Hi I need to calculate (2^n + (-1)^n) % 10000007
where 1 < n < 10^9
How should I go about writing a program for it in c++?
I know this mod property
(a + b)%n = (a%n + b%n)%n but this wont help me.
(a + b)%m = (a%m + b%m)%m
Then, replace both a and b with the same power of 2, and you get the recurrence:
2k+1%m = (2k%m + 2k%m)%m
You probably already figured your formula allows you to break down your problem into:
(2n + (-1)n)%P = (2n%P + (-1)n%P)%P
Then, note that (-1)k is either 1 or -1, and you should be able to calculate your problem in O(n) time.
I've been trying to solve this problem:
Find Euler's totient function of binomial coefficient C(n, m) = n! / (m! (n - m)!) modulo 10^9 + 7, m <= n < 2 * 10^5.
One of my ideas was that first, we can precalculate the values of phi(i) for all i from 1 to n in linear time, also we can calculate all inverses to numbers from 1 to n modulo 10^9 + 7 using, for example, Fermat's little theorem. After that, we know, that, in general, phi(m * n) = phi(m) * phi(n) * (d / fi(d)), d = gcd(m, n). Because we know that gcd((x - 1)!, x) = 1, if x is prime, 2 if x = 4, and x in all other cases, we can calculate phi(x!) modulo 10^9 + 7 in linear time. However, in the last step, we need to calculate phi(n! / ((m! (n - m)!), (if we already know the function for factorials), so, if we are using this method, we have to know gcd(C(n, m), m! (n - m)!), and I don't know how to find it.
I've also been thinking about factorizing the binomial coefficient, but there seems no efficient way to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.
First, factorize all numbers 1..(2*10^5) as products of prime powers.
Now, factorize n!/k! = n(n-1)(n-2)...(n-k+1) as a product of prime powers by multiplying together the factors of the individual parts. Factorize (n-k)! as a product of prime powers. Subtract the latter powers from the former (to account for the divide).
Now you've got C(n, k) as a product of prime powers. Use the formula phi(N) = N * prod(1 - 1/p for p|N) to calculate phi(C(n, k)), which is straightforward given that you've computed the a list of all the prime powers that divide C(n, k) in the second step.
For example:
phi(C(9, 4)) = 9*8*7*6*5 / 5*4*3*2*1
9*8*7*6*5 = 3*3 * 2*2*2 * 7 * 3*2 * 5 = 7*5*3^3*2^4
5*4*3*2*1 = 5 * 2*2 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 5*3*2^3
9*8*7*6*5/(5*4*3*2*1) = 7*3^2*2
phi(C(9, 4)) = 7*3^2*2 * (1 - 1/7) * (1 - 1/3) * (1 - 1/2) = 36
I've done it in integers rather than integers mod M, but it seems like you already know how division works in the modulo ring.
Can anyone help in solving the recurrence relationship of a divide and conquer algorithm with the following equation? I am pretty sure you can't use master theorem here because it is not in the form T(n/b) but may be forgetting a simple math rule here. Please help.
Notice that for some k>0 we have
T(n) = log n + log n^{1/2} + log n^{1/4} + ... + log n^{1/2^k} =
= log n + (1/2)*log n + (1/4)*log n + ... + (1/k) * log n
= (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... + 1/2*k) log n
= (1 + 2^{-1} + 2^{-2} + ... + 2^{-k})log n
<= 2 log n
from which it follows that T(n) = O(log n). The bound <= 2 log n follows because 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+...=2 in the limit.
I've been wrestling with this issue for a week and I just need some guidance on the math part of it. If I could just understand the math behind it I could piece together the functions to make it work. The assignment is;
Design and develop a C++ program for Calculating e(n) when delta <= 0.000001
e(n-1) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n-1)!
e(n) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n)!
delta = e(n) – e(n-1)
You do not have any input to the program. Your output should be something like this:
N = 2 e(1) = 2 e(2) = 2.5 delta = 0.5
N = 3 e(2) = 2.5 e(3) = 2.565 delta = 0.065
You must use recursive function calls.
My first issue is the math and the variables that would contain them.
the delta, e(n), and e(n-1) variable must doubles
if e(n) = 1 + 1 / 1! = 2 then e(n-1) must equal 1, which means delta = 1 (that's my thinking anyway) I'm just not sure of the math behind the .5 delta the first time and the 0.065 in the second iteration.
Can someone point me in the right direction on this problem?
Thank you,
From the wikipedia link, you can see that
I will not explain the notion of limits here, but what this basically means is that, if we define a function e where e(n) = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + … + 1/(n)! (which is the function given in your problem), we are able to approximate the real value of the constant e.
The higher n is, the closer we get from e.
If you look closely at the function, you can see that each time, we add a term which is smaller than the previous one: 1 >= 1/1! >= 1/2! >= .... >= 1/(n)!
That basically means that, every time we increase n we are getting closer to e but we are slowing down in the way.
The real value of e is 2.71828...
In our first step e(1) = 1, we are 1.71828... too far from the real value
In the second step e(2) = 2, we are at 0.71828..., 1 distance closer
In the third step e(3) = 2.5, we are now at 0.21828..., 0.5 distance closer
As you can see, we are getting there, but the closer we get, the slower we move. Now let's say that at each step, we want to know how close we have moved compared to the previous value.
We then do simply e(n) - e(n-1). This is basically what the delta means.
At some point, we are moving so slow that it does no longer make any sense to keep going. We are almost staying put. At this point, we decide that our approximation is close enough from e.
In your case, the problem defines the minimum progression speed to 0.000001
here is a solution :-
delta = e(n) - e(n-1)
delta = 1/n!
delta < 0.000001
n! > 1000000
n >= 10 as 10! = 3628800
I am wanting to evaluate the expression, (an + bn + cn) % 1000000003 , in C++. I a getting overflow errors when n is very large. Can someone help me with this ? More specifically a = q + 1, b = - 2 * q and c = q - 1. I have been following the function outlined in this
Can I break (an + bn + cn) % 1000000003 into (an) % 1000000003 + (bn) % 100000003 + (cn) % 1000000003 or something similar ?
Also I cannot use anything more than unsigned long long int
You can distribute your modulo. Mathematically, this will be sound:
( ((a^n)%1000000003) + ((b^n)%100000003) + ((c^n)%1000000003) ) % 1000000003;
This will prevent you from having to compute numbers that are out of bounds, allowing you to choose larger values for n.
Just be sure to use pow in the math.h module:
( ((pow(a, n))%1000000003)
+ ((pow(b, n))%100000003)
+ ((pow(c, n))%1000000003) ) % 1000000003;
I have the compute the sum S = (a*x + b*y + c) % N. Yes it looks like a quadratic equation but it is not because the x and y have some properties and have to be calculated using some recurrence relations. Because the sum exceeds even the limits of unsigned long long I want to know how could I compute that sum using the properties of the modulo operation, properties that allow the writing of the sum something like that(I say something because I do not remember exactly how are those properties): (a*x)%N + (b*y)%N + c%N, thus avoiding exceeding the limits of unsigned long long.
Thanks in advance for your concern! :)
a % N = x means that for some integers 0 <= x < N and m: m * N + x = a.
You can simply deduce then that if a % N = x and b % N = y then
(a + b) % N =
= (m * N + x + l * N + y) % N =
= ((m + l) * N + x + y) % N =
= (x + y) % N =
= (a % N + b % N) % N.
We know that 0 < x + y < 2N, that is why you need to keep remainder calculation. This shows that it is okay to split the summation and calculate the remainders separately and then add them, but don't forget to get the remainder for the sum.
For multiplication:
(a * b) % N =
= ((m * N + x) * (l * N + y)) % N =
= ((m * l + x * l + m * y) * N + x * y) % N =
= (x * y) % N =
= ((a % N) * (b % N)) % N.
Thus you can also do the same with products.
These properties can be simply derived in a more general setting using some abstract algebra (the remainders form a factor ring Z/nZ).
You can take the idea even further, if needed:
S = ( (a%N)*(x%N)+(b%N)*(y%N)+c%N )%N
You can apply the modulus to each term of the sum as you've suggested; but even so after summing them you must apply the modulus again to get your final result.
How about this:
int x = (7 + 7 + 7) % 10;
int y = (7 % 10 + 7 % 10 + 7 % 10) % 10;
You remember right. The equation you gave, where you %N every of the summands is correct. And that would be exactly what I use. You should also %N for every partial sum (and the total) again, as the addition results can be still greater than N. BUT be careful this works only if your size limit is at least twice as big as your N. If this is not the case, it can get really nasty.
Btw for the following %N operations of the partial sums, you dont have to perform a complete division, a check > N and if bigger just subtraction of N is enough.
Not only can you reduce all variable mod n before starting the calculation, you can write your own mod-mul to compute a*x mod n by using a shift-and-add method and reduce the result mod n at each step. That way your intermediate calculations will only require one more bit than n. Once these products are computed, you can add them pairwise and reduce mod n after each addition which will also not require more than 1 bit beyond the range of n.
There is a python implementation of modular multiplication in my answer to this question. Conversion to C should be trivial.