How to read 2 decimal places without round in Coldfusion - coldfusion

Sample Code
<cfset b = 5.5566>
<cfset c = numberFormat(b,"9.99")>
<cfdump var="#c#">
I need c= 5.55 only. How can I do this ,because numberFormat rounds the number?

As Dan points out, truncating / rounding down is an uncommon scenario, and you should double-check this is what the client actually wants, and why they want it (i.e. they might think they want it but have incorrect reasoning.)
If there is a valid reason to do it, the easiest way is probably to use the int function - equivalent to "floor" in some languages - it will round numbers down to the next integer, so 1.999 becomes 1.
(If negative numbers are a factor, consider instead fix which rounds towards the smaller integer, that is, towards zero.)
Since you want two decimal places, you would use it like this:
c = int(b*100)/100
Where the mulitply and divide by 100 is what provides the two decimal places.
For an arbitrary number of decimal places, you can replace the 100s with 10dp - where dp is the number of decimal places, for example:
c = int(b*10^dp)/10^dp
If you're doing that, it's probably worth wrapping it in a suitably named function so it's more readable. (And if necessary adding a comment to explain why you're rounding down rather than the more common rounding to nearest value.)
For the sake of showing another way, this could also be solved with a regex replace:
c = b.replaceAll('(?<=\.\d\d)\d+$','')
That removes all digits that are preceeded by the decimal place and two digits, until the end of string.
However, this is mentioned solely for educational purposes - the int solution is going to be more efficient.


I'm trying to round a float to two decimal points but it's incorrect. How to fix this rounding error in C++?

I'm having trouble with rounding floats. I'm solving a task where you need to round your result to two decimal points. But I can't do it when the third decimal point is 5 because it's stored incorrectly.
For example: My result is equal to 1.005 and that should be rounded to 1.01. But C++ rounds it to 1.00 because the original float is stored as 1.0049999... and not 1.005.
I've already tried always adding a very small float to the result but there are some other test cases which are then rounded up but should be rounded down.
I know how floating-point works and that it is often not completely accurate. I'm just wondering whether anyone has found a way around this specific problem.
When you say "my result is equal to 1.005", you are assuming some count of true decimal digits. This can be 1.005 (three digits of fractional part), 1.0050 (four digits), 1.005000, and so on.
So, you should first round, using some usual rounding, to that count of digits. It is simpler to do this in integers: for example, with 6 fractional digits, it means some usual round(), rint(), etc. after multiplication by 1,000,000. With this step, you are getting exact decimal number. After this, you are able to make the required final rounding to what you need.
In your example, this will round 1,004,999.99... to 1,005,000. Then, divide by 10000 and round again.
(Notice that there are suggestions to make this rounding in yet specific way. The General Decimal Arithmetic specification and IBM arithmetic manuals suggest this rounding is done in the way that exact fractional part 0.5 shall be rounded away from zero unless least significant result bit becomes 0 or 5, in that case it is rounded toward zero. But, if you have no such rounding available, a general away-from-zero is also suitable.)
If you are implementing arithmetic for money accounting, it is reasonable to avoid floating point at all and use fixed-point arithmetic (emulated with integers, if needed). This is better because you the methods I've described for rounding are inevitably containing conversion to integers (and back), so, it's cheaper to use such integers directly. You will get inexact operation checking as well (by cost of explicit integer overflow).
If you can use a library like boost with its Multiprecision support.
Another option would be to use a long double, maybe that's precise enough for you.

C++ set precision of a double (not for output)

Alright so I am trying to truncate actual values from a double with a given number of digits precision (total digits before and after, or without, decimal), not just output them, not just round them. The only built in functions I found for this truncates all decimals, or rounds to given decimal precision.
Other solutions I have found online, can only do it when you know the number of digits before the decimal, or the entire number.
This solution should be dynamic enough to handle any number. I whipped up some code that does the trick below, however I can't shake the feeling there is a better way to do it. Does anyone know of something more elegant? Maybe a built in function that I don't know about?
I should mention the reason for this. There are 3 different sources of observed values. All 3 of these sources agree to some level in precision. Such as below, they all agree within 10 digits.
However I need to only pull from 1 of the sources. So the best approach, is to only use up to the precision all 3 sources agree on. So its not like I am manipulating numbers and then need to truncate precision, they are observed values. The desired result is
double truncate(double num, int digits)
// check valid digits
if (digits < 0)
return num;
// create string stream for full precision (string conversion rounds at 10)
ostringstream numO;
// read in number to stream, at 17+ precision things get wonky
numO << setprecision(16) << num;
// convert to string, for character manipulation
string numS = numO.str();
// check if we have a decimal
int decimalIndex = numS.find('.');
// if we have a decimal, erase it for now, logging its position
if(decimalIndex != -1)
numS.erase(decimalIndex, 1);
// make sure our target precision is not higher than current precision
digits = min((int)numS.size(), digits);
// replace unwanted precision with zeroes
numS.replace(digits, numS.size() - digits, numS.size() - digits, '0');
// if we had a decimal, add it back
if (decimalIndex != -1)
numS.insert(numS.begin() + decimalIndex, '.');
return atof(numS.c_str());
This will never work since a double is not a decimal type. Truncating what you think are a certain number of decimal digits will merely introduce a new set of joke digits at the end. It could even be pernicious: e.g. 0.125 is an exact double, but neither 0.12 nor 0.13 are.
If you want to work in decimals, then use a decimal type, or a large integral type with a convention that part of it holds a decimal portion.
I disagree with "So the best approach, is to only use up to the precision all 3 sources agree on."
If these are different measurements of a physical quantity, or represent rounding error due to different ways of calculating from measurements, you will get a better estimate of the true value by taking their mean than by forcing the digits they disagree about to any arbitrary value, including zero.
The ultimate justification for taking the mean is the Central Limit Theorem, which suggests treating your measurements as a sample from a normal distribution. If so, the sample mean is the best available estimate of the population mean. Your truncation process will tend to underestimate the actual value.
It is generally better to keep every scrap of information you have through the calculations, and then remember you have limited precision when outputting results.
As well as giving a better estimate, taking the mean of three numbers is an extremely simple calculation.

Fortran - want to round to one decimal point

In fortran I have to round latitude and longitude to one digit after decimal point.
I am using gfortran compiler and the nint function but the following does not work:
print *, nint( 1.40 * 10. ) / 10. ! prints 1.39999998
print *, nint( 1.49 * 10. ) / 10. ! prints 1.50000000
Looking for both general and specific solutions here. For example:
How can we display numbers rounded to one decimal place?
How can we store such rounded numbers in fortran. It's not possible in a float variable, but are there other ways?
How can we write such numbers to NetCDF?
How can we write such numbers to a CSV or text file?
As others have said, the issue is the use of floating point representation in the NetCDF file. Using nco utilities, you can change the latitude/longitude to short integers with scale_factor and add_offset. Like this:
ncap2 -s 'latitude=pack(latitude, 0.1, 0); longitude=pack(longitude, 0.1, 0);'
There is no way to do what you are asking. The underlying problem is that the rounded values you desire are not necessarily able to be represented using floating point.
For example, if you had a value 10.58, this is represented exactly as 1.3225000 x 2^3 = 10.580000 in IEEE754 float32.
When you round this to value to one decimal point (however you choose to do so), the result would be 10.6, however 10.6 does not have an exact representation. The nearest representation is 1.3249999 x 2^3 = 10.599999 in float32. So no matter how you deal with the rounding, there is no way to store 10.6 exactly in a float32 value, and no way to write it as a floating point value into a netCDF file.
YES, IT CAN BE DONE! The "accepted" answer above is correct in its limited range, but is wrong about what you can actually accomplish in Fortran (or various other HGL's).
The only question is what price are you willing to pay, if the something like a Write with F(6.1) fails?
From one perspective, your problem is a particularly trivial variation on the subject of "Arbitrary Precision" computing. How do you imagine cryptography is handled when you need to store, manipulate, and perform "math" with, say, 1024 bit numbers, with exact precision?
A simple strategy in this case would be to separate each number into its constituent "LHSofD" (Left Hand Side of Decimal), and "RHSofD" values. For example, you might have an RLon(i,j) = 105.591, and would like to print 105.6 (or any manner of rounding) to your netCDF (or any normal) file. Split this into RLonLHS(i,j) = 105, and RLonRHS(i,j) = 591.
... at this point you have choices that increase generality, but at some expense. To save "money" the RHS might be retained as 0.591 (but loose generality if you need to do fancier things).
For simplicity, assume the "cheap and cheerful" second strategy.
The LHS is easy (Int()).
Now, for the RHS, multiply by 10 (if, you wish to round to 1 DEC), e.g. to arrive at RLonRHS(i,j) = 5.91, and then apply Fortran "round to nearest Int" NInt() intrinsic ... leaving you with RLonRHS(i,j) = 6.0.
... and Bob's your uncle:
Now you print the LHS and RHS to your netCDF using a suitable Write statement concatenating the "duals", and will created an EXACT representation as per the required objectives in the OP.
... of course later reading-in those values returns to the same issues as illustrated above, unless the read-in also is ArbPrec aware.
... we wrote our own ArbPrec lib, but there are several about, also in VBA and other HGL's ... but be warned a full ArbPrec bit of machinery is a non-trivial matter ... lucky you problem is so simple.
There are several aspects one can consider in relation to "rounding to one decimal place". These relate to: internal storage and manipulation; display and interchange.
Display and interchange
The simplest aspects cover how we report stored value, regardless of the internal representation used. As covered in depth in other answers and elsewhere we can use a numeric edit descriptor with a single fractional digit:
print '(F0.1,2X,F0.1)', 10.3, 10.17
How the output is rounded is a changeable mode:
print '(RU,F0.1,2X,RD,F0.1)', 10.17, 10.17
In this example we've chosen to round up and then down, but we could also round to zero or round to nearest (or let the compiler choose for us).
For any formatted output, whether to screen or file, such edit descriptors are available. A G edit descriptor, such as one may use to write CSV files, will also do this rounding.
For unformatted output this concept of rounding is not applicable as the internal representation is referenced. Equally for an interchange format such as NetCDF and HDF5 we do not have this rounding.
For NetCDF your attribute convention may specify something like FORTRAN_format which gives an appropriate format for ultimate display of the (default) real, non-rounded, variable .
Internal storage
Other answers and the question itself mention the impossibility of accurately representing (and working with) decimal digits. However, nothing in the Fortran language requires this to be impossible:
integer, parameter :: rk = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(radix=10)
real(rk) x
x = 0.1_rk
print *, x
is a Fortran program which has a radix-10 variable and literal constant. See also IEEE_SELECTED_REAL_KIND(radix=10).
Now, you are exceptionally likely to see that selected_real_kind(radix=10) gives you the value -5, but if you want something positive that can be used as a type parameter you just need to find someone offering you such a system.
If you aren't able to find such a thing then you will need to work accounting for errors. There are two parts to consider here.
The intrinsic real numerical types in Fortran are floating point ones. To use a fixed point numeric type, or a system like binary-coded decimal, you will need to resort to non-intrinsic types. Such a topic is beyond the scope of this answer, but pointers are made in that direction by DrOli.
These efforts will not be computationally/programmer-time cheap. You will also need to take care of managing these types in your output and interchange.
Depending on the requirements of your work, you may find simply scaling by (powers of) ten and working on integers suits. In such cases, you will also want to find the corresponding NetCDF attribute in your convention, such as scale_factor.
Relating to our internal representation concerns we have similar rounding issues to output. For example, if my input data has a longitude of 10.17... but I want to round it in my internal representation to (the nearest representable value to) a single decimal digit (say 10.2/10.1999998) and then work through with that, how do I manage that?
We've seen how nint(10.17*10)/10. gives us this, but we've also learned something about how numeric edit descriptors do this nicely for output, including controlling the rounding mode:
character(10) :: intermediate
real :: rounded
write(intermediate, '(RN,F0.1)') 10.17
read(intermediate, *) rounded
print *, rounded ! This may look not "exact"
We can track the accumulation of errors here if this is desired.
The `round_x = nint(x*10d0)/10d0' operator rounds x (for abs(x) < 2**31/10, for large numbers use dnint()) and assigns the rounded value to the round_x variable for further calculations.
As mentioned in the answers above, not all numbers with one significant digit after the decimal point have an exact representation, for example, 0.3 does not.
print *, 0.3d0
To output a rounded value to a file, to the screen, or to convert it to a string with a single significant digit after the decimal point, use edit descriptor 'Fw.1' (w - width w characters, 0 - variable width). For example:
print '(5(1x, f0.1))', 1.30, 1.31, 1.35, 1.39, 345.46
1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 345.5
#JohnE, using 'G10.2' is incorrect, it rounds the result to two significant digits, not to one digit after the decimal point. Eg:
print '(g10.2)', 345.46
For NetCDF, rounding should be handled by NetCDF viewer, however, you can output variables as NC_STRING type:
write(NetCDF_out_string, '(F0.1)') 1.49
Or, alternatively, get "beautiful" NC_FLOAT/NC_DOUBLE numbers:
beautiful_float_x = nint(x*10.)/10. + epsilon(1.)*nint(x*10.)/10./2.
beautiful_double_x = dnint(x*10d0)/10d0 + epsilon(1d0)*dnint(x*10d0)/10d0/2d0
P.P.S. #JohnE
The preferred solution is not to round intermediate results in memory or in files. Rounding is performed only when the final output of human-readable data is issued;
Use print with edit descriptor ‘Fw.1’, see above;
There are no simple and reliable ways to accurately store rounded numbers (numbers with a decimal fixed point):
2.1. Theoretically, some Fortran implementations can support decimal arithmetic, but I am not aware of implementations that in which ‘selected_real_kind(4, 4, 10)’ returns a value other than -5;
2.2. It is possible to store rounded numbers as strings;
2.3. You can use the Fortran binding of GIMP library. Functions with the mpq_ prefix are designed to work with rational numbers;
There are no simple and reliable ways to write rounded numbers in a netCDF file while preserving their properties for the reader of this file:
3.1. netCDF supports 'Packed Data Values‘, i.e. you can set an integer type with the attributes’ scale_factor‘,’ add_offset' and save arrays of integers. But, in the file ‘scale_factor’ will be stored as a floating number of single or double precision, i.e. the value will differ from 0.1. Accordingly, when reading, when calculating by the netCDF library unpacked_data_value = packed_data_value*scale_factor + add_offset, there will be a rounding error. (You can set scale_factor=0.1*(1.+epsilon(1.)) or scale_factor=0.1d0*(1d0+epsilon(1d0)) to exclude a large number of digits '9'.);
3.2. There are C_format and FORTRAN_format attributes. But it is quite difficult to predict which reader will use which attribute and whether they will use them at all;
3.3. You can store rounded numbers as strings or user-defined types;
Use write() with edit descriptor ‘Fw.1’, see above.

How to determine the last nonzero decimal digit in a float?

I am writing a float printing and formatting library and want to avoid printing trailing zero digits.
For this I would like to accurately determine the last nonzero digit within the first N decimal places after the decimal point. I wonder whether there is a particular efficient way to do this.
This (non-trivial) problem has been fully solved. The idea is to print exactly enough digits so that if you converted the printed digits back to a floating-point number, you would get exactly the number you started with.
The relevant paper is "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately", by Robert Burger and R. Kent Dybvig. You can download it here.
You will have to convert the float to a string and then trim the trailing zeros.
I don't think this is very efficient, but i feel there is probably no simplier algorithm
//where n is the digits you want to display after the decimal.
If there is a zero present before the precision limit but after decimal,
it will be avoided automatically.
eg. std::cout.precision(5);
then my conidition is evaluated to be 5.55000
only 5.55 will be printed
The obvious solution is to put all digits in a char[N] and check the last digit before printing. But I bet you have thought about that yourself.
The only other solution I can think of, is that the decimal part of 2^(-n) has n non-zero digits.
So if the last non-zero in the binary representation is 2^(-n), there will be exactly n non-zero digits in the decimal expansion. Therefor looking at the binary representation will tell you something about the decimal representation.
However, this is only a partial solution, as rounding could introduce additional trailing zeros.

Does the dot in the end of a float suggest lack of precision?

When I debug my software in VS C++ by stepping the code I notice that some float calculations show up as a number with a trailing dot, i.e.:
One operation that lead up to this result is this:
float result = pow(10, a * 0.1f) / b
where a is a large negative number around -50 to -100 and b is most often around 1. I read some articles about problem with precision when it comes to floating-points. My question is just if the trailing dot is a Visual-Studio-way of telling me that the precision is very low on this number, i.e. in the variable result. If not, what does it mean?
This came up at work today and I remember that there was a problem for larger numbers so this did to occur every time (and by "this" I mean that trailing dot). But I do remember that it happened when there was seven digits in the number. Here they wright that the precision of floats are seven digits:
C++ Float Division and Precision
Can this be the thing and Visual Studio tells me this by putting a dot in the end?
I THINK I FOUND IT! It says "The mantissa is specified as a sequence of digits followed by a period". What does the mantissa mean? Can this be different on a PC and when running the code on a DSP? Because the thing is that I get different results and the only thing that looks strange to me is this period-thing, since I don't know what it means.
If you're referring to the "sig figs" convention where "4.0" means 4±0.1 and "4.00" means 4±0.01, then no, there's no such concept in float or double. Numbers are always* stored with 24 or 53 significant bits (7.22 or 15.95 decimal digits) regardless of how many are actually "significant".
The trailing dot is just a decimal point without any digits after it (which is a legal C literal). It either means that
The value is 1232432.0 and they trimed the unnecessary trailing zero, OR
Everything is being rounded to 7 significant digits (in which case the true value might also be 1232431.5, 1232431.625, 1232431.75, 1232431.875, 1232432.125, 1232432.25, 1232432.375, or 1232432.5.)
The real question is, why are you using float? double is the "normal" floating-point type in C(++), and float a memory-saving optimization.
* Pedants will be quick to point out denormals, x87 80-bit intermediate values, etc.
The precision is not variable, that is simply how VS is formatting it for display. The precision (or lackof) is always constant for a given floating point number.
The MSDN page you linked to talks about the syntax of a floating-point literal in source code. It doesn't define how the number will be displayed by whatever tool you're using. If you print a floating-point number using either printf or std:cout << ..., the language standard specifies how it will be printed.
If you print it in the debugger (which seems to be what you're doing), it will be formatted in whatever way the developers of the debugger decided on.
There are a number of different ways that a given floating-point number can be displayed: 1.0, 1., 10.0E-001, and .1e+1 all mean exactly the same thing. A trailing . does not typically tell you anything about precision. My guess is that the developers of the debugger just used 1232432. rather than 1232432.0 to save space.
If you're seeing the trailing . for some values, and a decimal number with no . at all for others, that sounds like an odd glitch (possibly a bug) in the debugger.
If you're wondering what the actual precision is, for IEEE 32-bit float (the format most computers use these days), the next representable numbers before and after 1232432.0 are 1232431.875 and 1232432.125. (You'll get much better precision using double rather than float.)