Extract menu action data in receiving function or slot - c++

In my menu, I am setting data to the menu actions. How can I extract that data in my slot? Or even better, instead of connecting a slot, can I also connect a member function that is able to extract the action data (like in the 1st connect)? The action data is meant to identify each action. As a sidenode, I am not sure if I can use several menu action entries on only one openNote-action.
void Traymenu::createMainContextMenu() {
QAction *actionNewNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction("Neue Notiz");
QString menuEntryName;
QAction *openNote;
QVariant noteID;
for (int i = 0; i<m_noteList.count(); i++) {
std::string noteTitle = m_noteList[i].data()->getTitle();
menuEntryName = QString::fromStdString(noteTitle);
openNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction(menuEntryName);
And the slot:
void Traymenu::s_showNote() {
QObject* obj = sender();
//int noteID = data.toInt();
//Search all notes in noteList for that ID and show it

Using QObject::sender()
You can use QObject::sender() to get the signal's sender, followed by qobject_cast to cast the sender pointer to the right type.
void Traymenu::s_showNote()
QAction* act = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
if (act != 0)
QVariant data = act->data();
int noteID = data.toInt();
showNote(noteID); // isolate showNote logic from "get my ID" stuff
void Traymenu::showNote(int noteID)
// Do the real work here, now that you have the ID ...
As the Qt documentation warns, "This function violates the object-oriented principle of modularity." It's still a fairly safe and standard practice, though — just one with some shortcomings. In particular, note that you're committing to having a s_showNote method that only works when it's accessed as a slot (otherwise sender is 0).
Using QSignalMapper
Alternatively, you can use the QSignalMapper class to return a pointer to teh item or to associate a unique identifier (int or QString) with each item.
Something like this:
void Traymenu::createMainContextMenu()
signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); // (or initialize elsewhere)
// ... (create your newNote here same as before) ...
QString menuEntryName;
QAction *openNote;
int noteID;
for (int i = 0; i<m_noteList.count(); i++) {
std::string noteTitle = m_noteList[i].data()->getTitle();
menuEntryName = QString::fromStdString(noteTitle);
openNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction(menuEntryName);
noteID = m_noteList[i].data()->getID();
openNote->setData(QVariant(noteID)); // (if you still need data in the QActions)
signalMapper->setMapping(openNote, noteID);
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
this, SLOT(showNote(int)));
void Traymenu::showNote(int noteID) {
// Now you have the ID ...
This pattern has the benefit of isolating all the ugly "Wait, how do I get my identifier?" stuff in one spot, instead of having both the initialization code and the slot function having code for associating actions and IDs.

I would write it like:
void Traymenu::s_showNote() {
QObject* obj = sender();
QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(obj);
int id = action->data().toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < m_noteList.count(); i++) {
if (m_noteList[i].data()->getID() == id) {


how to recognize which signal emitted in slot?

I connect two signals to same slot. like this:
check = new QCheckBox();
connect(check, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(MySlot()));
connect(check, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(MySlot()));
I don't want to define an other slot. In MySlot is it possible to recognize which signal callbacks the slot?
How can I do this?
You might be able to use the QMetaObject/QMetaMethod data associated with the sender to get what you want (untested)...
void MyClass::MySlot ()
auto index = senderSignalIndex();
if (index == sender()->indexOfSignal("clicked()")) {
* Got here as the result of a clicked() signal.
} else if (index == sender()->indexOfSignal("toggled(bool)")) {
* Got here as the result of a toggled(bool) signal.
Rather than that, however, if you're using Qt5 I would suggest making use of the new signal/slot syntax along with lambdas...
check = new QCheckBox();
connect(check, &QCheckBox::clicked,
connect(check, &QCheckBox::toggled,
[this](bool toggled)
MySlot(true, toggled);
Along with a change to the signature of MySlot...
* #param from_toggled_signal If true this call was triggered by a
* QCheckBox::toggled signal, otherwise it's
* the result of a QCheckBox::clicked signal.
* #param toggle_value If from_toggled_signal is true then this was the
* value passed to QCheckBox::toggled, otherwise unused.
void MyClass::MySlot (bool from_toggled_signal, bool toggle_value = false)
New slots can be defined on the fly using lambdas :)
class MyClass : public QWidget {
QSomeLayout m_layout{this};
QCheckBox m_check;
enum Signal { Clicked, Toggled };
Q_SLOT void mySlot(Signal);
MyClass( ... ) : ... {
connect(&m_check, &QCheckBox::clicked, this, [this]{ mySlot(Clicked); });
connect(&m_check, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this]{ mySlot(Toggled); });
You can also add your own context to the signal if that helps. For instance I had a service that downloaded user avatars for multiple windows. I needed the window to only load the user it was interested in something so I would pass in the user's id as the context. Something like:
void UserService::downloadAvatar(const QString& url, const int context = 0) {
...// Make the http request, on finished:
emit onAvatarDownloaded(context, responseBody);

Do an action while any checkbox state is modified with Qt

In my programm, I fill my interface with a lot of checkbox by this way :
void VGCCC::addMaterialToUI(QDomNodeList _materialNodeList, QWidget* _areaWidget, QLayout* _layout, QWidget* _layoutWidget, int _maTable)
for(int i=0; i< _materialNodeList.count();i++)
QDomElement materialElement = _materialNodeList.at(i).toElement();
QString elementFile = materialElement.attribute("file");
QString elementId = materialElement.attribute("id");
QString elementLabel = elementId;
elementLabel += " - ";
elementLabel += materialElement.attribute("label");
QCheckBox* checkbox = new QCheckBox(elementLabel);
configuration c;
c.path = (m_igmPath+elementFile).toStdString();
c.id = elementId.toInt();
c.name = elementLabel.toStdString();
m_materialSectionMap[checkbox] = c;
m_materialPostMap[checkbox] = c;
I would like to know how to retrieve these "abstract" checkbox. More exactly, if one of these checkbox is checked, I would like to call another function like this :
connect(anyCheckbox,SIGNAL(stateChanged(anyCheckbox)), this, SLOT(doSomethingFunctionIfCheckboxIsChecked()));
The difficulty is that in my UI, these checkbox didn't exist, so I can't connect them to my function. How can I solve it ?
You can e.g. collect pointers to your checkbox objects to a list so can access or "retrieve" them later.
You can connect each checkbox's stateChanged signal to a same slot which is then called when state of any of the checkboxes is changed. In the slot you can cast the sender() to a checkbox if you need to know which specific checkbox is in question. Another alternative is to use QSignalMapper.
In your class declaration:
private slots:
void checkboxStateChanged(int state)
QList<QCheckBox*> m_checkboxes;
In your class definition:
void VGCCC::addMaterialToUI(QDomNodeList _materialNodeList, QWidget* _areaWidget, QLayout* _layout, QWidget* _layoutWidget, int _maTable)
QCheckBox* checkbox = new QCheckBox(elementLabel);
connect(checkbox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(checkboxStateChanged(int)));
void VGCCC::checkboxStateChanged(int state)
// Here your can e.g. call doSomethingFunctionIfCheckboxIsChecked()
QCheckBox* checkbox = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(sender());
if (checkbox)
// checkbox points to the object whose state changed

Qt QMetaObjects and casting from QWidget to QObject

Im trying to make the code which reads xml files and deserialize various qt controls from this xml, and im doing this using QDomDocument, and i want to get the QLlist from my deserealization method. And im having a bit of troubles, here is some code of the template class (.h) file:
QList<T*> deserialize(QIODevice *input)
QList<T*> objects = QList<T*>();
if(_deserializeObject(input, objects))
return objects;
bool _deserializeObjects(QIODevice* input, QList<QObject*>& list);
and my .cpp file with deserialize method, here im reading the control tags from file:
bool Serializer::_deserializeObjects(QIODevice* input, QList<QObject *> &objects)
QDomDocument doc;
if (!doc.setContent(input))
return false;
QDomElement root= doc.documentElement();
for(int j = 0; j < root.childNodes().length();j++)
QObject* object;
qDebug() << root.tagName();
if(root.tagName().contains("QGroupBox")) // <------- Here i need to determine which control i need to process.
qDebug () << object->metaObject()->className();
qDebug() << object->metaObject()->propertyCount();
for(int i = 0; i < object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); i++)
QMetaProperty prop = object->metaObject()->property(i);
QString propName = prop.name();
if(propName == "objectName")
QDomNodeList nodeList = root.elementsByTagName(propName);
if(nodeList.length() < 1)
QDomNode node = nodeList.at(0);
QVariant value = object->property(propName.toLatin1().data());
QString v = node.toElement().text();
if(propName == "x")
x = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "y")
y = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "width")
width = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "height")
height = v.toInt();
if(propName == "geometry")
object->setProperty(propName.toLatin1().data(), QVariant(v));
return true;
In this part
if(root.tagName().contains("QGroupBox")) // <------- Here i need to determine which control i need to process.
qDebug () << object->metaObject()->className();
qDebug() << object->metaObject()->propertyCount();
for(int i = 0; i < object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); i++)
I want to actually somehow get the type of the control by name, so the question is, can i cast QGroupBox to QObject saving the QGroupBox properties so QObject metaObject class name would be QGroupBox, so i can pass all this properties? Because i don't want to make the loops for each control type. Also i when i got the result like so:
QList<QObject *> ds = s.deserialize<Object>((QIODevice*)&f);
Can i then just pass all QObjects in a loop and using QMetaObject class name and using qobject_cast cast each object to QPushButton,QLabel etc.?
QGroupBox is a subclass of QObject; therefore every QGroupBox is also a QObject, so you can treat it as one whenever you like. An explicit cast isn't necessary.
Iterating over all the diffent objects-derived-from-QObject in a loop will do what you want, provided that the methods you call on them are virtual methods (which they presumably will be -- in particular, QObject::metaObject() is a virtual method, so your loop will get the appropriate QMetaObject returned even if it is calling them method through a QObject pointer).
(As an aside, the annoying part of the process will probably be the part where you have read the name of the object's type from the XML and now need to instantiate an object of that type. AFAIK there is no good automatic way to do that in C++, so the best you can do is a factory function containing a giant switch statement with a separate case for every type you might want to instantiate)
Alternatively, use a right tool for a right job. Chances are that what you are really building here is some XML thing for defining widget layouts etc. Qt already has a tool for that, the Qt Designer which uses an XML format for the UI definitions and a C++ code generator for actually producing a C++ code during compile time.

No such slot button QT

for(i=0; i<height; i++)
for(j=0; j<width; j++)
button[i][j] = new QPushButton("Empty", this);
button[i][j]->resize(40, 40);
button[i][j]->move(40*j, 40*i);
connect(button[i][j], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeText(button[i][j])));
If i changed function changeText with function (fullScreen for example) it works
but when i use a slot defined by me (changeText) this Error Appears and i don't know how to solve it
QObject::connect: No such slot buttons::changeText(&button[i][j])
and this is the function changeText:
void buttons::changeText(QPushButton* button)
NOTE: in the header file i defined the slot like this :
class buttons : public QWidget
public slots:
void changeText(QPushButton* button);
slot can have less arguments then signal but type of arguments it has must match exactly with types of arguments in connected signal.
you can't have dynamic slot like that.
probably what you need is a QSignalMapper.
here is sample:
QSignalMapper *map = new QSignalMapper(this);
connect (map, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(changeText(QString)));
for(i=0; i<height; i++)
for(j=0; j<width; j++)
button[i][j] = new QPushButton("Empty", this);
button[i][j]->resize(40, 40);
button[i][j]->move(40*j, 40*i);
connect(button[i][j], SIGNAL(clicked()), map, SLOT(map()));
map->setMapping(button[i][j], QString("Something%1%2").arg(i).arg(j));
Probably you can remove a table.
If the SIGNAL doesn't provide certain parameter, the SLOT can't recieve it.
The signal clicked() doesn't provide any parameter. SLOTs receiving it shouldn't have any, either. In any case, you can have a SLOT receiving less parameters than the SIGNAL provides (ignoring some others), but not otherwise. You can, however, get to know the sender of the signal, cast it to QPushButton* and work on it:
void buttons::changeText()
QPushButton *pb = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(sender());
if (pb){
} else {
qDebug() << "Couldn't make the conversion properly";
QButtonGroup is a class that has been designed as a handy collection for buttons. It give you direct access to the button which triggered the slot. It also provide you the possibility to register button with a given id. This can be useful if you want to retrieve easily some meta information from the button id.
QButtonGroup* buttongrp = new QButtonGroup();
for(i=0; i<height; i++)
for(j=0; j<width; j++)
button[i][j] = new QPushButton("Empty", this);
button[i][j]->resize(40, 40);
button[i][j]->move(40*j, 40*i);
buttongrp->addButton(button[i][j], i << 16 + j);
QObject::connect(buttongrp, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)),
this, SLOT(getCoordinates(int)));
QObject::connect(buttongrp, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *)),
this, SLOT(changeText(QAbstractButton * button)));
void MyObject::changeText(QAbstractButton * button)
void MyObject::getCoordinates(int id){
int i = id >> 16;
int j = ~(i << 16) & id;
//use i and j. really handy if your buttons are inside a table widget
Usually you don't need to connect to both slots. For the id I assumed that height and width are less that 2^16.
Retrospectively, It seems to me you are reimplementing some of the functions of the button group.

Drag and drop issue in Qt: Pass parameter to receiving dropEvent

A healthPackButton is dropped on a mysquare. Now I would like to add a value to this button (because I have a number of healthPackButtons and I want to be able to differentiate them). I have tried changing the makeDrag function for it to accept an extra parameter but than my SIGNAL was no longer matched.
Question: How can I pass additional information (=> int value) to my dropEvent handler inside another class.
Dialog class
for (int i=0; i<healthPks.size(); i++){
int value = healthPks.at(i);
QPushButton *healthPackButton = new QPushButton(title,this);
void Dialog::makeDrag(){
QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData;
mime->setText("This is a test");
mysquare class
void MySquare::dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event){
int xCoord = curX/width;
int yCoord = curY/height;
int value = 0; //what's the value??
const QMimeData *mimeData = event->mimeData();
emit healthMapChanged(xCoord,yCoord,value);
To get an additional parameter into your slot, you can use a QSignalMapper – the documentation has an example of adding a QString const& parameter, but you can use an int in exactly the same way to pass the value to a makeDrag(int).
You could then use QMimeType's setData (converting your int to a QByteArray using QByteArray::number for example) to get that value to the drop target.