Where can I get FlexUnit - unit-testing

Simple question, where do I actually download the FlexUnit binary? I've found:
The links on the first go to www.flexunit.com which doesn't appear to exist.
The second has all the source code, but no build instructions.

FlexUnit donation to Apache Flex is currently in progress and has yet to be formulated into a release. Meanwhile you can find a nightly build at https://builds.apache.org/job/flex-flexunit/ws/ (flexunit-*.zip).
An official release can now be downloaded at:

You can either use Maven to get access to Flexunit like in this question here:
How do I get Flexunit, FlexMojos and Mockolate to work together?
Or you can download flexunit from various open source projects like here:


How to install sml/nj from source?

I can success install sml/nj as the doc said:http://smlnj.org/dist/working/110.99/install.html
but how to install from source,the way the doc said let me download the config.tgz,than the script install.sh can download and compile other files from the network
but if I want to edit the source code,and test the result,this way seems can't work
eg:I edit the file compile.sml,and want to see the result,so I neet to recompiler the compiler,but install.sh will download the compiler.tgz from internet,not the file I change
so Hot to install sml/nj from source?Thanks!
smlnj.org does not have an SSL certificate, the release-note README links are broken, the GitHub repo doesn't have a top-level README. Scrolling around a bit on their website, there's a link to an installation manual:
Installing SML/NJ on UNIX
It mentions the install.sh that presumably you have tried to run. Running this seems to overcome many of the complications associated with figuring out how the source code is tied together. Unfortunately, it fails on my machine; I don't know if this is because I run MacOS and cc defaults to clang, or what.
install.sh will download the compiler.tgz from internet,not the file I change
I don't experience that re-running config/install.sh will re-download the source code, but I also don't experience this command succeeding. If you notice, there is a file called config/srcarchiveurl that contains the variable SRCARCHIVEURL. When you grep around for that, it occurs in config/download.sh and config/unpack -- the latter, unpack, is a utility used throughout install.sh to ensure that a given sub-directory is present. It is supposed to check that a file was already downloaded on lines 205--209.
Every time I've wanted to install SML/NJ from scratch, I have basically given up and gone with Poly/ML, Moscow ML, MLKit, or MLton, simply because they don't require so much to install. SML/NJ is not a modern piece of software in the way that it is distributed. Poly/ML and Moscow ML are somewhat minimalist (they don't have MLB support), but easier to modify; MLton doesn't have a REPL, but is otherwise manageable to install.

How can I find or generate a sample LLVM project?

In LLVM documentation regarding how to start a project, it mentions:
There are two ways that you can set all of these variables:
You can use the pre-made LLVM sample project. This sample project
includes Makefiles, a configure script that can be used to configure
the location of LLVM, and the ability to support multiple object
directories from a single source directory.
The problem is, I am not sure where this is located or how to generate this sample project within my LLVM installation - I have cloned LLVM project and compiled it.
In another place in documentation it was mentioned to be placed in llvm/projects/samples, however I was unable locating this, since the fonder does not contain any project (However, it contains a CMakeLists.txt and a LLVMBuild.txt, making me think I might be able to generate this).
Do I miss something very obvious here?
Thank you in advance.
It was removed since release/3.5.x branch, however you can still find in release/2.4.x branch or lower.

Issue installing SFML in Xcode - no suitable image found

I'm trying to use SFML 2.5.1 in a C++ Xcode project. I followed this tutorial on Youtube. After completing, when trying to build my project, I get the following error code:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/sfml-system.framework/Versions/2.5.1/sfml-system
Referenced from: /Users/will/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FirstSFMLApp-bzfbmdnymuynqtatiocyskrsacno/Build/Products/Debug/FirstSFMLApp.app/Contents/MacOS/FirstSFMLApp
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Frameworks/sfml-system.framework/Versions/2.5.1/sfml-system: code signature in (/Library/Frameworks/sfml-system.framework/Versions/2.5.1/sfml-system) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.
I've ticked "Run script only when installing" under build phases as required.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? I'm new to both C++ and Xcode so I'm ready to believe that I've done something dumb.
Thanks in advance.
Late, but posting to help others as I came across this question first when I was looking for an answer myself.
Go to the app view, and instead of going to the "Build phases menu", now go to "Signing and Capabilities". Go to the "Hardened Runtime" subsection.
Select "Disable Library Validation".
Run main.cpp again and it should be good to go!
I believe this is related to the privacy settings for the updated OS. NB: I have previously run the 'sudo spctl --master-disable' command in Terminal to disable gatekeeper; I've heard that without doing so you may have to accept the libraries one by one, but for some disabling gatekeeper is not an option. Running this command in terminal may have been a prerequisite for the above solution working, but I can't confirm that. Good luck!

Solving DL4J compilation error

I am trying to download DL4J source without error.
I cloned https://github.com/deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j.git
and imported using existing Maven project in Eclipse.
Tons of dependencies are downloaded but it's bombarded with errors.
Anyone who knows which branch version is free of compile error?
The site says 0.9.1 is most stable version, but it still generates errors.
So there's a few things here:
No major open source project in today's day and age operates without a build system. This can be maven,gradle,sbt,..
You ignored all of our docs about building from source and the like. You don't need to do that. Use the build system like it's intended.
My suggestion here:
Learn what the rest of the java world did and use maven:
Our quick start is here: http://deeplearning4j.org/quickstart
Follow our examples for the latest versions:
Chances are you do not need to build from source (this involves 5 other projects you probably do not want to do that) - but if you absolutely must be prepared to use c++ among other things.
The guide for that can be found here:

Can not find opencv naclport build output

Sorry if this is a really dump question. I was able to build opencv for nacl using naclports. I checked-out with pepper 42 and the built it using NACL_ARCH=pnacl make opencv command and it built successfully.
But in src/out/build/opencv folder there are no much files and it is not the file structure that i have seen with regular opencv build. In include/opencv2 folder there is only one file called "opencv.hpp".
I guess i have to do something like make install but i have no idea how to do it. I tried simply running make install but no result. Please if someone can guide me how to get done the rest of the process from here and build it to use with nacl it would be a great help.
The output directory for naclports has structure that captures both the build and install results for packages (per arch) so it has a few more layers.
The installation (result of doing make install) of opencv for pnacl is in:
That installation is also injected into the nacl sdk you're currently pointed at. So ideally, if you're building against something requiring opencv, you'll be able to do so without explicitly referencing the copy in out/.