Delete fixtures after load using Fixtures - unit-testing

I'm working in some tests for my code and I get my first "STOP" since I don't know how to mover forward on this. See in my setUp() function I load fixtures:
public function setUp() {
static::$kernel = static::createKernel();
$this->em = static::$kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
$this->user = $this->createUser();
$fix = new MetaDetailGroupFixtures();
But then I have remove that created data since I have a test for the bad case (when not entities are returned):
public function testListMetaDetailGroupFailAction() {
$client = static::createClient();
$this->logIn($client, $this->user);
$route = $client->getContainer()->get('router')->generate('meta-detail-group-list', array('parent_id' => 20000), false);
$client->request("GET", $route);
$decoded = json_decode($client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
$this->assertCount(0, $decoded['entities']);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('success', $decoded);
$this->assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString(json_encode(array("success" => false, "message" => "No existen grupos de metadetalles de productos creados")), $client->getResponse()->getContent());
$this->assertSame(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
$this->assertSame('application/json', $client->getResponse()->headers->get('Content-Type'));
Since records are created in setup and they remain in DB that test fail. Any advice on this? How did yours solve that?

There is no easy way to do what you ask. What is normally done is truncating the database before and after executing your tests so you have a truly clean and isolated environment.
Quoting from this nice article (
public function setUp()
$kernel = new \AppKernel("test", true);
$this->_application = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application($kernel);
$this->runConsole("doctrine:schema:drop", array("--force" => true));
$this->runConsole("doctrine:fixtures:load", array("--fixtures" => __DIR__ . "/../DataFixtures"));
As you can see, this solution makes use of Doctrine's Symfony2 commands in order to achieve the isolation state. There is a bundle I like to use which solves exactly this problem and let you use nice ready to use FunctionalTest base classes and many other features. Check it out:


How can I test a Yii2 model in a library project?

I'm trying to implement an adapter that is using a Yii model object extending yii\db\ActiveRecord. The object is passed as constructor arg to the adapter class.
My issue is now that I still couldn't figure out how to get this to work properly. I've even tried mocking it but got stuck because Yii is using lots of static methods to get it's objects. Sure, I could now try to mock them... But there must be a better way?
public function testSuccessFullFind(): void
$connection = (new Connection([
'dsn' => 'sqlite:test'
$queryBuilder = new \yii\db\sqlite\QueryBuilder($connection);
$app = $this->createMock(Application::class);
\Yii::$app = $app;
$userModel = new UserModel();
$resovler = new Yii2Resolver($userModel);
$result = $resolver->find(['username' => 'test', 'password' => 'test']);
// TBD asserts for the result
The UserModel is used to find a user record internally.
This results in:
1) Authentication\Test\Identifier\Resolver\Yii2ResolverTest::testSuccessFullFind
Error: Call to a member function getDb() on null
The code above is obviously the WIP of a test case.
So how can I configure a test connection and get my ActiveRecord object to use it?
You can pass connection as argument of all() method:
$results = UserModel::find()->where(['id' => 1])->all($connection);

Test JSON-returning controller method without MissingViewError

I am testing a Controller method that has only a JSON view. My method runs as expected, but the test method only returns "MissingViewException". Is there a solution to avoiding this exception in the unit test (besides inserting an empty file at View/People/map_leads.ctp)?
public function mapLeads($territory_id = null) {
$leads = $this->Person->getPeople([
'territory_id' => $territory_id
$this->set('leads', $leads);
public $components = ['RequestHandler'];
public function testMapLeads() {
$id = 40;
$result = $this->testAction('/people/mapLeads/' . $id, array('return' => 'vars'));
View/People/json/map_leads.ctp exists and is properly utilized by CakePHP; it is only the test that wants to see View/People/map_leads.ctp.
I checked at CakePHP: calling testAction to a json-returning method causes missing view exception reminding about adding RequestHandler to $components. This does not resolve the exception.
You aren't issuing a JSON request/accessing a JSON endpoint, as neither your request URL does contain the .json extension, nor does your request send an appropriate Accept header (I don't remember whether the latter is possible with the 2.x controller test case class at all).
Use the .json extension and you should be good.
$this->testAction('/people/mapLeads/' . $id . '.json', array('return' => 'vars'));
Write this code inside your action.
$this->autoLayout = false;
$this->autoRender = false;

cakephp 2.6 controller test case throwing MissingActionException on duplicate testAction()-call

I hope anyone can help me out with my testing environment.
my setup
I am implementing unit tests based on phpunit 3.7.22 with the cake release 2.6.9. Running on ubuntu 12.04 LTS with PHP 5.4.43-1 and postgresql 9.1.
I immplemented controller tests mocking cakes Auth Component to have a user in the session, since my tests depent on that. My controllers return json results, since its an API for a JS-based frontend. I call my controller methods using the testAction() call of a generated controller.
App::uses('RequesttypesController', 'Svc.Controller');
class RequesttypesWithResultControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase
public $fixtures = array(
* Mock the requesttype object so that it can return results depending on the desired outcome
* #see CakeTestCase::setUp()
public function setUp()
$this->controller = $this->generate('Svc.Requesttypes', array(
'models' => array(
'components' => array(
'Auth' => array(
'id' => 123,
'username' => 'myTestUser',
'company' => 'myTestCompany',
'usertype_id' => '456',
$authResult = $this->controller->Auth->user();
public function tearDown()
* A logged in user produces a number of requesttypes
public function testLoggedInUser()
$result = $this->testAction('/svc/requesttypes/getMyRequesttypes', array('return' => 'vars'));
$this->assertNotEmpty($this->vars, 'Did not receive webservice response');
$this->assertTrue(isset($this->vars['data']['code']), 'Received invalid webservice response');
$this->assertEqual($this->vars['data']['code'], SvcAppController::RESPONSE_CODE_SUCCESS);
This test passes without errors. Now I want to test my controller-action with different setups, for example users with a different usertype, from a different company, and so on. If I now create a second test-method in my RequesttypesWithResultControllerTest-class, calling the same testAction-url, i get a MissingActionException saying:
"Action RequesttypesController::() could not be found."
It seems that the testAction calls an empty controller-action, even if the action-url is passed as a parameter. I tried reinitializing the controller by nulling it and calling $this->generate() again, but this does not help either.
Of course I can help myself out by creating an own test-controller for every test ending up in a bunch of duplicate test-code, but this somehow seems not right to me.
Am I misusing the test-environment or how can this exception be explained? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for sharing my headache!
After some further code debugging we finally found the error. We accidently changed the require statement of the last line of the /Config/routes.php file to a require_once because of some "Class already defined Exceptions" thrown in the test-environment.
Wrong routes.php:
require_once CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';
For the application itself that made no difference, since the routes are only needed to be initialized once per request. But in a test-environment, the routes are reinitialized several times, which was not possible anymore with the require_once include.
This is how the line is supposed to look like, which it does by default:
Correct routes.php:
require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';

How to mock a CakePHP behavior for unit testing

I've just started with unit testing in CakePHP (yay!) and ran into the following challenge. Hope somebody can help me :-)
My model uses a Behavior to send changes to an API after saving it locally. I would like to fake all calls made to the API during the test (those will be tested seperately) to save load on the API server, and more important, not actually save the changes :-)
I'm using CakePHP 2.4.1.
What I've tried
Read the docs. The manual shows how to do this for Components and Helpers but not for Behaviors.
Google. What I've found:
A Google Group post which says it simply "isn't possible". I don't take no for an answer.
An article explaining how to mock an object. Comes pretty close.
The code from the article reads:
$provider = $this->getMock('OurProvider', array('getInfo'));
It might be the wrong direction, but I think that might be a good start.
What I want
Effectively: A snippet of code to demo how to mock a behavior in a CakePHP Model for unit testing purposes.
Maybe this question will result in an addition of the CakePHP manual too as an added bonus, since I feel it's missing in there.
Thanks in advance for the effort!
Update (2013-11-07)
I've found this related question, which should answer this question (partly). No need to mock up the API, instead I can create a Behavior test that the model will use.
I'm trying to figure out what that BehaviorTest should look like.
Use the class registry
As with many classes, behaviors are added to the class registry using the class name as the key, and for subsequent requests for the same object loaded from the classregistry. Therefore, the way to mock a behavior is simply to put it in the class registry before using it.
Full Example:
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Example extends AppModel {
class TestBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
public function foo() {
throw new \Exception('Real method called');
class BehaviorExampleTest extends CakeTestCase {
* testNormalBehavior
* #expectedException Exception
* #expectedExceptionMessage Real method called
* #return void
public function testNormalBehavior() {
$model = ClassRegistry::init('Example');
$this->assertInstanceOf('TestBehavior', $model->Behaviors->Test);
$this->assertSame('TestBehavior', get_class($model->Behaviors->Test));
$this->assertSame(['foo' => ['Test', 'foo']], $model->Behaviors->methods());
public function testMockedBehavior() {
$mockedBehavior = $this->getMock('TestBehavior', ['foo', 'bar']);
ClassRegistry::addObject('TestBehavior', $mockedBehavior);
$model = ClassRegistry::init('Example');
$this->assertInstanceOf('TestBehavior', $model->Behaviors->Test);
$this->assertNotSame('TestBehavior', get_class($model->Behaviors->Test));
$expected = [
'foo' => ['Test', 'foo'],
'bar' => ['Test', 'bar'],
'expects' => ['Test', 'expects'], // noise, due to being a mock
'staticExpects' => ['Test', 'staticExpects'], // noise, due to being a mock
$this->assertSame($expected, $model->Behaviors->methods());
$model->foo(); // no exception thrown
->will($this->returnValue('something special'));
$return = $model->bar();
$this->assertSame('something special', $return);

Unit-testing scripts in CakePHP application

I have developed a deal application using CakePHP. Now I want to write the unit-scripts using PHPUnit. I have installed PHPUnit on my server and test core tests is working fine. Installed Xdebug also for code analyze. When I am going to scripts for existing application then it is not working. I am able to write the unit-script for login menthod in model. But can't write the scripts for remaining methods.
App::uses('User', 'Model');
class UserTest extends CakeTestCase {
public $fixtures = array('app.user');
public $dropTables = false;
public function setUp() {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
public function testLogin() {
$result = $this->User->find('count', array(
'conditions' => array(
// making some assumptions about the test data here
'email' => '',
'password' => 'f1054da373ace628dc73b8ec52eb28072b074940',
$expected = 1;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
it is working well. But I am not able to write scripts for the remaining methods.
Try using bake and bake the tests to get started with the correct testing structure:
cake bake test
This might help push you in the write direction with the way Cake expects the test to be structured. It will also create the empty methods to test all of the methods in the controller.
Can you be more specific about what is not working?