File Based Memory Pool - Is it Possible? - c++

Whenever a new / malloc is used, OS create a new(or reuse) heap memory segment, aligned to the page size and return it to the calling process. All these allocations will constitute to the Process's virtual memory. In 32bit computing, any process can scale only upto 4 GB. Higher the heap allocation, the rate of increase of process memory is higher. Though there are lot of memory management / memory pools available, all these utilities end up again in creating a heap and reusing it effeciently.
mmap (Memory mapping) on the other hand, provides the ablity to visualize a file as memory stream, and enables the program to use pointer manipulations directly on file. But here again, mmap is actually allocating the range of addresses in the process space. So if we mmap a 3GB file with size 3GB and take a pmap of the process, you could see the total memory consumed by the process is >= 3GB.
My question is, is it possible to have a file based memory pool [just like mmaping a file], however, does not constitute the process memory space. I visualize something like a memory DB, which is backed by a file, which is so fast for read/write, which supports pointer manipulations [i.e get a pointer to the record and store anything as if we do using new / malloc], which can grow on the disk, without touching the process virtual 4GB limit.
Is it possible ? if so, what are some pointers for me to start working.
I am not asking for a ready made solution / links, but to conceptually understand how it can be achieved.

It is generally possible but very coplicated. You would have to re-map if you wanted to acces different 3Gb segments of your file, which would probably kill the performance in case of scattered access. Pointers would only get much more difficult to work with, as remmpaing changes data but leaves the adresses the same.
I have seen STXXL project that might be interesting to you; or it might not. I have never used it so I cannot give you any other advice about it.

What you are looking for, is in principle, a memory backed file-cache. There are many such things in for example database implementations (where the whole database is way larger than the memory of the machine, and the application developer probably wants to have a bit of memory left for application stuff). This will involve having some sort of indirection - an index, hash or some such to indicate what area of the file you want to access, and using that indirection to determine if the memory is in memory or on disk. You would essentially have to replicate what the virtual memory handling of the OS and the processor does, by having tables that indicate where in physical memory your "virtual heap" is, and if it's not present in physical memory, read it in (and if the cache is full, get rid of some - and if it's been written, write it back again).
However, it's most likely that in today's world, you have a machine capable of 64-bit addressing, and thus, it would be much easier to recompile the application as a 64-bit application, usemmap or similar to access the large memory. In this case, even if RAM isn't sufficient, you can access the memory of the file via the virtual memory system, and it takes care of all the mapping back and forth between disk and RAM (physical memory).


What part of the process virtual memory does Windows Task Manager display

My question is a bit naive. I'm willing to have an overview as simple as possible and couldn't find any resource that made it clear to me. I am a developer and I want to understand what exactly is the memory displayed in the "memory" column by default in Windows Task Manager:
To make things a bit simpler, let's forget about the memory the process shares with other processes, and imagine the shared memory is negligible. Also I'm focussed on the big picture and mainly care for things at GB level.
As far as I know, the memory reserved by the process called "virtual memory", is partly stored in the main memory (RAM), partly on the disk. The system decides what goes where. The system basically keeps in RAM the parts of the virtual memory that is accessed sufficiently frequently by the process. A process can reserve more virtual memory than RAM available in the computer.
From a developer point of view, the virtual memory may only be partially allocated by the program through its own memory manager (with malloc() or new X() for example). I guess the system has no awareness of what part of the virtual memory is allocated since this is handled by the process in a "private" way and depends on the language, runtime, compiler... Q: Is this correct?
My hypothesis is that the memory displayed by the task manager is essentially the part of the virtual memory being stored in RAM by the system. Q: Is it correct? And is there a simple way to know the total virtual memory reserved by the process?
Memory on windows is... extremely complicated and asking 'how much memory does my process use' is effectively a nonsensical question. TO answer your questions lets get a little background first.
Memory on windows is allocated via ptr = VirtualAlloc(..., MEM_RESERVE, ...) and committed later with VirtualAlloc(ptr+n, MEM_COMMIT, ...).
Any reserved memory just uses up address space and so isn't interesting. Windows will let you MEM_RESERVE terabytes of memory just fine. Committing the memory does use up resources but not in the way you'd think. When you call commit windows does a few sums and basically works out (total physical ram + total swap - current commit) and lets you allocate memory if there's enough free. BUT the windows memory manager doesn't actually give you physical ram until you actually use it.
Later, however, if windows is tight for physical RAM it'll swap some of your RAM out to disk (it may compress it and also throw away unused pages, throw away anything directly mapped from a file and other optimisations). This means your total commit and total physical ram usage for your program may be wildly different. Both numbers are useful depending on what you're measuring.
There's one last large caveat - memory that is shared. When you load DLLs the code, the read-only memory [and even maybe the read/write section but this is COW'd] can be shared with other programs. This means that your app requires that memory but you cannot count that memory against just your app - after all it can be shared and so doesn't take up as much physical memory as a naive count would think.
(If you are writing a game or similar you also need to count GPU memory but I'm no expert here)
All of the above goodness is normally wrapped up by the heap the application uses and you see none of this - you ask for and use memory. And its just as optimal as possible.
You can see this by going to the details tab and looking at the various options - commit-size and working-set are really useful. If you just look at the main window in task-manager and it has a single value I'd hope you understand now that a single value for memory used has to be some kind of compromise as its not a question that makes sense.
Now to answer your questions
Firstly the OS knows exactly how much memory your app has reserved and how much it has committed. What it doesn't know is if the heap implementation you (or more likely the CRT) are using has kept some freed memory about which it hasn't released back to the operation system. Heaps often do this as an optimisation - asking for memory from the OS and freeing it back to the OS is a fairly expensive operation (and can only be done in large chunks known as pages) and so most of them keep some around.
Second question: Dont use that value, go to details and use the values there as only you know what you actually want to ask.
For your comment, yes, but this depends on the size of the allocation. If you allocate a large block of memory (say >= 1MB) then the heap in the CRT generally directly defers the allocation to the operating system and so freeing individual ones will actually free them. For small allocations the heap in the CRT asks for pages of memory from the operating system and then subdivides that to give out in allocations. And so if you then free every other one of those you'll be left with holes - and the heap cannot give those holes back to the OS as the OS generally only works in whole pages. So anything you see in task manager will show that all the memory is still used. Remember this memory isn't lost or leaked, its just effectively pooled and will be used again if allocations ask for that size. If you care about this memory you can use the crt heap statistics famliy of functions to keep an eye on those - specifically _CrtMemDumpStatistics

Is it possible to partially free dynamically-allocated memory on a POSIX system?

I have a C++ application where I sometimes require a large buffer of POD types (e.g. an array of 25 billion floats) to be held in memory at once in a contiguous block. This particular memory organization is driven by the fact that the application makes use of some C APIs that operate on the data. Therefore, a different arrangement (such as a list of smaller chunks of memory like std::deque uses) isn't feasible.
The application has an algorithm that is run on the array in a streaming fashion; think something like this:
std::vector<float> buf(<very_large_size>);
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) do_algorithm(buf[i]);
This particular algorithm is the conclusion of a pipeline of earlier processing steps that have been applied to the dataset. Therefore, once my algorithm has passed over the i-th element in the array, the application no longer needs it.
In theory, therefore, I could free that memory in order to reduce my application's memory footprint as it chews through the data. However, doing something akin to a realloc() (or a std::vector<T>::shrink_to_fit()) would be inefficient because my application would have to spend its time copying the unconsumed data to the new spot at reallocation time.
My application runs on POSIX-compliant operating systems (e.g. Linux, OS X). Is there any interface by which I could ask the operating system to free only a specified region from the front of the block of memory? This would seem to be the most efficient approach, as I could just notify the memory manager that, for example, the first 2 GB of the memory block can be reclaimed once I'm done with it.
If your entire buffer has to be in memory at once, then you probably will not gain much from freeing it partially later.
The main point on this post is basically to NOT tell you to do what you want to do, because the OS will not unnecessarily keep your application's memory in RAM if it's not actually needed. This is the difference between "resident memory usage" and "virtual memory usage". "Resident" is what is currently used and in RAM, "virtual" is the total memory usage of your application. And as long as your swap partition is large enough, "virtual" memory is pretty much a non-issue. [I'm assuming here that your system will not run out of virtual memory space, which is true in a 64-bit application, as long as you are not using hundreds of terabytes of virtual space!]
If you still want to do that, and want to have some reasonable portability, I would suggest building a "wrapper" that behaves kind of like std::vector and allocates lumps of some megabytes (or perhaps a couple of gigabytes) of memory at a time, and then something like:
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) {
The done method will simply check if the value if i is (one element) past the end of the current buffer, and free it. [This should inline nicely, and produce very little overhead on the average loop - assuming elements are actually used in linear order, of course].
I'd be very surprised if this gains you anything, unless do_algorithm(buf[i]) takes quite some time (certainly many seconds, probably many minutes or even hours). And of course, it's only going to help if you actually have something else useful to do with that memory. And even then, the OS will reclaim memory that isn't actively used by swapping it out to disk, if the system is short of memory.
In other words, if you allocate 100GB, fill it, leave it sitting without touching, it will eventually ALL be on the hard-disk rather than in RAM.
Further, it is not at all unusual that the heap in the application retains freed memory, and that the OS does not get the memory back until the application exits - and certainly, if only parts of a larger allocation is freed, the runtime will not release it until the whole block has been freed. So, as stated at the beginning, I'm not sure how much this will actually help your application.
As with everything regarding "tuning" and "performance improvements", you need to measure and compare a benchmark, and see how much it helps.
Is it possible to partially free dynamically-allocated memory on a POSIX system?
You can not do it using malloc()/realloc()/free().
However, you can do it in a semi-portable way using mmap() and munmap(). The key point is that if you munmap() some page, malloc() can later use that page:
create an anonymous mapping using mmap();
subsequently call munmap() for regions that you don't need anymore.
The portability issues are:
POSIX doesn't specify anonymous mappings. Some systems provide MAP_ANONYMOUS or MAP_ANON flag. Other systems provide special device file that can be mapped for this purpose. Linux provides both.
I don't think that POSIX guarantees that when you munmap() a page, malloc() will be able to use it. But I think it'll work an all systems that have mmap()/unmap().
If your memory region is so large that most pages surely will be written to swap, you will not loose anything by using file mappings instead of anonymous mappings. File mappings are specified in POSIX.
If you can do without the convenience of std::vector (which won't give you much in this case anyway because you'll never want to copy / return / move that beast anyway), you can do your own memory handling. Ask the operating system for entire pages of memory (via mmap) and return them as appropriate (using munmap). You can tell mmap via its fist argument and the optional MAP_FIXED flag to map the page at a particular address (which you must ensure to be not otherwise occupied, of course) so you can build up an area of contiguous memory. If you allocate the entire memory upfront, then this is not an issue and you can do it with a single mmap and let the operating system choose a convenient place to map it. In the end, this is what malloc does internally. For platforms that don't have sys/mman.h, it's not difficult to fall back to using malloc if you can live with the fact that on those platforms, you won't return memory early.
I'm suspecting that if your allocation sizes are always multiples of the page size, realloc will be smart enough not to copy any data. You'd have to try this out and see if it works (or consult your malloc's documentation) on your particular target platform, though.
mremap is probably what you need. As long as you're shifting whole pages, you can do a super fast realloc (actually the kernel would do it for you).

Need to manage a slab of 'theoretical' memory

I need to manage memory that's in a separate memory space. Another program has a large slab of contiguous memory that my code cannot directly access, and notifies my code of its size during initialization. The other program will ask my code to "allocate" X bytes from the slab, and will later notify my code to deallocate the allocated blocks. The allocations and deallocations will be more or less unpredictable, much like the use of regular malloc and free. It's up to my code to manage the dynamic memory for the other process. The intended use has to do with device memory on a GPU, but I would rather not make the question specific to that. I'd like an answer that's generic, maybe even enough that I could theoretically use it as a back-end for a network API for managing virtual memory on a remote machine.
The basic functionality I need is to be able initialize the manager with the slab size, perform the equivalent of malloc() and free(), and get a few stats like remaining available memory and maybe maximum allocatable size.
Obviously, I can't use malloc() and free() 'abstractly'. I also don't want the management of my actual process memory to interfere with the management of my abstract slab.
What would be the best way to go about this? And, more specifically, does the standard library or Boost have this kind of a facility?
Allocation strategy is not extremely important at this point. I mean, maybe it is, but first I need to figure out how I'm going to go about this business.
I'm going to be using this for allocating between tens and several thousand buffers per second, with different sizes; some as small as several bytes, some as large as gigabytes. There will be no buildup of allocated space over a long period of time.
a back-end for a network API for managing virtual memory on a remote machine
A networked system should not be concerned about the memory management of a remote node. The remote node should be free to choose whether to serve the request by allocating memory on the fastest but scarcest memory or in a larger but slower storage or a hybrid of both depending on its own heuristics, other requests happening concurrently, prioritization/security policy set by the network admin, and so on.
Thinking in terms of malloc and free will limit what a remote server can do to serve the requests efficiently.
Note that strictly speaking malloc itself is only managing "theoretical"/"virtual" memory. The OS kernel can page memory allocated with malloc in and out of swap space and assign or move its physical address on the MMU. The memory "address" returned by "malloc" is actually just a virtual address which doesn't correspond to actual physical address.
Unlike networked system, when managing hardware you do usually want to dictate very closely what the hardware should do on each step, because, presumably, a hardware is only connected to a single system, so any contention is only local contention, and considerations regarding performance throughput usually trumps everything else. The nature of managing remote resource on a networked system and local hardware is similar but quite different.
If you're interested in designs for networked shared memory, you might want to checkout in-memory databases (e.g. Redis) or networked file systems. A networked shared memory can usually afford to use a user-friendly string keys to point to the memory slabs; hardware shared memory usually want to keep it simple and fast by using simple numeric handles.
Both networked and hardware need to deal with splitting a single resource for multiple independent processes securely. In many popular operating system, the code responsible for managing hardware allocation is usually the kernel. It's quite rare for userspace program to be the one responsible for managing hardware on monolithic OSes. Maybe you should be writing a device driver? Many GPGPU device now have an MMU.
Certainly, there's nothing preventing you from writing a gpu_malloc()/gpu_free(). It theoretically should be possible to mmap the remote system's address space into the process's virtual memory address space so that programs could just use the remote memory just as any other memory.
I'm going to be using this for allocating between tens and several thousand buffers per second, with different sizes; some as small as several bytes, some as large as gigabytes.
Generally, you don't want having thousands of small allocations. System calls that relates to memory management can be expensive if it involves remote systems, so it might be necessary to have the client program to allocate large slabs and do its own suballocation (malloc does this, small mallocs usually causes one system call to allocate larger memory than is requested and malloc then suballocates the slab).

memory map versus 64bit process heap

If a 64bit program wants to consume lot of memory, does it matter if memory is allocated in process heap or from memory map file/s? I understand other benefits of memory map file like sharing across two or more processes, however, in my case, data in memory maps is not shared across processes.
It's not entirely clear what you mean would be the difference, especially given that large allocations [by some definition of large that depends on settings in the C library] are typically make by using anonymous mmap regions (that is, memory mapped files that don't actually have a real file backing them - the OS uses /dev/zero as the "file", so when memory is paged in from the "file" it reads as zero. It is never written back...].
In other words, whilst "heap" is memory managed by the C library, and if you manually manage memory mapped files you have to do the "management" in your code for that, it's otherwise the same thing.
In response to the comment:
It's really going to depend on:
The amount of memory in the system. If you have 1TB+, then you will probably be able to use either method with approximately the same result.
How large the sections are from file - if you are reading little portions (significantly less than 4KB) in many different places, then malloc will probably win. If the sections of file you are working on is much larger, then either method will have about the same memory usage factor.
Either method will not give decent performance if you have a lot less memory than the actual amount of data you are processing, because too much time is spent reading/writing data to/from disk, and/or allocating/deallocating memory.
In general, mapping files to memory is the fastest way of loading the data into memory (there is fewer times the OS has to copy the data on the way from the disk to the final location in memory). But for any relatively large files, the actual speed the data comes off the disk will be the main factor, and no matter what you do, that will dominate the time it takes to read 1TB of file(s).

Swapping objects out to file

My C++ application occasionally runs out of memory due to large amounts of data being retrieved from a database. It has to run on 32bit WinXP machines.
Is it possible to transparently (for most of the existing code) swap out the data objects to disk and read them into memory only on demand, so I'm not limited to the 2GB that 32bit Windows gives to the process?
I've looked at VirtualAlloc and Address Window Extensions but I'm not sure it's what I want.
I also found this SO question where the questioner creates a file mapping and wants to create objects in there. One answer suggests using placement new which sounds like it would be pretty transparent to the rest of the code.
Will this prevent my application to run out of physical memory? I'm not entirely sure of it because after all there is still the 32bit address space limit. Or is this a different kind of problem that will occur when trying to create a lot of objects?
So long as you are using a 32-bit operating system there is nothing you can do about this. There is no way to have more than 3GB (2GB in the case of Windows) of data in virtual memory, whether or not it's actually swapped out to disk.
Historically databases have always handled this problem by using read, write and seek. So rather than accessing data directly from memory, they use a fake (64-bit) pointer. Data is split into blocks (normally around 4kb), and a number of these blocks are allocated in memory. When they want to access data from a fake pointer address they check if the block is loaded into memory and if it is they access it from there. If it is not then they find an empty slot and copy it in, then return the address. If there are no slots free then a piece of data will be written back out to disk (if it's been modified) and that slot will be reused.
The real beauty of this is that if your system has enough RAM then the operating system will cache much more than 2GB of this data in RAM at any point in time, and when you feel like you are actually reading and writing from disk the operating system will probably just be copying data around in memory. This, of course, requires a 32-bit operating system that support more than 3GB of physical memory, such as Linux or Windows Server with PAE.
SQLite has a nice self-contained implementation of this, which you could probably make use of with little effort.
If you do not wish to do this then your only alternatives are to either use a 64-bit operating system or to work with less data at any given point in time.