Visual Studio 2010 Tooltip Comments for C++ methods - c++

My question
How do I write comments for my class methods in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and make them appear in the tooltip? Maybe it should work, but I do not see my comments appear in the tooltip.
An example

You have to write "///" and immediately going to appear what you want. Sorry if i didn't understand your question.


Set a breakpoint on all methods of C++ class in visual studio professional 2019 edition

I am not able to set a breakpoint on all the methods at a time using mentioned path
Debug --> New Breakpont --> function Breakpoint.
Set a breakpoint on all methods of C++ class in visual studio
professional 2019 edition
I am afraid that you cannot get what you want in VS2019. And this issue is still a persistent, general problem which was reflected by several community members. See one, two, three and so on.
In the latest VS version, such as VS2017,VS2019, it still does not work in my side but in the old version such as VS2012 which I have tested and works as expected.
To help you solve this issue, I reported this issue on our DC Forum. See this link here. You can vote it and add any detailed comment to supplement this issue. And any community member who is interested in this issue will vote for you and all of them will cause the related staff's high attention.
Hope it could help you.

Visual Studio MFC C++ "CFormView" Missing from "base class" drop down

I am a beginner learning Visual Studio 2019 Community. Specifically MFC C++.
It is challenging as I am struggling to find good reference material and examples. Youtube has been very helpful for tutorials and examples. However, all the information I have found are using earlier versions of Visual Studio which are not a step by step process. I have found myself doing additional research or experimenting to find the same tool used in the example.
My current issue is the example creates a new class with the base class type of "CFormView". However no such value exists in my version of Visual Studio.
With that being said. I have two questions.
Please advise on how to create a CformView class in VS.
Is there any good quick learning guides for MFC in VS 2019? It would be great to have tutorials.
Thank you in advance.
VS2017 and VS2019 have become difficult development environments to continue program development with MFC/ATL.
If you want Wizard-guided development as you've seen in previous books and resources, the best shortcut is to go back to VS2015 and port the results to VS2017 or VS2019.
I have similar answers to similar questions several times.
For example, see these answers and their links.
How to add database to MFC project in Visual Studio 2017?
I am missing the Add new item Add "MFC Class From Typelib" in VS-2019
The big ATL wizard misery.
Deprecations - Visual Studio 2019
Add ATL Simple Object in Visual Studio 2017
Changes to Project Templates and Code Wizards in 15.3
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 Release Notes

Helper for visual studio 2015 for C++

I had a question about the editor for visualStudio. Basically, I am following along with a course for C++ and at this point, we are defining a function in a staticLib. We then proceed to call the function in the staticLib file of which the editor reminds that the include statement has not yet been declared.
I have attached screenshots for this as follows:
Notice that his microsoft visualstudio suggests that he make the #include "../StaticLib/foo.h"
Where mine is as follows:
And I do not really get any suggestions no matter what I type. Would someone mind helping me out with this as I am relatively new to visual studio community 2015 but I find that this is really helpful as I am a java programmer who used other IDE before and such suggestions just happen automatically for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
Thank you
Visual Studio by default does not have this functionality. It will be available after installing commercial ReSharper plugin:

Can I Label breakpoints in Visual Studio 2008?

Is there a way to name(label) breakpoints in MS VS 2008?
I know 2010 has that feature but, I am still stuck with 2008 at work as I am not sure what would the overhead be to go from 2008 to 2010.
What tempted me to post this question here was that, there is a column called "name" wheich seems to be grayed out.
I'm guessing this would probably let me achieve what I want but I am not sure how to enable this.
Edit 1: I am trying working with C++ code.
According to the msdn documentation, no.
There is an msdn article about labeling breakpoints:
It describes how to do it for VS 2010. There is a dropdown at the top of the screen that says "Other Versions" and only allows you to select VS 2012. So no, you can't do it in VS 2008. Sorry!

C++ snippet support in Visual Studio 2010

What is the best way to use snippets in Visual C++ 2010? I know about Visual AssistX and love it, but I'd prefer some free solution. I read question: C++ snippet support in visual studio? , but there is no answer to my question.
You can always create a poor-man's snippet by writing a Visual Studio Macro (written in VBScript and utilizing some VS-provided APIs) to insert a certain block of code in your file.