What is a good first web application development programming language? [closed] - web-services

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently doing Computer Science degree and I have fair amount of experience in C#, Java, and C++ in desktop application development. And I want to start learning how to build applications that run in the web browser such as Google Docs and Blackboard Learn. What is the best technology to start with ? I know this is a broad question whose answer is usually "it depends on what you are trying to make" but I want to know what is good multipurpose language/technology just to start with so I can get some experience and develop some foundation for transitioning my desktop skills to the web ? Many thanks for your responses !

I would suggest you to list all your requirements. After you are done with the requirements you can select what suits you the best. Current web applications use a cocktail of several technologies. The choice of technology should be purely based on your requirements, ease of use and budget constraints.
Of course, you have a plethora of several open source technologies to help you out. Biggies such as Facebook, Google too use open source. Since you are a student go for open source technologies.
This is a good link if you want to learn web from scratch : http://www.w3schools.com/


C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Advantages of Service Oriented Architecutre [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I searched on Google, but didn't get straight answers that what are the advantages of Service Oriented Architecture?
Can someone please highlight some of the benefits of SOA?
The two most important (at least in a practical sense) are:
Small, manageable (i.e. maintainable) components.
Services can be distributed across different machines. This makes
the system highly scalable.
In other words: SOA is a good fit into the modern software development landscape with distributed teams and ever-changing requirements, be it functional or non-functional.
It gives great deal of re usability to your code and enormous power to the business as well.
Lets say you start creating an application for banking, now you need to create a mobile app for the same, and if that's not it you have to expose methods from your service to Master /Visa for transaction.
Now in the above scenario if application has been designed with SOA in mind, then lot of code is reused with added advantage of centralized deployment.

Is the Go programming language replacing C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have read on some blogs that Go is a better system programming language and is going to replace C/C++. I am currently learning C++. So, I was wondering whether I should continue learning C++ or move to Go?
Go is designed for reliable, fast online services. It's the recommended language of Google App Engine. It does have general feature parity with C, plus additional scalability features. Perhaps, one day, it will be adopted for embedded programming and client-side applications, but that has yet to happen.
C is used in many, many application domains. No other language approaches its breadth of use. As a first language, though, it won't help you develop good habits.
C++ is a multi-paradigm language. It supports deep, generic metaprogramming. Many users of C++ are really using "embedded domain-specific languages" (EDSLs) where a library provides functionality defined within the C++ grammar. Go does not attempt to provide this depth, which is a Pandora's box of complexity.

Is C++ appropriate for my application? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a Windows desktop app, it allows users to create accounts and then login. Once logged in it allows them to interact with other users, and even has a chat box in a certain area. This app will eventually be ported over to android and ios(hopefully). Considering that it fetches quite a bit of information over the internet is C++ the most appropriate language to program it in?(i know quite a bit of c++, enough to make this) or should I use HTML5 or something else.
EDIT: For simplicity, essentially what I would like to know is. What is the EASIEST language to program an application in that will accept username/password and allow users to interact with one another. This program will also be accepting payments within it. I would like to use a language that is easily ported over to Android and IOS.
This is a question that doesn't really have a good answer. It's like asking what color you should paint the garden shed. There are many correct answers, and they are all subjective, and most likely based on the answerer's personal experiences.
If you have had experience with C++, then by all means go for it. C++ and it's related languages have the capability to create message windows and interact over the internet, so it is a good possibility for you.

Staff Web Service Framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How does Staff web service framework compare to others for c++?
I cannot answer your question in all details, but I'm searching for C++ SOA / web service frameworks for a year now.
My favorites (all OpenSource and platform independent - not ordered) are currently:
GSOAP - http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html
proven, reliable, very fast
big documentation, many support
still maintained - releases every 3-6 months
WSDL/client generators are not free
programming and embedding into existing apps isn't so easy
seems to be more C than C++
Apache AXIS/C++ - http://ws.apache.org/axis/cpp/index.html
proven, already in use in big projects
(nearly) good documentation
up to date, maintenance is ensured by Apache Foundation
better/nicer C++ API
heavy weight SDK / too many functionality for me
not easy to implement it / many work to embed it into own app
maybe not as fast and bigger footprint as GSOAP
Staff - http://code.google.com/p/staff/
very small footprint
easy and fast to integrate
future maintenance is not clear / it's (only) a Google summer of code project
very early stage
support party only in cyrillic
If I have to decide for a framework right now, I would take Apache AXIS -
it's proven and reliable and thus ready for productive use.
Further it's future maintenance is guaranteed by the Apache Foundation
and I'm free to uase, modify and integrate AXIS as I want - even for my
commercial applications.
I hope that helped a little bit.