GDB python script for bounded instruction tracing - gdb

I'm trying to write a GDB script to do instruction tracing in a bounded maner (i.e start addr and stop addr). Perhaps I'm failing at google but I cant seem to find this in existence already.
Here is my stab at it:
def start_logging():
gdb.execute("set logging on")
gdb.execute("while $eip != 0xBA10012E9")
gdb.execute("x/1i $eip")
gdb.execute(" end")
gdb.execute("set logging off")
gdb.execute("set pagination off")
gdb.execute("break *0xBA19912CF")
gdb.execute("command 1 $(start_logging())")
In my mind this should set up a breakpoint then set the command to run when it hits. When the breakpoint hits it should single step through the code until the end address is hit and then it will turn off logging.
When I run this with gdb the application will break at the correct point but no commands are run.
What am I doing wrong? Sorry if this is the wrong way to go about this please let me know. I'm new to gdb scripting

I see a few odd things in here.
First, it looks like you are trying to split multi-line gdb commands across multiple calls to gdb.execute. I don't believe this will work. Certainly it isn't intended to work.
Second, there's no reason to try to do a "while" loop via gdb.execute. It's better to just do it directly in Python.
Third, I think the "command" line seems pretty wrong as well. I don't really get what it is trying to do, I guess call start_logging when the breakpoint is hit? And then continue? Well, it won't work as written.
What I would suggest is something like:
gdb.execute('break ...')
while gdb.parse_and_eval('$eip') != 0x...:
If you really want logging, either do the 'set logging' business or just instruct gdb.execute to return a string and log it from Python.


Why would a PyDev breakpoint on a return statement only work part of the time?

I have some code that calculates the price of a stock option using Monte Carlo and returns a discounted price. The final few lines of the relevant method look like this:
if(payoffType == pt.LongCall or payoffType == pt.LongPut):
elif(payoffType == pt.ShortCall or payoffType == pt.ShortPut):
raise Exception
print "dv:", discountedValue, " px:", discountedPrice
return discountedPrice
At a higher level of the program, I create four pricers, which are passed to instances of a portfolio class that calls the price() method on the pricer it has received.
When I set the breakpoint on the if statement or the print statement, the breakpoints work as expected. When I set the breakpoint on the return statement, the breakpoint is interpreted correctly on the first pass through the pricing code, but then skipped on subsequent passes.
On occasion, if I have set a breakpoint somewhere in the flow of execution between the first pass through the pricing code and the second pass, the breakpoint will be picked up.
I obviously have a workaround, but I'm curious if anyone else has observed this behavior in the PyDev debugger, and if so, does anyone know the root cause?
The issues I know of are:
If you have a StackOverflowError anywhere in the code, Python will disable the tracing that the debugger uses.
I know there are some issues with asynchronous code which could make the debugger break.
A workaround is using a programmatic breakpoint (i.e.: pydevd.settrace -- the remote debugger session: has more details on it) -- it resets the tracing even if Python broke it in a stack overflow error and will always be hit to (the issue on asynchronous code is that the debugger tries to run with untraced threads, but sometimes it's not able to restore it on some conditions when dealing with asynchronous code).

How to evaluate an expression to be used for a gdb monitor command?

Inside a scripted gdb session I want to use monitor <cmd> where cmd should contain the address of a symbol. For example:
monitor foobar &myVariable
should become to:
monitor foobar 0x00004711
Because the remote side cannot evaluate the expression. Whatever I tried, the string "&myVariable" gets sent instead of the address.
I played around with convenience variables and stuff, but this is the only workaround I found:
# write the command into a file and execute this file
# didn't find a direct way to include the address into the monitor command
set logging overwrite on
set logging on command.tmp
printf "monitor foobar 0x%08x\n", &myVariable
set logging off
source command.tmp
Any ideas to solve this in a more elegant way?
The simplest way to do this is to use the gdb eval command, which was introduced for exactly this purpose. It works a bit like printf:
(gdb) eval "monitor foobar %p", &myVariable
(I didn't actually try this, so caution.)
If your gdb doesn't have eval, then it is on the old side. I would suggest upgrading.
If you can't upgrade, then you can also script this using Python.
If your gdb doesn't have Python, then it is either very old (upgrade!) or compiled without Python support (recompile!).
If you can't manage to get either of these features, then I am afraid the "write out a script and source it" approach is all that is left.

How to properly debug a binary generated by `go test -c` using GDB?

The go test command has support for the -c flag, described as follows:
-c Compile the test binary to pkg.test but do not run it.
(Where pkg is the last element of the package's import path.)
As far as I understand, generating a binary like this is the way to run it interactively using GDB. However, since the test binary is created by combining the source and test files temporarily in some /tmp/ directory, this is what happens when I run list in gdb:
Loading Go Runtime support.
(gdb) list
42<username>/<project>/_test/_testmain.go: No such file or directory.
This means I cannot happily inspect the Go source code in GDB like I'm used to. I know it is possible to force the temporary directory to stay by passing the -work flag to the go test command, but then it is still a huge hassle since the binary is not created in that directory and such. I was wondering if anyone found a clean solution to this problem.
Go 1.5 has been released, and there is still no officially sanctioned Go debugger. I haven't had much success using GDB for effectively debugging Go programs or test binaries. However, I have had success using Delve, a non-official debugger that is still undergoing development:
To run your test code in the debugger, simply install delve:
go get -u
... and then start the tests in the debugger from within your workspace:
dlv test
From the debugger prompt, you can single-step, set breakpoints, etc.
Give it a whirl!
Unfortunately, this appears to be a known issue that's not going to be fixed. See this discussion:!topic/golang-nuts/nIA09gp3eNU
I've seen two solutions to this problem.
1) create a .gdbinit file with a set substitute-path command to
redirect gdb to the actual location of the source. This file could be
generated by the go tool but you'd risk overwriting someone's custom
.gdbinit file and would tie the go tool to gdb which seems like a bad
2) Replace the source file paths in the executable (which are pointing
to /tmp/...) with the location they reside on disk. This is
straightforward if the real path is shorter then the /tmp/... path.
This would likely require additional support from the compiler /
linker to make this solution more generic.
It spawned this issue on the Go Google Code issue tracker, to which the decision ended up being:
This is annoying, but it is the least of many annoying possibilities.
As a rule, the go tool should not be scribbling in the source
directories, which might not even be writable, and it shouldn't be
leaving files elsewhere after it exits. There is next to nothing
interesting in _testmain.go. People testing with gdb can break on
testing.Main instead.
Status: Unfortunate
So, in short, it sucks, and while you can work around it and GDB a test executable, the development team is unlikely to make it as easy as it could be for you.
I'm still new to the golang game but for what it's worth basic debugging seems to work.
The list command you're trying to work can be used so long as you're already at a breakpoint somewhere in your code. For example:
(gdb) b aws.go:54
Breakpoint 1 at 0x61841: file /Users/mat/gocode/src/, line 54.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /Users/mat/gocode/src/
[snip: some arnings about BinaryCache]
Breakpoint 1, (latest=0xc2081fe2d0, ami=0xc2081fe3c0, ~r2=false)
at /Users/mat/gocode/src/
54 layout := "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
(gdb) list
49 func imageIsNewer(latest *ec2.Image, ami *ec2.Image) bool {
50 if latest == nil {
51 return true
52 }
54 layout := "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
56 amiCreationTime, amiErr := time.Parse(layout, *ami.CreationDate)
57 if amiErr != nil {
58 panic(amiErr)
This is just after running the following in the aws subdir of my project:
go test -c
gdb aws.test
As an additional caveat, it does seem very selective about where breakpoints can be placed. Seems like it has to be an expression but that conclusion is only via experimentation.
If you're willing to use tools besides GDB, check out godebug. To use it, first install with:
go get
Next, insert a breakpoint somewhere by adding the following statement to your code:
_ = "breakpoint"
Now run your tests with the godebug test command.
godebug test
It supports many of the parameters from the go test command.
-test.bench string
regular expression per path component to select benchmarks to run
print memory allocations for benchmarks
-test.benchtime duration
approximate run time for each benchmark (default 1s)
-test.blockprofile string
write a goroutine blocking profile to the named file after execution
-test.blockprofilerate int
if >= 0, calls runtime.SetBlockProfileRate() (default 1)
-test.count n
run tests and benchmarks n times (default 1)
-test.coverprofile string
write a coverage profile to the named file after execution
-test.cpu string
comma-separated list of number of CPUs to use for each test
-test.cpuprofile string
write a cpu profile to the named file during execution
-test.memprofile string
write a memory profile to the named file after execution
-test.memprofilerate int
if >=0, sets runtime.MemProfileRate
-test.outputdir string
directory in which to write profiles
-test.parallel int
maximum test parallelism (default 4) string
regular expression to select tests and examples to run
run smaller test suite to save time
-test.timeout duration
if positive, sets an aggregate time limit for all tests
-test.trace string
write an execution trace to the named file after execution
verbose: print additional output

How to do a specific action when ANY Unknown Breakpoint gets Hit in GDB

I have read the following SO question:
Do specific action when certain breakpoint hits in gdb
Here, we use 'command' to decide what to do when the SPECIFIED Breakboint Gets Hit.
My Question is:
Suppose I put Breakpoints on ALL the Functions matching a given pattern:
gdb$rbreak func_
=> 100 Breakpoints (say)
When I execute this Code, I want to do the SAME Action - on hitting Each of these functions.
Hence, I cannot define something like:
command break_point_number
// since I don't know how many breakpoints will be there
Can somebody please suggest me:
How can I do a specific action-set when ANY Breakpoint gets Hit in GDB?
With a new enough version of gdb you can use a range:
(gdb) rbreak whatever
... gdb creates breakpoints N, N+1, ..., M
(gdb) commands N-M
> stuff
> end
I forget exactly when this feature went in.
With an older version of gdb, I'm not sure it can easily be done.
It can be done with difficulty: use set logging to write output to a file, then "info break", then "shell" to run scripts to edit the file into gdb commands, then "source". This is very painful.

How to get my program name in GDB when writting a "define" script?

I found it's very annoying to get the program name when defining a GDB script. I can't find any corresponding "info" command, and we can't use argv[0] either, because of multi-process/thread and frame-choosing.
So, what should I do?
If you are using a recent gdb (7 and above) you can play around with the Python support which is quite extensive (and probably where you want to go when defining gdb-scripts in general). I'm no expert at it but for a test-program /tmp/xyz I could use:
(gdb) python print gdb.current_progspace().filename
See for more info on the Python support.
In "normal" gdb you could get the process name with "info proc" and "info target", but I guess you wanted it not just printed but being able to use it further in scripts? Don't know how to get the value out of the python runtime into a gdb variable other than the extremely ugly "using log files and sourcing it and hope for the best". This is how this could be done:
define set-program-name
set logging file tmp.gdb
set logging overwrite on
set logging redirect on
set logging on
python print "set $programname = \"%s\"" % gdb.current_progspace().filename
set logging off
set logging redirect off
set logging overwrite off
source tmp.gdb
and in your own function doing:
define your-own-func
printf "The program name is %s\n", $programname
I would suggest "going all in" on the python support, and scrap gdb-scripting. I believe it is worth the effort.