Debugging a C++ program in Intellij IDEA - c++

I have been successfully run a C/C++ program in Intellij IDEA. But how to debug it? The operation system is Ubuntu 12.04 and Intellij IDEA version is 13.0.3. The path of the gdb is set to /usr/bin/gdb.
The settings in the Run/Debug configurations are also set to its own path.
The problem occurs when start Debugging, nothing happens in the IDE. How to fix it?


Can I use Eclipse CDT to debug a prebuilt C++ executable?

On Linux, I have some C++ programs built with my own makefiles, and I'm looking for some GUI debuggers to debug them at source level.
Previously I use KDbg(2.5.2) on openSUSE(12.3). It works but with some very annoying limitation, e.g., I cannot set a breakpoint when the debugged program is not trapped by Kdbg -- I mean, in order to set a new breakpoint, I have to set it before the program is launched or the program pauses on hitting an already set breakpoint.
Now I try to use Eclipse CDT. I got eclipse-cpp-juno-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz but find that I don't know how to load my executable so to start debugging.
I googled with words like 『eclipse debug pre-built C binary』, but few seems to care about this feature.
Can Eclipse CDT really do that? If Eclipse CDT can't, is there any better alternatives to KDbg? Please help.
According to hint from this answer, , I finally figure out how to do it.
The key point is: In the Eclipse CDT project, create/edit a Launch Configuration so to tell the debugger what executable to load.
Now I have to admit, Eclipse CDT does quite well in C++ code debugging far better than KDbg.
Some screen shot below, on openSUSE 12.3 .
Now we can Run -> Debug (F11)
Debugger automatically pauses the program at main()'s first statement.
The Stand-alone Debugger is an Eclipse application which packages the Eclipse plug-ins from the CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) project into an application that can be started from a command-line script:
bash /path/scripts/ -e executable [args]

Juno CDT plugin failing to run a C++ application

I have a simple mixed C/C++ application (OpenGL example) which I have successfully built using Eclipse CDT in Juno (MinGW toolchain).
I can run this application fine by hand from a Win7 command console, but it seems to rarely work when running from Eclipse's "Run as" menu. Whether it works or not seems down to seemingly unrelated changes in the code, and I get nothing of interest on the Eclipse run console (just a <terminated> status) even when no code near the start of the application has changed.
I'd like to and it sometimes I can work around this for now, but would be good to get this working if anyone has any ideas - it seems an essential stepping stone to get the debug environment working in Eclipse.
EDIT Side thought - eclipse seems awfully thin on debug diagnostics when something like this fails. If there is any way to turn on more debug I'd welcome the knowledge =)
Resolved - the issue is down to the path being given to the application, or more specifically the OS launcher (so it can find the DLLs it needs).
Even through the default "run" config claims to inherit the parent environment, it doesn't seem to get the same environment as the Win7 command console. I had to manually edit the "Run as" config in Eclipse to have a custom PATH environment variable containing the directories I needed (MinGW/bin, and a directory containing some custom DLLs).
Cheers, Iso

Configuring Eclipse for MinGW

I am using Eclipse Juno with MinGW (latest version) on my Win7-Laptop.
My example code is successfully built within the IDE, but I can neither run nor debug it!
When I choose Run as=>Local C/C++-Application, I get
Launch failed. Binary not found.
However, there IS an exe-file as a result of the build process!
When I call cmd.exe, navigate to the source directory and call this built exe (a.out.exe), it works without problems!
I guess this is due to wrong/missing configuration of eclipse, but I couldn't find useful info on that so far.
This thread mentions environment variables. I added MinGW and Msys to my PATH variable (that's why I can compile) but I can't run my software in eclipse!
So, what can be done to enable debugging?
I have made a little tutorial.
how to set all for Eclipse have a look it's here
Hope it can help you a little bit.

Eclipse not running any applications

When I launch a C++ application locally on my Eclipse IDE the program automatically terminates, however, if I run the debugger instead of launching a local C++ application, it runs. Also if I open the executable on the Debug folder with the Windows console, it works. I even tried reinstalling Eclipse CDT. Do you have any ideas?
Your wording makes me wonder, did you rebuild the Release version of the application? Did it rebuild without error. If you go to release folder and run the .exe directly outside of eclipse does it run? I would suspect the biggest difference between the Release and Debug versions would be the compiler optimization settings.

Debugging ncurses with Eclipse CDT

I'm writing a C++ application using ncurses in Eclipse CDT however I can't run/debug my app in eclipse because the console in eclipse does not work with curses. My app runs fine if I run it from a terminal but I just added some new code and now I'm getting a segmentation fault so I'd like to use the debugger in eclipse to help me fix the issue. Is there a way to have eclipse run/debug my application but use a different terminal for the output much like when you do "tty /dev/pts/1" in gdb? Or any other way to debug a ncures application in eclipse?
Thx in advance!
also you should add TERM=xterm to Environment in the Debug Configurations dialog