is it possible to use Facebook Graph API to get just my own wall posts - facebook-graph-api

I just want to know if it's possible to do the following:
To display some wall posts from my own facebook account in a php web page, without going through the granting-permission in the user interface level? Because from what I know, you need an access token to use the API, and to get an access token, you need to go through the granting-permission UI. So I am feeling impossible here.
I got my app ID and secret code ready, I just want to know for sure if what I want to implement is even possible to begin with.

Actually, you could change your privacy permissions so that your wall is completely public. The API is then able to access public information without being granted user authorization.

I was also searching the same, as I want to implement it in my project. Now I've got the answer of this. Yes, you can get posts as well as comments from your wall. If you want more details about same, comment below mentioning my name. :)


How to get interested in from facebook via graph api?

I want to grab facebook user's interested in . I was testing with my own account, I tried many perms, but I get nothing, and in fact, I set my interested in as women, and public.
does anyone know how to do it? thanks.
Ensure you grant user_relationship_details permission:
You can always play around with debugger at to find out the approriate permission scope.

Do I really need to register an app to show a simple 'friends' list on my website?

I want to use the Facebook (Graph) API to show a list of names and pictures of friends of a facebook account (which I own). Do I really need to register my website as an app for this? Since I don't really think of my website as an app... Or can I somehow get an access token that doesn't expire since I can grant access to this list of friends myself?
Think of an app on Facebook as an API Key. Your App is how Facebook identifies who is making the call, what permissions you have, and if you are abusing the system or not.
And no, you can't get access to most Graph API data without a valid Facebook App.

How to use Facebook APIs to show one's friends list to other visitors?

I'm able to fetch my friends list using Facebook API (which requires me to log into my FB account) and I'm trying to show my friends list to other people visit my site.
I've tried using Twitter and its quite simple. returns my followers ids.
Is that possible using Facebook API, If yes, How to do that?
To access the /friends connection you need a valid access token for the current session. This means you can't access this connection for other users
This means that unless you get a users friends and store them in your database, you won't be able to do this. ( Unless you use longer living access tokens (I say longer living as offline access is being deprecated)
Saying this, I'm not sure if you are allowed to store this information. I know friendslists aren't allowed to be shown to other users so this is potentially dangerous territory on facebook TOS. The privacy policy is here but I think this is something you may need to clarify with Facebook directly as it looks like a slightly grey area

Clarity involving Graph API Permissions

Sorry. Pretty new to this and trying to get a grasp on getting extended permissions/access_token for what I am trying to achieve.
All I need is to pull the public profile feed from someone's facebook page (returns in json format) so I can display it on said person's website. (I was going to parse this information using Jquery)
I think I understand that I will need to create an app in order to do this. Now will I need to create an app from said person's facebook account? Or is that something I can do myself, as a separate app?
Thanks for any info you can give on this.
You could in do it from both.
However im not 100% certain on if you would need any extra permissions from the target user or not. Because it is a public feed I would think not, but I haven't tried this myself so I can say for certain.

Retrieve comments Facebook users make as the Like a web page

I've been pouring over Facebook's Graph API but I can't seem to find any documentation with regards to retrieve comments users leave as they Like an Open Graph object (in my case, a web page with a Like button).
At a minimum, I would assume that there would be some way to retrieve comments from users whose privacy settings allow anybody to see their updates (I guess this might require me to know the UID of everybody who Likes my web page). Alternatively, there might be some method where user comments may be associated with the Open Graph object's stream instead.
To see a user's wall feed via the API (even public ones) you will to have them authenticate your app. Yeah, pretty crappy not to be able to query their public messages, but it is a current limitation of Facebook's API.