Spree - Can't find _form.html.erb - spree

I am going over the spree tutorial and trying to override the product edit admin page in spree using Deface. I cannot locate the following file path in spree:

From your Spree directory type:
ls `bundle show spree_backend`/app/views/spree/admin/products/_form.html.erb
That's where the file is located on your system.
Here is the source of the file from the latest Spree:


Pyinstaller is unable to import custom commands of Django 2.1.5

I am using PyInstaller for creating build for my project on ubuntu machine.
I have written one custom commands createsappsuperuser in django to create sime special users. To create the executable file, I am running my manage.spec file and the executable is getting created successfully. The location of that executable is in dist folder.
After that I am running ./dist/manage createsappsuperuser which gives error like -
Unknown command: 'createsappsuperuser'. Did you mean createsuperuser?
Type 'manage help' for usage.
To solve the above issue, I tried adding my cusom command in the dict
in Pyinstaller/loader/rthooks/pyi_rth_django.py file as because pyi_rth_django.py always return some static set of commands.
I have added it like 'createsappsuperuser': 'idmgmt' in the dictionary. Here, idmgmt is my app name.
But the above solutions was valid for upto Django 1.8, and even the file "pyi_rth_django.py" says that it is tested with Django 1.8.
Then how should i do it in Django 2.1.5 ?
Thanks In Advance

Cloudfoundry : Activate some PHP extentions in a custom buildpack

I want to enlable some PHP extentions in my custom PHP-Buildpack. But I don't know which one to edit... I tried to change the options.json in the "defaults" folder, but I get an error when I push the app via the cf command. And there is easily 20 other files named like that.
Can somebody help me to find the good one ? Thank you :)
The file has to be on the app folder, not in the buildpack folder. It has to be in a folder named ".bp-config" on the root of your app's directory.

error adding a slideshow module to satchmo

i have found a django slideshow and have installed it following the guide bellow
Download and place the 'slideshow' folder somewhere on your PYTHONPATH.
(i placed it in site packages)
Add slideshow to your INSTALLED_APPS under settings.py.
(I added it to satchmo store settings.py and also main satchmo settings.py to be sure)
To use a slideshow in another Django application, you can refer to the slideshow object as slideshow.Slideshow in your Django models.
(this i was not sure how to do or if i needed to)
If you're not extending base.html, make sure you have jQuery 1.4.2+ and Slides 1.1.7+ in your templates somewhere. Use {% load slideshow_tags %} in whatever template you wish to use a slideshow in.
the module shows up in the satchmo admin page but when i try to add or change a slideshow i get an error
DatabaseError at /admin/slideshow/slideshow/add/no such table: slideshow_slide
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.4.20
Exception Type: DatabaseError
Exception Value:
no such table: slideshow_slide
Exception Location: C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\sqlite3\base.py in execute, line 344
Python Executable: C:\Python27\python.exe
Python Version: 2.7.9
Python Path:
i think its telling me that there is no database setup for the slideshow but am not sure if that is the case or if it is something else altogether as i am a python beginner, i would be gratefull for any help with this.
I managed to install the slideshow module from https://github.com/clarle/django-slides in satchmo
the solution in the end was really easy, all i had to do was to place the slideshow folder in my PYTHONPATH (i put it in the site packages directory)
i added 'slideshow',
to the INSTALLED_APPS section of my settings.py file in my custom satchmo store directory/folder.
and finally i opened a terminal/cmd prompt and executed the following command
python manage.py syncdb
and hey presto the modules were added, the database updated with the new tables and once i had run the server and logged into the admin page i am now able to setup my slideshow
i hope this helps anyone else who needs the slideshow in satchmo as the clue to updating the database came from another install guide for a different slideshow which i thought i would chance it and have a go.

django deployment on heliohost

I'm trying to deploy a small django app on heliohost following the instructions in this post How to deploy a Django site using a different version of Django on Heliohost and also the official ones. But when I try to browse the site I only get the index of my public_html folder. Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
I know this is old post but if you still trying django on heliohost, try cookiecutter template for heliohost.
$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/rahul-gj/cookiecutter-helio.git
project_name [mysite]: ---> Type your project name here.
helio_user [user_name]: ---> your heliohost username.
The folder with project name will be created in your working directory.
Paste the content of the folder (folder + manage.py file) on heliohost public_html directory.
go to yourusername.heliohost.org/yourproject
You should see something like this:
Explore the django on heliohost.

Spree Extension Scaffold

I have created a a spree application and used one existing extension spree_news by cloning it to my spree application folder, now when i try to create a scaffold or a resource inside the spree_news extension by trying:
wapnil#swapnil-pc:~/ecommerce/spree_news$ rails generate scaffold oerp
Pname:string Pdesc:text Pprice:float
the following error is encountered:
/home/swapnil/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- rails/engine/commands (LoadError)
from /home/swapnil/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:55:in `require'
from script/rails:8:in `<main>'
Please Help!!
The script/rails file in your extension is wrong and should be this. This is due to a bug in Spree that will be fixed in the next release.