Why would a PyDev breakpoint on a return statement only work part of the time? - python-2.7

I have some code that calculates the price of a stock option using Monte Carlo and returns a discounted price. The final few lines of the relevant method look like this:
if(payoffType == pt.LongCall or payoffType == pt.LongPut):
elif(payoffType == pt.ShortCall or payoffType == pt.ShortPut):
raise Exception
print "dv:", discountedValue, " px:", discountedPrice
return discountedPrice
At a higher level of the program, I create four pricers, which are passed to instances of a portfolio class that calls the price() method on the pricer it has received.
When I set the breakpoint on the if statement or the print statement, the breakpoints work as expected. When I set the breakpoint on the return statement, the breakpoint is interpreted correctly on the first pass through the pricing code, but then skipped on subsequent passes.
On occasion, if I have set a breakpoint somewhere in the flow of execution between the first pass through the pricing code and the second pass, the breakpoint will be picked up.
I obviously have a workaround, but I'm curious if anyone else has observed this behavior in the PyDev debugger, and if so, does anyone know the root cause?

The issues I know of are:
If you have a StackOverflowError anywhere in the code, Python will disable the tracing that the debugger uses.
I know there are some issues with asynchronous code which could make the debugger break.
A workaround is using a programmatic breakpoint (i.e.: pydevd.settrace -- the remote debugger session: http://www.pydev.org/manual_adv_remote_debugger.html has more details on it) -- it resets the tracing even if Python broke it in a stack overflow error and will always be hit to (the issue on asynchronous code is that the debugger tries to run with untraced threads, but sometimes it's not able to restore it on some conditions when dealing with asynchronous code).


Get line of last executed return statement

Is it possible, in any debugger for C/C++ to see where the last return statement happened? Or even a "return stack", like the call stack but the other way around?
bool foo(int bar)
if(bar == 1) return false;
if(bar == 2) return false;
return true;
void baz()
bool result = foo(4);
So after the call to foo in baz, you can see which of the three return statements in foo that was hit.
Here are some reverse debugger for C/C++ which can step back in time in your debug session:
Only Linux:
rr from mozilla
open source, really fast, small record traces, has to record the whole application
undo reverse debugger
commercial, not so fast as rr, small record traces, recording of application can start anywhere
GDB reverse debugging
standard gdb from GNU, can record small functions (limited), start debugging, set breakpoint, then start recording until next breakpoint, you can reverse debug between those points
Not tested by me:
RogueWave TotalView Debugger
commercial, comes with full IDE
Windows 10 (7 not supported)
WinGDB Reverse Debugging
not tested, cannot say much about it. It seems to be the only one working with windows
What to add, multithreading can be handled by these debuggers, but only if the execution of the threads is serialized to one core (pseudo-parallalization). You can't reverse debug multicore-multithreaded applications. The reason is simple, the reverse execution has to synchronize the executed threads, which can't be done if two or more threads are executed at the "same time".

gcc gprof/gcov/other - how to get sequence of function calls/exits + control flow statements

We have testers for our embedded GUI product and when a tester declares "test failed", sometimes it's hard for us developers to reproduce the exact problem because we don't have the exact trace of what happened.
We do currently have a logging framework but us devs have to manually input those logging statements in the code which is fine . . . except when a hard-to-reproduce bug occurs and we didn't have a log statement at the 'right' location and then when we re-build, re-run the test with the same steps, we get a different result.
We would like a solution wherein the compiler produces extra instrumentation code that allows us to see the exact sequence of events including, at the minimum:
function enter/exit (already provided by -finstrument-functions)
control-flow statement enter i.e. entering if/else, which case statement we jumped to
The log would look like this:
int main() entered
if-line 5 entered
else-line 10 entered
void EventLoop() entered
. . .
Some additional nice-to-haves are
Parameter values on function entry AND exit (for pass-by-reference types)
Function return value
Are there any gcc tools or even paid tools that can do this instrumentation automatically?
You can either use gdb for that, and you can automate that (I've got a tool for that in the works, you find it here or you can try to use gcov.
The gcov implementation is so, that it loads the latest gcov data when you start the program. But: you can manually dump and load the data. If you call __gcov_flush it will dump the current data and reset the current state. However: if you do that several times it will always merge the data, so you'd also need to rename the gcov data file then.

GDB python script for bounded instruction tracing

I'm trying to write a GDB script to do instruction tracing in a bounded maner (i.e start addr and stop addr). Perhaps I'm failing at google but I cant seem to find this in existence already.
Here is my stab at it:
def start_logging():
gdb.execute("set logging on")
gdb.execute("while $eip != 0xBA10012E9")
gdb.execute("x/1i $eip")
gdb.execute(" end")
gdb.execute("set logging off")
gdb.execute("set pagination off")
gdb.execute("break *0xBA19912CF")
gdb.execute("command 1 $(start_logging())")
In my mind this should set up a breakpoint then set the command to run when it hits. When the breakpoint hits it should single step through the code until the end address is hit and then it will turn off logging.
When I run this with gdb the application will break at the correct point but no commands are run.
What am I doing wrong? Sorry if this is the wrong way to go about this please let me know. I'm new to gdb scripting
I see a few odd things in here.
First, it looks like you are trying to split multi-line gdb commands across multiple calls to gdb.execute. I don't believe this will work. Certainly it isn't intended to work.
Second, there's no reason to try to do a "while" loop via gdb.execute. It's better to just do it directly in Python.
Third, I think the "command" line seems pretty wrong as well. I don't really get what it is trying to do, I guess call start_logging when the breakpoint is hit? And then continue? Well, it won't work as written.
What I would suggest is something like:
gdb.execute('break ...')
while gdb.parse_and_eval('$eip') != 0x...:
If you really want logging, either do the 'set logging' business or just instruct gdb.execute to return a string and log it from Python.

QTCreator: GDB debugs code once, then drops to assembly

Using Qt 5.1.1 for Windows 32-bit (with MinGW 4.8), when debugging GDB wants to drop into dissassembly while debugging code after the first time.
I make a "Plain C++" project, insert some simple code:
int x = 5;
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
Build, and debug it with a breakpoint on first line. First time through it debugs just fine stepping through the code with "Step Over". Any debug session after that, it will drop into dissamebly view of ntdll when it hits cout (or anything else library related).
Operate By Instruction is not checked and there is debug information for my code. It works as expected once, then refuses to.
I can delete the build folder and the .pro.user file and the project still exhibits the same behavior after a new build. Even tried wiping my QTProject settings folder. There seems to be no way to debug just my code more than once without it wanting to drop into assembly instead of stepping over statements. If I make a new project, I can debug it normally once, then it starts behaving the same way.
Looking for a fix or suggestions of things to try.
Had a chance to go back...diffed the debugger log on the good initial vs sequential runs. Everything looks similar until I get to this in good run:
sThread 2 in group i1 exited
~"[Switching to Thread 5588.0x239c]\n"
sThread 1 selected
Bad runs never have that. Later, this is unique to bad run:
>1272^done,threads=[{id="2",target-id="Thread 7148.0x242c",frame=
{id="1",target-id="Thread 7148.0x1bbc",frame=
Then once it hits the breakpoint, good run shows this:
Bad run shows this:
>*stopped,reason="signal-received",signal-name="SIGTRAP",signal-meaning="Trace/breakpoint trap",
dState changed from InferiorRunOk(11) to InferiorStopOk(14) [master]
sStopped: "signal-received"
sThread 2 selected
>1283^done,threads=[{id="2",target-id="Thread 7148.0x242c",frame=
{id="1",target-id="Thread 7148.0x1bbc",
<1284-stack-list-frames 0 20
<1285-stack-select-frame 0
<1286disassemble 0x7791fff9,0x77920071
<1287bb options:fancy,autoderef,dyntype vars: expanded:return,local,watch,inspect typeformats: formats: watchers:
>&"disassemble 0x7791fff9,0x77920071\n"
>~"Dump of assembler code from 0x7791fff9 to 0x77920071:\n"
>~" 0x7791fff9 <ntdll!LdrFindResource_U+60953>:\t"
>&"Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9\n"
>1286^error,msg="Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9"
sDisassembler failed: Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9
Looks like for some reason that extra thread is not exiting when expected and qtcreator/gdb convince themselves there are breakpoints in ntdll that I want to stop at.

Code::Blocks - strange return code

I run the following with Code::Blocks
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, world !!!!!!!";
return 0;
Now, there were some questions last night about how I knew my return value. I don't know if it's my version or not, but after the program runs on my version it says "Process returned v (0xv) execution time..." and etc where "v" is the returned value.
Now, here is what I'm asking, and this is as clear as I can make it.
When I run this, it returns value 1993075819 instead of 0. Also, the program doesn't run, all it does is show me the returned value.
Two things worthy of note:
AVG pops up everytime I try and do this, and reports it as a trojan
If I run the code without
cout << "Hello, world!!!!";
It returns 0 like it should and AVG does not pop up
How can I fix this?
(Code::Blocks 12.11)
The problem is not with your code, but with a false positive produced by AVG. The return code 1993075819 is because AVG intercepts the program and does not let it run.
You can report the false positive to AVG. Virus vendors are actually very good at fixing false positives reported by users. When I used to work at a company that produced lots of false positives (security related code that did funky things that triggered false positives), the turn-around was usually about a week.
In the mean time, if you use different compiler switches (e.g. optimized compile if it is not currently optimized or vice versa) there's a decent chance that the code you generate will not trigger the false positive.
You can also add your compiled program to the AVG safe list:
Disable AVG or configure it not to complain about your executable. For some reason the heuristics are misinterpreting some bit pattern in your executable as if it was a trojan and killing it before it starts. The result code that you get is from the intercepted program call (i.e. the antivirus) not from your program that is not even running.