Wiggling value according a given step - after-effects

I think the question is obvious: for example: how can i wiggle opacity randomly using "wiggler" with a given step (not talking about the frequency)? Let's say i want to randomly wiggle from 0 to 100, like switching on & off?

You need to use an expression to create random movement with the wiggle expression in After Effects.
Hit Option (Mac) or Alt (PC) click on the stopwatch to create the expression. The text turns Red, telling you there is an expression applied.
Type wiggle(2,50). This expression states that twice a second the text should wiggle 50 pixels on the x & y axis – the first number is how many times a second, the 2nd is the amount of pixel movement.
If you want to modify the wiggle simply change the numbers.
This is the expression they have for ‘wiggle in one dimension’:
wiggle only in x (horizontal):
org=value; temp=wiggle (5,50); [temp[0],org[1]];
wiggle only in y (vertical):
org=value; temp=wiggle (5,50); [org[0],temp[1]];


Pyplot rotated labels offset by one

Just getting into matplot lib and running into odd problem - I'm trying to plot 10 items, and use their names on the x-axis. I followed this suggestion and it worked great, except that my label names are long and they were all scrunched up. So I found that you can rotate labels, and got the following:
plt.plot([x for x in range(len(df.columns))], df[df.columns[0]], 'ro',)
plt.xticks(range(10), df.columns, rotation=45)
The labels all seem to be off by a tick ("Arthrobacter" should be aligned with 0). So I thought my indexing was wrong, and tried a bunch of other crap to fix it, but it turns out it's just odd (at least to me) behavior of the rotation. If I do rotation='vertical', I get what I want:
I see now that the center of the labels are clearly aligned with the ticks, but I expected that they'd terminate on the ticks. Like this (done in photoshop):
Is there a way to get this done automatically?
The labels are not "off", labels are actually placed via their "center". In your second image, the corresponding tick is above the center of the label, not above its endpoint. You can change that by adding ha='right' which modifies the horizontal alignement of the label.
plt.plot([x for x in range(len(df.columns))], df[df.columns[0]], 'ro',)
plt.xticks(range(10), df.columns, rotation=45, ha='right')
See the comparison below :
plt.plot(np.arange(4), np.arange(4))
plt.xticks(np.arange(4), ['veryverylongname']*4, rotation=45)
plt.plot(np.arange(4), np.arange(4))
plt.xticks(np.arange(4), ['veryverylongname']*4, rotation=45, ha='right')

SDL UI Menu Button - Mouse Over

I am creating a menu system for my game engine and want to know how to be able to detect when the mouse is over a button. This is simple enough to do when the button is a square, rectangle or circle but I was wondering how to handle irregular shaped buttons.
Is this possible and if it is, does the complexity mean that it is better to simply use a bounding area (square or circle)?
Make a bitmask out of the texture or surface data. Decide on a rule; for example where the image is 100% transparent or a certain color the bitmask pixel is set to 0 otherwise set it to 1. Do the same for your cursor. When you check for collision simply check if the bitmask bits set to 1 overlap.
First what comes to my mind is to use mathematical functions. If you know the equation of the curve you can calculate if the point is under or over it by simply checking if right side of the equation is greater or less than the "y".
So if you have simple y = x*x and want to check point (2,1), you substitute it and check:
y = 2
x = 1*1 = 1
y > 1, point is over the curve. For opposite situation, taking the point (1,2), we get:
y = 1
x = 2*2 = 4
y < x, point is under the curve.

Whats the easiest way to change several values at predetermined locations in a 2D vector?

Ok so I have a 2d vector of chars that I call a grid. Lets just say its 70 x 30. When the grid is created, it automatically fills each position with 'x'
I have a function that displays the grid. So I call this function and a 70x30 grid of x's is displayed to the console.
I have another function that I want to call to essentially replace the char at certain x,y coordinates of the grid with a different char. The points aren't exactly random/scattered. I'm basically starting from a point on the edge of the grid, and drawing zigzagged lines to another edge. All points are predetermined. Theres a lot of points to plot, so manually doing it seems inefficient.
Here's how I was thinking to do it:
Create a double for loop, width and height, calling them i and j
If i = (a || b || c || d...) && j = (e || f || g..)
And essentially do that tedious process for each possible scenario..
Surely there is a much easier and simpler way lol. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If the points can be pre-determined by having a map (as in for a level editor or otherwised fixed pattern), then make a dictionary of x/y co-ordinates to what the tile becomes. Iterate over the dictionary and do each replacement.
If the points aren't pre-determined but follow a pattern, such as lines or blobs, then write a method that draws the line/blob/whatever and call it over and over. The method decides which tiles to replace and replaces those.
Btw, there's a trick when doing 2D checking and processing like this which is called having a 'delta', for instance xdelta=-1, ydelta=0 is west and xdelta=1, ydelta=1 is northeast. By having a delta you can run a function two, four or eight times with different deltas and it'll move in different directions by just using the delta's directions instead of needing to try all eight directions on its own - the delta can also be used to drive the bounds checking if you want, as you can't go out of bounds in a direction you're not proceeding in for example. Then you can go further and have an enumeration of all directions, functions that invert a direction, that turn a direction 90/45 degrees (if it's enumerated it's very simple, you just add 2 or 1 to the enumeration and return the new direction), etc, making processing very easy now.
So I might have something like
function drawLine(int xstart, int ystart, int xdelta, intydelta)
that starts at xstart,ystart, replaces the tile with O, adds xdelta to x, adds ydelta to y, replaces the tile with O, etc until it falls off the edge.

Using ImageMagick++ to modify image contrast/brightness

I'm trying to apply contrast and brightness to a bitmap in memory and I'm completely lost. Currently I'm trying to use Magick++ to do it, but if one of the other APIs would work better I'm all ears. I managed to find Magick::Image::sigmoidalContrast() for applying the contrast, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. I'm creating an image, passing it the buffer pointer, then calling that function, but it doesn't seem like it's changing anything so my first though was that it's making a copy and modifying that. Even so, I have no idea how to get the data out of the Magick::Image object.
Here's what I got so far.
Magick::Image image(fBitmapData->mGetTextureWidth(), fBitmapData->mGetTextureHeight(), "RGBA", MagickCore::CharPixel, pixels);
image.sigmoidalContrast(1, 20.0);
The documentation is useless and after searching I could only find hints that the first parameter is actually a boolean, even though it takes a size_t, that specifies whether to add or subtract the contrast, and the second value is something I have no idea what to pass so I'm just using 20.0 to test.
So does anyone know if this will work for contrast, and if not, then how do you apply contrast? And likewise I still have no idea how to apply brightness either and can't find any functions that look like they would work.
Figured it out; The function for contrast I was using was correct, and for brightness I ended up using image.modulate(brightness, 100.0, 100.0);. To get the data out of the image object you can grab the pixels of the entire image by doing
const MagickCore::PixelPacket * magickPixels = image.getConstPixels(0, 0, image.columns(), image.rows());
And then copy the magickPixels data back into the original pixels that were passed into the image constructor. An important thing to note is that the member MagickCore::PixelPacket::opacity is not what you would think it would be. If the pixel is completely transparent you'd think the value would be 0, right? Well for some reason ImageMagick is doing it opposite. So for full transparency the value would be 255. This means you need to do 255 - opacity to get the correct value.
Also be careful of the MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH that ImageMagick was compiled with, as this will change the values drastically. For my code MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH just happened to be defined as 16 so all of the values were a range of 0 to 65535, which I just fixed by doing realValue = magickValue >> 8 when copying the data back over since the texture data is unsigned char values.
Just for clarification on how to use these functions, since the documentation is horrible and completely wrong, the first parameter to signmoidalContrast() is actually a boolean, even though the type is a size_t, that specifies whether to increase the contrast (true) or reduce it (false), and the second is a range from 0.00001 to 20.0. I say 0.00001 because 0.0 is an invalid value so it just needs to be some decimal that is close to but not exactly 0.0.
For modulate() the documentation says that each value should be specified as 1.0 for no change, which is completely wrong. The values are actually a percentage so for no change you would specify 100.0.
I hope that helps someone because it took me all damn day to figure this stuff out.
According to the Imagemagick website - for the command line but may be the same?
-sigmoidal-contrast contrastxmid-point
increase the contrast without saturating highlights or shadows.
Increase the contrast of the image using a sigmoidal transfer function without saturating highlights or shadows. Contrast indicates how much to increase the contrast. For example, near 0 is none, 3 is typical and 20 is a lot. Note that exactly zero is invalid, but 0.0001 is negligibly different from no change in contrast. mid-point indicates where midtones fall in the resultant image (0 is white; 50% is middle-gray; 100% is black). By default the image contrast is increased, use +sigmoidal-contrast to decrease the contrast.
To achieve the equivalent of a sigmoidal brightness change, use -sigmoidal-contrast brightnessx0% to increase brightness and class="arg">+sigmoidal-contrast brightnessx0% to decrease brightness.
On the command line there is a new brightness contrast setting that may be in later versions of magic++?
-brightness-contrast brightness{xcontrast}{%}}
Adjust the brightness and/or contrast of the image.
Brightness and Contrast values apply changes to the input image. They are not absolute settings. A brightness or contrast value of zero means no change. The range of values is -100 to +100 on each. Positive values increase the brightness or contrast and negative values decrease the brightness or contrast. To control only contrast, set the brightness=0. To control only brightness, set contrast=0 or just leave it off.
You may also use -channel to control which channels to apply the brightness and/or contrast change. The default is to apply the same transformation to all channels.
Brightness and Contrast arguments are converted to offset and slope of a linear transform and applied using -function polynomial "slope,offset".
The slope varies from 0 at contrast=-100 to almost vertical at contrast=+100. For brightness=0 and contrast=-100, the result are totally midgray. For brightness=0 and contrast=+100, the result will approach but not quite reach a threshold at midgray; that is the linear transformation is a very steep vertical line at mid gray.
Negative slopes, i.e. negating the image, are not possible with this function. All achievable slopes are zero or positive.
The offset varies from -0.5 at brightness=-100 to 0 at brightness=0 to +0.5 at brightness=+100. Thus, when contrast=0 and brightness=100, the result is totally white. Similarly, when contrast=0 and brightness=-100, the result is totally black.
As the range of values for the arguments are -100 to +100, adding the '%' symbol is no different than leaving it off.
If magick++ is like Imagick it may be lagging a long way behind the Imagemagick options

Why is stack getting overflowed in this code?

I wrote this function for filling closed loop, pixvali is declared globally to store the color value of the pixel where the first click will be done (inside the closed loop).
But the problem is that this recursion doesn't terminate when its first *fill(..,..)*get over, and it says stack is overflowed...
void fill(int x,int y)
GLfloat pixval[3];
if(pixval[0]==pixvali[0] && pixval[1]==pixvali[1] && pixval[2]== pixvali[2])
The stack overflows because you are using recursion, and the depth of the recursion is linear in the number of pixels in the shape you're filling.
It may also be that you are trying to fill the shape in the same color as it already is. That is, the current gl color is the same as pixvali. In that case, you'll get infinite recursion.
It's kind of hard to tell from the question, but my guess would be that, you begin going in a loop of pixels.
For example, think that you have only 4 pixels that you need to color (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1).
You begin coloring (0,0). Then your recursion will enter (1,0) since(-1,0) doesn't need coloring. then (0,0) again since, it's the pixel that is (x-1, y) again and so on.
You need to add some way to mark pixels that have been colored already. But that's just a guess because you can't really see what's going on outside that functions.
Not sure of the implementation details, but if the 12 byte local array is allocated on the stack (3 floats a 4 bytes each), then you have 4 bytes each for the x and y parameters, and probably four bytes for the return address. That gives at least 24 every time you recurse. That means you only need a bit more than 40'000 calls to blow through 1MB of stack space, if there's nothing else on it, which won't be true.
To put that in perspective, 43'690 pixels is only about 10% of an 800x600 display.
You need to check what pixels are you editing.
e.g. If you have an image from 0,0 to 10,10 and you edit 11,10 you will get outside of memory.
So you need to check if x,y is between the boundaries of the image.
implement your own stack, don't use recursion for flood fill unless you are filling shapes with relatively small surface area in terms of pixels.
a typical implementation is:
Stack stack;
Point currentPoint= stack.pop();
//do what ever you want to do here, namely paint.
//boundary check ur surrounding points and push them in the stack if they are inbounds
At first glance, the algorithm looks good. I'm a bit worried about the "==" because they don't work well with float values. I suggest to use
abs(val1 - val2) < limit
instead (where limit is < 1 and > 0. Try 0.0001, for example).
To track down the bug, I suggest to add a printf() at the beginning of the function. When you see what the function tries to fill, that will help. Maybe it is stuck somewhere and calls itself again and again with the same coordinates?
Also, the stack may simple be too small for the area you try to fill. Try with a small area first, say a small rectangle only 4 by 3 pixels. Don't try to click it with the mouse but start with a known good point inside (just call fill() in your code).
Also printing the values for the color could help.
Why are you abusing OpenGL for this? What you do there is very unstable. For example the pixel read by glReadPixels will only correspond to the vertex position if a carefully chosen combination of projection and modelview matrix is used. Also every iteration of fill will do a full round trip. Just because you're using OpenGL it doesn't get magically fast.
If you want to flood fill some area in the framebuffer, readout the whole framebuffer, do the floodfill on that and push the result back to OpenGL. Also if some part of the framebuffer is occluded (by a window, or similar), those parts won't be
Now to understand why you end up in a infinite recursion. Consider this:
fill(4, 4) will call fill(5, 4) will call fill(5, 5) will call fill(4, 5) will call fill(4, 4) boom
Now you've got that test there:
if( pixval[0] == pixvali[0] &&
pixval[1] == pixvali[1] &&
pixval[2] == pixvali[2] )
Note that this evaluates true if the to be set pixel already has the target color, again winding up in a endless recursion. You should test for inequality.
Last but not least: A picture may consists of millions of pixels easily. Usual stack sizes allow only for at most a few 1000 function nesting levels, so you'll have convert your tail recursion into a iteration.
TL;DR: Don't use OpenGL for this, operate on a local buffer, use proper iteration condition test and use iteration instead of recursion (or use a functional language, then the compiler will take care of that tail recursion).