Makefile.Release error: Making Zint Barcode project work in Qt - c++

After acquiring Zint Barcode generator i went into the folder backend_qt4 and opened the Qt project file This project does unfortunately not compile, with the error:
Makefile.Release: No such file or directory
What causes this error?
I'm using Qt5.2.1 with MinGW compiler.
Note: There is also a frontend_qt4 project, which displays the same error when i'm trying to compile it.
Edit: I downloaded zint-2.4.3.tar.gz from here


missing package in MXE

I've made a C++ project in Qt. My app shows short video using QMediaPlayer and QVideoWidget.
Everything works fine when I compile it in Qt. I'm a Linux user. The problems starts when I try to cross compile it in MXE.
I have got an error:
Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: multimediawidgets
main.cpp:12:24: fatal error: QMediaPlayer: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile.Release:132: recipe for target 'release/main.o' failed
I've add
QT += core gui multimedia multimediawidgets
in my .pro file.
I have noticed that there is no QMultimediaWidget in MXE package
Is there any solution to fix this problem ?

Undefined reference to IEE_EmoEnginEventCreat()

I'm working on a Raspberry Pi3 project with C++ code running rasbian stretch OS. I cloned the code from First I installed CMake but when I type $make in the terminal, the following Errors appear. I tried to put all the header files inside the project folder but the error still there. Any suggestions on how to solve this.

Build error OSX

I have a working project on Qt 5.5 and I had to migrate to Qt 5.8 to use the new QCharts feature. When I tried to compile a working project (Qt 5.5) I get the following error;
:-1: error: no such file or directory: '5.8/5.8/clang_64/lib'
What does this mean? How do I resolve this?
According to the comment I checked the director is missing;
Qt needs '5.8/5.8/clang_64/lib'
But my system directory is: 5.8/clang_64/lib'.
I added a 5.8 folder but then Qt reports it cannot locate the qmake file at 5.8/clang_64/lib'.
What would be my next step?

QtWebKit/QWebView: No such file or directory

I am trying to build a an example that I found at When I go to build I get an error stating that there is no such directory for QtWebKit/QWebView. I am on Qt 4.8.6 and have confirmed that QT += webkit is in the *.pro file. I can confirm that my version of Qt was compiled with the -webkit option configured. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and libqtwebkit-dev is installed. Any ideas what else could be causing this?
To clarify, the exact error is QtWebKit/QWebView: No such file or directory it points to the instance of include <QtWebKit/QWebView> in ui_logindialog.h

Can't compile Qt Creator

I'm trying to compile Qt Creator source code and got the following error message:
fatal error: QtCore/private/qwineventnotifier_p.h : No such file or directory.
I'm on Win XP SP3 using QtSDK version 1.1.3, MinGW (g++ 4.5.2). In the QtCore folder of the QtSDK includes there is no any folder named private, and searching for qwineventnotifier_p.h yielded nothing. What can i do?
Apparently there's an issue with this recently:
You my try getting the file from somewhere, e.g.:
But I can't tell if this will be enough or if Qt Creator will rely on the actual sources for that header file.