Thread Safe queue in C++ - c++

Is this the correct way to make a Thread Safe Queue in C++ which can handle unsigned char* arrays of binary data?
Notice that in the data is produced from the main thread and not a created pthread, which makes me question if the pthread_mutex_t will actually work correctly on the push and pop.
Thread Safe Queue
#include <queue>
#include <pthread.h>
class ts_queue
std::queue<unsigned char*> _queue_;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL);
void push(unsigned char* data)
void pop(unsigned char** popped_data)
while (_queue_.empty() == true)
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
*popped_data = _queue_.front();
void *consumer_thread(void *arguments)
ts_queue *tsq = static_cast<ts_queue*>(arguments);
while (true)
unsigned char* data = NULL;
if (data != NULL)
// Eureka! Received from the other thread!!!
// Delete it so memory keeps free.
// NOTE: In the real scenario for which I need
// this class, the data received are bitmap pixels
// and at this point it would be processed
delete[] data;
return 0;
void main()
ts_queue tsq;
// Create the consumer
pthread_t consumer;
pthread_create(&consumer, NULL, consumer_thread, &tsq));
// Start producing
// Push data.
// Expected behaviour: memory should never run out, as the
// consumer should receive the data and delete it.
// NOTE: test_data in the real purpose scenario for which I
// need this class would hold bitmap pixels, so it's meant to
// hold binary data and not a string
unsigned char* test_data = new unsigned char [8192];
return 0;

How do you know the consumer never gets the data? When I try your program out, I get a segmentation fault, and GDB tells me the consumer did get a pointer, but it's an invalid one.
I believe your problem is that you have a data race on the _queue_ member. push() calls _queue_.push(data) (a write on _queue_) while holding push_mutex and pop() calls _queue_.front() (a read on _queue_) and _queue_.pop() (another write on _queue_) while holding pop_mutex, but push() and pop() can occur at the same time, causing both threads to be writing (and reading) _queue_ at the same time, a classical data-race.


Running background process in c++ using pthread

I am developing an API in c++ to be used in iOS and Android development.
Hence, I need to use pthread.
Now I have a function, which sends data to the server after serialization of a queue.
//include headers here
void sendToServer(queue q) {
send the whole queue to server after serialization
pop the queue
which is called by
// headers
void log (data)
add data to queue q
if(num_nodes>=threshold || duration > interval)
//apply thread wait condition
If i want to make a separate thread for log which runs in the background, can I implement a singleton class with a method get_instance which starts a thread with log
class C
/*disallow copy constructor and assignment operator*/
static C* singleton_inst;
pthread_t t;
void sendToServer(queue q);
void* log(void*);
static C* get_instance()
pthread_create(t, NULL, log, NULL);
singleton_inst= new C();
return singleton_inst;
So, next time in my test function, when i do:
will the second line resume the same thread started in the first line?
If you really have to use pthread I think this will work, but it is untested:
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
using namespace std;
//include headers here
/*the called function must be void* (void*) */
/* so you have to cast queue*/
void* sendToServer(void* q) {
send the whole queue to server after serialization
pop the queue
pthread_t thread1;
// headers
void log (char* data)
// create the thread
int th1 = pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, sendToServer, (void*) data);
int main() {
/* Wait till threads are complete before main continues. Unless we */
/* wait we run the risk of executing an exit which will terminate */
/* the process and all threads before the threads have completed. */
pthread_join( thread1, NULL);
return 0;
Don't forget to link with the pthread libary. Without it, it will not work.
But try to use std::thread.

Unable to receive a message using message_queue in Boost thread

I have a requirement for creating a Event based Multi-thread application for which i am trying to use boost::thread and boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue for sending messages between threads.
What i am doing currently is making the thread wait in its workerfunction to wait for a message.
Actually this is just for basic start where the sender and receiver both is a same thread, on later stage i have thought to store a list of message_queue corresponding for each thread and then fetch it accordingly or something like that.
But now, as per the code below i am using
//in a common class
typedef struct s_Request{
int id;
//in thread(XYZ) class
st_Request dataone;
message_queue *mq;
void XYZ::threadfunc(void *ptr)
XYZ*obj = (XYZ*) ptr;
void XYZ::RecieveMsg()
message_queue mq1(open_only,"message_queue");
if(!(mq1.try_receive(&dataone, sizeof(st_Request), recvd_size, priority)))
printf("msg not received");
printf("id = %d",;
void XYZ::Create()
mq= new message_queue(open_or_create,"message_queue",100,sizeof(st_Request));
boost:thread workerthread(threadfunc,this);
void XYZ::Send(st_Request *data)
if (!(mq->try_send(data, sizeof(st_Request), 0)))
printf("message sending failed");
//I am calling it like
class ABC: public XYZ
..some functions to do stuff... };
void ABC::createMSGQ()
st_Request *data;
data->id =10;
My thread is waiting in RecieveMsg but i am not getting any msg and the prints are coming till Send function entry and than the code crash.
Please Guide me for what i am doing wrong, if the approach is entirely wrong, i am open to move to new approach.
P.s. this is my first question on stack overflow i tried follow the guidelines still if i strayed away anywhere please do correct.
st_Request *data;
data->id =10;
data is uninitialized, you cannot dereference it. Pointers should point to something before you dereference them.
I don't understand the point of this function:
void XYZ::Create()
mq= new message_queue(open_or_create,"message_queue",100,sizeof(st_Request));
boost:thread workerthread(threadfunc,this);
You create a new thread, then block and wait for it to finish so you can join it. Why not just do the work here, instead of creating a new thread and waiting for it to finish?
What is threadfunc? Do you mean ThreadFunc?
This function is written strangely:
void XYZ::ThreadFunc(void *ptr)
XYZ*obj = (XYZ*) ptr;
Why not pass the argument as XYZ* instead of void*? Boost.Thread doesn't require everything to be passed as void*. Is that function static? It doesn't need to be:
struct XYZ {
void threadFunc();
void create();
void recv();
void XYZ::threadFunc()
void XYZ::create()
boost::thread thr(&XYZ::threadFunc, this);

C++ Blocking Queue Segfault w/ Boost

I had a need for a Blocking Queue in C++ with timeout-capable offer(). The queue is intended for multiple producers, one consumer. Back when I was implementing, I didn't find any good existing queues that fit this need, so I coded it myself.
I'm seeing segfaults come out of the take() method on the queue, but they are intermittent. I've been looking over the code for issues but I'm not seeing anything that looks problematic.
I'm wondering if:
There is an existing library that does this reliably that I should
use (boost or header-only preferred).
Anyone sees any obvious flaw in my code that I need to fix.
Here is the header:
class BlockingQueue
BlockingQueue(unsigned int capacity) : capacity(capacity) { };
bool offer(const MyType & myType, unsigned int timeoutMillis);
MyType take();
void put(const MyType & myType);
unsigned int getCapacity();
unsigned int getCount();
std::deque<MyType> queue;
unsigned int capacity;
And the relevant implementations:
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
bool BlockingQueue::offer(const MyType & myType, unsigned int timeoutMillis)
Timer timer;
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
// We use a while loop here because the monitor may have woken up because
// another producer did a PulseAll. In that case, the queue may not have
// room, so we need to re-check and re-wait if that is the case.
// We use an external stopwatch to stop the madness if we have taken too long.
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
int monitorTimeout = timeoutMillis - ((unsigned int) timer.getElapsedMilliSeconds());
if (monitorTimeout <= 0)
return false;
if (!cond.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(timeoutMillis)))
return false;
return true;
void BlockingQueue::put(const MyType & myType)
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
// We use a while loop here because the monitor may have woken up because
// another producer did a PulseAll. In that case, the queue may not have
// room, so we need to re-check and re-wait if that is the case.
// We use an external stopwatch to stop the madness if we have taken too long.
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
MyType BlockingQueue::take()
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
while (queue.size() == 0)
MyType myType = this->queue.front();
return myType;
unsigned int BlockingQueue::getCapacity()
return this->capacity;
unsigned int BlockingQueue::getCount()
return this->queue.size();
And yes, I didn't implement the class using templates - that is next on the list :)
Any help is greatly appreciated. Threading issues can be really hard to pin down.
Why are cond, and mut globals? I would expect them to be members of your BlockingQueue object. I don't know what else is touching those things, but there may be an issue there.
I too have implemented a ThreadSafeQueue as part of a larger project:
It is a similar concept to yours, except the enqueue (aka offer) functions are non-blocking because there is basically no max capacity. To enforce a capacity I typically have a pool with N buffers added at system init time, and a Queue for message passing at run time, this also eliminates the need for memory allocation at run time which I consider to be a good thing (I typically work on embedded applications).
The only difference between a pool, and a queue is that a pool gets a bunch of buffers enqueued at system init time. So you have something like this:
ThreadSafeQueue<BufferDataType*> pool;
ThreadSafeQueue<BufferDataType*> queue;
void init()
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFS; i++)
pool.enqueue(new BufferDataType);
Then when you want send a message you do something like the following:
void producerA()
BufferDataType *buf;
if (pool.waitDequeue(buf, timeout) == true)
This way the enqueue function is quick and easy, but if the pool is empty, then you will block until someone puts a buffer back into the pool. The idea being that some other thread will be blocking on the queue and will return buffers to the pool when they have been processed as follows:
void consumer()
BufferDataType *buf;
if (queue.waitDequeue(buf, timeout) == true)
Anyways take a look at it, maybe it will help.
I suppose the problem in your code is modifying the deque by several threads. Look:
you're waiting for codition from another thread;
and then immediately sending a signal to other threads that deque is unlocked just before you want to modify it;
then you modifying the deque while other threads are thinking deque is allready unlocked and starting doing the same.
So, try to place all the cond.notify_*() after modifying the deque. I.e.:
void BlockingQueue::put(const MyType & myType)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
queue.push_back(myType); // <- modify first
cond.notify_all(); // <- then say to others that deque is free
For better understanding I suggest to read about the pthread_cond_wait().

consumer/producer in c++

This is a classic c/p problem where some threads produce data while other read the data. Both the producer and consumers are sharing a const sized buffer. If the buffer is empty then the consumers have to wait and if it is full then the producer has to wait. I am using semaphores to keep track of full or empty queues. The producer is going to decrement free spots semaphore, add value, and increment filled slots semaphore. So I am trying to implement a program that gets some numbers from the generator function, and then prints out the average of the numbers. By treating this as a producer-consumer problem, I am trying to save some time in the execution of the program. The generateNumber function causes some delay in the process so I want to create a number of threads that generate numbers, and put them into a queue. Then the "main thread" which is running the main function has to read from the queue and find the sum and then average. So here is what I have so far:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
#include "Thread.h"
#include <queue>
int generateNumber() {
int delayms = rand() / (float) RAND_MAX * 400.f + 200;
int result = rand() / (float) RAND_MAX * 20;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = 0;
ts.tv_nsec = delayms * 1000000;
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
return result; }
struct threadarg {
Semaphore filled(0);
Semaphore empty(n);
std::queue<int> q; };
void* threadfunc(void *arg) {
threadarg *targp = (threadarg *) arg;
threadarg &targ = *targp;
while (targ.empty.value() != 0) {
int val = generateNumber();
q.push_back(val);; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Thread consumer, producer;
// read the command line arguments
if (argc != 2) {
printf("usage: %s [nums to average]\n", argv[0]);
exit(1); }
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
// Seed random number generator
I am a bit confused now because I am not sure how to create multiple producer threads that are generating numbers (if q is not full) while the consumer is reading from the queue (that is if q is not empty). I am not sure what to put in the main to implment it.
also in "Thread.h", you can create a thread, a mutex, or a semaphore. The thread has the methods .run(threadFunc, arg), .join(), etc. A mutex can be locked or unlocked. The semaphore methods have all been used in my code.
Your queue is not synchronized, so multiple producers could call push_back at the same time, or at the same time the consumer is calling pop_front ... this will break.
The simple approach to making this work is to use a thread-safe queue, which can be a wrapper around the std::queue you already have, plus a mutex.
You can start by adding a mutex, and locking/unlocking it around each call you forward to std::queue - for a single consumer that should be sufficient, for multiple consumers you'd need to fuse front() and pop_front() into a single synchronized call.
To let the consumer block while the queue is empty, you can add a condition variable to your wrapper.
That should be enough that you can find the answer online - sample code below.
template <typename T> class SynchronizedQueue
std::queue<T> queue_;
std::mutex mutex_;
std::condition_variable condvar_;
typedef std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock;
typedef std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulock;
void push(T const &val)
lock l(mutex_); // prevents multiple pushes corrupting queue_
bool wake = queue_.empty(); // we may need to wake consumer
if (wake) condvar_.notify_one();
T pop()
ulock u(mutex_);
while (queue_.empty())
// now queue_ is non-empty and we still have the lock
T retval = queue_.front();
return retval;
Replace std::mutex et al with whatever primitives your "Thread.h" gives you.
What I would do is this:
Make a data class that hides your queue
Create thread-safe accessor methods for saving a piece of data to the q, and removing a piece of data from the q ( I would use a single mutex, or a critical section for accessors)
Handle the case where a consumor doesn't have any data to work with (sleep)
Handle the case where the q is becoming too full, and the producers need to slow down
Let the threads go willy-nilly adding and removing as they produce / consume
Also, remember to add a sleep into each and every thread, or else you'll peg the CPU and not give the thread scheduler a good spot to switch contexts and share the CPU with other threads / processes. You don't need to, but it's a good practice.
When managing shared state like this, you need a condition variable and
a mutex. The basic pattern is a function along the lines of:
ScopedLock l( theMutex );
while ( !conditionMet ) {
theCondition.wait( theMutex );
In your case, I'd probably make the condition variable and the mutex
members of the class implementing the queue. To write, the
conditionMet would be !queue.full(), so you'd end up with something
ScopedLock l( queue.myMutex );
while ( queue.full() ) {
queue.insert( whatever );
and to read:
ScopedLock l( queue.myMutex );
while ( queue.empty() ) {
results = queue.extract();
return results;
Depending on the threading interface, there may be two notify
functions: notify one (which wakes up a single thread), and notify all
(which wakes up all of the waiting threads); in this case, you'll need
notify all (or you'll need two condition variables, one for space to
write, and one for something to read, with each function waiting on one,
but notifying the other).
Protect the queue accesses with a mutex, that should be it. A 'Computer Science 101' bounded producer-consumer queue needs two semaphores, (to manage the free/empty count and for producers/consumers to wait on, as you are already doing), and one mutex/futex/criticalSection to protect the queue.
I don't see how replacing the semaphores and mutex with condvars is any great help. What's the point? How do you implement a bounded producer-consumer queue with condvars that works on all platforms with multiple producers/consumers?
using namespace std;
mutex mu,c_out;
condition_variable cv;
class Buffer
Buffer() {}
void add(int ele)
unique_lock<mutex> ulock(mu);
cv.wait(ulock,[this](){return q.size()<_size;});
int remove()
unique_lock<mutex> ulock(mu);
cv.wait(ulock,[this](){return q.size()>0;});
int v=q.back();
return v;
int calculateAvarage()
int total=0;
unique_lock<mutex> ulock(mu);
cv.wait(ulock,[this](){return q.size()>0;});
deque<int>::iterator it = q.begin();
while (it != q.end())
total += *it;
std::cout << ' ' << *it++;
return total/q.size();
deque<int> q;
const unsigned int _size=10;
class Producer
Producer(Buffer *_bf=NULL)
void Produce()
int num=rand()%10;
Buffer *bf;
class Consumer
Consumer(Buffer *_bf=NULL)
void Consume()
while (true)
int num=bf->remove();
Buffer *bf;
int main()
Buffer b;
Consumer c(&b);
Producer p(&b);
thread th1(&Producer::Produce,&p);
thread th2(&Consumer::Consume,&c);
return 0;
Buffer class has doublended queue and max Buffer size of 10.
It has two function to add into queue and remove from queue.
Buffer class has calculateAvarage() function which will calculate the avarage echa time a element is added or deleted.
There are two more classes one is producer and consumer having buffwr class pointer .
We are having Consume() in consumer class and Produce() in Producer class.
Consume()>>Lock the buffer and check if size is of buffer is not 0 it will remove from Buffer and notify to producer and unlock.
Produce()>>Lok the buffer and check if size is of buffer is not max buffer size it will add and notify to consumer and unlock.

C++ Critical Section not working

My critical section code does not work!!! IS able to modify MESSAGE_QUEUE g_msgQueue and LockSections destructor hadn't been called yet !!!
Extra code :
typedef std::vector<int> MESSAGE_LIST; // SHARED OBJECT .. MUST LOCK!
MESSAGE_QUEUE(MESSAGE_LIST* pList){ m_pList = pList; }
/* This class will be shared between threads that means any
* attempt to access it MUST be inside a critical section.
void Add( int messageCode ){ if(m_pList) m_pList->push_back(messageCode); }
int getLast()
if(m_pList->size() == 1){
return m_pList->back();
void removeLast()
class Backgrounder{
static void __cdecl Run( void* args){
if(s_pMsgQueue->getLast() == 0x45)printf("It's a success!");
else printf("It's a trap!");
Backgrounder(MESSAGE_QUEUE* pMsgQueue)
m_pMsgQueue = pMsgQueue;
~Backgrounder(){ }
int main(){
CriticalSection crt;
ErrorHandler err;
LockSection lc(&crt,&err); // Does not work , see question #2
MESSAGE_QUEUE g_msgQueue(&g_List);
Backgrounder back_thread(&g_msgQueue);
return 0;
#include <windows.h>
#include "ErrorHandler.h"
class CriticalSection{
long m_nLockCount;
long m_nThreadId;
cs m_tCS;
m_nLockCount = 0;
m_nThreadId = 0;
~CriticalSection(){ ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Enter(){ ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Leave(){ ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Try();
class LockSection{
CriticalSection* m_pCS;
ErrorHandler * m_pErrorHandler;
bool m_bIsClosed;
LockSection(CriticalSection* pCS,ErrorHandler* pErrorHandler){
m_bIsClosed = false;
m_pCS = pCS;
m_pErrorHandler = pErrorHandler;
// 0x1AE is code prefix for critical section header
if(m_pCS && m_bIsClosed == false)m_pCS->Leave();
void ForceCSectionClose(){
if(m_pCS){m_pCS->Leave();m_bIsClosed = true;}
Safe class basic structure;
class SafeObj
CriticalSection m_cs;
void SafeMethod()
LockSection myLock(&m_cs);
//add code to implement the method ...
Two questions in one. I don't know about the first, but the critical section part is easy to explain. The background thread isn't trying to claim the lock and so, of course, is not blocked. You need to make the critical section object crt visible to the thread so that it can lock it.
The way to use this lock class is that each section of code that you want serialised must create a LockSection object and hold on to it until the end of the serialised block:
Thread 1:
LockSection lc(&crt,&err);
//operate on shared object from thread 1
Thread 2:
LockSection lc(&crt,&err);
//operate on shared object from thread 2
Note that it has to be the same critical section instance crt that is used in each block of code that is to be serialised.
This code has a number of problems.
First of all, deriving from the standard containers is almost always a poor idea. In this case you're using private inheritance, which reduces the problems, but doesn't eliminate them entirely. In any case, you don't seem to put the inheritance to much (any?) use anyway. Even though you've derived your MESSAGE_QUEUE from MESSAGE_LIST (which is actually std::vector<int>), you embed a pointer to an instance of a MESSAGE_LIST into MESSAGE_QUEUE anyway.
Second, if you're going to use a queue to communicate between threads (which I think is generally a good idea) you should make the locking inherent in the queue operations rather than requiring each thread to manage the locking correctly on its own.
Third, a vector isn't a particularly suitable data structure for representing a queue anyway, unless you're going to make it fixed size, and use it roughly like a ring buffer. That's not a bad idea either, but it's quite a bit different from what you've done. If you're going to make the size dynamic, you'd probably be better off starting with a deque instead.
Fourth, the magic numbers in your error handling (0x1AE1, 0x1AE2, etc.) is quite opaque. At the very least, you need to give these meaningful names. The one comment you have does not make the use anywhere close to clear.
Finally, if you're going to go to all the trouble of writing code for a thread-safe queue, you might as well make it generic so it can hold essentially any kind of data you want, instead of dedicating it to one specific type.
Ultimately, your code doesn't seem to save the client much work or trouble over using the Windows functions directly. For the most part, you've just provided the same capabilities under slightly different names.
IMO, a thread-safe queue should handle almost all the work internally, so that client code can use it about like it would any other queue.
// Warning: untested code.
// Assumes: `T::T(T const &) throw()`
template <class T>
class queue {
std::deque<T> data;
HANDLE semaphore;
queue() {
semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 2048, NULL);
~queue() {
void push(T const &item) {
ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, 1, NULL);
T pop() {
WaitForSingleObject(semaphore, INFINITE);
T item = data.front();
return item;
HANDLE done;
typedef queue<int> msgQ;
enum commands { quit, print };
void backgrounder(void *qq) {
// I haven't quite puzzled out what your background thread
// was supposed to do, so I've kept it really simple, executing only
// the two commands listed above.
msgQ *q = (msgQ *)qq;
int command;
while (quit != (command = q->pop()))
int main() {
msgQ q;
done = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
_beginthread(backgrounder, 0, (void*)&q);
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
WaitForSingleObject(done, INFINITE);
return 0;
Your background thread needs access to the same CriticalSection object and it needs to create LockSection objects to lock it -- the locking is collaborative.
You are trying to return the last element after popping it.