Apache ServiceMix! Request-Replay Web Service message - web-services

I'm trying to learn some Apache Camel and Apache CXF and of course I've ran into some problems.
What I'm trying to do:
Send timed SOAP messages from ESB to some web service, wait for the reponse from the web service and process it. I'm using Apache ServiceMix!.
What I've done:
Implemented a WSDL file with two operations PingOutput (what I'm sending) and PingInput (what I want to receive from the WS).
Implemented a CXF Endpoint ( is a WS mocked with SoapUI):
<cxf:cxfEndpoint address=""
id="Ping_Mocked_WS" wsdlURL="ping.wsdl">
<entry key="dataFormat" value="PAYLOAD" />
Implemented a Camel route:
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring" streamCache="true">
<route id="ping-ws">
<from uri="timer://ping_timer?fixedRate=true&period=10000"/>
<bean ref="PingBean" method="createPingRequest" />
<to uri="cxf:bean:Ping_Mocked_WS"/>
<bean ref="PingBean" method="processPingResponse" />
What I do not understand:
Why the <bean ref="PingBean" method="processPingResponse" /> gets the correct response from SoapUI (the PingOutput operation defined in WSDL)?
Is this the correct way to achieve my goal? And by this way I mean with one single route?
The codes work correctly, I might have some typos here, please do not mind them.

Ad 1)
Likely because the type defined in the method signature of the processPingResponse method. Camel uses bean parameter binding, and based on the type, it uses its type converter to convert to the given type.
And as the payload is a SOAP response in XML it can use JAXB to convert from XML to the type from the method signature.
To do so it uses camel-jaxb which ServiceMix comes with out of the box.
The route works. What it is you want to do differently?


Duplicating a same SOAP webservice in Camel

A SOAP webservice is been exposed by a system. I have got a wsdl file of the webservice. Im able to send request and get response from soap ui. I want to duplicate this wsdl SOAP webservice in my camel routes deployed in servicemix, thereby making my ESB expose a similar webservice as the system's webservice. THis way many systems access this webservice to contact the system.
How do i duplicate a webservice using wsdl file of the system??
To duplicate webservice, exposed by a system, you can use http proxy route, based on jetty:
<route id="ServiceProxy">
<from uri="jetty:"/>
<to uri="jetty:http://{{app-server.host}}:{{app-server.http.port}}/service/?bridgeEndpoint=true&throwExceptionOnFailure=false&continuationTimeout=120000&httpClient.timeout=900000"/>
You can write the same route on JavaDSL.
Found solution - Concept is cxf-proxying
Having a wsdl of the system, create a similar wsdl with the Endpoints defined according to the localhost and port number.
Save the wsdl in your local project,
provide the path to wsdl in pom, for converting wsdl to java by mentioning in the cxf-codegen-plugin.
create cxf consumer bean with details of local wsdl file
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="consumerProxy" address="http://remote:port/service/"
serviceClass="com.remote.service.RemoteService" endpointName="c:RemoteService"
serviceName="c:RemoteService" xmlns:c="http://remote/namespace/">
<entry key="dataFormat" value="MESSAGE" />
create cxf producer bean with details of remote wsdl file
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="producerRemote" address="http://localhost:9001/service/"
serviceClass="com.remote.service.RemoteService" endpointName="c:RemoteService"
serviceName="c:RemoteService" xmlns:c="http://remote/namespace/">
<entry key="dataFormat" value="MESSAGE" />
The proxy routes can be like below
Sending a request to localhost will be consumed by cxf endpoint - consumerProxy and sent to the cxf endpoint - producerRemote.
The response is sent back the reverse way.

Call multi externals Web Service in Apache Camel correct way

I am stuck with Apache Camel. I need to expose an web service through JBOSS FUSE, but the payload that I must return depends on call to two external web services.
So, the first external web service has this URL:
This receive one param named A, and return three values X, Y and Z.
The second one, receive three params named B, X and Y. Notice that X and Y are the returned values from first external web service.
This second external web service return N1...Nn values that are the final payload
The final user consume only one web service, that is the internal we service that I will expose through JBOSS FUSE. For this reason I need to expose a web service that receive two params
What is the correct way to model this flow in Apache camel? I write the following configuration but the final payload are empty:
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epInterno" address="/ep-interno/" serviceClass="somePackage.MyWebServiceInterface">
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epExterno1" address="http://someip/externalWSOne" serviceClass="somePackage.ExternalWSOneServiceInterface">
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epExterno2" address="http://someip/externalWSTwo" serviceClass="somePackage.ExternalWSTwoServiceInterface">
<camelContext id="blueprintContext" trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
<route id="ruta1">
<from uri="cxf:bean:epInterno"/>
<process ref="proccesorOne" />
<to uri="cxf:bean:epExterno1" />
<process ref="processorTwo" />
<to uri="cxf:bean:epExterno2" />
All artifacts for external web services are generate with Maven plugin.
Ok, I tried probe my solution so I decided to write the three projects mentioned above.
THE RESULT: YES this is the correct way *
Seems that for my case, when I use the real WS, I have problems not strict related with apache camel flow, instead of this are related with the implementation of this external WS
So, if I somebody need to test by self, can try it analyzing the following code for projects in github.

cxf webservice over jms, how to get wsdl

I have a webservice configured like this.
endpointName="hello:MyServiceImplPort" address="jms://"
implementor="com.test.service.MyServiceImpl" >
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.feature.LoggingFeature" />
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.transport.jms.JMSConfigFeature">
<property name="jmsConfig" ref="jmsConfig"/>
I want to have the cxf generate the wsdl for me. when the service is http, I can access the wsdl from a url like this http://localhost:8080/server/hello?wsdl, after I change the transport to jms, how do I access the wsdl? what's the jms message I need to send to get the wsdl. or I have to write the wsdl first and expose it through a regular http request. I am asking this because the client need to know the wsdl to get all the type and binding information to generate class. client should already know how to connect the queue.
You can use commandline java2ws tool (see http://cxf.apache.org/docs/java-to-ws.html) passing it your implementation class. There is also a sample invocation from Ant script. It will generate WSDL which your client can use to generate client code.

Apache CFX Schema validation - contract first

I am developing a Web service using Apache CXF and contract first approach with schema validation. Problem is, that validation is not working. There is no error, so it like is not activated. But validation is configured.
So, I have took a look to official Apache CXF examples you can find here.
I took a look to wsdl_first example and modify it adding schema validation and some restriction in WSDL:
<!-- HTTP Endpoint -->
<jaxws:endpoint xmlns:customer="http://customerservice.example.com/"
id="CustomerServiceHTTP" address="http://localhost:9090/CustomerServicePort"
serviceName="customer:CustomerServiceService" endpointName="customer:CustomerServiceEndpoint"
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.feature.LoggingFeature" />
<!-- schema validation-->
<entry key="schema-validation-enabled" value="true" />
To my surprise, it doesn't work either.
OK, so I took a look to wsdl_first_xmlbeans example, where according with the README.txt file, it also shows how CXF configuration can be used to enable schema validation.
And for this example, schema validation works. The difference between both examples is that the second one use JAX-WS APIs and with the XMLBeans approach. Does it have something to do? Why schema validation is not working for first example? Probably, I am missing something.
For validation on the service side, it would likely need to have a wsdlLocation attribute set on the jaxws:endpoint so it would load the WSDL (that would then contain the schemas). Currently, the validation in that example is on the client side only. If you run the service, the log shows:
INFO: Creating Service {http://server.customerservice.example.com/}CustomerServiceImplService from class com.example.customerservice.CustomerService
which shows it's not using the WSDL at all.

Usage of SoapActionEndpointMapping in Spring-ws

I'm trying to create a WS based on a WSDL that defines one Request and one Response. The incoming request should be mapped to an endpoint depending on the SOAPAction defined in the SOAP message. To achieve this I'm trying to use the SoapActionEndpointMapping in my servlet.xml config file and define the mappings, as described in the Spring documentation.
<bean id="endpointMapping" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint.mapping.SoapActionEndpointMapping">
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="http://myCompany/MyService/MyRequest/mySoapActionOne">myFirstEndpoint</prop>
<prop key="http://myCompany/MyService/MyRequest/mySoapActionTwo">mySecondEndpoint</prop>
My endpoint extends AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint and should be able to handle the requests.
The problem is that when I try to send a request (with SoapUI) i get the following error in the log:
WARN [EndpointNotFound] No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage {http://schemas.mycompany/MyService}MyRequest]
I have used the PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping with great success earlier but can not this to work.
Any help is appreciated.
Do you have a handler adapter bean defined also? You'll need one in order to use a MarshallingPayloadEndpoint, so that spring knows how to perform the marshalling. The adapter is called something like MarshallingEndpointHandlerAdapter, or similar.
In your SOAP client (SOAPUI), you'll need to add the SOAPAction header to your request, to supply spring with the SOAP action to use in its mapping.
E.g. SOAPAction=http://myCompany/MyService/MyRequest/mySoapActionOne
It shouldn't make any difference what type of Endpoint you're using, because currently, you're receiving a 404 response - your request isn't finding its way to any endpoint.