15.7, 45.0]
1 - [ 0.0, 0.42857142, 0.30571428, 1.0]
Do this for every vector and then calculate the mean squared error of each pair
adding/removing necessary 0's. This should give you a pretty good scoring mechanism. If you need to you can also split a 1.0 into 2 0.5 entries.
Mean squared error
You can calculate the mean squared error using the following equation.
Where n is the number of elements in each vector and Y hat, Y are the two vectors which you are looking to get the MSE for.
in code the function would look something like...
public long getMSE(long[] v1, long[] v2) {
long returnValue = 0.0L;
for (int i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {
returnValue += Math.pow(v1[i] - v2[i], 2);
return (long) (returnValue / v1.length);

Program Help - Solving for e(n)

I've been wrestling with this issue for a week and I just need some guidance on the math part of it. If I could just understand the math behind it I could piece together the functions to make it work. The assignment is;
Design and develop a C++ program for Calculating e(n) when delta <= 0.000001
e(n-1) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n-1)!
e(n) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n)!
delta = e(n) – e(n-1)
You do not have any input to the program. Your output should be something like this:
N = 2 e(1) = 2 e(2) = 2.5 delta = 0.5
N = 3 e(2) = 2.5 e(3) = 2.565 delta = 0.065
You must use recursive function calls.
My first issue is the math and the variables that would contain them.
the delta, e(n), and e(n-1) variable must doubles
if e(n) = 1 + 1 / 1! = 2 then e(n-1) must equal 1, which means delta = 1 (that's my thinking anyway) I'm just not sure of the math behind the .5 delta the first time and the 0.065 in the second iteration.
Can someone point me in the right direction on this problem?
Thank you,
From the wikipedia link, you can see that
I will not explain the notion of limits here, but what this basically means is that, if we define a function e where e(n) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n)! (which is the function given in your problem), we are able to approximate the real value of the constant e.
The higher n is, the closer we get from e.
If you look closely at the function, you can see that each time, we add a term which is smaller than the previous one: 1 >= 1/1! >= 1/2! >= .... >= 1/(n)!
That basically means that, every time we increase n we are getting closer to e but we are slowing down in the way.
The real value of e is 2.71828...
In our first step e(1) = 1, we are 1.71828... too far from the real value
In the second step e(2) = 2, we are at 0.71828..., 1 distance closer
In the third step e(3) = 2.5, we are now at 0.21828..., 0.5 distance closer
As you can see, we are getting there, but the closer we get, the slower we move. Now let's say that at each step, we want to know how close we have moved compared to the previous value.
We then do simply e(n) - e(n-1). This is basically what the delta means.
At some point, we are moving so slow that it does no longer make any sense to keep going. We are almost staying put. At this point, we decide that our approximation is close enough from e.
In your case, the problem defines the minimum progression speed to 0.000001
here is a solution :-
delta = e(n) - e(n-1)
delta = 1/n!
delta < 0.000001
n! > 1000000
n >= 10 as 10! = 3628800

How to change starting limit of a range of number

I am currently stuck at this thing.
I have a range of cdf's from something like from 0.12 or 0.25 to 1. The lowerbound is dynamic depending on some counts. I want to change this to a range from 0 to 1. But I cannot think of anything right now.
If you have values [a, 1] and you want to project them on [0, 1] you can use the following formula:
newVal = (oldVal - a) / (1.0 - a);