I keep getting "Undefined reference to WinMain#16" in Qt Creator - c++

I'm trying to use SDL 2.0 in Qt Creator 3.1, using the Qt Build Suite (QBS) in Windows 7.
I've put the links in my .qbs to locate the SDL folders and I think everything works ok, because in my main.cpp it's recognizing the SDL functions, trying to autocomplete them.
The problem is, whenever I try to compile, I get the 'undefined reference to WinMain#16'
I'm using MinGW and set in the Compiler preferences the linker flags to: -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -mwindows
The output is:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o): In function `main':
e:\p\giaw\src\pkg\mingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-src\bld/../mingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-src/src/libcrt/crt/main.c:91: undefined reference to `WinMain#16'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
And my .qbs is:
import qbs 1.0
CppApplication {
name: "testeSDL2"
cpp.includePaths: [".",
cpp.libraryPaths: [
cpp.dynamicLibraries: "SDL2"
files: [
qbsSearchPaths: "C:/CppLibs/"
I've been searching a lot and only find answers for common Qt projects using the .pro but not the .qbs... And there's a section in the SDL site that says it's a linker problem, but I set them in the preferences window, my guess is that I also need to set them somehow in the .qbs file, but I don't have a clue on how to do so. Can anyone help?

As I recall, SDL defines a macro main that expands to some SDL-specific function name.
Find that macro definition and you also find the macro symbol you need to disable that thing.
Oh well maybe this should have been a comment not an answer, but when/if you find that (sorry I don't have time to check those sources) then you can mark this as “the solution”, he he. :-)
Addendum: since the OP kindly posted the SDL code, I've looked at it and found this comment:
“If you provide your own WinMain(), you may define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED”
… before including the SDL headers.
Then the macro called main is not defined.


Mingw64 Linker error when trying to include -lhid [duplicate]

Context: I'm using Qt 5.9.3 on Windows, building for MinGW 32-bit. The Qt part is a side issue though - the problem seems to be with MinGW. The version of MinGW is 4.3.0, supplied prebuilt as part of the Qt installation.
I'm building a library which talks to a USB device over HID. Everything compiles fine, but it fails at the link stage with
./..\..\object\debug\usb_hid_device.o: In function `ZN8MyApp3USB5Win3213getDevicePathB5cxx11Ell':
<MYPATH>/../../source/win32/usb_hid_device.cpp:99: undefined reference to `HidD_GetAttributes(void*, _HIDD_ATTRIBUTES*)#8'
./..\..\object\debug\usb_hid_device.o: In function `ZN8MyApp3USB5Win3214CHIDDeviceImplC2EllRNS_15LogPerComponentE':
<MYPATH>/../../source/win32/usb_hid_device.cpp:200: undefined reference to `HidD_FlushQueue(void*)#4'
The linker command is
g++ -shared -mthreads -Wl,-subsystem,windows -Wl,--out-implib,<MYPATH>\bin\debug\libusb_hid_comms.a -o <MYPATH>\bin\debug\usb_hid_comms.dll object_script.usb_hid_comms.Debug -lhid -lsetupapi -LC:\Qt\Qt5.9.3\5.9.3\mingw53_32\lib C:\Qt\Qt5.9.3\5.9.3\mingw53_32\lib\libQt5Guid.a C:\Qt\Qt5.9.3\5.9.3\mingw53_32\lib\libQt5Cored.a
If I omit -lhid I get the same errors. I also get the same errors if I remove -lhid and explicitly set the path and filename to libhid.a. If I deliberately mistype the path and filename, it comes up with an error, so I know the command-line is getting parsed correctly. But for whatever reason, MinGW appears to not be linking with one of its own library files.
I've also tried removing -lsetupapi and I get the linker errors I'd expect for the functions defined in there. Likewise the Qt library files. But it seems that specifically for libhid.a, MinGW can see the library file but just isn't going to link with it.
Has anyone else seen this? Or can anyone else with the same (or similar) version of MinGW confirm or deny that they can link with libhid.a? Or is there something obviously wrong with what I'm doing?
I've just found the answer. I'm posting an answer myself so that other people know in future, because I think this is still a valid question which people might want to know about.
The problem is the include file hidsdi.h. The majority of other header files which pull in Win32 API calls have extern "C" around the function declarations. However this one doesn't! The result is that we end up with C++ name mangling for linker symbols, instead of the C-style "_" in front of the linker symbols.
The solution is to use
extern "C"
#include <hidsdi.h>
and then everything works fine.
The version of hidsdi.h with the older version of MinGW (which I'm porting from) did have that protection around the function declarations. However it looks like it's gone in the newer version.

QtAddon SerialPort from Qt4 to Qt5

I am migrating a project from Qt4 to Qt5. I finished migrating the project itself and now I am working on the libraries. So far I haven't had many problems converting and linking them to the project, but this one is throwing undefined references.
The project uses QtSerialPort, and it compiled perfectly using the Qt4 version of it, and it was linked like this in the .pro file:
-l:"C:/Users/Sprint/Desktop/swe/marssies/libQtSerialPort.a" \
I have compiled the Serial Port library with/for Qt5 and linked it as follows:
-l:"C:/Users/Sprint/Desktop/swe/marssies/libQt5SerialPort.a" \
But I keep getting these errors:
./release\gpssettingswidget.o:gpssettingswidget.cpp:(.text+0x4ecc): undefined reference to `QtAddOn::SerialPort::SerialPortInfo::availablePorts()'
Makefile.Release:922: recipe for target '..\Release\Swibz.exe' failed
./release\gpssettingswidget.o:gpssettingswidget.cpp:(.text+0x4f3e): undefined reference to `QtAddOn::SerialPort::SerialPortInfo::portName() const'
./release\gpssettingswidget.o:gpssettingswidget.cpp:(.text+0x4f5d): undefined reference to `QtAddOn::SerialPort::SerialPortInfo::description() const'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ./release\gpssettingswidget.o: bad reloc address 0xd in section `.text$_ZN25Ui_GPSSettingsWidgetClass13retranslateUiEP14SettingsWidget[__ZN25Ui_GPSSettingsWidgetClass13retranslateUiEP14SettingsWidget]'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make[1]: *** [..\Release\Swibz.exe] Error 1
I know its a linker error because of the "ld returned 1 exit status"
I have tried linking the libQt5SerialPortd.a, libQt5SerialPort.dll and libQt5SerialPortd.dll but it throws the same errors
(By the way, if someone knows the difference between libNAMEd.a and libNAME.a please share your knowledge)
Maybe the QtAddOn is now in another library? Because otherwise it shouldnt recognize many other functions, not only the ones with QtAddOn.
Thankyou very much. I don't know what I would do without stackoverflow.
EDIT Alright, I found this which tells to change any SerialPortInfo declared variable to QSerialPortInfo, I have done that in my project and I am getting new errors, but now I am not sure which #include I should put:
#include <QtSerialPort>
#include <QSerialPort>
#include <QSerialPortInfo>
#include <QtSerialPort/QtSerialPort>
I have tried each one of these and all give me errors. Ill keep trying and see if anything comes clear
QtSerialPort is now a part of Qt. It officially became part of Qt with the 5.1.0 release. If you use the new version of Qt there is no need to get the source code separately and link to it.
To use the module with Qt 5 add this line to your qmake project file:
QT += serialport
You can then include the header files. To use these classes in your application, use the following include statement:
#include <QtSerialPort/QtSerialPort>
There is quite good documentation for the classes. You can view it from Qt Assistant.

Code::Blocks SDL2.0 "undefined reference to 'IMG_Load'"

I'm trying to use c++, SDL, and SDL-image to make a game; I'm using Code::Blocks as my IDE, and I'm having some trouble.
I've downloaded the latest mingw SDL development files, and the latest mingw SDL-image development files.
I've placed all the SDL-image stuff into the same directory as the SDL stuff (merging the one into the other).
I've added the x86_64-w64-mingw32/include and x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib directories to my Code::Blocks search directories.
My linker settings are as follows:
(Obviously I'm using openGL as well, but I don't think that's involved here).
I have the correct #includes as far as I can tell:
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
But I'm still getting the error: undefined reference to 'IMG_Load'
Here's the build log:
obj\Release\gfx_Texture.o:gfx_Texture.cpp:(.text+0xd7): undefined reference to `IMG_Load'
obj\Release\gfx_Texture.o:gfx_Texture.cpp:(.text+0x1dd): undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
obj\Release\gfx_Texture.o:gfx_Texture.cpp:(.text+0x1f4): undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
g:/program files(x86)/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: obj\Release\gfx_Texture.o: bad reloc address 0x4 in section `.text.startup'
g:/program files (x86)/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: Invalid operation
And the actual code:
SDL_Surface* image = IMG_Load(file);
Where file is a char*.
I understand that there have been some changes to the way SDL_Surfaces work in SDL 2.0 as compared to SDL 1.2 (I'm trying to migrate, both from 1.2 to 2.0 and from MVSC to C::B), so could that have something to do with it? Am I using IMG_Load wrong?
Your help is much appreciated, and I'll supply any missing info on request if it'll clarify anything.
One more thought: The latest version of SDL is 2.0.1, yet the latest version of SDL_image is 2.0.0. Do I need those versions to match?
This happen When the program doesn't linker correctly at the executed time
for example:
asas#asas:~/SDL$ g++ -Wall SDL_program.cpp -lSDL2
/tmp/cc1eC6CK.o: InfunctionLTexture::loadFromFile(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,std::char traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)':
SDL_program.cpp:(.text+0x7d): **undefined reference toIMG_Load'**
As you can see above miss linker -lSDL2_image .
Is possible too, that you have SDL1.2 and SDL2 at the same root and again Code blocks hasn't linked correctly
Well don't I feel dumb. When I was working in MVC the x86 prefix meant 32-bit; for some reason, it means 64-bit in C::B, and the i686 prefix means 32-bit.
I encountered such an error, and all I did was check if my linker texts are correctly written check if you have typed "ISDL2_image" instead of "lSDL2_image"
(write small 'L' then SDL2 not cap 'I' then SDL2)for SDL2 projects.
for SDL1 just change the '2's into '1's. 👍

Libusb undefined reference to

I'm trying to set up libusb API on my OS. I downloaded libusb api on libusb.org. I followed the standard installation procedure:
cd into directory
make check //without errors
make install
Then I launched Eclipse C/C++ and copied some code from the tutorial found on the internet. But when trying to build it I got following output:
main.cpp:(.text+0x19): undefined reference to `libusb_init'
main.cpp:(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `libusb_set_debug'
main.cpp:(.text+0x8a): undefined reference to `libusb_get_device_list'
main.cpp:(.text+0x136): undefined reference to `libusb_free_device_list'
main.cpp:(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `libusb_exit'
/tmp/ccOWJGwe.o: In function `printdev(libusb_device*)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x162): undefined reference to `libusb_get_device_descriptor'
main.cpp:(.text+0x28a): undefined reference to `libusb_get_config_descriptor'
main.cpp:(.text+0x4d4): undefined reference to `libusb_free_config_descriptor'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have libusb.so in /lib and also I have usb.h in /usr/local/include and the link for the .so and libusb.a in /usr/local/lib.
Also the #include inside the code is correct.
I know that problem is in linker but I, kind of, cannot make it work :)
I'm using Fedora 15 operating system and gcc 4.6.0 20110603 (Red Hat 4.6.0-10) version compiler.
So what could I do to resolve these undefined references? Thanks very much for help :)
I did face the same problem. But I was able to solve it by adding '-lusb-1.0' to the linker.
e.g : g++ myfile.cpp -lusb-1.0
you have to set the library linker flag for compilation in the linker,
you can get a full list in the console by executing
pkg-config --list-all
These are the libraries which you have installed on your system and you have to link against the ones you want to use.
so in your example it is libusb so you do
pkg-config --libs libusb
there should be the output
This gives you the flag you have to pass to the linker. e.g.
g++ myfile.cpp -lusb[-1.0]
Then you edit the configuration of the project and search for the linkerflags, there should be a textfield for that somewhere in the buildoptions. i'm not quite shure where to find it but googling for it suggested:
Project -> Properties -> C/C++
Build -> Miscellaneous -> flags
After you found it, just add the linker flag in the textfield and you should be fine.
since my answer is the accepted one, I also added the other flag that seems to work for a lot of people.
What is your linker command line? You need to have -lusb in the linking command; just having the header included won't work.
I don't use Eclipse C/C++ but I am pretty sure the reason is the same that I faced some while ago when setting up a C project in Netbeans.
It's not enough to have the #include in your code and the library at the right location - you also have to tell Eclipse where to look for them and how to use them. This turorial shows you how to set it up in Eclipse.

Undefined symbol _main when trying to build logstalgia on mac

I have been trying to build the logstalgia project (http://code.google.com/p/logstalgia/) on my Mac (10.5). Rather than having to link it to the system libraries correctly, I have built and added all of the dependencies to the project. I am new at this, but I do think I have done this correctly, mostly because I have had two of my friends who are much more experienced say so.
Adding the frameworks removed all of the compile errors, but I still get a linker error. It seems to not be able to find the main() function. I have verified I included main.cpp in the sources to be compiled (using XCode) and that there are no accidental double declarations. I have also verified that the main function is correctly declared (no missing brackets, etc).
It is as though XCode does not link in the correct order. Any help would be really appreciated, I am really excited to be down to a single error! (Hope fixing this does not open a floodgate).
PS - I can definitely provide a zip of the Xcode project if anyone is willing to look!
Checking Dependencies
Ld "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug/Untitled" normal i386
cd "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled"
/developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386 -isysroot /developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk "-L/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug" -L/sw/lib "-L/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/../../pcre-7.9/.libs" -L/opt/local/lib -L/sw/lib "-F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug" -F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 -F2/src/SDL.framework "-F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled" -filelist "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Untitled.build/Debug/Untitled.build/Objects-normal/i386/Untitled.LinkFileList" -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework OpenGL -lpcre -lSDL -lSDL_image-1.2.0 -prebind -o "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug/Untitled"
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.5.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I got this error to go away. If I understand, essentially SDL re-names the main function, so that it can do some stuff, then run your application, then clean up. Turns out that if you are building in Xcode, you must use ObjectiveC to compile your application.
In Xcode, telling the linker to try and use SDL_main(), rather than just main() does not work (for some technical reasons that are a bit beyond me). So, you include a few Objective C files. In Oc, you get the benefit of being able to say explicitely what the name of your main class is. Hence, the Objective C files you include seem to do nothing more than let Xcode know to look for SDL_main().
In summary, this really had nothing to do with Logstalgia, but was entirely a problem with getting SDL to link correctly in Xcode. This link is talking about this problem exactly. The SDLMain.h and SDLMain.m are Objective C files. If you can't find them, try googleing "Setting up SDL templates in Xcode." I installed the templates in Xcode, used one of them to create an empty project that would compile, link, and run (and promptly do nothing!) and then I added the project files I wanted to the pre-configured project.
Double-check the link file list to make sure main.cpp's object file is present there:
/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Untitled.build/Debug/Untitled.build/Objects-normal/i386/Untitled.LinkFileList
You might also want to preprocess the main.cpp to make sure main isn't getting inadvertently renamed (via a rogue macro) or omitted (via a rogue #if).