C++ array/vector with a float index - c++

I noticed today that I could give a C++ Vector or Array a Float value as index.
(e.g. tab[0.5f])
This Float value will be converted into an Int value and then gives me the same result as tab[0].
This behavior is not interesting to me, as I'm searching for a method to access in the fastest way possible to an Object, depending on a Float key.
Is it possible to keep the access speed of an array/vector, with a Float index ?
I understand that my keys will have an inaccuracy problem, but I expect my Float values to keep a maximum of 3 digits of precision.
Would a Map<Float, Object> do the job ? I've read on the C++ reference documentation that the Map access was "logarithmic in size", which is way less appealing to me.
Thank you :).
Edit :
I need to transform a mesh M containing X numbers of shared vertices into a mesh M' containing X' number of NON shared vertices.
Indexes of vertices are set in M, and I know it's in TRIANGLE mode.
My current algorithm is :
for i in M.indexes, i+3
take 3indexes, and deducing the vertices they are pointing to (get 3vertices of a triangle)
calculate normal on these vertices
check, for each couple {Vertex_i, Normal} (i between 1 and 3, my 3vertices) if I already have this couple stored, and act accordingly
... Next steps
To check the couple {Vertex,Normal}, i use an Array[x][y][z] based on position of the vertice, which IS a Float, though i know it won't be more than 3digits precision.

Use an unordered_map. The find method has a complexity in average case: constant and in worst case: linear in container size.
Note : Since you were willing to use an array, I'm assuming you're not interested in having an ordered container
That been said, in any case, the performance depends on the input (mesh size) and its characteristics, and the only way to choose an optimal solution would be to implement any reasonable ones and benchmark against each other. In many cases theoretical complexity is irrelevant due to implementation specifics/intrinsics. I mean even if one told that a std::vector<std::pair<float, mapped_value>> would perform better in your case, I'd have to actually do some tests to prove him right/wrong


3D-Grid of bins: nested std::vector vs std::unordered_map

pros, I need some performance-opinions with the following:
1st Question:
I want to store objects in a 3D-Grid-Structure, overall it will be ~33% filled, i.e. 2 out of 3 gridpoints will be empty.
Short image to illustrate:
Maybe Option A)
vector<vector<vector<deque<Obj>> grid;// (SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ);
This way I'd have a lot of empty deques, but accessing one of them would be fast, wouldn't it?
The Other Option B) would be
std::unordered_map<Pos3D, deque<Obj>, Pos3DHash, Pos3DEqual> Pos3DMap;
where I add&delete deques when data is added/deleted. Probably less memory used, but maybe less fast? What do you think?
2nd Question (follow up)
What if I had multiple containers at each position? Say 3 buckets for 3 different entities, say object types ObjA, ObjB, ObjC per grid point, then my data essentially becomes 4D?
Another illustration:
Using Option 1B I could just extend Pos3D to include the bucket number to account for even more sparse data.
Possible queries I want to optimize for:
Give me all Objects out of ObjA-buckets from the entire structure
Give me all Objects out of ObjB-buckets for a set of
Which is the nearest non-empty ObjC-bucket to
position x,y,z?
I had also thought about a tree based data-structure before, reading about nearest neighbour approaches. Since my data is so regular I had thought I'd save all the tree-building dividing of the cells into smaller pieces and just make a static 3D-grid of the final leafs. Thats how I came to ask about the best way to store this grid here.
Question associated with this, if I have a map<int, Obj> is there a fast way to ask for "all objects with keys between 780 and 790"? Or is the fastest way the building of the above mentioned tree?
I ended up going with a 3D boost::multi_array that has fortran-ordering. It's a little bit like the chunks games like minecraft use. Which is a little like using a kd-tree with fixed leaf-size and fixed amount of leaves? Works pretty fast now so I'm happy with this approach.
Answer to 1st question
As #Joachim pointed out, this depends on whether you prefer fast access or small data. Roughly, this corresponds to your options A and B.
A) If you want fast access, go with a multidimensional std::vector or an array if you will. std::vector brings easier maintenance at a minimal overhead, so I'd prefer that. In terms of space it consumes O(N^3) space, where N is the number of grid points along one dimension. In order to get the best performance when iterating over the data, remember to resolve the indices in the reverse order as you defined it: innermost first, outermost last.
B) If you instead wish to keep things as small as possible, use a hash map, and use one which is optimized for space. That would result in space O(N), with N being the number of elements. Here is a benchmark comparing several hash maps. I made good experiences with google::sparse_hash_map, which has the smallest constant overhead I have seen so far. Plus, it is easy to add it to your build system.
If you need a mixture of speed and small data or don't know the size of each dimension in advance, use a hash map as well.
Answer to 2nd question
I'd say you data is 4D if you have a variable number of elements a long the 4th dimension, or a fixed large number of elements. With option 1B) you'd indeed add the bucket index, for 1A) you'd add another vector.
Which is the nearest non-empty ObjC-bucket to position x,y,z?
This operation is commonly called nearest neighbor search. You want a KDTree for that. There is libkdtree++, if you prefer small libraries. Otherwise, FLANN might be an option. It is a part of the Point Cloud Library which accomplishes a lot of tasks on multidimensional data and could be worth a look as well.

Data structure for handling a list of 3 integers

I'm currently coding a physical simulation on a lattice, I'm interested in describing loops in this lattice, they are closed curved composed by the edges of the lattice cells. I'm storing the information on this lattice cells (by information I mean a Boolean variable saying if the edge is valuable or no for composing a loop) in a 3 dimensional Boolean array.
I'm now thinking about a good structure to handle this loops. they are basically a list of edges, so I would need something like an array of 3d integer vectors, each edge being defined by 3 coordinates in my current parameterization. I'm already thinking about building a class around this "list" object as I'll need methods computing the loop diameter and probably more in the future.
But, I'm definitely not so aware of the choice of structure I have to do that, my physics background hasn't taught me enough in C++. And for so, I'd like to hear your suggestion for shaping this piece of code. I would really enjoy discovering some new ways of coding this kid of things.
You want two separate things. One is keeping track of all edges and allowing fast lookup of edge objects by an (int,int,int) index (you probably don't want int there but something like size_t or so). This is entirely independent from your second goal crating ordered subsets of these.
General Collection (1)
Since your edge database is going to be sparse (i.e. only a few of the possible indices will actually identify as a particular edge), my prior suggestion of using a 3d matrix is unsuitable. Instead, you probably want to lookup edges with a hash map.
How easy this is, depends on the expected size of the individual integers. That is, can you manage to have no more than 21 bit per integer (for instance if your integers are short int values, which have only 16 bit), then you can concatenate them to one 64 bit value, which already has an std::hash implementation. Otherwise, you will have to implement your own hash specialisation for, e.g., std::hash<std::array<uint32_t,3>> (which is also quite easy, and highly stackable).
Once you can hash your key, you can throw it into an std::unordered_map and be done with it. That thing is fast.
Loop detection (2)
Then you want to have short-lived data structures for identifying loops, so you want a data structure that extends on one end but never on the other. That means you're probably fine with an std::vector or possibly with an std::deque if you have very large instances (but try the vector first!).
I'd suggest simply keeping the index to an edge in the local vector. You can always lookup the edge object in your unordered_map. Then the question is how to represent the index. If Int represents your integer type (e.g. int, size_t, short, ...) it's probably the most consistent to use an std::array<Int,3> --- if the types of the integers differ, you'll want an std::tuple<...>.

What does it mean to normalize a value?

I'm currently studying lighting in OpenGL, which utilizes a function in GLSL called normalize. According to OpenGL docs, it says that it "calculates the normalized product of two vectors". However, it still doesn't explain what "normalized" mean. I have tried look for what a normalized product is on Google, however I can't seem to find anything about it. Can anyone explain what normalizing means and provide a few example of a normalized value?
I think the confusion comes from the idea of normalizing "a value" as opposed to "a vector"; if you just think of a single number as a value, normalization doesn't make any sense. Normalization is only useful when applied to a vector.
A vector is a sequence of numbers; in 3D graphics it is usually a coordinate expressed as v = <x,y,z>.
Every vector has a magnitude or length, which can be found using Pythagora's theorem: |v| = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) This is basically the length of a line from the origin <0,0,0> to the point expressed by the vector.
A vector is normal if its length is 1. That's it!
To normalize a vector means to change it so that it points in the same direction (think of that line from the origin) but its length is one.
The main reason we use normal vectors is to represent a direction; for example, if you are modeling a light source that is an infinite distance away, you can't give precise coordinates for it. But you can indicate where to find it from a particular point by using a normal vector.
It's a mathematical term and this link explains its meaning in quite simple terms:
Operations in 2D and 3D computer graphics are often performed using copies of vectors that have been normalized ie. converted to unit vectors... Normalizing a vector involves two steps:
calculate its length, then,
divide each of its (xy or xyz) components by its length...
It's something complicated to explain if you don't know too much about vectors or even vectorial algebra. (You can check this article about general concepts as vector, normal vector or even normalization procedure ) Check it
But the procedure or concept of "normalize" refers to the process of making something standard or “normal.”
In the case of vectors, let’s assume for the moment that a standard vector has a length of 1. To normalize a vector, therefore, is to take a vector of any length and, keeping it pointing in the same direction, change its length to 1, turning it into what is called a unit vector.

Is there a data structure with these characteristics?

I'm looking for a data structure that would allow me to store an M-by-N 2D matrix of values contiguously in memory, such that the distance in memory between any two points approximates the Euclidean distance between those points in the matrix. That is, in a typical row-major representation as a one-dimensional array of M * N elements, the memory distance differs between adjacent cells in the same row (1) and adjacent cells in neighbouring rows (N).
I'd like a data structure that reduces or removes this difference. Really, the name of such a structure is sufficient—I can implement it myself. If answers happen to refer to libraries for this sort of thing, that's also acceptable, but they should be usable with C++.
I have an application that needs to perform fast image convolutions without hardware acceleration, and though I'm aware of the usual optimisation techniques for this sort of thing, I feel a specialised data structure or data ordering could improve performance.
Given the requirement that you want to store the values contiguously in memory, I'd strongly suggest you research space-filling curves, especially Hilbert curves.
To give a bit of context, such curves are sometimes used in database indexes to improve the locality of multidimensional range queries (e.g., "find all items with x/y coordinates in this rectangle"), thereby aiming to reduce the number of distinct pages accessed. A bit similar to the R-trees that have been suggested here already.
Either way, it looks that you're bound to an M*N array of values in memory, so the whole question is about how to arrange the values in that array, I figure. (Unless I misunderstood the question.)
So in fact, such orderings would probably still only change the characteristics of distance distribution.. average distance for any two randomly chosen points from the matrix should not change, so I have to agree with Oli there. Potential benefit depends largely on your specific use case, I suppose.
I would guess "no"! And if the answer happens to be "yes", then it's almost certainly so irregular that it'll be way slower for a convolution-type operation.
To qualify my guess, take an example. Let's say we store a[0][0] first. We want a[k][0] and a[0][k] to be similar distances, and proportional to k, so we might choose to interleave the storage of first row and first column (i.e. a[0][0], a[1][0], a[0][1], a[2][0], a[0][2], etc.) But how do we now do the same for e.g. a[1][0]? All the locations near it in memory are now taken up by stuff that's near a[0][0].
Whilst there are other possibilities than my example, I'd wager that you always end up with this kind of problem.
If your data is sparse, then there may be scope to do something clever (re Cubbi's suggestion of R-trees). However, it'll still require irregular access and pointer chasing, so will be significantly slower than straightforward convolution for any given number of points.
You might look at space-filling curves, in particular the Z-order curve, which (mostly) preserves spatial locality. It might be computationally expensive to look up indices, however.
If you are using this to try and improve cache performance, you might try a technique called "bricking", which is a little bit like one or two levels of the space filling curve. Essentially, you subdivide your matrix into nxn tiles, (where nxn fits neatly in your L1 cache). You can also store another level of tiles to fit into a higher level cache. The advantage this has over a space-filling curve is that indices can be fairly quick to compute. One reference is included in the paper here: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
This sounds like something that could be helped by an R-tree. or one of its variants. There is nothing like that in the C++ Standard Library, but looks like there is an R-tree in the boost candidate library Boost.Geometry (not a part of boost yet). I'd take a look at that before writing my own.
It is not possible to "linearize" a 2D structure into an 1D structure and keep the relation of proximity unchanged in both directions. This is one of the fundamental topological properties of the world.
Having that that, it is true that the standard row-wise or column-wise storage order normally used for 2D array representation is not the best one when you need to preserve the proximity (as much as possible). You can get better result by using various discrete approximations of fractal curves (space-filling curves).
Z-order curve is a popular one for this application: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_(curve)
Keep in mind though that regardless of which approach you use, there will always be elements that violate your distance requirement.
You could think of your 2D matrix as a big spiral, starting at the center and progressing to the outside. Unwind the spiral, and store the data in that order, and distance between addresses at least vaguely approximates Euclidean distance between the points they represent. While it won't be very exact, I'm pretty sure you can't do a whole lot better either. At the same time, I think even at very best, it's going to be of minimal help to your convolution code.
The answer is no. Think about it - memory is 1D. Your matrix is 2D. You want to squash that extra dimension in - with no loss? It's not going to happen.
What's more important is that once you get a certain distance away, it takes the same time to load into cache. If you have a cache miss, it doesn't matter if it's 100 away or 100000. Fundamentally, you cannot get more contiguous/better performance than a simple array, unless you want to get an LRU for your array.
I think you're forgetting that distance in computer memory is not accessed by a computer cpu operating on foot :) so the distance is pretty much irrelevant.
It's random access memory, so really you have to figure out what operations you need to do, and optimize the accesses for that.
You need to reconvert the addresses from memory space to the original array space to accomplish this. Also, you've stressed distance only, which may still cause you some problems (no direction)
If I have an array of R x C, and two cells at locations [r,c] and [c,r], the distance from some arbitrary point, say [0,0] is identical. And there's no way you're going to make one memory address hold two things, unless you've got one of those fancy new qubit machines.
However, you can take into account that in a row major array of R x C that each row is C * sizeof(yourdata) bytes long. Conversely, you can say that the original coordinates of any memory address within the bounds of the array are
r = (address / C)
c = (address % C)
r1 = (address1 / C)
r2 = (address2 / C)
c1 = (address1 % C)
c2 = (address2 % C)
dx = r1 - r2
dy = c1 - c2
dist = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
(this is assuming you're using zero based arrays)
(crush all this together to make it run more optimally)
For a lot more ideas here, go look for any 2D image manipulation code that uses a calculated value called 'stride', which is basically an indicator that they're jumping back and forth between memory addresses and array addresses
This is not exactly related to closeness but might help. It certainly helps for minimation of disk accesses.
one way to get better "closness" is to tile the image. If your convolution kernel is less than the size of a tile you typical touch at most 4 tiles at worst. You can recursively tile in bigger sections so that localization improves. A Stokes-like (At least I thinks its Stokes) argument (or some calculus of variations ) can show that for rectangles the best (meaning for examination of arbitrary sub rectangles) shape is a smaller rectangle of the same aspect ratio.
Quick intuition - think about a square - if you tile the larger square with smaller squares the fact that a square encloses maximal area for a given perimeter means that square tiles have minimal boarder length. when you transform the large square I think you can show you should the transform the tile the same way. (might also be able to do a simple multivariate differentiation)
The classic example is zooming in on spy satellite data images and convolving it for enhancement. The extra computation to tile is really worth it if you keep the data around and you go back to it.
Its also really worth it for the different compression schemes such as cosine transforms. (That's why when you download an image it frequently comes up as it does in smaller and smaller squares until the final resolution is reached.
There are a lot of books on this area and they are helpful.

how to create a 20000*20000 matrix in C++

I try to calculate a problem with 20000 points, so there is a distance matrix with 20000*20000 elements, how can I store this matrix in C++? I use Visual Studio 2008, on a computer with 4 GB of RAM. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
A sparse matrix may be what you looking for. Many problems don't have values in every cell of a matrix. SparseLib++ is a library which allows for effecient matrix operations.
Avoid the brute force approach you're contemplating and try to envision a solution that involves populating a single 20000 element list, rather than an array that covers every possible permutation.
For starters, consider the following simplistic approach which you may be able to improve upon, given the specifics of your problem:
int bestResult = -1; // some invalid value
int bestInner;
int bestOuter;
for ( int outer = 0; outer < MAX; outer++ )
for ( int inner = 0; inner < MAX; inner++ )
int candidateResult = SomeFunction( list[ inner ], list[ outer ] );
if ( candidateResult > bestResult )
bestResult = candidateResult;
bestInner = inner;
bestOuter = outer;
You can represent your matrix as a single large array. Whether it's a good idea to do so is for you to determine.
If you need four bytes per cell, your matrix is only 4*20000*20000, that is, 1.6GB. Any platform should give you that much memory for a single process. Windows gives you 2GiB by default for 32-bit processes -- and you can play with the linker options if you need more. All 32-bit unices I tried gave you more than 2.5GiB.
Is there a reason you need the matrix in memory?
Depending on the complexity of calculations you need to perform you could simply use a function that calculates your distances on the fly. This could even be faster than precalculating ever single distance value if you would only use some of them.
Without more references to the problem at hand (and the use of the matrix), you are going to get a lot of answers... so indulge me.
The classic approach here would be to go with a sparse matrix, however the default value would probably be something like 'not computed', which would require special handling.
Perhaps that you could use a caching approach instead.
Apparently I would say that you would like to avoid recomputing the distances on and on and so you'd like to keep them in this huge matrix. However note that you can always recompute them. In general, I would say that trying to store values that can be recomputed for a speed-off is really what caching is about.
So i would suggest using a distance class that abstract the caching for you.
The basic idea is simple:
When you request a distance, either you already computed it, or not
If computed, return it immediately
If not computed, compute it and store it
If the cache is full, delete some elements to make room
The practice is a bit more complicated, of course, especially for efficiency and because of the limited size which requires an algorithm for the selection of those elements etc...
So before we delve in the technical implementation, just tell me if that's what you're looking for.
Your computer should be able to handle 1.6 GB of data (assuming 32bit)
size_t n = 20000;
typedef long dist_type; // 32 bit
std::vector <dist_type> matrix(n*n);
And then use:
dist_type value = matrix[n * y + x];
You can (by using small datatypes), but you probably don't want to.
You are better off using a quad tree (if you need to find the nearest N matches), or a grid of lists (if you want to find all points within R).
In physics, you can just approximate distant points with a field, or a representative amalgamation of points.
There's always a solution. What's your problem?
Man you should avoid the n² problem...
Put your 20 000 points into a voxel grid.
Finding closest pair of points should then be something like n log n.
As stated by other answers, you should try hard to either use sparse matrix or come up with a different algorithm that doesn't need to have all the data at once in the matrix.
If you really need it, maybe a library like stxxl might be useful, since it's specially designed for huge datasets. It handles the swapping for you almost transparently.
Thanks a lot for your answers. What I am doing is to solve a vehicle routing problem with about 20000 nodes. I need one matrix for distance, one matrix for a neighbor list (for each node, list all other nodes according to the distance). This list will be used very often to find who can be some candidates. I guess sometimes distances matrix can be ommited if we can calculate when we need. But the neighbor list is not convenient to create every time. the list data type could be int.
To mgb:
how much can a 64 bit windows system help this situation?