Unable to access JBOSS server deployed on Amazon EC2 - amazon-web-services

I have deployed jboss-4.2.3 on an EC2 instance. I have added appropriate rule to open port 8080 for inbound traffic. When I ssh into this instance and do curl localhost:8080, the expected response can be seen
But when I try to access it in a browser on my laptop, am unable to connect. Few other things I have tried to eliminate other possibilities
In order to eliminate possibility of firewall issues on my laptop, have tried to connect from another instance on amazon. Doesnt work
Also tried to configure jboss to listen to port 80. Still it can't be accessed. Apache running on port 80 however responds
Any guidance is highly appreciated

Bind your jboss to all IP addresses as below:
./run.sh -b

I was struggling with the same issue.
You need to open up port 8080 in the Security Groups as Wildfly is using it. Then you should be able to access the page.


ec2 web server on port 80 not reachable

ec2 instance is not publically available
I have a simple flask server open to port 80
there is even a public ip address but if I curl remotely to it connection get refused
but strangely ssh works just fine
and if I curl to public ip inside ec2 ssh it works
tried editing security group inboud rules but doesn't work...
googled bunch but all solutions say to edit inbound rules but it doesn't work for me...
am I doing something wrong?
The most common reason for this is that your Flask app is listening on localhost only, which is the default, and so is not reachable from outside the machine it's running on.
To fix this, make the server externally visible, by using:

Can't reach to an AWS EC2 instance website

I just launched a instance on AWS and I'm trying to open the website. So I copy the Public IPv4 address and paste it on my page. But it always returns This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
I've changed my firewall setting to access google chrome and set security groups HTTP, HTTPS. I can't figure out where the problem is. Any suggestions?
You didn't specify what webserver or AMI is on your EC2 instance.
You need to setup an AMI or manually install and setup a webserver for anything to show, otherwise the EC2 instance, while reachable, will not respond.
Make sure that ssh access is enabled and try ssh into the machine. If you can successfully login, then you know the instance is reachable and the problem is with your webserver software. This will help you debug.
What port is your application running on? When you enable HTTP and HTTPS it only allows ports 80 and 443 on the security group. This won't help if your application runs on a different port, so you'll need to add that to your security group to allow inbound traffic.

How to access jenkins dashboard on webbrowser in AWS?

I am very new to AWS and Devops part, I read some official documentation and I installed Jenkins server in my ec2-instance it's successfully installed and it's running also ,when i try to open by using http://my-public-ip:8080 it's not opening. How to open my Jenkins dashboard in my web browser?
This is my EC2 instance inbound rules:
When I am trying to search in my browser it's showing some thing like this:
This site can't be reached13.235.67.157 took too long to respond.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
I would suggest go to your security group of this instance which is launch-wizard-5 Edit it and You have to choose "Custom TCP rule"
Then you will be able to add the port to 8080
Wait for second
and open http://my-public-ip:8080 in your favorite browser
You'll able to access your Jenkins GUI
Jenkins uses a specific port: 8080
To verify this, inside of your jenkins shell try this:
try with netstat -plnt.
curl localhost:8080 -v
If you have a valid response showing you that 8080 port is online, your jenkin is ready to use. Just configure the 8080 port in your AWS inbound rules. Finally you will be able to access with:
If you achieve that, your next goal must be to hide the 8080 port. For that you could use the ELB to assign a custom domain if you have someone.
Add security groups
Then refresh the page

EC2 Server Instance running RStudio on port 8787 Timing Out

I am attempting to run RStudio on an AWS EC2 instance, but it keeps timing out. I am currently following the instructions in this post (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/running-r-on-aws/).
From my research, I realize that this is most often a security group issue.
My instance has access to SSH port 22 and Custom TCP port 8787. I've been troubleshooting using this link (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/TroubleshootingInstancesConnecting.html#TroubleshootingInstancesConnectionTimeout).
I have tried using both default VPC and my own, both of which have the following subnet network ACL rules.
However, my public IPVv4 DNS (http://ec2-18-234-130-212.compute-1.amazonaws.com/) keeps timing out. I cannot access the login page.
A friend who set up their instance using the first link was successful, and as far as I can tell, I have done everything the same.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Your RStudio works fine. In your URL you have to provide port number: 8787
As you wrote in the question, it seems you are using the link without the port number.
As you've setup it currently, your traffic to RStudio goes unencrypted over HTTP. If you are not fine with that, a quick fix would be to use ssh tunnel from the instance to your local workstation. With this can close port 8787 as all traffic goes over port 22 and ssh.
Do you access the login page in web browser? If you doing that, you forgot to open port 80/443

Connection getting refused to socket.io server on Amazon EC2

I have set up a a micro EC2 instance on AWS. Currently, I am using the free tier in Oregon. There are two problems which I am facing.
When I try to SSH the instance using the public DNS, it says host does not exist but when I try conencting it using the public IP, it connects to it. What setting is needed to use the public DNS ?
I have opened the SSH client using the IP address. I want to set up my application which needs Node.js and MongoDB. I installed Node.js using this
Next I installed MongoDB using this
Then I connected to my instance using Filezilla and uploaded my code to it. I then start my node application which uses socket.io.
When I try to connect to socket.io server using web browser, I get a message which says connection refused "error 111". I have opened TCP port 80 in instance's security groups. In iptables, I have forwarded port 80 to 8080, but still it does not work. I have also checked that the firewall is disabled in ec2. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.
Did you check if all of the necessary ports are open on Amazon Security Policy?
What you can do is to allow all traffic on Amazon Security Policy for test and see if the connection goes well or not.
You might also check if you need access DB from outside. In that case, you also have to open the mongodb port and setup mongodb correctly as well.
Other tools that might useful to test firewall and connection issue will be tcpdump and syslog file
For the dns issue, did you try to nslookup on that name and see if the IP shown matches your server IP?
As Amazon gives a long DNS hostname for the server, I always use my own domain name. It's much easier.
example : ec2.domainname.com, which points to the Amazon IP address
Hope that help.
My problem is resolved now..
For the DNS issue, earlier I needed proxy to access internet, so I guess the DNS name was not getting resolved. When I tried using proxy free internet, I was able to ssh using public DNS.
And regarding connection to socket.io, I used port 8080 instead of 80 and used "sudo node main.js" to run my node file. Now I am able to connect to the socket.io server and MongoDB.
Another thing which I want to ask is that would running the node file with sudo rights create some security issue ?
Thanks for the answer! That also worked for me. I had the same problem trying to connect through sockets (http://myipaddress:3000) to a node.js server, i tried opening ports on the actual ec2 instance and disabling the firewall through SSH but nothing worked. Had to go to Security Groups on the ec2 console and open a new inbound tcp rule enabling that port