OpenGL Order of VBO binding - c++

If I'm trying to do some OpenGL 3.3+ style VBO graphics, is it alright for me to first, enable attribute arrays and set vertex attribute pointers, then in an often refreshing VBO, load fresh data and bind a GL_ARRAY_BUFFER and GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER then call drawELements? I have code that is crashing on drawElements, and I'm wondering if its because the order of my calls is messed up. I'll also mention that this is under the guise of Qt 5.

Whn you set your attribute pointers, it is crucial to have the correct GL_ARRAY_BUFFER bound. The current GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING at the time of the glVertexAttribPointer() call will become part of that attribute pointer state. It does not matter which GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is bound at draw time (in contrast to the GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER which is relevant for the glDrawElements() family of GL functions.


Process of setting up a VAO in OpenGL

Can I get a more overall/general description of this?
I've been trying to research these things all week, but I only come into super technical explanations or examples.
Could somebody explain the overall process or goal of these VAO's? Maybe outline a bit of a "step-by-step" flowchart for setting up a VAO in OpenGL?
I've never been someone who learns by examples... so all the things I've found online have been really unhelpful so far.
Your Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) contain the vertex data. You set up attribute pointers which specify how that data should be accessed and interpreted in order to draw a vertex - how many components are there to each vertex, how are they stored (GL_FLOAT for example) etc.
The Vertex Array Object (VAO) saves all these attributes. Their purpose is to allow you to set up these attributes once and then restore them with one state change whenever you need to use them.
The advantage of this is you can easily set up multiple states and restore them - if I want to draw a cube and a triangle these are two different states - I create a VAO for each and the VAO saves the state for each of them. When I want to draw the cube, I restore the state for the cube only.
Setup has four steps:
Create the VAO
Bind the VAO
Set up the state
Unbind the VAO
Creating a VAO is very simple:
GLuint vao_name;
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao_name);
This will generate one vertex array, and store it's name in vao_name.
Once your VAO is created you need to bind it:
Now, any changes you make to the attribute pointers or bindings to the element array buffer will be saved. This is a call to any of the following:
Whenever you make one of these calls, the corresponding state is saved in the currently bound VAO. And when you later bind the VAO again, the state is restored.
Once you have set up the state you can unbind the VAO. Do this by binding VAO 0:
You could also bind a different VAO and set up a different state for that. When this happens it is safe to make changes to the attribute pointers without disrupting your previous state.
When you want to draw something all you have to do is restore the VAO:
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
glBindVertexArray(0); //Unbind the VAO
These are some answers that helped me when I was trying to understand VAOs:
glVertexAttribPointer overwrite, glVertexAttribPointer clarification, When should glVertexAttribPointer be called?
Also, the OpenGL specification explains it well once you've got your head around the basics:
The VAO holds all information about how to read the attributes from the VBOs.
This includes for each attribute, which VBO it is in; the offset, the stride, how it is encoded (int, float, normalized or not), how many values per attribute. In other words the parameters of glVertexAttribPointer (and the bound GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time of the call.
It also holds the element array buffer that holds the indexes.
For what VAO's are, see #ratchet-freak's answer.
As for the goal of VAO's, it's a matter of improving performance by allowing one single state change to setup all vertex attributes bindings, which not only means fewer function calls but also more opportunity for the OpenGL implementation to optimize for this state as a whole.
For VAO, an understanding of VBOs and Shader is a pre-requisite. VAOs provide a way to “pre-define” vertex data and its attributes.
One way to understand is to draw with VBOs and then draw the same with VAOs. You will notice that it is similar to drawing with VBOs, except that it is first "saved" in a VAO for later use. Subsequently, the VAO is made active to actually draw the saved state.
See VBO, Shader, VAO for a fairly good example.

When should glVertexAttribPointer be called?

It's not obvious from the documentation when glVertexAttribPointer should be called. It looks like it's part of VBO initialisation, but I notice example code calling it during rendering.
glVertexAttribPointer(vertexAttributeId, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex2D), reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(offsetof(Vertex2D, m_x)));
Should glVertexAttribPointer be called during initialisation of a GL_ARRAY_BUFFER or should it be called during rendering (after a call to glBindBuffer)?
The function glVertexAttribPointer specifies the format and source buffer (ignoring the deprecated usage of client arrays) of a vertex attribute that is used when rendering something (i.e. the next glDraw... call).
Now there are two scenarios. You either use vertex array objects (VAOs) or you don't (though not using VAOs is deprecated and discouraged/prohibited in modern OpenGL). If you're not using VAOs, then you would usually call glVertexAttribPointer (and the corresponding glEnableVertexAttribArray) right before rendering to setup the state properly. If using VAOs though, you actually call it (and the enable function) inside the VAO creation code (which is usually part of some initialization or object creation), since its settings are stored inside the VAO and all you need to do when rendering is bind the VAO and call a draw function.
But no matter when you call glVertexAttribPointer, you should bind the corresponding buffer right before (no matter when that was actually created and filled), since the glVertexAttribPointer function sets the currently bound GL_ARRAY_BUFFER as source buffer for this attribute (and stores this setting, so afterwards you can freely bind another VBO).
So in modern OpenGL using VAOs (which is recommended), it's usually similar to this workflow:
glDeleteBuffers //you can already delete it after the VAO is unbound, since the
//VAO still references it, keeping it alive (see comments below).
When not using VAOs it would be something like that:
glVertexAttribPointer is something that does not really belong to the Buffer nor to the Program it is - let's say - the glue between them. (The functionality of this is splitten in Opengl 4.3 in different functions VertexAttrib*Format, VertexAttribBinding and BindVertexBuffer aviable through the ARB_vertex_attrib_binding )
But if you want to say that it is part of something i would say it is part of the VAO that stores the state of which Buffer objects are bound, which attribs are enabled and how the Buffer data has to be passed to the Program.
So it belongs to part where you setup your VAOs.
Simple setup that illustrates the order:
creating/setup of Buffers and creating programs
create VAO define which attribs are enabled, which buffers should be bound when the VAO is used and how that data is passed to the program (glVertexAttribPointer)
The association of buffer, generic vertex attribute and shader attribute variable are quite subtle. glVertexAttribPointer establishes this association. See OpenGL-Terminology for a detailed explanation.
Also, the link OpenGL-VBO,shader,VAO shows a working example with the necessary sequence of API calls.
glVertexAttribPointer has to be called (in most cases) when the appropriate (i.e. the one you want to use) VBO is bound. Then last parameter to it is offset in said buffer.
The last parameter is defined particularly nice in the reference manual:
Specifies a offset of the first component of the first generic vertex
attribute in the array in the data store of the buffer currently bound
to the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target. The initial value is 0.
Appropriate Vertex Pointer Bindings with VBO sources are stored inside VAO, and you should use that if possible.
Short example (excuse my pseudocode):
// Setup
CreateVAO(); BindVAO();
CreateVBO(); BindVBO();
VertexAttribPointer(/*id*/ 0, 3, GL_FLOAT, /*starting at offset*/ 0);
// We have specified Vertex attribute bound to location 0,
// with size of 3 floats, starting at offset 0 of VBO we've just created.

Do I need to rebuild my VAO if I need to change a VBO?

I'm rendering my scene by constructing or modifying a buffer that I give to glBufferData. My understanding of Vertex Array Objects is that they allow me to skip the manual binding of all of the VBOs I am using. Is this still the case when I update my buffer all the time?
Can I bind my VAO, call glBufferData to update the vertices and indices (the only two VBOs I have at the moment), and then render?
Can I use memory mapping with the VBO's? Then I could bind VAO, modify buffer, then render?
What exactly does the VAO do? Is its function simply that of a shortcut which stores and automates the binding of vertex attributes to my VBO's? Does it take ownership of either the data or the bindings?
You would probably have to test this, but from my understanding VBOs are given IDs when generated and a VAO only references each vertex attrib along with the VBO ID it's using. You should be able to call glBufferData or glBufferSubData. I'm not sure if memory mapping just before the draw call would work, but you could certainly do things between binding the VAO and drawing. A VAO doesn't lock the VBOs or restrict access to them.
In general, a VAO just stores attributes and all their settings (bound VBO, stride, offset, etc.) and automatically binds the attributes when bound. Until you call glBindVertexArray(0);, all vertex attributes are tied to the bound VAO.

glVertexAttribPointer clarification

Just want to make sure I understand this correctly (I'd ask on SO Chat, but it's dead in there!):
We've got a Vertex Array, which we make "current" by binding it
then we've got a Buffer, which we bind to a Target
then we fill that Target via glBufferData
which essentially populates whatever was bound to that target, i.e. our Buffer
and then we call glVertexAttribPointer which describes how the data is laid out -- the data being whatever is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
and this descriptor is saved to our original Vertex Array
(1) Is my understanding correct?
The documentation is a little sparse about how everything correlates.
(2) Is there some kind of default Vertex Array? Because I forgot/omitted glGenVertexArrays and glBindVertexArray and my program worked fine without it.
Edit: I missed a step... glEnableVertexAttribArray.
(3) Is the Vertex Attrib tied to the Vertex Array at the time glVertexAttribPointer is called, and then we can enable/disable that attrib via glEnableVertexAttribArray at any time, regardless of which Vertex Array is currently bound?
Or (3b) Is the Vertex Attrib tied to the Vertex Array at the time glEnableVertexAttribArray is called, and thus we can add the same Vertex Attrib to multiple Vertex Arrays by calling glEnableVertexAttribArray at different times, when different Vertex Arrays are bound?
Some of the terminology is a bit off:
A Vertex Array is just an array (typically a float[]) that contains vertex data. It doesn't need to be bound to anything. Not to be confused with a Vertex Array Object or VAO, which I will go over later
A Buffer Object, commonly referred to as a Vertex Buffer Object when storing vertices, or VBO for short, is what you're calling just a Buffer.
Nothing gets saved back to the vertex array, glVertexAttribPointer works exactly like glVertexPointer or glTexCoordPointer work, just instead of named attributes, you get to provide a number that specifies your own attribute. You pass this value as index. All your glVertexAttribPointer calls get queued up for the next time you call glDrawArrays or glDrawElements. If you have a VAO bound, the VAO will store the settings for all your attributes.
The main issue here is that you're confusing vertex attributes with VAOs. Vertex attributes are just the new way of defining vertices, texcoords, normals, etc. for drawing. VAOs store state. I'm first going to explain how drawing works with vertex attributes, then explain how you can cut down the number of method calls with VAOs:
You must enable an attribute before you can use it in a shader. For example, if you want to send vertices over to a shader, you're most likely going to send it as the first attribute, 0. So before you render, you need to enable it with glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);.
Now that an attribute is enabled, you need to define the data it's going to use. In order to do so you need to bind your VBO - glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, myBuffer);.
And now we can define the attribute - glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);. In order of parameter: 0 is the attribute you're defining, 3 is the size of each vertex, GL_FLOAT is the type, GL_FALSE means to not normalize each vertex, the last 2 zeros mean that there's no stride or offset on the vertices.
Draw something with it - glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
The next thing you draw may not use attribute 0 (realistically it will, but this is an example), so we can disable it - glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
Wrap that in glUseProgram() calls and you have a rendering system that works with shaders properly. But let's say you have 5 different attributes, vertices, texcoords, normals, color, and lightmap coordinates. First of all, you would be making a single glVertexAttribPointer call for each of these attributes, and you'd have to enable all the attributes beforehand. Let's say you define the attributes 0-4 as I have them listed. You would enable all of them like so:
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
And then you would have to bind different VBOs for each attribute (unless you store them all in one VBO and use offsets/stride), then you need to make 5 different glVertexAttribPointer calls, from glVertexAttribPointer(0,...); to glVertexAttribPointer(4,...); for vertices to lightmap coordinates respectively.
Hopefully that system alone makes sense. Now I'm going to move on to VAOs to explain how to use them to cut down on the number of method calls when doing this type of rendering. Note that using a VAO is not necessary.
A Vertex Array Object or VAO is used to store the state of all the glVertexAttribPointer calls and the VBOs that were targeted when each of the glVertexAttribPointer calls were made.
You generate one with a call to glGenVertexArrays. To store everything you need in a VAO, bind it with glBindVertexArray, then do a full draw call. All the draw bind calls get intercepted and stored by the VAO. You can unbind the VAO with glBindVertexArray(0);
Now when you want to draw the object, you don't need to re-call all the VBO binds or the glVertexAttribPointer calls, you just need to bind the VAO with glBindVertexArray then call glDrawArrays or glDrawElements and you'll be drawing the exact same thing as though you were making all those method calls. You probably want to unbind the VAO afterwards too.
Once you unbind the VAO, all the state returns to how it was before you bound the VAO. I'm not sure if any changes you make while the VAO is bound is kept, but that can easily be figured out with a test program. I guess you can think of glBindVertexArray(0); as binding to the "default" VAO...
Update: Someone brought to my attention the need for the actual draw call. As it turns out, you don't actually need to do a FULL draw call when setting up the VAO, just all the binding stuff. Don't know why I thought it was necessary earlier, but it's fixed now.
The terminology and sequence of APIs to be called is quite confusing indeed. What's even more confusing is how the various aspects - buffer, generic vertex attribute and shader attribute variable get associated. See OpenGL-Terminology for a pretty good explanation.
Further, the link OpenGL-VBO,shader,VAO shows a simple example with the necessary API calls. It's particularly good for those transitioning from immediate mode to the programmable pipeline.
Hope it helps.
Edit: As you can see from the comments below, people can make assumptions and jump to conclusions. The reality is that it's quite confusing for beginners.

How to properly use VAOs?

I'm just getting started with OpenGL, and I'm trying to use only 3.x and above features. One thing I do not understand is VAOs.
I do understand that a VAO encapsulates rendering state, so i can call all the setup functions prior to the render loop and then just bind the VAO to get back all the state changes made in the setup. What I am not clear on is how I should lay out my data. Should I have each model in the scene get it's own VAO, or should I use a few VAOs and bind the VBOs of multiple models to it (which I have read is more efficient)?
VAO encapsulates bound buffed and vertex attributes in it. So if you need to bind different buffer and set up different attributes for draw call, then you should assign different VAO to that.