I am having a very strange issue. I have a c++ project that was working just fine until today. Today I tried to run the visual studio debugger and at the very beginning of the main function, I get an access violation exception. The line where the exception occurs varies, though it is always in the first few lines of my main function. Visual studio claims the source file is not available.
I'm not sure what changed, although recently, upon opening the visual studio project, I was presented with a message about finding a suitable location for he pdb, which i naively clicked "ok" to.
In case this helps, the call stack is:
I tried a new empty project. Literally:
// TestProj.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
int main()
return 0;
and I get a similar error.
While compiling on x64 plattform I am getting following error:
c:\codavs05\hpsw-sc\ovpacc\tools\codaaccesstest\coda_access.cpp(1572): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\sizeopt.c', line 55)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
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Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
------ Build started: Project: asyncexample, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
If I change settings to preprocessor file (Yes) i am not getting any error.
About my environment: Upgrading Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to 2010
Please help.
I have had this problem with VS2015 while building locally in Windows.
In order to solve it, I deleted my build folder (Output Directory as seen in Properties/General) and rebuilt the project.
This always seems to help when strange things happen during the build.
I’ve encountered this error many times in VC++. Do the following steps. They’ve sometimes helped me with this issue:
Take a look at the exact location, pointed out by compiler error.
Find any external types or classes used there at that location.
Change the order of “include path” of those files found in step 2 and rebuild the solution.
I hope that help !!!!
I am getting same error with VC2012. Setting up the project properties Optimization to Disabled (/Od) resolved the issue.
In my solution, i've removed output dll file of the project, and I've made project rebuild.
I encountered the same error and spent quite a bit of time hunting for the problem. Finally I discovered that function that the error was pointing to had an infinite while loop. Fixed that and the error went away.
In my case was the use of a static lambda function with a QStringList argument. If I commented the regions where the QStringList was used the file compiled, otherwise the compiler reported the C1001 error. Changing the lambda function to non-static solved the problem (obviously other options could have been to use a global function within an anonymous namespace or a static private method of the class).
I got this error using boost library with VS2017. Cleaning the solution and rebuilding it, solved the problem.
I also had this problem while upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010.
To fix, I have to install a VS2008 patch (KB976656).
Maybe there is a similar patch for VS2005 ?
I got the same error, but with a different file referenced in the error message, on a VS 2015 / x64 / Win7 build. In my case the file was main.cpp. Fixing it for me was as easy as doing a rebuild all (and finding something else to do while the million plus lines of code got processed).
Update: it turns out the root cause is my hard drive is failing. After other symptoms prompted me to run chkdsk, I discovered that most of the bad sectors that were replaced were in .obj, .pdb, and other compiler-generated files.
I got this one with code during refactoring with a lack of care (and with templates, it case that was what made an ICE rather than a normal compile time error)
Simplified code:
void myFunction() {
using std::is_same_v;
for (auto i ...) {
myOtherFunction(..., i);
void myOtherFunction(..., size_t idx) {
// no statement using std::is_same_v;
if constexpr (is_same_v<T, char>) {
I had this error when I was compiling to a x64 target.
Changing to x86 let me compile the program.
Sometimes helps reordering the code. I had once this error in Visual Studio 2013 and this was only solved by reordering the members of the class (I had an enum member, few strings members and some more enum members of the same enum class. It only compiled after I've put the enum members first).
In my case, this was causing the problem:
std::count_if(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [](const auto& el) { return el.t == t; });
Changing auto to the explicit type fixed the problem.
Had similar problem with Visual Studio 2017 after switching to C++17:
boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/full_lambda.hpp(203): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1518)
1> To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
Solved by using Visual Studio 2019.
I first encountered this problem when i was trying to allocate memory to a char* using new char['size']{'text'}, but removing the braces and the text between them solved my problem (just new char['size'];)
Another fix on Windows 10 if you have WSL installed is to disable LxssManager service and reboot the PC.
A number of answers to this exact error have been put upon this website but I am quite the beginner to C++ and Code::Block so i'm afraid I do not understand them.
I have been following a very simple C++ tutorial that started me out with one simple program that I was told to copy and paste into the compiler.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"HEY, you, I'm alive! Oh, and Hello World!\n";
return 1;
I actually did not write any of this code so my own syntax errors cannot be an issue. Basically that means I'm out of ideas for troubleshooting. Any ideas as to why I can't run this?
Okay so saving the file as a .cpp worked for the building, but when my program actually runs nothing appears in the menu that pops up in which, I assume, the text is supposed to appear. Again, I'm decent at troubleshooting but this code has been confirmed to work by thousands of others and there must be something else wrong.
Save your file in .cpp format instead of .c format which is default for Code::Blocks. Your workspace(that is the file where you saved this code in) will be renamed to xyz.cpp and you can easily check this fact in the tab.Furthermore, change the cout and cin statements to std::cout and std::cin.
Just to make sure we are on the same page.Goto Settings>>>Compiler.Selected compiler should be GNU GCC compiler. Goto Toolchain Executables tab and autodetect the compiler's installation directory (should be something like CodeBlocks\MinGW).
Code::Blocks compiles using some built-in .dlls and i have sometimes found it needed the dll in the folder with the compliled .exe
if not that, try the console application template
i use TDM-GCC it compiles fine.
I am working in Optix Using Visual studio 2013 platform, I have been working over month , suddenly I got this error, "memcpy.asm not found".
I found this file in Visual studio folder but it says "The source file is different from when the module was built"
Look carefully at the error, often this comes up as a secondary message because the debugger is trying to load "memcpy.asm" in order to show you debugging information because a memcpy failed, not because your program is actually missing "memcpy.asm"
Heres someone with a similar issue, in short - check the stack trace to see where the issue originated in your code, probably with trying to copy memory to an uninitialized pointer or something.
I threw the lodePNG sample files into a blank project in Visual C++ 2008 Express, along with a 7kb PNG file I made, but I'm getting this memory allocation error during runtime:
Invalid allocation size: 429967295 bytes.
After breaking on the error & backtracking through stack frames, I think it's being caused by a null argument being passed to the resize function in std::vector. This project was recently updated (April 2012), and is pretty thoroughly documented, so it's possible that I'm doing something wrong (or don't have the right compilation options). Would someone please take a look at my project?
Here's a ZIP file of the project folder: http://www.mediafire.com/file/791b9z9ld74n3eu/TestLodePNG.zip
You most likely have the png file in the wrong place. By default, the working directory is where the project file is, not where the solution file is when running in the debugger. When I moved the file to the project file directory it worked fine.
You might consider adding some error checking to the the file opening code, like this:
void load_file(std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename)
std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate);
//Do something about the error and don't crash