I have a script in sas that output a lot's of tables of regression:
FILENAME RegProj URL "http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~liadshek/Long.txt" ;
DATA book;
length country $20;
INFILE RegProj firstobs=2 dlm=" " LRECL=131072 dsd truncover;
INPUT Country$ Year GDP_per_capita Infant_Mortality_Rate;
log_IMR = log(infant_mortality_rate);
log_gdp = log(GDP_per_capita);
PROC reg data=book;
by year;
MODEL log_IMR = log_gdp;
output out = reg1;
How can i print all the coefficient in one table?
I think you're looking for the outest option - try the following:
PROC reg data=book outest = reg_estimates;
by year;
MODEL log_IMR = log_gdp;
output out = reg1;
This gives you all the regression coefficients in one table.
So I have a dataset that has the sample size and the seed for each stratum.
How do I reference these in a proc surveyselect?
My Code:
proc surveyselect data=hca2 (where =(disp=1 and fin=1 and dol_str=1))
Does anyone know how to do this?
There is a secondary input data set reference in proc surveyselect, which may be your anwser.
SAS Help Center: Secondary Input Data Set
And the following is a simple example:
proc sort data = sashelp.class out = class;
by sex name;
data config;
do sex = 'F','M';
_seed_ = 42;
_nsize_ = 6;
proc surveyselect data = class out = result method = srs seed=config sampsize=config outseed;
strata sex;
Open data set result and see if it is what you need.
I'm looking for report using SAS data step :
I have a data set:
Name Company Date
X A 199802
X A 199705
X D 199901
y B 200405
y F 200309
Z C 200503
Z C 200408
Z C 200404
Z C 200309
Z C 200210
Z M 200109
W G 200010
Report I'm looking for:
Name Company From To
X A 1997/05 1998/02
D 1998/02 1999/01
Y B 2003/09 2004/05
F 2003/09 2003/09
Z C 2002/10 2005/03
M 2001/09 2001/09
W G 2000/10 2000/10
THANK you,
Tried using proc print but it is not accurate. So looking for a data null solution.
data _null_;
set salesdata;
by name company date;
array x(*) from;
if first.name then count=1;
do i=count to dim(x);
If first.company then do;
if last.company then To_date=date;
if from_date1 ="" and to_date="" then delete;
data _null_;
set yourEvents;
by Name Company notsorted;
file print;
If _N_ EQ 1 then put
#01 'Name'
#06 'Company'
#14 'From'
#22 'To'
if first.Name then put
#01 Name
#; ** This instructs sas to not start a new line for the next put instruction **;
retain From To;
if first.company then do;
From = 1E9;
To = 0;
if Date LT From then From = Date;
if Date GT To then To = Date;
if last.Company then put
#06 Company
#14 From yymm7.
#22 To yymm7.
I have done data step to calculate From_date and To_date
and then proc report to print the report by group.
proc sort data=have ;
by Name Company Date;
data want(drop=prev_date date);
set have;
by Name Company date;
attrib From_Date To_date format=yymms10.;
retain prev_date;
if first.Company then prev_date=date;
if last.Company then do;
if not(last.company) then delete;
proc sort data=want;
by descending name ;
proc report data=want;
define Name/order order=data;
IMHO, the simplest way is exploiting proc report and its analysis column type as the code below. Note that name and company columns are automatically sorted in alphabetical order (as most of the summary functions or procedures do).
/* your data */
data have;
infile datalines;
input Name $ Company $ Date $;
X A 199802
X A 199705
X D 199901
y B 200405
y F 200309
Z C 200503
Z C 200408
Z C 200404
Z C 200309
Z C 200210
Z M 200109
W G 200010
/* convert YYYYMM to date */
data have2(keep=name company date);
set have(rename=(date=date_txt));
name = upcase(name);
y = input(substr(date_txt, 1, 4), 4.);
m = input(substr(date_txt, 5, 2), 2.);
date = mdy(m,1,y);
format date yymms7.;
/****** 1. proc report ******/
proc report data=have2;
columns name company date=date_from date=date_to;
define name / 'Name' group;
define company / 'Company' group;
define date_from / 'From' analysis min;
define date_to / 'To' analysis max;
The html output:
(tested on SAS 9.4 win7 x64)
============================ OFFTOPIC ==============================
One may also consider using proc means or proc tabulate. The basic code forms are shown below. However, you can also see that further adjustments in output formats are required.
/***** 2. proc tabulate *****/
proc tabulate data=have2;
class name company;
var date;
table name*company, date=' '*(min='From' max='To')*format=yymms7.;
proc tabulate output:
/***** 3. proc means (not quite there) *****/
* proc means + ODS -> cannot recognize date formats;
proc means data=have2 nonobs min max;
class name company;
format date yymms7.; * in vain;
var date;
proc means output (cannot output date format, dunno why):
You may leave comments on improving these alternative ways.
I have a proc report that groups and does subtotals. If I only have one observation in the group, the subtotal is useless. I'd like to either not do the subtotal for that line or not do the observation there. I don't want to go with a line statement, due to inconsistent formatting\style.
Here's some sample data. In the report the Tiki (my cat) line should only have one line, either the obs from the data or the subtotal...
data tiki1;
data test;
set sashelp.class tiki1;
It looks like you are trying do something that proc report cannot achieve in one pass. If however you just want the output you describe here is an approach that does not use proc report.
proc sort data = test;
by sex;
data want;
length sex $10.;
set test end = eof;
by sex;
_tot + weight;
if first.sex then _stot = 0;
_stot + weight;
if last.sex and not first.sex then do;
Name = "";
sex = "Subtotal " || trim(sex);
weight = _stot;
keep sex name weight;
if eof then do;
Name = "";
sex = "Total";
weight = _tot;
proc print data = want noobs;
This method manually creates subtotals and a total in the dataset by taking rolling sums. If you wanted do fancy formatting you could pass this data through proc report rather than proc print, Joe gives an example here.
I'm a beginner in SAS and I have the following problem.
I need to calculate counts and percents of several variables (A B C) from one dataset and save the results to another dataset.
my code is:
proc freq data=mydata;
tables A B C / out=data_out ; run;
the result of the procedure for each variable appears in the SAS output window, but data_out contains the results only for the last variable. How to save them all in data_out?
Any help is appreciated.
ODS OUTPUT is your answer. You can't output directly using the OUT=, but you can output them like so:
ods output OneWayFreqs=freqs;
proc freq data=sashelp.class;
tables age height weight;
ods output close;
OneWayFreqs is the one-way tables, (n>1)-way tables are CrossTabFreqs:
ods output CrossTabFreqs=freqs;
ods trace on;
proc freq data=sashelp.class;
tables age*height*weight;
ods output close;
You can find out the correct name by running ods trace on; and then running your initial proc whatever (to the screen); it will tell you the names of the output in the log. (ods trace off; when you get tired of seeing it.)
Lots of good basic sas stuff to learn here
1) Run three proc freq statements (one for each variable a b c) with a different output dataset name so the datasets are not over written.
2) use a rename option on the out = statement to change the count and percent variables for when you combine the datasets
3) sort by category and merge all datasets together
(I'm assuming there are values that appear in in multiple variables, if not you could just stack the data sets)
data mydata;
input a $ b $ c$;
r r g
g r b
b b r
r r r
g g b
b r r
proc freq noprint data = mydata;
tables a / out = data_a
(rename = (a = category count = count_a percent = percent_a));
proc freq noprint data = mydata;
tables b / out = data_b
(rename = (b = category count = count_b percent = percent_b));
proc freq noprint data = mydata;
tables c / out = data_c
(rename = (c = category count = count_c percent = percent_c));
proc sort data = data_a; by category; run;
proc sort data = data_b; by category; run;
proc sort data = data_c; by category; run;
data data_out;
merge data_a data_b data_c;
by category;
As ever, there are lots of different ways of doing this sort of thing in SAS. Here are a couple of other options:
1. Use proc summary rather than proc freq:
proc summary data = sashelp.class;
class age height weight;
ways 1;
output out = freqs;
2. Use multiple table statements in a single proc freq
This is more efficient than running 3 separate proc freq statements, as SAS only has to read the input dataset once rather than 3 times:
proc freq data = sashelp.class noprint;
table age /out = freq_age;
table height /out = freq_height;
table weight /out = freq_weight;
data freqs;
informat age height weight count percent;
set freq_age freq_height freq_weight;
This is a question I've dealt with many times and I WISH SAS had a better way of doing this.
My solution has been a macro that is generalized, provide your input data, your list of variables and the name of your output dataset. I take into consideration the format/type/label of the variable which you would have to do
Hope it helps:
Description: Creates a One-Way Freq table of variables including percent/count
dsetin - inputdataset
varlist - list of variables to be analyzed separated by spaces
dsetout - name of dataset to be created
Author: F.Khurshed
Date: November 2011
%macro one_way_summary(dsetin, varlist, dsetout);
proc datasets nodetails nolist;
delete &dsetout;
*loop through variable list;
%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&varlist, &i, " ") ^=%str());
%let var=%scan(&varlist, &i, " ");
%put &i &var;
*Cross tab;
proc freq data=&dsetin noprint;
table &var/ out=temp1;
*Get variable label as name;
data _null_;
set &dsetin (obs=1);
call symput('var_name', vlabel(&var.));
%put &var_name;
*Add in Variable name and store the levels as a text field;
data temp2;
keep variable value count percent;
Variable = "&var_name";
set temp1;
value=input(&var, $50.);
percent=percent/100; * I like to store these as decimals instead of numbers;
format percent percent8.1;
drop &var.;
%put &var_name;
*Append datasets;
proc append data=temp2 base=&dsetout force;
/*drop temp tables so theres no accidents*/
proc datasets nodetails nolist;
delete temp1 temp2;
*Increment counter;
%let i=%eval(&i+1);
%one_way_summary(sashelp.class, sex age, summary1);
proc report data=summary1 nowd;
column variable value count percent;
define variable/ order 'Variable';
define value / format=$8. 'Value';
define count/'N';
define percent/'Percentage %';
EDIT (2022):
Better way of doing this is to use the ODS Tables:
/*This code is an example of how to generate a table with
Variable Name, Variable Value, Frequency, Percent, Cumulative Freq and Cum Pct
No macro's are required
Use Proc Freq to generate the list, list variables in a table statement if only specific variables are desired
Use ODS Table to capture the output and then format the output into a printable table.
*Run frequency for tables;
ods table onewayfreqs=temp;
proc freq data=sashelp.class;
table sex age;
*Format output;
data want;
length variable $32. variable_value $50.;
set temp;
Variable=scan(table, 2);
keep variable variable_value frequency percent cum:;
label variable='Variable'
variable_value='Variable Value';
proc print data=want(obs=20) label;
The option STACKODS(OUTPUT) added to PROC MEANS in 9.3 makes this a much simpler task.
proc means data=have n nmiss stackods;
ods output summary=want;
| Variable | N | NMiss |
| ------ | ----- | ----- |
| a | 4 | 3 |
| b | 7 | 0 |
| c | 6 | 1 |
data a;
input accountno name $;
1.01 x
0.999 harshit
1.99 y
2 kumar
3 manali
proc print; run;
proc format;
value h
proc print data = a;
format accountno h.;
proc summary data = a nway;
class accountno;
format accountno h.;
var accountno;
output out = hpd;
proc print; run;
in proc summary it will not take var accountno also gives
WARNING: Variable accountno already exists on file WORK.HPD.
WARNING: The duplicate variables will not be included in the output data set of the output statement number 1.
so what is the solution?
Not completely sure what you are wanting to get in the output, but I can tell you why you are getting the warning message.
In proc summary, you are using the same variable name in the class statement as you are using in your var statement. In the referent output dataset, the procedure is letting you know that you are duplicating a variable name.
You could add an extra variable in the data step that writes out to data 'a';
If you are trying to just get frequencies of the class variable, remove the var statement completely as in:
proc summary data = a;
class accountvar;
output out = freqs;