Qt QMetaObjects and casting from QWidget to QObject - c++

Im trying to make the code which reads xml files and deserialize various qt controls from this xml, and im doing this using QDomDocument, and i want to get the QLlist from my deserealization method. And im having a bit of troubles, here is some code of the template class (.h) file:
QList<T*> deserialize(QIODevice *input)
QList<T*> objects = QList<T*>();
if(_deserializeObject(input, objects))
return objects;
bool _deserializeObjects(QIODevice* input, QList<QObject*>& list);
and my .cpp file with deserialize method, here im reading the control tags from file:
bool Serializer::_deserializeObjects(QIODevice* input, QList<QObject *> &objects)
QDomDocument doc;
if (!doc.setContent(input))
return false;
QDomElement root= doc.documentElement();
for(int j = 0; j < root.childNodes().length();j++)
QObject* object;
qDebug() << root.tagName();
if(root.tagName().contains("QGroupBox")) // <------- Here i need to determine which control i need to process.
qDebug () << object->metaObject()->className();
qDebug() << object->metaObject()->propertyCount();
for(int i = 0; i < object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); i++)
QMetaProperty prop = object->metaObject()->property(i);
QString propName = prop.name();
if(propName == "objectName")
QDomNodeList nodeList = root.elementsByTagName(propName);
if(nodeList.length() < 1)
QDomNode node = nodeList.at(0);
QVariant value = object->property(propName.toLatin1().data());
QString v = node.toElement().text();
if(propName == "x")
x = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "y")
y = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "width")
width = v.toInt();
else if(propName == "height")
height = v.toInt();
if(propName == "geometry")
object->setProperty(propName.toLatin1().data(), QVariant(v));
return true;
In this part
if(root.tagName().contains("QGroupBox")) // <------- Here i need to determine which control i need to process.
qDebug () << object->metaObject()->className();
qDebug() << object->metaObject()->propertyCount();
for(int i = 0; i < object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); i++)
I want to actually somehow get the type of the control by name, so the question is, can i cast QGroupBox to QObject saving the QGroupBox properties so QObject metaObject class name would be QGroupBox, so i can pass all this properties? Because i don't want to make the loops for each control type. Also i when i got the result like so:
QList<QObject *> ds = s.deserialize<Object>((QIODevice*)&f);
Can i then just pass all QObjects in a loop and using QMetaObject class name and using qobject_cast cast each object to QPushButton,QLabel etc.?

QGroupBox is a subclass of QObject; therefore every QGroupBox is also a QObject, so you can treat it as one whenever you like. An explicit cast isn't necessary.
Iterating over all the diffent objects-derived-from-QObject in a loop will do what you want, provided that the methods you call on them are virtual methods (which they presumably will be -- in particular, QObject::metaObject() is a virtual method, so your loop will get the appropriate QMetaObject returned even if it is calling them method through a QObject pointer).
(As an aside, the annoying part of the process will probably be the part where you have read the name of the object's type from the XML and now need to instantiate an object of that type. AFAIK there is no good automatic way to do that in C++, so the best you can do is a factory function containing a giant switch statement with a separate case for every type you might want to instantiate)

Alternatively, use a right tool for a right job. Chances are that what you are really building here is some XML thing for defining widget layouts etc. Qt already has a tool for that, the Qt Designer which uses an XML format for the UI definitions and a C++ code generator for actually producing a C++ code during compile time.


QListWidget deleting QListWidgetItem causes segmentaion fault

I have a C++ application where I am reading pcap file format and processing usb packets. For each packet, I would like to create a QListWidgetItem to which I am storing some data and then adding it to the QListWidget. Here is where the trouble begins. According to QListWidget documentation, after inserting item :
The list widget will take ownership of the item.
So what I thought is that its on QListWidget to delete all QListWidgetItems. The items are added fine, but when I close my app(I suppose thats when desctructor od QListWidget is called so he is calling desctructor of each QListWidgetItem) I get delete_scalar exception. According to call stack, deletion of some QListWidgetItem triggers it :
Snippet of my code (this function is being called for each packet in pcap file and is responsible for creating and adding items):
void ItemManager::ProcessPacket(QByteArray packetData)
const unsigned char* packet = (unsigned char*)packetData.data();
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem;
//set USBPCAP header to item
QByteArray usbhArray((const char*)packet, sizeof(USBPCAP_BUFFER_PACKET_HEADER));
item->setData(dataHolder->USBPCAP_HEADER_DATA, QVariant(usbhArray));
if (usbh->transfer == USBPCAP_TRANSFER_ISOCHRONOUS || usbh->transfer == USBPCAP_TRANSFER_CONTROL) //check for optional header data
int additionalDataSize = usbh->headerLen - sizeof(USBPCAP_BUFFER_PACKET_HEADER);
if (additionalDataSize > 0)
//set additional header data to item
QByteArray additionalDataArray((const char*)(packet), additionalDataSize);
item->setData(dataHolder->TRANSFER_OPTIONAL_HEADER, QVariant(additionalDataArray));
packet += additionalDataSize;
item->setData(dataHolder->TRANSFER_OPTIONAL_HEADER, QVariant()); //QVariant creates invalid QVariant, later i just need to check with QVariant::isValid()
item->setData(dataHolder->TRANSFER_OPTIONAL_HEADER, QVariant());
//set leftover data to item
QByteArray leftoverDataArray((const char*)packet, usbh->dataLength);
item->setData(dataHolder->TRANSFER_LEFTOVER_DATA, QVariant(leftoverDataArray));
listWidget->insertItem(listWidget->count(), item);
Calling of ProcessPacket function :
void ItemManager::ProcessFile(QString filename, bool liveReading)
if (fileReader.OpenNewFile(filename))
if (fileReader.ReadFileHeader())
while (!stopButtonClicked)
while (!fileReader.EndOfFile())
QByteArray packetData = fileReader.GetPacket();
if (!pauseButtonClicked)
parent->Refresh(); //this is just calling QCoreApplication::processEvents();
if (!atBottomOfList)
if (liveReading)
I found out that this problem is happening only when appending to QListWidget through ItemManager class. In my main Q_OBJECT class USB_Packet_Analyzer(which holds QlistWidget that I am appending to) i have slot on_OpenButton_clicked() which looks like this :
void USB_Packet_Analyzer::on_OpenButton_clicked()
QString fil = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select source file", ".", "Pcap files (*.pcap)");
ItemManager manager(ui.listWidget,this);
manager.ProcessFile(fil, ui.liveCaptureRadioButton->isChecked());
where in ItemManager class constructor looks like this :
ItemManager::ItemManager(QListWidget* listWidget, USB_Packet_Analyzer* parent)
this->stopButtonClicked = false;
this->pauseButtonClicked = false;
this->atBottomOfList = false;
this->listWidget = listWidget;
this->parent = parent;
this->dataHolder = DataHolder::GetDataHolder();
Now, if I add items in on_OpenButton_clicked() slot and close the app, everything is fine. But when I create ItemManager instance and append items in that class, the error occurs. Could it be that I am not allowed to pass QListWidget* as parameter ?
You have to create a new item inside your loop. You must not reuse the pointer because no content is copied, only the pointer is stored within the QListWidget
To this day I am not completely sure what caused the error, but it was fixed after I modified USBPCAP structs which I were using. They use all kind of stuff like #pragma pack(1) , #pragma pack(push) and so on. It looks like I was missing some of those, which might result in some undefined behaviour while using them.

Create a new object from pointer reference C++

So, I've this code below:
foreach (QLineSeries* series, lineSeriesMap.values())
// ...
And I will modify series objects in this loop and I don't want to modify the original one, but create a new edited one. I'm extremely new to C++ and Qt so, I want something as the Java code below:
QLineSeries editedSeries = new QLineSeries(series);
I'm deleting elements, editing and re-ordering them from series by the way. But, as I said I need them both.
I've tried your answers but best way I believe is putting the code. This is a project made by some co-worker who changed jobs so its not my code, as i said I dont know C++.
void fillAreaSeries();
QHash<QString,QLineSeries*> lineSeriesEntersMap;
QHash<QString,QLineSeries*> lineSeriesExitsMap;
void ChartWidget::fillAreaSeries() {
foreach (QLineSeries* seriesEnter, lineSeriesEntersMap.values())
if (lineSeriesExitsMap.contains(seriesEnter->name())) {
QLineSeries* seriesExit = lineSeriesExitsMap.value(seriesEnter->name());
if (!((seriesEnter->points().size() == 1) && (seriesExit->points().size() == 1))) {
for(int i = seriesEnter->points().size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (seriesEnter->points().at(i - 1).y() > seriesEnter->points().at(i).y())
seriesEnter->removePoints(i, 1);
for (int i = seriesExit->points().size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (seriesExit->points().at(i - 1).y() < seriesExit->points().at(i).y())
seriesExit->removePoints(i-1, 1);
QVector<QPointF> editPoints = seriesExit->pointsVector();
std::sort(editPoints.begin(),editPoints.end(), [] (const QPointF & p1, const QPointF & p2)
return p1.y() < p2.y();
qDebug() << "__Swap:__";
qDebug() << seriesEnter->points().at(0).y();
qDebug() << seriesExit->points().at(0).y();
qDebug() << seriesEnter->points().at(1).y();
qDebug() << seriesExit->points().at(1).y();
QAreaSeries* series = new QAreaSeries(seriesEnter, seriesExit);
areaSeriesMap.insert(series->name(), series);
Edit 3:
So, QLineSeries contains QPointF list. I've the code below:
foreach (QLineSeries* seriesEnter, lineSeriesEntersMap.values())
QLineSeries* entersToBeEdited = new QLineSeries(chart);
append doesnt work and returns 0 points. But I can set a name. I also tried appending by looping through items and adding it by
and still nothing. I also tried << and += but no luck.
Looking at the class definition of QLineSeries, I don't see any simple way to copy your instance in order to duplicate it.
Thus you will have first to create a new instance :
QLineSeries editedSeries;
and manually copy the content of your original series in it.
As you cannot modify the data once it is in the QLineSeries object, I would recommend to subclass QLineSeries or modify the QList<QPointF> obtained via originalSeries.points() before adding it to your new chart.
QLineSeries is not copyable, so you can't do what you want by modifying a copy. You will need to create a new QLineSeries from scratch.

Extract menu action data in receiving function or slot

In my menu, I am setting data to the menu actions. How can I extract that data in my slot? Or even better, instead of connecting a slot, can I also connect a member function that is able to extract the action data (like in the 1st connect)? The action data is meant to identify each action. As a sidenode, I am not sure if I can use several menu action entries on only one openNote-action.
void Traymenu::createMainContextMenu() {
QAction *actionNewNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction("Neue Notiz");
QString menuEntryName;
QAction *openNote;
QVariant noteID;
for (int i = 0; i<m_noteList.count(); i++) {
std::string noteTitle = m_noteList[i].data()->getTitle();
menuEntryName = QString::fromStdString(noteTitle);
openNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction(menuEntryName);
And the slot:
void Traymenu::s_showNote() {
QObject* obj = sender();
//int noteID = data.toInt();
//Search all notes in noteList for that ID and show it
Using QObject::sender()
You can use QObject::sender() to get the signal's sender, followed by qobject_cast to cast the sender pointer to the right type.
void Traymenu::s_showNote()
QAction* act = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
if (act != 0)
QVariant data = act->data();
int noteID = data.toInt();
showNote(noteID); // isolate showNote logic from "get my ID" stuff
void Traymenu::showNote(int noteID)
// Do the real work here, now that you have the ID ...
As the Qt documentation warns, "This function violates the object-oriented principle of modularity." It's still a fairly safe and standard practice, though — just one with some shortcomings. In particular, note that you're committing to having a s_showNote method that only works when it's accessed as a slot (otherwise sender is 0).
Using QSignalMapper
Alternatively, you can use the QSignalMapper class to return a pointer to teh item or to associate a unique identifier (int or QString) with each item.
Something like this:
void Traymenu::createMainContextMenu()
signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); // (or initialize elsewhere)
// ... (create your newNote here same as before) ...
QString menuEntryName;
QAction *openNote;
int noteID;
for (int i = 0; i<m_noteList.count(); i++) {
std::string noteTitle = m_noteList[i].data()->getTitle();
menuEntryName = QString::fromStdString(noteTitle);
openNote = m_mainContextMenu.addAction(menuEntryName);
noteID = m_noteList[i].data()->getID();
openNote->setData(QVariant(noteID)); // (if you still need data in the QActions)
signalMapper->setMapping(openNote, noteID);
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
this, SLOT(showNote(int)));
void Traymenu::showNote(int noteID) {
// Now you have the ID ...
This pattern has the benefit of isolating all the ugly "Wait, how do I get my identifier?" stuff in one spot, instead of having both the initialization code and the slot function having code for associating actions and IDs.
I would write it like:
void Traymenu::s_showNote() {
QObject* obj = sender();
QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(obj);
int id = action->data().toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < m_noteList.count(); i++) {
if (m_noteList[i].data()->getID() == id) {

How to create dynamic signals and slots in Qt?

The signal/slot mechanism in Qt, is a static mechanism. The classes have to be preprocessed by the moc compiler.
Now I want to create signals and slots dynamically at run-time.
I already have a working solution, but it feels to me like a hack, although I am using publicly available methods.
This is the code for dynamic slots:
bool DynamicQObject::connectDynamicSlot(const QString &objectName, QObject *pSourceObject, QMetaMethod signalMethod)
QByteArray slotName = signalMethod.name().prepend("on").append("(");
QStringList parameters;
for (int i = 0, j = signalMethod.parameterCount(); i < j; ++i)
parameters << QMetaType::typeName(signalMethod.parameterType(i));
QByteArray theSignal = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signalMethod.methodSignature().constData());
QByteArray theSlot = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(slotName);
if (!QMetaObject::checkConnectArgs(theSignal, theSlot))
return false;
int signalId = pSourceObject->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(theSignal);
if (signalId < 0)
return false;
int slotId = slotIndices.value(theSlot, -1);
if (slotId < 0)
slotId = slotList.size();
slotIndices[theSlot] = slotId;
slotList.append(createSlot(theSlot, objectName, signalMethod));
return QMetaObject::connect(pSourceObject, signalId, this, slotId + metaObject()->methodCount());
As you can see, I make intensive use of the QMetaObject, and particularly the index of the slots (method count).
The code for dynamic signals is comparable.
Now my question is: how future proof is this solution, especially because I assume that the index must be at least one bigger than the methodCount()?
Now my question is: how future proof is this solution, especially because I assume that the index must be at least one bigger than the methodCount()?
It should work as of now.
As for future proof... may be. The snippet is using unsupported features which means those might break at any point in the future. It is likely though it will continue working.
As a separate option, if all your things are very similar in nature (like in a vector or something), consider connecting to a lambda function. eg:
QObject::connect(iter->checkbox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
[&, iter->startup_status](int new_val) {
if (new_val == Qt::CheckState::Checked) {
startup_status = true;
} else {
startup_status = false;
where iter is a struct/class that has public fields
QCheckBox *checkbox;
bool startup_status;
by this method, it is possible to have a variable number of very similar "slots" (which aren't actually slots, but act like slots)

How to cast QList<QObject *> to QList<ADerivedQObjectClass*>

I can't find a way to cast a QList of QObjects to another QList with another class template. I have a function that creates instances of QObjects and then return a QList. So my question is, can I cast that QList to another QList of different template class pointers ?
My code:
QList<QObject *> DbManager::listVO(QString voname)
QList<QObject *> vos;
QString voquery = "select * from %1";
voquery = voquery.arg(voname);
QSqlQueryModel *volist = DbManager::makeSelect(voquery);
for(int i = 0;i < volist->rowCount();i++){
QSqlRecord record =volist->record(i);
QObject *voinstance = DbManager::instantiateVO(voname,record.value(0),record.value(1),record.value(2),record.value(3),record.value(4),record.value(5),record.value(6),record.value(7));
vos << voinstance;
return vos;
and I want something like this:
QList<AnyClass*> list = DbManager::listVO("AnyClass");
Thanks for help in advance.
Since what you need at the end is a QList<AnyClass*>, you can try something like this (Assuming AnyClass is derived from QObject)
Note: I did some modifications to your original code to pass your list by reference since returning a huge list might not that be efficient. I didn't compile the code, but hoping you can figure out what is happening inside this snippet
void DbManager::listVO(QString voname, QList<AnyClass*>& listAnyClass)
// Initialise list with an empty list
listAnyClass = QList<AnyClass*>();
QString voquery = "select * from %1";
voquery = voquery.arg(voname);
QSqlQueryModel *volist = DbManager::makeSelect(voquery);
for(int i = 0; i < volist->rowCount(); i++)
QObject *voinstance = GetInstance(voname, volist->record(i));
// Trying to cast into an AnyClass
AnyClass* pAnyClass = qobject_cast<AnyClass*>(voinstance);
// If pAnyClass is a valid AnyClass* update your list
QObject* DbManager::GetInstance(QString sVoname, const QSqlRecord& record)
return DbManager::instantiateVO
And after calling DbManager::listVO(QString voname, QList<AnyClass*>& listAnyClass) function, listAnyClass will get populated accordingly. This is efficient with contrast to returning a list.
So in a nutshell you want to convert a QList<QObject*> into QList<AnyClass*>. So keep your original code as it is and implement a method like this where you wanna
do this conversion:
void ConvertToAnyClassList(const QList<QObject*>& listQObjects, QList<AnyClass*>& listAnyClass)
listAnyClass = QList<AnyClass*>();
for( int i = 0; i < listQObjects.length(); ++i )
AnyClass* pAnyClass = qobject_cast<AnyClass*>(listQObjects.at(i));
And you can call it like this:
QList<QObject*> listQObjects = DbManager::listVO("AnyClass");
QList<AnyClass*> listAnyClass;
Suppose you have multiple types, so you may want to implement functions for each type like this: