F# function to find all rotations of a list - list

I have some F# code here for a recursive function that rotates a list to the left by n places. I am very new to F# and I'm looking for a way to modify this code to output not just one rotation by n positions, but all possible rotations.
For example, say I have the list:
let list1 = [1; 2; 3; 4]
I want to call rotate on this list such that the output is:
[ [1; 2; 3; 4]; [2; 3; 4; 1]; [3; 4; 1; 2]; [4; 1; 2; 3] ]
The code I have that does a left shift by n is:
let rec rotate xs k =
match xs, k with
|[], _ -> []
|xs, 0 -> xs
|x::xs, k when k > 0 -> rotate(xs # [x])(k-1)
|xs, k -> rotate xs (List.length xs + k)
I'm not sure how to edit this to do the steps listed above. Any help or resources would be appreciated. I should add that I really want to function to be recursive. Thanks.

If I understand the question correctly, you can also write the function using the built-in List.permute function:
let rotate xs =
let length = xs |> List.length
let perm n = xs |> List.permute (fun index -> (index + n) % length)
[1 .. length] |> List.rev |> List.map perm
Example output (slightly formatted for improved readability):
> [1 .. 4] |> rotate;;
val it : int list list =
[[1; 2; 3; 4];
[2; 3; 4; 1];
[3; 4; 1; 2];
[4; 1; 2; 3]]

I would start off with making an infinite cyclic sequence off your original list. And then use List.init to get all the rotations.
let rotations list =
let rec cyclic sequence = seq {
yield! sequence
yield! cyclic sequence }
let cyclic = cyclic list
let length = List.length list
List.init length (fun i -> cyclic |> Seq.skip i |> Seq.take length |> List.ofSeq)
the important thing is, that the sequence is lazy and therefore can be infinite.

Using the rotate function you already wrote:
let rotations xs = List.init (List.length xs) (rotate xs)
By the way, you can shorten your rotate function to this:
let rec rotate xs k =
match xs, k with
|[], _ -> []
|xs, 0 -> xs
|x::xs, k -> rotate (xs # [x]) (k-1)
Patterns are matched top-down, so the guard when k > 0 is not necessary. The last line of your original solution would never match, so I removed it.

Since I wanted to do this specific question using recursion and matchings, I managed to figure it out and this is what I came up with:
let rotate xs =
let n = List.length xs
let rec rotation xs n =
match xs, n with
|[], _ -> []
|xs, 0 -> xs
|x::xs, n -> rotation (xs # [x]) (n-1)
let rec rotateList xs n = //we are compiling a list of different rotations
match xs, n with
|xs, 0 -> []
|xs, n -> (rotation xs ((List.length xs)-n))::rotateList xs (n-1)
rotateList xs n
I also specifically wanted only one input parameter, namely the list


F# Splitting a list

I am new to F# & tuples and I am trying to split a list into three lists of tuples using recursion and matching.
For example, a list of [1; 2; 3] would return:
l1 = [1]
l2 = [2]
l3 = [3]
l1 = [1;2;3]
l2 = [4; 5]
l3 = [6; 7]
So far my code starts out as
let rec split x =
match x with
| _ -> [], [], []
I'm not sure where to start when inserting elements into each list.
The most basic approach would be to walk over the list, process the rest of it recursively and then append the current element to one of the three returned lists. You will need to add an extra parameters i to the function to keep track of how far in the list you are (and then use this to determine where should the current elemnt go). The general structure in the most basic form is:
let split l =
let length = List.length l
let rec loop i l =
match l with
| [] ->
// Empty list just becomes a triple of empty lists
[], [], []
| x::xs ->
// Process the rest of the list recursively. This
// gives us three lists containing the values from 'xs'
let l1, l2, l3 = loop (i + 1) xs
// Now comes the tricky bit. Here you need to figure out
// whether 'x' should go into 'l1', 'l2' or 'l3'.
// Then you can append it to one of them using something like:
l1, x::l2, l3
// Walk over the list, starting with index 'i=0'
loop 0 l
What to do about the tricky bit? I do not have a solution that works exactly as you wanted, but the following is close - it simply looks whether i is greater than 1/3 of the length or 2/3 of the length:
let split l =
let length = List.length l
let rec loop i l =
match l with
| [] -> [], [], []
| x::xs ->
let l1, l2, l3 = loop (i + 1) xs
if i >= length / 3 * 2 then l1, l2, x::l3
elif i >= length / 3 then l1, x::l2, l3
else x::l1, l2, l3
loop 0 l
This will always create groups of length / 3 and put remaining elements in the last list:
split [1..3] // [1], [2], [3]
split [1..4] // [1], [2], [3; 4]
split [1..5] // [1], [2], [3; 4; 5]
split [1..6] // [1; 2], [3; 4], [5; 6]
You should be able to adapt this to the behaviour you need - there is some fiddly calculation that you need to do to figure out exactly where the cut-off points are, but that's a matter of getting the +/-1s right!
There is a function for that in the List module.
You can test it easily in F# interactive (fsi).
let input = [1;2;3];;
let output = List.splitInto 3 input;;
val it : int list list = [[1]; [2]; [3]]
So it returns a list of lists.
If you want to do it by hand, you can still use other list functions (which might be good exercise in itself):
let manualSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
[(List.take (n+r) list)]
(List.unfold (fun rest ->
match rest with
| [] -> None
| _ -> let taken = min n (List.length rest)
Some (List.take taken rest, List.skip taken rest))
(List.skip (n+r) list))
Here, List.unfold does the iteration (recursing) part for you.
So, if you really want to train working with recursive functions, you will end up writing your own List.unfold replacement or something more tailored to your concrete use case.
let pedestrianSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
let rec step rest acc =
match rest with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
let taken = min n (List.length rest)
step (List.skip taken rest) ((List.take taken rest) :: acc)
List.rev (step (List.skip (n+r) list) [List.take (n+r) list])
Please observe how similar the implementation of function step is to the lambda given to List.unfold in manualSplitInto.
If you also do not want to use functions like List.take or List.skip, you will have to go even lower level and do element wise operations, such as:
let rec splitAtIndex index front rear =
match index with
| 0 -> (List.rev front, rear)
| _ -> splitAtIndex (index - 1) ((List.head rear) :: front) (List.tail rear)
let stillLivingOnTreesSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
let rec collect result (front,rear) =
match rear with
| [] -> (front :: result)
| _ -> collect (front :: result) (splitAtIndex n [] rear)
let x = splitAtIndex (n+r) [] list
collect [] x |> List.rev
If you know it will always be triplets then this should work.
let xs = [1..7]
let n = List.length xs
let y = List.mapi (fun i x -> (x, 3 * i / n)) xs
List.foldBack (fun (x, i) (a,b,c) -> match i with 0 -> (x::a,b,c) | 1 -> (a,x::b,c) | 2 -> (a,b,x::c)) y (([],[],[]))

Create a function that produces a list of multiples ocaml

I have a function:
let rec multiply x ls =
match ls with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> (x * h) :: multiply x tl
multiply 2 [1;2;3] = [2;4;6]
I would like a function that calls multiply from n to 0. I keep having problems because of the base case:
let rec multiply_all x ls = if x > 0
then (multiply n ls) :: multiply_all (n-1) (ls) else ????
I am not sure what to put after the else. I tried to make it
if x > 1 then (multiply n ls) :: multiply_all (n-1) (ls) else multiply all 1.
but that doesn't work.
Putting 1 there certainly doesn't work since multiply_all must return a list. So you need a list (of lists of int) to put there. But which list should it be?
The short answer is that in such simple cases, the list you need is usually the empty list: [].
As a slightly longer answer, we can consider the case for multiply_all 0 in relation to the intended results of multiply_all 1, multiply_all 2, etc., and try to find a pattern that fits. We want multiply_all to behave like this:
# multiply_all 2 [1;2;3];;
- : int list list = [[2; 4; 6]; [1; 2; 3]]
# multiply_all 1 [1;2;3];;
- : int list list = [[1; 2; 3]]
So calling multiply_all with some number N as first argument should give us a list of length N. In particular, multiply_all with N = 0 should give a list of length 0. The list of length 0 is the empty list.
Here is your completed definition:
let rec multiply_all x ls =
if x > 0 then (multiply x ls) :: multiply_all (x-1) (ls) else []
Just an other solution :
let multiply_all n l =
let multiply n= List.map (( * ) n) in
let rec aux i acc =
if i > n then acc
else aux (i+1) (multiply i l :: acc)
aux 1 []
Test :
# multiply_all 5 [1;2;3];;
- : int list list =
[[5; 10; 15]; [4; 8; 12]; [3; 6; 9]; [2; 4; 6]; [1; 2; 3]]
First of all, your multiply method is pretty inefficient since it isn't tail recursive. Furthermore, the standard library provides you with tools to make that kind of function easier to write:
let multiply n = List.map (( * ) n);;;
val multiply : int -> int list -> int list = <fun>
multiply 5 [1;2;3];;
- : int list = [5; 10; 15]
Note: Also, use partial application when it doesn't obfuscate your code.
As of multiply_all, I'm not sure how to achieve it without JaneStreet's Core (see this question). However, here is a possible implementation using Core:
open Core.Std;; (*Using Core*)
let multiply_all n l =
let multiples = List.init n ~f:(fun x -> n-x) in (*This doesn't exist in Pervasives*)
List.map multiples ~f:(fun m -> multiply l m);;
val multiply_all : int list -> int -> int list list = <fun>
multiply_all 5 [1;2;3];;
- : int list list = [[5; 10; 15]; [4; 8; 12]; [3; 6; 9]; [2; 4; 6]; [1; 2; 3]]
Hope it helps. I'll keep this answer updated with my findings about List.init.

How to recursively multiply all elements of a list with itself to create a matrix? OCaml

I need to create a weight matrix essentially by multiplying all the elements of a list with themselves.
for example if my list is [1;-1;1;-1], the resulting matrix would be
(diagonal is filled with 0's because a node shouldn't be able to lead to itself)
This would be a piece of cake, but it has to be done recursively, with the following constraints:
only List.hd, List.tl and List.nth can be used, and as a parameter, I can only pass in the list:
let rec listMatrix = fun(myList)->...
Is there any way to do this? Or should I just try to find some fundamentally different way to solve this problem?
Also, only functional approach is allowed, no global variables.
One way to do it recursively is as follows:
let l = [1;-1;1;-1];;
let rec index xs =
let idx xs i = match xs with
[] -> []
| (x::xss) -> (i,x) :: idx xss (i+1)
in idx xs 0
fst (x,y) = x
snd (x,y) = y
let rec mult xs ys = match xs with
[] -> []
| (x::xss) -> (List.map (fun y->if (fst x == fst y) then 0 else (snd y*snd x)) ys) :: (mult xss ys)
let mult0 xs = mult (index xs) (index xs)
What the code does is, as asked, multiplying a vector with itself. The vector is indexed with numbers in order to handle diagonal elements specially.
The output is:
# mult0 l;;
- : int list list =
[[0; -1; 1; -1]; [-1; 0; -1; 1]; [1; -1; 0; -1]; [-1; 1; -1; 0]]

Split list into two

I would like to implement a function that takes as input a size n and a list. This function will cut the list into two lists, one of size n and the rest in another list. I am new to this language and have a hard time learning the syntax.
The main problem I have is that is finding a way to express a size of the list without using any loops or mutable variables.
Can anyone give a me some pointers?
Let's start with the function's type signature. Since it gets n and a list as arguments and returns a pair of lists, you have a function split:
val split : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Here is one approach to implement this function:
let split n xs =
let rec splitUtil n xs acc =
match xs with
| [] -> List.rev acc, []
| _ when n = 0 -> List.rev acc, xs
| x::xs' -> splitUtil (n-1) xs' (x::acc)
splitUtil n xs []
The idea is using an accumulator acc to hold elements you have traversed and decreasing n a long the way. Because elements are prepended to acc, in the end you have to reverse it to get the correct order.
The function has two base cases to terminate:
There's no element left to traverse (xs = [] at that point).
You have gone through the first n elements of the list (n decreases to 0 at that time).
Here is a short illustration of how split computes the result:
split 2 [1; 2; 3] // call the auxiliary function splitUtil
~> splitUtil 2 [1; 2; 3] [] // match the 3rd case of x::xs'
~> splitUtil 1 [2; 3] [1] // match the 3rd case of x::xs'
~> splitUtil 0 [3] [2; 1] // match the 2nd case of n = 0 (base case)
~> List.rev [2; 1], [3] // call List.rev on acc
~> [1; 2], [3]
let split n list =
let rec not_a_loop xs = function
| (0, ys) | (_, ([] as ys)) -> (List.rev xs), ys
| (n, x::ys) -> not_a_loop (x::xs) (n-1, ys)
not_a_loop [] (n, list)
New solution - splitAt is now built into List and Array. See commit around 2014 on github. I noticed this today while using F# in VS.2015
Now you can simply do this...
let splitList n list =
List.splitAt n list
And as you might expect the signature is...
n: int -> list: 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Example usage:
let (firstThree, remainder) = [1;2;3;4;5] |> (splitList 3)
printfn "firstThree %A" firstThree
printfn "remainder %A" remainder
firstThree [1; 2; 3]
remainder [4; 5]
Github for those interested: https://github.com/dsyme/visualfsharp/commit/1fc647986f79d20f58978b3980e2da5a1e9b8a7d
One more way, using fold:
let biApply f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
let splitAt n list =
let splitter ((xs, ys), n') c =
if n' < n then
((c :: xs, ys), n' + 1)
((xs, c :: ys), n' + 1)
List.fold splitter (([], []), 0) list
|> fst
|> biApply List.rev
Here is a great series on folds than you can follow to learn more on the topic.

Most elegant combinations of elements in F#

One more question about most elegant and simple implementation of element combinations in F#.
It should return all combinations of input elements (either List or Sequence).
First argument is number of elements in a combination.
For example:
comb 2 [1;2;2;3];;
[[1;2]; [1;2]; [1;3]; [2;2]; [2;3]; [2;3]]
One less concise and more faster solution than ssp:
let rec comb n l =
match n, l with
| 0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| k, (x::xs) -> List.map ((#) [x]) (comb (k-1) xs) # comb k xs
let rec comb n l =
match (n,l) with
| (0,_) -> [[]]
| (_,[]) -> []
| (n,x::xs) ->
let useX = List.map (fun l -> x::l) (comb (n-1) xs)
let noX = comb n xs
useX # noX
There is more consise version of KVB's answer:
let rec comb n l =
match (n,l) with
| (0,_) -> [[]]
| (_,[]) -> []
| (n,x::xs) ->
List.flatten [(List.map (fun l -> x::l) (comb (n-1) xs)); (comb n xs)]
The accepted answer is gorgeous and quickly understandable if you are familiar with tree recursion. Since elegance was sought, opening this long dormant thread seems somewhat unnecessary.
However, a simpler solution was asked for. Iterative algorithms sometimes seem simpler to me. Furthermore, performance was mentioned as an indicator of quality, and iterative processes are sometimes faster than recursive ones.
The following code is tail recursive and generates an iterative process. It requires a third of the amount of time to compute combinations of size 12 from a list of 24 elements.
let combinations size aList =
let rec pairHeadAndTail acc bList =
match bList with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> pairHeadAndTail (List.Cons ((x,xs),acc)) xs
let remainderAfter = aList |> pairHeadAndTail [] |> Map.ofList
let rec comboIter n acc =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
|> List.fold (fun acc alreadyChosenElems ->
match alreadyChosenElems with
| [] -> aList //Nothing chosen yet, therefore everything remains.
| lastChoice::_ -> remainderAfter.[lastChoice]
|> List.fold (fun acc elem ->
List.Cons (List.Cons (elem,alreadyChosenElems),acc)
) acc
) []
|> comboIter (n-1)
comboIter size [[]]
The idea that permits an iterative process is to pre-compute a map of the last chosen element to a list of the remaining available elements. This map is stored in remainderAfter.
The code is not concise, nor does it conform to lyrical meter and rhyme.
A naive implementation using sequence expression. Personally I often feel sequence expressions are easier to follow than other more dense functions.
let combinations (k : int) (xs : 'a list) : ('a list) seq =
let rec loop (k : int) (xs : 'a list) : ('a list) seq = seq {
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| xs when k = 1 -> for x in xs do yield [x]
| x::xs ->
let k' = k - 1
for ys in loop k' xs do
yield x :: ys
yield! loop k xs }
loop k xs
|> Seq.filter (List.length >> (=)k)
Method taken from Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications.
The result returns an ordered list of combinations stored in arrays.
And the index is 1-based.
let permutationA (currentSeq: int []) (n:int) (r:int): Unit =
let mutable i = r
while currentSeq.[i - 1] = n - r + i do
i <- (i - 1)
currentSeq.[i - 1] <- currentSeq.[i - 1] + 1
for j = i + 1 to r do
currentSeq.[j - 1] <- currentSeq.[i - 1] + j - i
let permutationNum (n:int) (r:int): int [] list =
if n >= r then
let endSeq = [|(n-r+1) .. n|]
let currentSeq: int [] = [|1 .. r|]
let mutable resultSet: int [] list = [Array.copy currentSeq];
while currentSeq <> endSeq do
permutationA currentSeq n r
resultSet <- (Array.copy currentSeq) :: resultSet
This solution is simple and helper function costs constant memory.
My solution is less concise, less effective (altho, no direct recursion used) but it trully returns all combinations (currently only pairs, need to extend filterOut so it can return a tuple of two lists, will do little later).
let comb lst =
let combHelper el lst =
lst |> List.map (fun lstEl -> el::[lstEl])
let filterOut el lst =
lst |> List.filter (fun lstEl -> lstEl <> el)
lst |> List.map (fun lstEl -> combHelper lstEl (filterOut lstEl lst)) |> List.concat
comb [1;2;3;4] will return:
[[1; 2]; [1; 3]; [1; 4]; [2; 1]; [2; 3]; [2; 4]; [3; 1]; [3; 2]; [3; 4]; [4; 1]; [4; 2]; [4; 3]]
Ok, just tail combinations little different approach (without using of library function)
let rec comb n lst =
let rec findChoices = function
| h::t -> (h,t) :: [ for (x,l) in findChoices t -> (x,l) ]
| [] -> []
[ if n=0 then yield [] else
for (e,r) in findChoices lst do
for o in comb (n-1) r do yield e::o ]