How to get interested in from facebook via graph api? - facebook-graph-api

I want to grab facebook user's interested in . I was testing with my own account, I tried many perms, but I get nothing, and in fact, I set my interested in as women, and public.
does anyone know how to do it? thanks.

Ensure you grant user_relationship_details permission:
You can always play around with debugger at to find out the approriate permission scope.


issue automatically adding members to google groups (G-suite) with Admin SDK

(I have done a search through the questions to see if I could find something on this, but have not found answers.)
I have two google groups through my G-suite and I want to automatically add people to both groups after they sign up for my club through a process on my website. I think this should be possible using:
I have gone into the API Console, created a new project, enabled the Admin SDKI API, and got an API key. However, I think I am running into the Authorization issue because we keep getting an error that the authorization token is missing.
I have tried using the OAuth 2.0 but I'm not sure if this should be "Internal" or "External". I'm not creating a whole app for someone to use - all I want to do is on the back end of the site take information that comes through when someone joins the club and automatically have them added to my google groups.
Is it possible for someone to please explain to me what I need to do?
I'm sorry this is kind of a basic question.
Thank you for your help.

is it possible to use Facebook Graph API to get just my own wall posts

I just want to know if it's possible to do the following:
To display some wall posts from my own facebook account in a php web page, without going through the granting-permission in the user interface level? Because from what I know, you need an access token to use the API, and to get an access token, you need to go through the granting-permission UI. So I am feeling impossible here.
I got my app ID and secret code ready, I just want to know for sure if what I want to implement is even possible to begin with.
Actually, you could change your privacy permissions so that your wall is completely public. The API is then able to access public information without being granted user authorization.
I was also searching the same, as I want to implement it in my project. Now I've got the answer of this. Yes, you can get posts as well as comments from your wall. If you want more details about same, comment below mentioning my name. :)

How To Get List Of Apps A User Has Used

I was hoping to use the Graph API to retrieve a list of apps that the user currently has on their account - those that they are using or have used, and have not yet removed. This would be the same list as found by clicking App Centre and My Apps.
I'm not looking to get info about a specific application (yet; I don't know what app to look at, or how to get its ID).
This article: How to get the List of Facebook Applications for a user using Graph API
seemed to be the right answer (and the OP certainly liked it), but for me, while it works, it returns an empty array - but I have about 20 apps (mostly games) listed on my profile, half of which are in favourites. I don't need to know which are in favourites; I simply would like to know what apps a user is interested in.
I realise this is considered sensitive information, but since I cannot find what string to use for the api() method, I can't tell what permissions I'll need; I currently ask for read_stream but since the call itself succeeds, I assume I have sufficient privilege.
I see that you can list the app requests using /me/apprequests, which suggests you should be able to retrieve the list of apps (that's where the requests come from, usually, except invites to new games) - but I can't find anything that seems right.
Any ideas?
No, it is not possible to retrieve a full list of the applications that a user has TOS'ed.
As described in the comments to the OP, it is possible to deduce some of them from /[user]/scores assuming they have granted the user_games_activity permission.

What is minimal absolutely required permission to post to user's (or her friend's) wall via any API?

I wrote the app that posts to user's wall and the wall of her friend, and to accomplish this, asks for publish_stream permission, but now I got the opinion from another guy that this is too much and that there is a simpler way (less scary permissions dialog). However I can't reach him at the moment to ask what he has meant exactly. What is the truth here?
You don't need any permissions at all with the javascript SDK to call fb.UI with a 'method' of 'feed' because the user will see a dialog box to confirm and enter a message of what they are sharing. To publish from server-side code like PHP SDK, you will need publish_stream.

Clarity involving Graph API Permissions

Sorry. Pretty new to this and trying to get a grasp on getting extended permissions/access_token for what I am trying to achieve.
All I need is to pull the public profile feed from someone's facebook page (returns in json format) so I can display it on said person's website. (I was going to parse this information using Jquery)
I think I understand that I will need to create an app in order to do this. Now will I need to create an app from said person's facebook account? Or is that something I can do myself, as a separate app?
Thanks for any info you can give on this.
You could in do it from both.
However im not 100% certain on if you would need any extra permissions from the target user or not. Because it is a public feed I would think not, but I haven't tried this myself so I can say for certain.