I cannot login to Testlink after full congfiguration - testlink

After I install Testlink and Config Apache,Mysql and PHP,when I try to login to testlink using the password admin ,it shows error
DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START
0 database->exec_query() called at [D:\xampp\htdocs\testlink-1.9.9\lib\functions\logger.class.php:708]
1 tlEventManager->deleteEventsFor() called at [D:\xampp\htdocs\testlink-1.9.9\lib\functions\logger.class.php:135]
2 tlLogger->deleteEventsFor() called at [D:\xampp\htdocs\testlink-1.9.9\login.php:213]
3 renderLoginScreen() called at [D:\xampp\htdocs\testlink-1.9.9\login.php:74]
Please help me out of this.

You do not have enough free space on Testlink machine. Type: df -h. Try to clean up log files.


AWS OpsWorks setup_failed for Instance - unable to deploy_branch

I've had a remote dashboard running fine for a couple of years (written for me by an external developer). It runs on an EC2 instance and is configured using OpsWorks.
Today it's not working, and I see in OpsWorks that the instance is showing as setup_failed.
According to the logs it fails here:
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/runs/18bc4301-71c1-4393-bb26-eae958791d5a/local-mode-cache/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] ERROR: deploy_branch[/srv/api] (iparcelbox::deploy-api line 45) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '255'
---- Begin output of git fetch origin ----
STDERR: error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied
---- End output of git fetch origin ----
Ran git fetch origin returned 255
I've checked the recipe file for iparcelbox::deploy-api and line 45 calls a deploy_branch:
deploy_branch server_path do
user userName
group groupName
repository node[:iparcelbox][:git_url]
revision node[:iparcelbox][:revision]
enable_submodules false
migrate false
shallow_clone true
git_ssh_wrapper "/tmp/api_git_wrapper.sh"
rollback_on_error false
keep_releases 5
purge_before_symlink purge_dirs
create_dirs_before_symlink []
action :deploy
So as I understand it, the deploy_branch is trying to fetch a git repo, and for some reason it's failing? I've checked my GitHub repository for the source files and I can see an ssh 'Deploy Key' which is showing as used within the last week.
If anyone could give me any suggestions as to what else to try, it would be much appreciated!
I found an answer to this - I thought the issue was permission denied accessing the git repository, but actually it was because the destination folder on my instance had modified ownership. Setting the ownership back to that specified in the Chef recipe using chown allowed the setup to complete successfully.

AWS authentication issue while using deployment script

From today only I started getting issue while running deployment scripts from my local VM. I am not sure if it's a known issue or some setup related thing which is missing on my VM .
Authentication failed while running deploy_one_off:
[vvaibhav#gld2vm40 debesys (topic/Add_FIX_IBDC_Session_Subtype_info_to_pub-DEB-107734)]$ /opt/virtualenv/devws/bin/python2 deploy/chef/scripts/deploy_one_off.py -s gla2vm178 --email vagesh.vaibhav#trade.tt -c dropcopyclientnode -r 5fff2fe00e5082b39fd5a978af7bf38770a95ef9 --request-build --run-chef --override-oneoff
Enter your INTAD username:vvaibhav
Enter password for INTAD user vvaibhav:
Checking if dropcopyclientnode cookbook has a build target...DONE
Oops: Failed to authenticate and retrieve AWS Keys from AWS, the package check will
fail. It is safe to try re-running, but if the problem persists please notify
Deployment and/or ELS. Exception:
Just FYI,
This issue was resolved as I worked with Tom today morning. It seems that some aws-keys file became stale and we had to delete those files.
$ ls -ltr ~/.aws-keys*
-rw-r--r-- 1 vvaibhav sysadmins 0 Jan 7 07:42 /home/vvaibhav/.aws-keys_deb_read

Redmine 3.3.2, Redmine git hosting plugin

I am trying to install the redmine Git Hosting plugin for redmine 3.3.2.
I have followed the steps at (http://redmine-git-hosting.io/get_started/) but when i try the 9th step, which is to login to the git, I get asked for a password. There is no password on the GIT user, and just entering a blank password also doesn't work...
I can confirm that there's no password on the user:
[root#RedmineZonderDocker2 ~]# passwd -S git
git NP 2018-12-16 0 99999 7 -1 (Empty password.)
The log of the plugin does state this:
2018-12-16 20:16:47 +0000 [INFO] Testing if Redmine user 'redmine' can sudo to Gitolite user 'git'...
2018-12-16 20:16:47 +0000 [INFO] OK!
2018-12-16 20:16:47 +0000 [ERROR] Error while getting Gitolite infos, check
your SSH keys (path, permissions) or your Git user.
I clearly have no idea where the problem lays, and as you might notice, i'm quite new to all this. Any help would be appreciated.
If you need other config files or logs, please let me know and i'll gladly provide them.
Kind regards
Make sure you have completed all the settings described in step 9 and restarting Redmine after changing said settings, as some of them are put in cache.
The password is only asked if the SSH key is not found or not properly register. In both instances, double-check "Gitolite - ssh troubleshooting and tips".
I found the problem, and the plugin is functional now.

Error Wso2 "Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found" when I try to log in Api Manager after configure Api Analytics

I've installed Wso2 Api Manager a few days ago follow this intructions:
1. I've downloaded https://wso2.com/api-management/install.
2. I've installed using the wizard in C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager directory.
3. I've initialize Api Manger console, then created some apis from https://localhost:9443/publisher .
Now, I want to see some statistics ( I've read that API Analytics has to be configured, so I carried out the following steps (https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM260/Configuring+APIM+Analytics#ConfiguringAPIMAnalytics-Step1-DownloadandinstallWSO2API-M).
I download it (https://wso2.com/api-management/install/analytics).
Unzip file in C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0.
I've created and Environment Variables called JAVA_HOME. In value field, I typed the installation path of the Java Development Kit, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191.
I edited the tag true in the file "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf\api-manager.xml".
I exec this command in cmd windows: "C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0>worker.bat -run". It excecuted some process and aparentely everything was ok.
Finally, I run another windows console and exec: "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\bin>wso2server.bat -run".
Now, when I try to log in https://localhost:9443/publisher, /store o /carbon, I'm getting this error:
Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found
If I only lunch the Api Manager, it works perfectly but I can't get the statistics.
Did you follow Quick setup?
To access Analytics you need to carry out Standard Setup which includes:
Creating Analytics DB with the "am_usage_uploaded_files" table in addition
Configuring /conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configuring /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configure /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> WSO2AM_MGW_ANALYTICS_DB
And then starting the worker which creates the rest tables for analytics.

WSO2 Identity Server SAML Error encrypting XMLObject at Example Travelocity

When setting in the sample app: Travelocity.properties
#Specify if SAM LAssertion element is encrypted
And also tick the Identity server configuration option:
Enable Assertion Encryption [ticked]
Certificate Alias: wso2carbon
I receive the following error at the server log:
Error at Log: 2015-05-05 15:56:10,282 Error encrypting XMLObject
Without the encryption feature enabled, the SAML authentication flow with the Travelocity sample code starts working.
Hints are welcome how to fix this issue.
It seems like you are working on the installed java runtime for the first time. I am using ubuntu 14. The same problem came to me. For me it worked in the following way.
1. Download the respective files according to your runtime from here.
2. Extract the folder you downloaded. There will be two .jar files.
3. For ubuntu you can run echo $JAVA_HOME to find the java home. Copy above jar files into {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security. You may need sudo access depending on you JAVA_HOME location. If so run the following from the location you extracted the zip file.
cp local_policy.jar /{JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security
cp US_export_policy.jar /{JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security
There should be only one slash (/) at /{JAVA_HOME}.
4. Restart wso2 identity server again and retry the procedure to login to travelocity.com
Hope this will fix your issue.