Need to manage a slab of 'theoretical' memory - c++

I need to manage memory that's in a separate memory space. Another program has a large slab of contiguous memory that my code cannot directly access, and notifies my code of its size during initialization. The other program will ask my code to "allocate" X bytes from the slab, and will later notify my code to deallocate the allocated blocks. The allocations and deallocations will be more or less unpredictable, much like the use of regular malloc and free. It's up to my code to manage the dynamic memory for the other process. The intended use has to do with device memory on a GPU, but I would rather not make the question specific to that. I'd like an answer that's generic, maybe even enough that I could theoretically use it as a back-end for a network API for managing virtual memory on a remote machine.
The basic functionality I need is to be able initialize the manager with the slab size, perform the equivalent of malloc() and free(), and get a few stats like remaining available memory and maybe maximum allocatable size.
Obviously, I can't use malloc() and free() 'abstractly'. I also don't want the management of my actual process memory to interfere with the management of my abstract slab.
What would be the best way to go about this? And, more specifically, does the standard library or Boost have this kind of a facility?
Allocation strategy is not extremely important at this point. I mean, maybe it is, but first I need to figure out how I'm going to go about this business.
I'm going to be using this for allocating between tens and several thousand buffers per second, with different sizes; some as small as several bytes, some as large as gigabytes. There will be no buildup of allocated space over a long period of time.

a back-end for a network API for managing virtual memory on a remote machine
A networked system should not be concerned about the memory management of a remote node. The remote node should be free to choose whether to serve the request by allocating memory on the fastest but scarcest memory or in a larger but slower storage or a hybrid of both depending on its own heuristics, other requests happening concurrently, prioritization/security policy set by the network admin, and so on.
Thinking in terms of malloc and free will limit what a remote server can do to serve the requests efficiently.
Note that strictly speaking malloc itself is only managing "theoretical"/"virtual" memory. The OS kernel can page memory allocated with malloc in and out of swap space and assign or move its physical address on the MMU. The memory "address" returned by "malloc" is actually just a virtual address which doesn't correspond to actual physical address.
Unlike networked system, when managing hardware you do usually want to dictate very closely what the hardware should do on each step, because, presumably, a hardware is only connected to a single system, so any contention is only local contention, and considerations regarding performance throughput usually trumps everything else. The nature of managing remote resource on a networked system and local hardware is similar but quite different.
If you're interested in designs for networked shared memory, you might want to checkout in-memory databases (e.g. Redis) or networked file systems. A networked shared memory can usually afford to use a user-friendly string keys to point to the memory slabs; hardware shared memory usually want to keep it simple and fast by using simple numeric handles.
Both networked and hardware need to deal with splitting a single resource for multiple independent processes securely. In many popular operating system, the code responsible for managing hardware allocation is usually the kernel. It's quite rare for userspace program to be the one responsible for managing hardware on monolithic OSes. Maybe you should be writing a device driver? Many GPGPU device now have an MMU.
Certainly, there's nothing preventing you from writing a gpu_malloc()/gpu_free(). It theoretically should be possible to mmap the remote system's address space into the process's virtual memory address space so that programs could just use the remote memory just as any other memory.
I'm going to be using this for allocating between tens and several thousand buffers per second, with different sizes; some as small as several bytes, some as large as gigabytes.
Generally, you don't want having thousands of small allocations. System calls that relates to memory management can be expensive if it involves remote systems, so it might be necessary to have the client program to allocate large slabs and do its own suballocation (malloc does this, small mallocs usually causes one system call to allocate larger memory than is requested and malloc then suballocates the slab).


What part of the process virtual memory does Windows Task Manager display

My question is a bit naive. I'm willing to have an overview as simple as possible and couldn't find any resource that made it clear to me. I am a developer and I want to understand what exactly is the memory displayed in the "memory" column by default in Windows Task Manager:
To make things a bit simpler, let's forget about the memory the process shares with other processes, and imagine the shared memory is negligible. Also I'm focussed on the big picture and mainly care for things at GB level.
As far as I know, the memory reserved by the process called "virtual memory", is partly stored in the main memory (RAM), partly on the disk. The system decides what goes where. The system basically keeps in RAM the parts of the virtual memory that is accessed sufficiently frequently by the process. A process can reserve more virtual memory than RAM available in the computer.
From a developer point of view, the virtual memory may only be partially allocated by the program through its own memory manager (with malloc() or new X() for example). I guess the system has no awareness of what part of the virtual memory is allocated since this is handled by the process in a "private" way and depends on the language, runtime, compiler... Q: Is this correct?
My hypothesis is that the memory displayed by the task manager is essentially the part of the virtual memory being stored in RAM by the system. Q: Is it correct? And is there a simple way to know the total virtual memory reserved by the process?
Memory on windows is... extremely complicated and asking 'how much memory does my process use' is effectively a nonsensical question. TO answer your questions lets get a little background first.
Memory on windows is allocated via ptr = VirtualAlloc(..., MEM_RESERVE, ...) and committed later with VirtualAlloc(ptr+n, MEM_COMMIT, ...).
Any reserved memory just uses up address space and so isn't interesting. Windows will let you MEM_RESERVE terabytes of memory just fine. Committing the memory does use up resources but not in the way you'd think. When you call commit windows does a few sums and basically works out (total physical ram + total swap - current commit) and lets you allocate memory if there's enough free. BUT the windows memory manager doesn't actually give you physical ram until you actually use it.
Later, however, if windows is tight for physical RAM it'll swap some of your RAM out to disk (it may compress it and also throw away unused pages, throw away anything directly mapped from a file and other optimisations). This means your total commit and total physical ram usage for your program may be wildly different. Both numbers are useful depending on what you're measuring.
There's one last large caveat - memory that is shared. When you load DLLs the code, the read-only memory [and even maybe the read/write section but this is COW'd] can be shared with other programs. This means that your app requires that memory but you cannot count that memory against just your app - after all it can be shared and so doesn't take up as much physical memory as a naive count would think.
(If you are writing a game or similar you also need to count GPU memory but I'm no expert here)
All of the above goodness is normally wrapped up by the heap the application uses and you see none of this - you ask for and use memory. And its just as optimal as possible.
You can see this by going to the details tab and looking at the various options - commit-size and working-set are really useful. If you just look at the main window in task-manager and it has a single value I'd hope you understand now that a single value for memory used has to be some kind of compromise as its not a question that makes sense.
Now to answer your questions
Firstly the OS knows exactly how much memory your app has reserved and how much it has committed. What it doesn't know is if the heap implementation you (or more likely the CRT) are using has kept some freed memory about which it hasn't released back to the operation system. Heaps often do this as an optimisation - asking for memory from the OS and freeing it back to the OS is a fairly expensive operation (and can only be done in large chunks known as pages) and so most of them keep some around.
Second question: Dont use that value, go to details and use the values there as only you know what you actually want to ask.
For your comment, yes, but this depends on the size of the allocation. If you allocate a large block of memory (say >= 1MB) then the heap in the CRT generally directly defers the allocation to the operating system and so freeing individual ones will actually free them. For small allocations the heap in the CRT asks for pages of memory from the operating system and then subdivides that to give out in allocations. And so if you then free every other one of those you'll be left with holes - and the heap cannot give those holes back to the OS as the OS generally only works in whole pages. So anything you see in task manager will show that all the memory is still used. Remember this memory isn't lost or leaked, its just effectively pooled and will be used again if allocations ask for that size. If you care about this memory you can use the crt heap statistics famliy of functions to keep an eye on those - specifically _CrtMemDumpStatistics

Why we use memory managers?

I have seen that lot of code bases specially server codes have basic (sometimes advanced) memory managers. Is the real purpose of memory manager is to reduce number of malloc calls or mainly for the purpose of memory analysis, corruption check or may be other application centric purposes.
Is the argument of saving malloc calls reasonable enough as malloc in itself is a memory manager. The only performance gain I can reason is when we know that system always ask for same size memory.
Or the reason for having memory manager is that free does not return memory to OS but saves in the list. So over the lifetime of the process, the heap usage of the process may increase if we keep on doing malloc/free because of fragmentation.
mallocis a general purpose allocator - "not slow" is more important than "always fast".
Consider a feature that would be a 10% improvement in many common cases, but might cause significant performance degradation in a few rare cases. An application specific allocator can avoid the rare case and reap the benefits. A general purpose allocator should not.
Besides number of calls to malloc, there are other relevant attributes:
locality of allocations
On current hardware, this easily the most important factor for performance. An application has more knowledge of the access patterns and can optimize the allocations accordingly.
A general purpose allocator must allow calls to malloc and free from different threads. This usually requires a lock or similar concurrency handling. If the heap is very busy, this leads to massive contention.
An application that knows that some high-frequency alloc/frees come only from one thread can use its own thread-specific heap, which not only avoids contention for these allocations, but also increases their locality and takes load off the default allocator.
This is still a problem for long running applications on systems with limited physical memory or address space. Fragmentation may require more and more memory or address space from the OS, even without the actual working set increasing. This is a significant problem for applications that need to run uninterrupted.
Last time I looked deeper into allocators (which is probably half a decade past), the consensus was that naive attempts to reduce fragmentation often conflict with the never slow rule.
Again, an application that knows (some of its) allocation patterns can take a lot of load from the default allocator. One very common use case is building a syntax tree or something similar: there are gazillions of small allocations which are never freed individually, only as a whole. Such a pattern can be served efficiently with a very trivial allocator.
resilence and diagnostics
Last not least the diagnostic and self-protection capabilities of the default allocator may not be sufficient for many applications.
Why do we have custom memory managers rather than the built-in ones?
Number one reason is probably that the codebase was originaly written 20-30years ago when the provided one wasn't any good and nobody dares change it.
But otherwise, as you say because the application needs to manage fragmentation, grab memory at startup to ensure that memory will always be available, for security or a bunch of other reasons - most of which could be acheived by correct use of the built-in manager.
C and C++ are designed to be stripped down. They don't do much that is not explicitly asked for, so when a program asks for memory, it gets the minimum possible effort required to deliver that memory.
In other words, if you don't need it, you don't pay for it.
If finer-grained control of the memory is required, that's the domain of the programmer. If the programmer wishes to trade bare metal speed for a system that will provide higher performance on the target hardware in conjunction with the program's often unique goals, better debugging support, or simply likes the look and feel and warm fuzzies that come from using a manager, that is up to them. The programmer either writes something smarter or finds a third party library to do what they want.
You briefly touched on a lot of the different reasons why you would use a memory manager in your question.
Is the real purpose of a memory manager to reduce the number of malloc calls or mainly for the purpose of memory analysis, corruption check or other application centric purposes?
This is the big question. A memory manager in any application can be generic (like malloc) or it can be more specific. The more specialized the memory manager becomes it is likely to be more efficient at the specific task it is supposed to accomplish.
Take this overly-simplified example:
#define MAX_OBJECTS 1000
Foo globalObjects[MAX_OBJECTS];
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
void * mallocObjects[MAX_OBJECTS] = {0};
void * customObjects[MAX_OBJECTS] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
mallocObjects[i] = malloc(sizeof(Foo));
customObjects[i] = &globalObjects[i];
In the above I am pretending that this global object list is our "custom memory allocator." This is just to simplify what I am explaining.
When you allocate with malloc there is no guarantee it is right next to the previous allocation. Malloc is a general purpose allocator and does a good job at that but doesn't necessarily make the most efficient choice for every application.
With a custom allocator you might be able to up front allocate room for 1000 custom objects and since they are a fixed size return the exact amount of memory you need to prevent fragmentation and to efficiently allocate that block.
There is also the difference between memory abstraction and custom memory allocators. STL allocators are arguably an abstraction model and not a custom memory allocator.
Take a look at this link for some more information on custom allocators and why they are useful: link
There are many reasons why we would want to do this and it really depends on the application itself. In fact all the reasons you mentioned are valid.
I once built a very simple memory manager that kept track of shared_ptr allocations in order for me to see what was not being released properly on application end.
I would say stick to your runtime unless you need something that it does not provide.
Memory managers are used basically to manage efficiently your memory reservation. Normally processes have access to a limited amount of memory (4GB in 32bits systems), from this you have to subtract the virtual memory space reserved for the kernel (1GB or 2GB depending on your OS configuration). Thus, virtually the process has access let's say to 3GB of memory that will be used to hold all of its segments (code, data, bss, heap and stack).
Memory managers (malloc for example) try to fulfill the different memory reservation requests issued by the process by requesting new memory pages to the OS (using sbrk or mmap system calls). Every time this happens it implies an extra cost on the program execution since the OS has to look for a suitable memory page to be assigned to the process (Physical memory is limited and all the running processes want to use it), update the process tables (TMP, etc). These operations are time consuming and hit the process execution and performance. Thus, the memory manager normally try to request the needed pages to fulfill the process reservations cleverly. For example it could ask for some more pages to avoid calling more mmap calls in the near future. Additionally, it tries to deal with issues like fragmentation, memory alignment, etc. This basically unloads the process from this responsibility, otherwise everybody writing some program that needs dynamic memory allocation has to perform this manually!
Actually, there are cases where one could be interested in doing the memory management manually. This is the case for embedded or high availability systems which have to run for 24/365. In these cases even if the memory fragmentation is low it could become a problem after very long period of running (1 year for example). So, one of the solutions that are used in this case is to use a memory pool to allocate before hand the memory for the application objects. After-wards each time you need memory for some object you just use the already reserved memory.
For server based or any application that needs to run for long periods of time or indefinitely, the main issue is paged memory fragmentation. After a long series of mallocs / new and free / delete, paged memory can end up with gaps in the pages that waste space and could eventually run out of virtual address space. Microsoft deals with this with it's .NET framework, by occasionally pausing a process to repack paged memory for a process.
To avoid slowdown during repacking of memory in a process, a server type application can use multiple processes for the application, so that during repacking of one process, the other process(es) take more of the load.

File Based Memory Pool - Is it Possible?

Whenever a new / malloc is used, OS create a new(or reuse) heap memory segment, aligned to the page size and return it to the calling process. All these allocations will constitute to the Process's virtual memory. In 32bit computing, any process can scale only upto 4 GB. Higher the heap allocation, the rate of increase of process memory is higher. Though there are lot of memory management / memory pools available, all these utilities end up again in creating a heap and reusing it effeciently.
mmap (Memory mapping) on the other hand, provides the ablity to visualize a file as memory stream, and enables the program to use pointer manipulations directly on file. But here again, mmap is actually allocating the range of addresses in the process space. So if we mmap a 3GB file with size 3GB and take a pmap of the process, you could see the total memory consumed by the process is >= 3GB.
My question is, is it possible to have a file based memory pool [just like mmaping a file], however, does not constitute the process memory space. I visualize something like a memory DB, which is backed by a file, which is so fast for read/write, which supports pointer manipulations [i.e get a pointer to the record and store anything as if we do using new / malloc], which can grow on the disk, without touching the process virtual 4GB limit.
Is it possible ? if so, what are some pointers for me to start working.
I am not asking for a ready made solution / links, but to conceptually understand how it can be achieved.
It is generally possible but very coplicated. You would have to re-map if you wanted to acces different 3Gb segments of your file, which would probably kill the performance in case of scattered access. Pointers would only get much more difficult to work with, as remmpaing changes data but leaves the adresses the same.
I have seen STXXL project that might be interesting to you; or it might not. I have never used it so I cannot give you any other advice about it.
What you are looking for, is in principle, a memory backed file-cache. There are many such things in for example database implementations (where the whole database is way larger than the memory of the machine, and the application developer probably wants to have a bit of memory left for application stuff). This will involve having some sort of indirection - an index, hash or some such to indicate what area of the file you want to access, and using that indirection to determine if the memory is in memory or on disk. You would essentially have to replicate what the virtual memory handling of the OS and the processor does, by having tables that indicate where in physical memory your "virtual heap" is, and if it's not present in physical memory, read it in (and if the cache is full, get rid of some - and if it's been written, write it back again).
However, it's most likely that in today's world, you have a machine capable of 64-bit addressing, and thus, it would be much easier to recompile the application as a 64-bit application, usemmap or similar to access the large memory. In this case, even if RAM isn't sufficient, you can access the memory of the file via the virtual memory system, and it takes care of all the mapping back and forth between disk and RAM (physical memory).

Concurrent dynamic memory management on an AVR32

I am developing the software system for an embedded system of a student satellite. Our code is a mix of C/C++, running on an an AT32UC3A3256S 32-bit AVR microcontroller. We are running the FreeRTOS operating system on the hardware which is working fine. We also have a need for a somewhat specialized memory management scheme due to the physical memory layout, and concept of operations for the mission.
I have been attempting to use a dynamic memory implementation called dlmalloc, largely due to the availability of mspaces, which allows dynamic memory allocation into contained and tracked sections. I have some code that wraps around dlmalloc, in order to create mspaces in certain places in memory, and cause allocations to be tied to these mspaces depending on the FreeRTOS task making the request. The end product is a memory management system that amount of memory a given task has allocated, and if it has gone over it's imposed limit, will reset the task and free it's memory.
I have created a test task that essentially is a big memory leak, continuously allocating memory without freeing it. The memory management system in place should periodically reset this task as it overflows its limit, freeing all memory that would otherwise be leaked. This works perfectly for a single task running, however fails in very odd ways if two similar copies of this task run simultaneously, leading me to believe that the memory allocation is not thread safe.
I have surrounded every call to memory allocation routines with FreeRTOS routines that ensure that only the task allocating memory will run for the duration of the memory request. To me this seems like it should provide the thread-safeness needed, but obviously something else is wrong.
Does anybody have any ideas on what I might be missing to make this system thread-safe, on how to port dlmalloc to the hardware I am using, on any other concurrent memory allocators I could possibly use, or any advice at all? I can provide much more information if necessary but not did want to bloat the original post more than I already have.

Is memory allocation a system call?

Is memory allocation a system call? For example, malloc and new. Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap? If memory allocation in the heap is managed by the OS, how expensive is this?
I would also like to have some link to places where I can read more about this topic.
In general, malloc and new do not perform a system call at each invocation. However, they use a lower-level mechanism to allocate large pages of memory. On Windows, the lower mechanism is VirtualAlloc(). I believe on POSIX systems, this is somewhat equivalent to mmap(). Both of these perform a system call to allocate memory to the process at the OS level. Subsequent allocations will use smaller parts of those large pages without incurring a system call.
The heap is normally inner-process and is not shared between processes. If you need this, most OSes have an API for allocating shared memory. A portable wrapper for these APIs is available in the Boost.Interprocess library.
If you would like to learn more about memory allocation and relationship with the OS, you should take a look at a good book on operating systems. I always suggest Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum as it is very easy to read.
(Assuming an operating system with memory protection. Might not be the case e.g. in embedded devices.)
Is memory allocation a system call?
Not necessarily each allocation. The process needs to call the kernel if its heap is not large enough for the requested allocation already, but C libraries usually request larger chunks when they do so, with the aim to reduce the number of system calls.
Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap?
The heap is not shared between processes. It's shared between threads though.
How expensive kernel memory allocation system calls are depends entirely on the OS. Since that's a very common thing, you can expect it to be efficient under normal circumstances. Things get complicated in low RAM situations.
See the layered memory management in Win32.
Memory allocation is always a system call but the allocation is made as pages. If there are space available in the committed pages, memory manager will allocate the requested space without changing the kernel mode. The best thing about HeapAlloc is, it provides fine control over the allocation where Virtual Alloc round the allocation for a single page. It may result in excessive usage in memory.
Basically the default heap and private heaps are treated same except the default heap size is specified during the linking time. The default heap size is 1 MB and grows as required.
See this article for more details
You can also find more information in this thread
Memory allocation functions and language statements like malloc/free and new/delete are not a system calls. Malloc\free is a part of the C\C++ library and new\delete is a part of C++ runtime system. Calls of both can occasionally lead to the system calls. In the other languages memory allocation implemented in the similar way.
In general memory management can't be implemented without involving OS at all, because memory is one of the main system resources, and due to this global memory management made by OS kernel. But due to the fact that the system calls are relatively expensive, peoples try to design languages and memory allocation libraries in such a way to minimize amount of system calls.
As I know heap is an intra-process entity. That is mean that all memory allocation/deallocation requests are managed entirely by process itself. Operating system knows only the heap location and size and services two types of requests from the intra-process memory management system:
add memory page at virtual address X
release memory page from virtual address X
Local memory management system request these services when it decides that it haven't enough memory in the memory pool of heap and when it decides that it have too much memory in the memory pool of heap.
Despite the fact that the memory allocation is usually designed in such a way to minimize amount of system calls it still stay about order more expensive then memory allocation on stack. This is because the memory allocation\deallocation algorithms of heap are much more complex and expensive than the same of stack.