Can I Label breakpoints in Visual Studio 2008? - c++

Is there a way to name(label) breakpoints in MS VS 2008?
I know 2010 has that feature but, I am still stuck with 2008 at work as I am not sure what would the overhead be to go from 2008 to 2010.
What tempted me to post this question here was that, there is a column called "name" wheich seems to be grayed out.
I'm guessing this would probably let me achieve what I want but I am not sure how to enable this.
Edit 1: I am trying working with C++ code.

According to the msdn documentation, no.
There is an msdn article about labeling breakpoints:
It describes how to do it for VS 2010. There is a dropdown at the top of the screen that says "Other Versions" and only allows you to select VS 2012. So no, you can't do it in VS 2008. Sorry!


Visual studio documentation for c++

I have installed visual studio for c++
When i hover the mouse over a method or object, the studio offers to search the Internet for information about it. Is it possible to watch the documentation from ide, as in eclipse or intellij idea?
Yes. on the help menu there is the "set help preference" sub-menu that allows you to switch to a local help viewer. To use that you will have to download documentation sets you find of interest.

Visual Studio 2010 Tooltip Comments for C++ methods

My question
How do I write comments for my class methods in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and make them appear in the tooltip? Maybe it should work, but I do not see my comments appear in the tooltip.
An example
You have to write "///" and immediately going to appear what you want. Sorry if i didn't understand your question.

Visual Studio 2010/2012 Add-in Project Questions

I have already created a simple source code analyses tool for C/C++, but I wanted it to be an extension or tool for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 editions. It is written completely in C++. For this reason I created it using "Create an Add-in using Visual C++/ATL" option. And then under "Choose Add-in Options", I have some problems. I don't know which one or ones to select. I want it to have a name and icon under Tools section, but on the other hand, my code analyzer can be used from command line too. If someone can advice me which option(s) to select there I would be glad.
My second question is this, when I have opened a source file in Visual Studio, and if I go to Tools -> MyAddin, and press it, I want it to do its job and analyze the code, and show the results in the output section below.
And my last question is that, if I have a C/C++ project with few files let's say, and if I right-click one of the files, I want to see my add-in and be able to execute the add-in from there, not to go always to Tools -> MyAddin. And also the same thing to work if I right-click the project, then it should analyze the all files and show the problems in the output section.
Please note that I have already created the source code analyzer tool in C++, and I have it as a DLL. I can also use it in Linux from terminal, and if I want I can also create a GUI for it, which I plan to do later. But I'm not that much experienced with Visual Studio, especially about add-ins, that's why I need your help. As you can see my first question is a kind of advice, but I think my second and third questions require some source code. I know that it is very hard for you to give me some help without seeing my code, but if you would help me somehow I would be glad.
For Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 you should consider using Extensions, not Add-Ins. It is a new technology introduced in Visual Studio 2010. Extensions come in form of a VSIX packages and are automatically installed in all applicable versions of Visual Studio. If you are not targeting Visual Studio version prior to 2010, I strongly recommend using extensions.
From this point of view, I will not answer any of your technical questions about Add-Ins. Here are a couple of links to start using extensions instead:
Anatomy of a VSIX Package
Building and publishing an extension for Visual Studio 2010
Walkthrough: Creating an Options Page
I think you will find valuable information on this topic here: Developing extension packages for Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2012 using C# with real-life samples

silent closing VS 2008 on Windows 7

I am trying to build a MFC Windows Application with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7. I use the "Batch build" feature of Visual Studio to get both Release and Debug of several projects' outputs with only one-click.
The problem is: Frequently, after I instruct VS 2008, some minutes later VS closes its window without any explanation. I have already seach the Web about these things and it seems that nobody as an answer.
I cannot be more specific than this. VS simply closes and you will not get any information.
Thanks in advance,
The best answer I could give would be to contact Microsoft directly and let them know of your problem. If there is no error information, it could be that they are not handling an exception and the program is just closing instead.
Seems that installing the patch quoted on solves the issue.

No MFC templates available for a new C++ project - Visual C++ Express

i've been googling before posting this but i havent been able to find anything on the topic.. yet i dont think its a very tricky one so please forgive for posting :o).
for a new job i am getting into C++, and following some tutorials. in particular one is about MFC, it shows how to create a project , selecting MFC application and so on. So, i installed Visual C++ Express 2010 on both a vista and a Win 7, and both time i had the same issue: when i go to new project , I have no "MFC" menu . some screenshots from that tutorial , and from some other on Visual C++ 2010 clearly show that it can be there. to be more specific, on corner left I have "installed templates" , then "Visual C++" and "CLR", Win32" and "General" , no MFC.
as these are "installed templates", i guess i should have to install it, but i found no clear indication on the topic; from what i found it should more or less be there from the beginning ... i also found a way to add MFC DLL through creating a Win32 application, but it doesnt seem its exactly the same thing .. I spent also some time on the menus of Visual C++ but did not find any clear way to add new templates like in Eclipse...
Well, I hope I made myself clear, i think this is pretty basic but if anyone could give me a hand on that one i'd greatly appreciate.
Visual Studio C++ Express does not support creating MFC applications.
If you don`t mind the leaking of unicode support, you can downlaod the visual studio 2013 express for desktop and install the free mfc mbcs supportfrom