Windows Phone 8, location services and Unit Test - unit-testing

I developed an API which aims to get the location of the user and stuff like that.
I would like to test my code, so I created a Windows Phone 8 Unit Test project.
However, it seems that the tests which I can do are very limited, because:
I can't switch off/on network, GPS... => to test cases like the user
doesn't have a location service enables on his phone;
I can't emulate a location. The only default location I get is the default
one of the emulator (near Seattle)
Is there a way to make some more accurate tests ?

Unit testing consists of testing your code in complete isolation. When you have code that interacts with external resources (e.g., Location Services), you need to design seams into your architecture which will allow you to mock out that external code.
You mentioned testing code that could behave differently when GPS is enabled/disabled. This is a good example of where a seam could be introduced. For example, consider that you had the following code:
var watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
if (watcher.Permission.Equals(GeoPositionPermission.Granted))
// Do stuff that requires GPS
// Handle situation where GPS is disabled
You aren't able to test this code in isolation because it is tightly coupled to the Location Services (specifically, the GeoCoordinateWatcher class). To address this, you can introduce an abstraction with the following interface:
public interface IGpsChecker
bool IsGpsEnabled();
Using this interface, your code could be changed to:
if (m_gps_checker.IsGpsEnabled()) // m_gps_checker is supplied to your class via constructor, etc.
// Do stuff that requires GPS
// Handle situation where GPS is disabled
In your production code, you would provide the class with an implementation that simply uses the original logic:
public class LocationServicesGpsChecker : IGpsChecker
public bool IsGpsEnabled()
var watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
return watcher.Permission.Equals(GeoPositionPermission.Granted);
However, in your test code you would provide a test double to the class that you're testing, giving you precise control of the conditions under which you're working.

The emulator error youre experiencing is a well known one.
Here is the work around.
Launch your app
Press the start button
Open the emualtors Maps app
Set your location with the emulators GPS location tool
find your location with the Maps app
Return to your app
Now you can use the built in visual studio network emulation tool
In most cases if you continue to update your location on the emulators GPS simulation tool it will continue to work. On occasion you will have to repeat steps 2 -> n

As with any other unit tests, you may have to "mock" these scenarios:
You may have to "mock" the scenario of location services not available.
You may have to prepare a hard coded set of coordinates (longitude/latitude) values to run your test with.
Hope this answers your question.


Ordered Selenium unit tests n

I have a small problem, I have created some Selenium tests. The problem is I can't order the testcases I have created. I know unit testing should not be ordered but this is what I need in my situation. I have to follow these steps: login first, create a new customer, change some details about the customer and finally log out.
Since there is no option to order unit tests in NUnit I can't execute this.
I already tried another option, to create a unittest project in Visual Studio, because Visual Studio 2012 has the ability to create a ordered unit test. But this is not working because I can't run a unit test while I am running my ASP.NET project. Another solution file is also not a good option because I want to verify my data after it has been submitted by a Selenium test.
Does someone of you have another solution to solve my problem?
If you want to test all of those steps in a specific order (and by the sounds of it, as a single session) then really it's more like an acceptance test you are talking about; and in that case it's not a sin to write more complex test methods and Assert your conditions after each step.
If you want to test each step in true isolation (a pure unit test) then each unit test must be capable of running by itself without any reference to any other tests; but when you're testing the actual site UI itself this isn't really an option for you.
Of course if you really you want to have every single test somehow setup every single dependency without reference to any other actions (e.g in the last test you would need to fake the login token, your data layer will have to pretend that you added a new customer, etc. A lot of work for dubious benefit...)
I say this based on the assumption that you already have unit tests written for the server-side controllers, layers, models, etc, that you run without any reference to the actual site running in a browser and are therefore confident that the various back-end part of your site do what they are supposed to do
In your case I'd recommend more of a hybrid integration/acceptance test
void Login(IWebDriver driver)
//use driver to open browser, navigate to login page, type user/password into box and press enter
void CreateNewCustomer(IWebDriver driver)
//and then use driver to click "Create Customer" link, etc, etc
void EditNewlyCreatedCustomer(IWebDriver driver)
//do your selenium stuff..
and then your test methods:
void Login_DoesWhatIExpect()
var driver = new InternetExplorerDriver("your Login URL here");
void CreateNewCustomer_WorksProperly()
var driver = new InternetExplorerDriver("your Login URL here");
void EditNewlyCreatedCustomer_DoesntExplodeTheServer()
var driver = new InternetExplorerDriver("your Login URL here");
In this way the order of the specific tests do not matter; certainly if the Login test fails then the CreateNewCustomer and EditNewlyCreatedCustomer tests will also fail but that's actually irrelevant in this case as you are testing an entire "thread" of operation

How to choose TDD starting point in a real world project?

I've read tons of articles, seen tons of screencasts about TDD, but I'm still struggling with using it in real world project. My main issue is I don't know where to start, what test should be the first one.
Suppose I have to write client library calling external system's methods (e.g. notification).
I want this client to work as follows
NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient("abcd1234"); // client ID
Response code = client.notifyOnEvent(Event.LIMIT_REACHED, 100); // some params of call
There is some translation and message format preparation behind the scenes, so I'd like to hide it from my client apps.
I don't know where and how to start.
Should I make up some rough classes set for this library?
Should I start with testing NotificationClient as below
public void testClientSendInvalidEventCommand() {
NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient(...);
Response code = client.notifyOnEvent(Event.WRONG_EVENT);
assertEquals(1223, code.codeValue());
If so, with such test I'm forced to write complete working implementation at once, with no baby steps as TDD states. I can mock out sosmething in Client but then I have to know this thing to be mocked upfront, so I need some upfront desing to be made.
Maybe I should start from the bottom, test this message formatting component first and then use it in right client test?
What way is the right one to go?
Should we always start from top (how to deal with this huge step required)?
Can we start with any class realizing tiny part of desired feature (as Formatter in this example)?
If I'd know where to hit with my tests it'd be a lot easier for me to proceed.
I'd start with this line:
NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient("abcd1234"); // client ID
Sounds like we need a NotificationClient, which needs a client ID. That's an easy thing to test for. My first test might look something like:
public void testNewClientAbcd1234HasClientId() {
NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient("abcd1234");
assertEquals("abcd1234", client.clientId());
Of course, it won't compile at first - not until I'd written a NotificationClient class with a constructor that takes a string parameter and a clientId() method that returns a string - but that's part of the TDD cycle.
public class NotificationClient {
public NotificationClient(string clientId) {
public string clientId() {
return "";
At this point, I can run my test and watch it fail (because I've hard-coded clientId()'s return to be an empty string). Once I've got my failing unit test, I write just enough production code (in NotificationClient) to get the test to pass:
public string clientId() {
return "abcd1234";
Now all my tests pass, so I can consider what to do next. The obvious (well, obvious to me) next step is to make sure that I can create clients whose ID isn't "abcd1234":
public void testNewClientBcde2345HasClientId() {
NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient("bcde2345");
assertEquals("bcde2345", client.clientId());
I run my test suite and observe that testNewClientBcde2345HasClientId() fails while testNewClientAbcd1234HasClientId() passes, and now I've got a good reason to add a member variable to NotificationClient:
public class NotificationClient {
private string _clientId;
public NotificationClient(string clientId) {
_clientId = clientId;
public string clientId() {
return _clientId;
Assuming no typographical errors have snuck in, that'll get all my tests to pass, and I can move on to whatever the next step is. (In your example, it would probably be testing that notifyOnEvent(Event.WRONG_EVENT) returns a Response whose codeValue() equals 1223.)
Does that help any?
Don't confuse acceptance tests that hook into each end of your application, and form an executable specifications with unit tests.
If you are doing 'pure' TDD you write an acceptance test which drives the unit tests that drive the implementation. testClientSendInvalidEventCommand is your acceptance test, but depending on how complicated things are you will delegate the implementation to multiple classes you can unit test separately.
How complicated things get before you have to split them up to test and understand them properly is why it is called Test Driven Design.
You can choose to let tests drive your design from the bottom up or from the top down. Both work well for different developers in different situations. Either approach will force to make some of those "upfront" design decisions but that's a good thing. Making those decisions in order to write your tests is test-driven design!
In your case you have an idea what the high level external interface to the system you are developing should be so let's start there. Write a test for how you think users of your notification client should interact with it and let it fail. This test is the basis for your acceptance or integration tests and they are going to continue failing until the features they describe are finished. That's ok.
Now step down one level. What are the steps which need to occur to provide that high level interface? Can we write an integration or unit test for those steps? Do they have dependencies you had not considered which might cause you to change the notification center interface you have started to define? Keep drilling down depth-first defining behavior with failing tests until you find that you have actually reached a unit test. Now implement enough to pass that unit test and continue. Get unit tests passing until you have built enough to pass an integration test and so on. You'll eventually have completed a depth-first construction of a tree of tests and should have a well tested feature whose design was driven by your tests.
One goal of TDD is that the testing informs the design. So the fact that you need to think about how to implement your NotificationClient is a good thing; it forces you to think of (hopefully) simple abstractions up front.
Also, TDD sort of assumes constant refactoring. Your first solution probably won't be the last; so as you refine your code the tests are there to tell you what breaks, from compile errors to actual runtime issues.
So I would just jump right in and start with the test you suggested. As you create mocks, you will need to create tests for the actual implementations of what you are mocking. You will find things make sense and need to be refactored, so you will need to modify your tests as you go. That's the way it's supposed to work...

How do I use an API of a windows service?

I've got a big windows service application. It performs actions on a time bound basis. Sometimes I need to be able to use some of it's functionality in isolation from the rest of the application. Currently I've got a battery of 'unit tests' which call into various sources and perform the desired functionality. My problem is these are not unit tests, they are the way we're exposing the API. If we run all the unit tests in the project, we'll be damaging some of our production data.
My question is how do I go about accessing some of the functionality of the application without unit testing? I was thinking of perhaps something like an interpreter over the top of it where you can call various parts of the functionality, but am not really that sure where to start.
An example of a unit test in our code will be:
public void TransferFunds()
int accountNumberTo = 123456;
int accountNumberFrom = 654321;
var accountFrom = Store.GetAccount(accountNumberFrom);
var accountTo = Store.GetAccount(accountNumberTo);
double amountToTransfer = 1000;
DateTime transactionDate = new DateTime(2010,01,01);
Store.TransferFunds(accountFrom, AccountTo, amountToTransfer, transactionDate);
var client = BankAccountService.Client();
client.Contribute(accountNumberTo, amountToTransfer, transactionDate);
client.Contribute(accountNumberFrom, amountToTransfer, transactionDate);
How can we move this out of unit tests, but still have the ability to run code like this?
Your setup sounds very dangerous. I would create separate console applications for your different needs. I would also remove recommend that you remove all unittests that endangers your production data. Having that sort of unittests is just down-right bad!

Unit Testing.... a data provider?

Given problem:
I like unit tests.
I develop connectivity software to external systems that pretty much and often use a C++ library
The return of this systems is nonndeterministic. Data is received while running, but making sure it is all correctly interpreted is hard.
How can I test this properly?
I can run a unit test that does a connect. Sadly, it will then process a life data stream. I can say I run the test for 30 or 60 seconds before disconnecting, but getting code ccoverage is impossible - I simply dont even comeclose to get all code paths EVERY ONCE PER DAY (error code paths are rarely run).
I also can not really assert every result. Depending on the time of the day we talk of 20.000 data callbacks per second - all of which are not relly determined good enough to validate each of them for consistency.
Mocking? Well, that would leave me testing an empty shell of myself because the code handling the events basically is the to be tested case, and in many cases we talk here of a COMPLEX c level structure - hard to have mocking frameworks that integrate from Csharp to C++
Anyone any idea? I am short on giving up using unit tests for this part of the application.
Unit testing is good, but it shouldn't be your only weapon against bugs. Look into the difference between unit tests and integration tests: it sounds to me like the latter is your best choice.
Also, automated tests (unit tests and integration tests) are only useful if your system's behavior isn't going to change. If you're breaking backward compatibility with every release, the automated tests of that functionality won't help you.
You may also want to see a previous discussion on how much unit testing is too much.
Does your external data source implement an interface -- or can you using a combination of an interface and a wrapper around the data source that implements the interface decouple your class under test from the data source. If either of these are true, then you can mock out the data source in your unit tests and provide the data from the mock instance.
public interface IDataSource
public List<DataObject> All();
public class DataWrapper : IDataSource
public DataWrapper( RealDataSource source )
this.Source = source;
public RealDataSource Source { get; set; }
public List<DataObject> All()
return this.Source.All();
Now in your class under test depend on the interface and inject an instance, then in your unit tests, provide a mock instance that implements the interface.
public void DataSourceAllTest()
var dataSource = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDataSource>();
dataSource.Expect( s => s.All() ).Return( ... mock data ... );
var target = new ClassUnderTest( dataSource );
var actual = target.Foo();
// assert something about actual

Can I unit test a method that makes Sitecore context calls?

I'm working on a web application that is built over Sitecore CMS. I was wondering if we could unit test for example a method that takes some data from Sitecore makes some processing with it and spits out a result. I would like to test all the logic within the method via a unit test.
I pretty confused after searching the internet wide and deep. Some say that this kind of testing is actually integration testing and not unit testing and I should test only the code that has no Sitecore calls, others say that this is not possible because the Sitecore context would be missing.
I would like to ask for your help experienced fellow programmers:
Can I unit test a method that contains Sitecore calls ? If YES, how ? If NO, why ? Is there any workaround ?
The project is at its beginning, so there will be no problem in choosing between unit testing frameworks such as MSTest or Nunit, if it is the case that the solution is related to the unit testing framework of choice.
It's pretty hard to find out anything about Sitecore without providing email and living through the sales pitch, so I'll just provide a generic approach on how to do something like this.
First and foremost, you assume that the Sitecore API is guaranteed to work - i.e. it's a framework - and you don't unit test it. You should be unit testing your interactions with it.
Then, download MOQ and read the quick start on how to use it. This is my preferred mocking framework. Feel free to use other frameworks if you wish.
Hopefully, Sitecore API provides a way for you to create data objects without dealing with persistence - i.e. to simply create a new instance of whatever it is you are interested in. Here is my imaginary API:
public class Post {
public string Body {get;set;}
public DateTime LastModified {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public interface ISiteCorePosts {
public IEnumerable<Post> GetPostsByUser(int userId);
In this case unit testing should be fairly easy. With a bit of Dependency Injection, you can inject the SiteCore interfaces into your component and then unit test it.
public class MyPostProcessor {
private readonly ISiteCorePosts m_postRepository;
public MyPostProcessor(ISiteCorePosts postRepository) {
m_postRepository = postRepository;
public void ProcessPosts(int userId) {
var posts = m_postRepository.GetPostsByUser(userId);
//do something with posts
public class MyPostProcessorTest {
ProcessPostsShouldCallGetPostsByUser() {
var siteCorePostsMock = new Mock<ISiteCorePosts>();
//Sets up the mock to return a list of posts when called with userId = 5
siteCorePostsMock.Setup(m=>m.GetPostsByUser(5)).Returns(new List<Post>{/*fake posts*/});
MyPostProcessor target = new MyPostProcessor(siteCorePostsMock.Object);
//Verifies that all setups are called
If ISiteCorePosts is not, in fact, an interface and is a concrete class whose methods are not virtual and thus cannot be mocked, you will need to use Facade pattern to wrap the SiteCore interaction to make it more testing friendly.
public class SiteCorePostsFacade {
SiteCorePosts m_Posts = new SiteCorePosts();
//important - make this method virtual so it can be mocked without needing an interface
public virtual IEnumerable<Post> GetPostsByUser(int userId) {
return m_Posts.GetPostsByUser(userId);
You then proceed to use SiteCorePostsFacade as though it was an interface in the previous example. Good thing about MOQ is that it allows you to mock concrete classes with virtual methods, not just interfaces.
With this approach, you should be able to inject all sorts of data into your application to test all interactions with SiteCore API.
we have used a custom WebControl placed on a WebForm for our integration tests some years now, which wraps the NUnit Test Suite runner functionality much like the NUnit GUI. It show a pretty grid of executed tests with links to fixtures and categories to execute specific tests. Its created much like described here (the custom test runner part). Our implementation can also return raw NUnit xml for further processing by for example a build server.
I've tried MSTest a while back and it also works when specified that it should launch a WebDev / IIS site to test. It works but is extremely slow compared to above solution.
Happy testing!
Short answer:
You need to mock calls to SiteCore CMS.
Long answer:
I am not aware about SiteCore CMS. But, from your question looks like it is something that is external to your application. Components external to your system should always be used via interface. This has two benefits:
If you want to use another CMS system, you can easily do as your application is just talking to an interface.
It helps you with behavior testing by mocking the interface.
The code you write is your responsibility and hence you should only unit test that piece of code. Your unit tests should ensure that your code calls appropriate SiteCode CMS methods in various scenarios (behavior tests). You can do this using mocking. I use moq for mocking.
As tugga said, it depends upon how tightly the code you want to test is coupled to SiteCore. If it's something like:
SomeSiteCoreService siteCoreDependency = new SomeSiteCoreService()
Then this would be very difficult to test. If SiteCore provides you an interface, then you have more flexibility to unit test it. You could pass the implementation into your method either (contstructor, class property, or method parameter) and then you can send in a fake implementation of that service.
If they do not provide you with an interface, then you have to do a little more work. You would write an adapter interface of your own and the default implementation would delegate to the 3rd party dependency.
public interface ICMSAdapter{
void DoSomethingWithCMS()
public class SiteCoreCMSAdapter: ICMSAdapter{
SiteCoreService _cms = new SiteCoreService();
public void DoSomethingWithCMS(){
That keeps your 3rd party dependencies at arms length and provides seams to all sorts of cool things, like unit tests and you do interception style architecture and do your own thing before and after the call.
I was able to get unit tests to interact with sitecore api in VS 2015. The same test throws a StackOverflow exception when run in VS 2012.
For example, this method call runs fine in VS2015 but not VS2015:
quick note: this assumes you have a site named mysite setup in your config file