I can't figure out how to fill an array - c++

I am trying to fill a given array with a passed in value so if I wanted an array to be all 12's
it would simply replace all the elements with 12s. The prototype I have for this function looks like this:
void fill(T *left, T *end, T fill)
The driver for this function looks like this:
static void TestFill1(void)
cout << "***** Fill1 *****" << endl;
int i1[10];
int size = 10;
fill(i1, i1 + size, 12);
display(i1, i1 + size);
I am having a problem where I am given an array that is uninitialized. Previously in the assignment I was going through the array until the end. In this case I am given an uninitialized array which makes my T *end the same as T *left. I'm not familiar with a way to go through the passed in array.
I was trying something that looked like this:
template <typename T>
void fill(T *left, T *end, T fill)
int i = sizeof(*left) / sizeof(*(left + 0));
while(*(left + i) != *end)
*(left + i) = fill;
I'm not allowed to use subscripts or for loops for this assignment also, #include is off limits same with std::vector.

The variable i, which represents the offset with respect to the first element, should start at zero:
int i = 0;
The loop condition is checking whether the value of the array element is equal to the value of the array element at the end.
while(*(left + i) != *end)
The correct version is the following:
while(left + i != end)
which checks if the pointer (left + i) has reached the end.

Your statement
int i = sizeof(*left) / sizeof(*(left + 0));
might not do, what you think it does.
The sizeof() function doesn't work on plain pointers the same way as for array declarations:
size_t s = sizeof(*left); // Will evaluate to sizeof(T)
int i1[10];
size_t s = sizeof(i1); // Will evaluate to sizeof(int) * 10
Your code can be simply fixed as follows:
template <typename T>
void fill(T *left, T *end, T fill) {
T* cur = left;
while(cur < end) {
*cur = fill;

#include <vector>
int main ()
std::vector<int> first;
first.assign (10,12); // 10 ints with a value of 12
return 0;
This is how real men do it ™. lol sorry I couldn't resist.


C Creating a binary tree based on a sequence

I need help adjusting the createTree function.
Which accepts a string and after that character by character traverses it, creating a binary tree based on it
If it encounters the character 0, it recursively creates two sub-branches.
If it encounters another character, it saves it in the leaf node.
For the string in the example, I need to make a tree as in the picture, but the function does not work properly for me. Thank you in advance for your advice.
int x = 0;
Node* createTree(string str, int si, int ei)
if (si > ei)
return NULL;
Node *root = new Node((str[si] - '0'));
if(str[si] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[si] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str,0,str.length());
return 0;
The problem can quite easily be broken down into small steps (what you partly did in your question).
Start iterating at the first character
Create the root node
If the current character is non-zero, set the value of this node to this character
If current character is a zero, set this node to zero, create a left and a right node and get back to step 3 for every one of them. (That's the recursive part.)
Below is my implementation of this algorithm.
First, a little bit of setting up:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct Node;
// Iterator to a constant character, NOT a constant iterator
using StrConstIt = std::string::const_iterator;
using UniqueNode = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
struct Node
int value;
UniqueNode p_left;
UniqueNode p_right;
Node(int value)
: value(value) {}
Node(int value, UniqueNode p_left, UniqueNode p_right)
: value(value), p_left(std::move(p_left)), p_right(std::move(p_right)) {}
As you can see, I'm using std::unique_ptr for managing memory. This way, you don't have to worry about manually deallocating memory. Using smart pointers is often considered the more "modern" approach, and they should virtually always be preferred over raw pointers.
UniqueNode p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(StrConstIt& it, StrConstIt stringEnd)
if (it >= stringEnd)
return nullptr;
UniqueNode node;
if (*it == '0')
// Create node with appropriate value
// Create branches and increment iterator
node = std::make_unique<Node>(
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(++it, stringEnd),
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(it, stringEnd)
// Create leaf node with appropriate value
node = std::make_unique<Node>(*it - '0');
// Increment iterator
return node;
UniqueNode p_createTree(StrConstIt begin, StrConstIt end)
return p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(begin, end);
The first function takes a reference to the iterator to the next character it should process. That is because you can't know how much characters a branch will have in its leaf nodes beforehand. Therefore, as the function's name suggests, it will update the iterator with the processing of each character.
I'm using iterators instead of a string and indices. They are clearer and easier to work with in my opinion — changing it back should be fairly easy anyway.
The second function is basically syntactic sugar: it is just there so that you don't have to pass an lvalue as the first argument.
You can then just call p_createTree with:
int main()
std::string str = "050067089";
UniqueNode p_root = p_createTree(str.begin(), str.end());
return 0;
I also wrote a function to print out the tree's nodes for debugging:
void printTree(const UniqueNode& p_root, int indentation = 0)
// Print the value of the node
for (int i(0); i < indentation; ++i)
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << p_root->value << '\n';
// Do nothing more in case of a leaf node
if (!p_root->p_left.get() && !p_root->p_right.get())
// Otherwise, print a blank line for empty children
if (p_root->p_left.get())
printTree(p_root->p_left, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
if (p_root->p_right.get())
printTree(p_root->p_right, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
Assuming that the code which is not included in your question is correct, there is only one issue that could pose a problem if more than one tree is built. The problem is that x is a global variable which your functions change as a side-effect. But if that x is not reset before creating another tree, things will go wrong.
It is better to make x a local variable, and pass it by reference.
A minor thing: don't use NULL but nullptr.
Below your code with that change and the class definition included. I also include a printSideways function, which makes it easier to see that the tree has the expected shape:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int m_Data;
Node* m_Left = nullptr;
Node* m_Right = nullptr;
Node(int v) : m_Data(v) {}
// Instead of si, accept x by reference:
Node* createTree(string str, int &x, int ei)
if (x >= ei)
return nullptr;
Node *root = new Node((str[x] - '0'));
if(str[x] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[x] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
// Overload with a wrapper that defines x
Node* createTree(string str)
int x = 0;
return createTree(str, x, str.length());
// Utility function to visualise the tree with the root at the left
void printSideways(Node *node, string tab) {
if (node == nullptr) return;
printSideways(node->m_Right, tab + " ");
cout << tab << node->m_Data << "\n";
printSideways(node->m_Left, tab + " ");
// Wrapper for above function
void printSideways(Node *node) {
printSideways(node, "");
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str);
return 0;
So, as you see, nothing much was altered. Just si was replaced with x, which is passed around by reference, and x is defined locally in a wrapper function.
Here is the output:

Stack implementation using Array (ways to improve code)

Need to implement stack using array only, methods: push, pop, print.
The task itself:
Implement stack using only array. The only time compiler should allocate memory is through set_size function.
The current code version works good enough, but I'm looking for ways to improve it's exec-time / complexity / readability etc. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
template <class T>
class Stack
int size = 0;
T* Array;
int top = 0;
Stack(size_t Size);
delete[] Array;
void push(T element);
void pop();
void print();
template <class T>
Stack<T>::Stack(size_t Size)
size = Size;
top = -1;
Array = new T[size];
template <class T>
void Stack<T>::push(T element)
if (top >= (size - 1))
std::cout << "overflow" << std::endl;
Array[++top] = element;
template <class T>
void Stack<T>::pop()
if (top < 0)
std::cout << "underflow" << std::endl;
std::cout << Array[top--] << std::endl;
template <class T>
void Stack<T>::print()
if (top == -1)
std::cout << "empty" << std::endl;
int i = top;
while (i > -1)
std::cout << Array[i--] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
template <class T>
Stack<T> set_size(int Size)
return Stack<T>(Size);
int main()
auto stack = set_size<std::string>(5);
return 0;
Your main problem comes from the type conversion between your stack pointer top to your stack size size.
top is an int, which is a signed type.
size_t is an unsigned integral type.
When testing (top >= (size - 1)), top is converted to an unsigned int and then considered as UINT_MAX instead of -1, which is always >= to any other unsigned int.
You can either use a size_t as your stack pointer, which means that you cannot use negative value, or convert (size - 1) to a signed value before comparing to top (but this last solution means that you must ensure that the size you specify as a size_t is not too big to be converted to a signed int).
Your print function has also two issues:
in your first test, you assign -1 to top instead of comparing the values
you change your top stack pointer, so that you stack is in an inconsistant state after a call to print()
Your branch predictions are possibly not optimal. You should inspect the resulting assembly to see if the prediction bets on the if rather than on else in your if...else constructs (it will probably predict the if and in this case you should put the common case in the if).
You should pass the arguments by reference and not by value. It doesn't matter in case of simple integers but if your T becomes something more complex, it will result in redundant copy upon push.

Why is the variable not changed from pass-by-pointer?

How come n still points to a default node after draw()?
I'm trying to pass in a pointer to a node to draw(), and have it point to a newly-created node within draw().
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node{
int key;
struct node *l, *r;
int level, place;
int keyCounter = 0;
void draw(struct node *t, int low, int high, int storey){
if(storey == 0) return;
t = new node();
t->key = ++keyCounter;
t->level = storey;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
t->place = mid;
draw(t->l, low, mid, storey - 1);
draw(t->r, mid, high, storey - 1);
void visit(struct node *t){
if(t != NULL){
cout << t->key << ' ' << t->level << ' ' << t->place << '\n';
int main(){
struct node *n = new node();
draw(n, 0, 64, 6);
return 0;
Your code is confused as to who allocates n. You do this twice - once in main() and once in draw(). This is obviously not sensible.
So the obvious question is: why pass n to draw() at all, since it does nothing with it? Instead, try this:
struct node *draw (int low, int high, int storey)
if(storey == 0) return nullptr;
t = new node();
return t;
And then:
int main()
struct node *n = draw(0, 64, 6);
if (n)
return 0;
Of course, this is 2018 now and you should not really be using raw pointers at all, but that's another story. And having a function called draw allocating an object is also a bit weird. Perhaps it should be called allocate_and_draw.
In method draw you set t to point on another node.
t = new node();
Now t point on another memory space. It's not the space where n points. When you change t properties you doesn't change node on which n points. Remove row that I specify above.
if you really want to change what n points to, use reference to pointer
void draw(struct node& *t, int low, int high, int storey){
Also, do not forget to free pointer you passed. However, will advise you to seriously consider your design again.

Linked list without struct

Can anyone help me with a singly linked list? I know how to do it with struct, but now i wanna know how to do it with only arrays and pointers without struct or nodes.Algorithms please thank you.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int size=5;
int data[size];
int *mem;
int add[size];
int top = -1;
void AddLast(int value)
void print()
{ cout << "Queue: ";
for(int i = 0; i != top; i = (i + 1) % size)
cout << data[i] << "->";
cout << endl;
int main()
return 0;
I want to addlast, addfirst, and add sorted... is this the way?
You can't do it with only one array, you need at least two: One for the data and one for the links. If you don't want to use structures at all (though I don't really see the reason for it) you could have multiple data arrays.
The data array contains the actual data, it's nothing special with it. The link array contains indexes to the data array, where each index is a "next" pointer.
For example, lets say you want to have a linked list of integers, and you have three integers in the list (their values are irrelevant), lets call that data array d, then you have d[0], d[1] and d[2]. The first node in the list is d[1], followed by d[0] and last d[2]. Then you need a head variable, which tells which index is the head of the list, this head variable is initialized to 1 (and "points" to d[1]). Then we have the link array, lets call it l, since the head is "pointing" to 1 we fetch l[1] to get the next node, the contents of l[1] is 0 which tells us the next node is d[0]. To get the next node we check l[0] which gives us 2 for d[2]. The next link, l[2] could be -1 to mark the end of the list.
Of course, the data array(s) and the link array needs to be of the same size.
An array s of structs with members A, B, C, can be emulated by three arrays a, b and c, where e.g. a[i] represents s[i].A, and so forth. So that's your requirement of no structs. Then doing a linked list with arrays, i.e. with indices instead of pointers, is mere notation; the concepts are exactly the same. But you might look up the technique of using a free list, a list of available logical nodes; this allows you to free nodes as well as allocate them, in a simple way.
There is a (ugly) way to do a linked list with arrays.
Here is an example of how you might do something with arrays but I would never recommend even thinking about doing it.
template<class T>
typedef char[sizeof(T) + sizeof(uintptr_t)] listNode;
template<class T>
listNode<T>* getNext(const listNode<T>& x){
return (listNode<T>*)(((char*)x)[sizeof(T)]); //notice how you have to increment the pointer address
template<class T>
T& getValue(listNode<T>& x){
return (T) x;
That's way too many casts. It's less ugly if you make an array of two pointers and just cast the first value in a pointer on what you care about but that's still not what I would recommend.
This is a hack of sorts might help with your curiosity.
It is similar in implementation to how linked lists are typically implemented with struct.
int * base = NULL;
int ** current = NULL;
void add(int num)
base = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
base[0] = num;
current = (int**)(base+1);
current[0] = NULL;
current[0] = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int)*3 );
current[0][0] = num;
current = (int**)(*current+1);
current[0] = NULL;
void show()
if(base != NULL)
int * data = base;
int ** tmp = (int**)(base+1);
printf("%d ",data[0]);
data = tmp[0];
tmp = (int**)(data+1);
int main()
int choice,num;
case 1:scanf("%d",&num);
case 2:show();
return 0;
It is possible to add other function like addFirst() or addSorted() but will require some more pointer manipulation, for which I don't possess the dedication right now.

dynamic memory allocation with arrays in c++

I am trying to insert an int into an array that is in a class object, and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. The current state of my code never inserts the int into the array.
Basically what I am trying to do is when i call insert(int) it will check to to see if there is any room left in the array, and if there is it will add it, otherwise it would reallocate with 8 more spaces in the array.
here is some relevant class info
unsigned Cap; // Current capacity of the set
unsigned Num; // Current count of items in the set
int * Pool; // Pointer to array holding the items
// Return information about the set
bool is_empty() const { return Num == 0; }
unsigned size() const { return Num; }
unsigned capacity() const { return Cap; }
// Initialize the set to empty
Cap = Num = 0;
Pool = NULL;
here is the code i am working on
bool Set::insert(int X)
bool Flag = false;
if (Num == Cap)
const unsigned Inc = 8;
int * Temp = new int[Cap+Inc];
for (unsigned J=0;J<Num;J++)
Temp[J] = Pool[J];
delete [] Pool;
Pool = Temp;
Cap = Cap+Inc;
if(Num < Cap)
Pool[Num+1] = X;
Flag = true;
return Flag;
Your insert function never updates Num. Try Pool[Num++] = X; or something like that.
You probably want to increment the number of element but only after copying the new element in: the first element should have index 0. Basically, your insert() function should look something like this:
bool Set::insert(int X)
if (Num == Cap)
const unsigned Inc(std::max(8, 2 * Cap));
std::unique_ptr<int[]> Temp(new int[Cap+Inc]);
std::copy(Pool.get(), Pool.get() + Num, Temp.get());
Cap += Inc;
Pool[Num] = X;
return true;
Of course, this assumes that Pool is reasonably declared as std::unique_ptr<int[]> (or something with similar functionality which is easy to write if necessary). The reason to use std::unique_ptr<int[]> rather than raw pointers is that they automatically clean up resources when they are destroyed. Copying a sequence of ints won't throw an exception but if int get's replaced by a std::string or a template parameters there is potential to throw exceptions.