C++ multiline comment syntax in flex - c++

I have a problem with my flex script. I write it for C++ multiline comment. My flex pattern is:
"/""*"[^"*""/"]*"*""/" {strcpy(mlc[mlc_count++],yytext);}
It can find one multiline comment. But when I put entire code in multiline comment it doesn't work. I tried lot but can't find any solution.

Flex reads input one buffer at a time. Using normal matching, a single token can occupy no more than one buffer of data. If memory serves, the buffer is normally something like 8 kilobytes, so a single token longer than that won't match correctly.
Typically you work around this with an exclusive start condition, something on this general order:
<COMMENT>. { current_comment += yytext[0]; }


complex search/delete/move/replace operation using sed?

after several hours of searching and experimenting, I'm hoping someone can either help me or rub my nose in a post I've missed which acctually would be helpful as well come to think of it...
I've made a quick&dirty fix in several dozens of php scripts (we use to enhance smarty capabilities) with security checks.
Example of input(part1):
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
...which i'd like to replace with a much cleaner solution we've come up with. Now here's the rub; in one section of the file there's a block of lines, luckily with very distinct delimiter lines, but in one of those lines is a piece of code that needs to be merged with a replacement string which replaces a second pattern in a line which follows the before-said block, with optionally a variable number of lines in between.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to piece this nested code together as the shorthand code of sed is quite confusing to me.
So far I've tried to assemble the code needed to capture the first block, but sed keeps giving me the same error each time; extra characters after command
here are some of the attempts I've made:
sed -n 'p/^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/$/' function.xls_form.php
sed -n 'p/\(^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$^.*$^.*$^.*$^.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$/' function.xls_form.php
the second part is relatively easy compared to the first;
sed -ei'.orig' 's/RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth(\$auth)/$smarty->hasAccess(\$params,AuthorizationLevel::AULE_\1)/' *.php
where \1 would be the matched snippet from the first part...
The first codeblock is an example of input part 1 which needs to be removed; part 2 is RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth($auth) which needs to be replaced with $smarty->hasAccess($params, AuthorizationLevel::AULE_<snippet from part1>)
Hoping somebody can point me in the right direction, Many thanks in advance!!!
The hold space is going to be key to solving this. You can copy material from the pattern space (where sed normally works) into the hold space, and do various operations with the hold space, etc.
You need to find the AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE type text within the block markers, and copy that to the hold space, and then delete the text within the block markers. And then separately find the other pattern and replace it with information from the hold space.
Given that the markers use slashes, it is also time to use a custom search marker which is introduced by a backslash. The following could be in a file script.sed, to be used as:
sed -f script.sed function.xls_form.php
When you're sure it's working, you can play with -i options to overwrite the original.
\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////%,\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////% {
The first line searches for the start and end marker, using \% to change the delimiter to %. There's then a group of actions in braces. The second line searches for the authorization level and starts a second group of actions. The substitute command replaces the line with the desired output line. The x swaps the pattern space and the hold space, copying the desired output line to the hold space (and copying the empty hold space to the pattern space — it's x for eXchange pattern and hold spaces). This has saved the AuthorizationLevel information. The inner block ends; the outer block deletes the line and continues the execution. Note that there's no need to escape the $ symbol most of the time — it would matter if it was at the end of a pattern (there's a difference between /a\$/ and /a$/, but no difference between /b$c/ and /b\$c/).
The last line then looks for the RoleContextAuthorizations line and swaps it with the hold space. Everything else is just let through.
Given a data file containing:
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
The output from sed -f script.sed data is:
$ sed -f script.sed data
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
I think that's what was wanted.
You can convert the file of sed script into a single line of gibberish, but that's left as an exercise for the reader — it isn't very hard, but GNU sed and BSD (macOS) sed have different rules for when you need semicolons as part of a single line command; you were warned. There are also differences in the rules for the -i option between the GNU and BSD variants of sed.
If you have to preserve some portions of the RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line, you have to work harder, but it can probably be done. For example, you can add the hold space to the current pattern space with the G command, and then edit the information into the right places. It is simplest if every place the line occurs needs to look the same apart from the AULE_XYZ string — that's what I've assumed here.
Also, note that using x rather than h or g is lazy — but doesn't matter if there's only one RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line. Using the alternatives would mean that if a file has multiple RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth lines, then you'd be able to make the same substitution in each, unless there's another ///// SMARTY AUTH ///// in the file.

mIRC Search for multiple words in text file

I am trying to search a text file that will return a result if more than one word is found in that line. I don't see this explained in the documentation and I have tried various loops with no success.
What I would like to do is something similar to this:
$read(name.txt, s, word1|word2|word3)
or even something like this:
$read(name.txt, w, word1*|*word2*|*word3)
I don't know RegEx that well so I'm assuming this can be done with that but I don't know how to do that.
The documentation in the client self is good but I also recommend this site: http://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc. And with your problem there is a nice article : http://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/text_files
All the info is taken from there. So credits to wikichip.
alias testForString {
while ($read(file.txt, nw, *test*, $calc($readn + 1))) {
var %line = $v1
; you can add your own words in the regex, seperate them with a pipe (|)
noop $regex(%line,/(word1|word2|word3|test)/))
echo -a Amount of results: $regml(0)
$readn is an identifier that returns the line that $read() matched. It is used to start searching for the pattern on the next line. Which is in this case test.
In the code above, $readn starts at 0. We use $calc() to start at line 1. Every match $read() will start searching on the next line. When no more matches are after the line specified $read will return $null - terminating the loop.
The w switch is used to use a wildcard in your search
The n switch prevents evaluating the text it reads as if it was mSL code. In almost EVERY case you must use the n switch. Except if you really need it. Improper use of the $read() identifier without the 'n' switch could leave your script highly vulnerable.
The result is stored in a variable named %line to use it later in case you need it.
After that we use a noop to execute a regex to match your needs. In this case you can use $regml(0) to find the amount of matches which are specified in your regex search. Using an if-statement you can see if there are two or more matches.
Hope you find this helpful, if there's anything unclear, I will try to explain it better.
I can't comment, so I'll post my comment here, so how does that help in any way to read content from a text file?

Notepad++ - Selecting or Highlighting multiple sections of repeated text IN 1 LINE

I have a text file in Notepad++ that contains about 66,000 words all in 1 line, and it is a set of 200 "lines" of output that are all unique and placed in 1 line in the basic JSON form {output:[{output1},{output2},...}]}.
There is a set of characters matching the RegEx expression "id":.........,"kind":"track" that occurs about 285 times in total, and I am trying to either single them out, or copy all of them at once.
Basically, without some super complicated RegEx terms, I am stuck because I can't figure out how to highlight all of them at once, and also the Remove Unbookmarked Lines feature does not apply because this is all in one line. I have only managed to be able to Mark every single occurrence.
So does this require a large number of steps to get the file into multiple lines and work from there, or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I have come up with a set of Macro schemes that make the process of doing this manually work much faster. It's another alternative but still takes a few steps and quite some time.
Edit 2: I intended there to be an answer for actually just highlighting the different sections all at once, but I guess that it not possible. The answer here turns out to be more useful in my case, allowing me to have a list of IDs without everything else.
You seem to already have a regex which matches single instances of your pattern, so assuming it works and that we must use Notepad++ for this:
Replace .*?("id":.........,"kind":"track").*?(?="id".........,"kind":"track"|$) with \1.
If this textfile is valid JSON, this opens you up to other, non-notepad++ options, like using Python with the json module.
Edited to remove unnecessary steps

Fast algorithm to extract thousands of simple patterns out of large amounts of text

I want to be able to match efficiently thousands of regexps out of GBs of text knowing that most of these regexps will be fairly simple, like:
My current idea is to try to extract out of each regexp some kind of longest substring, then use Aho-Corasick to match these substrings and eliminate most of the regexp and then match all the remaining regexp combined. Can anyone think of something better?
You can use (f)lex to generate a DFA, which recognises all the literals in parallel. This might get tricky if there are too many wildcards present, but it works for upto about 100 literals (for a 4 letter alfabet; probably more for natural text). You may want to suppress the default action (ECHO), and only print the line+column numbers of the matches.
[ I assume grep -F does about the same ]
/* C code to be copied verbatim */
#include <stdio.h>
"TTGATTCACCAGCGCGTATTGTC" { printf("#%d: %d:%s\n", yylineno, yycolumn, "OMG! the TTGA pattern again" ); }
"AGGTATCTGCTTCAATCAGCG" { printf("#%d: %d:%s\n", yylineno, yycolumn, "WTF?!" ); }
more lines
[bd-fh-su-z]+ {;}
[ \t\r\n]+ {;}
. {;}
int main(void)
/* Call the lexer, then quit. */
return 0;
A script like the one above can be generated form txt input with awk or any other script language.
A slightly smarter implementation than running every regex on every file:
For each regex:
load regex into a regex engine
assemble a list of regex engines
For each byte in the file:
insert byte to every regex engine
print results if there are matches
But I don't know of any programs that do this already - you'd have to code it yourself. This also implies you have the ram to keep the regex state around, and that you don't have any evil regexes
I'm not sure if you'd blow some regex size limit, but you could just OR them all up together into one giant regex:
If you hit some limit, you could do this with chunks of 100 at a time or however many you can manage
If you need really fast implementation of some specific case, you can implement suffix tree of Aho–Corasick algorithm yourself. But in most cases union of all your regexes into single regex, as recommended earlier, will be not bad too

RegEx for VB.net

I have a txt file with content
P3V3_AUX_LGATE; PQ6.8 PU37.2
U335_PIN1; R3328.1 U335.1
need to be updated in this format, and save back to another txt file
'P3V3_AUX_LGATE'; PQ6.8 PU37.2
'U335_PIN1'; R3328.1 U335.1
NOTE: number of lines may go up to 10,000 lines
My current solution is to read the txt file line by line, detect the presence of the ";" and newline character and do the changes.
Right now i have a variable that holds ALL the lines, is there other way something like Replace via RegEx to do the changes without looping thru each line, this way i can readily print the result
and follow up question, which one is more efficient?
ResultString = Regex.Replace(SubjectString, "^([^;\r\n]+);", "'$1';", RegexOptions.Multiline)
on your multiline string.
This will find any string (length one or more) at the start of a line up until the first semicolon if there is one and replace it with its quoted equivalent.
It should be more efficient than looping through the string line by line as you're doing now, but if you're in doubt, you'd have to profile it.
You could probably find all the matches using something like \w+; but I don't know how you'd be able to do a replace on that using Regex.Replace to add the 's but keep the original match.
However, if you already have it as one variable, you don't have to read the file again, either you could make your code find all ;s and then find the previous newline for each, or you could use a String.Split on newlines to split the variable you've already got into lines.
And if you want to get it back to one variable you can just use String.Join.
Personally I'd normally use the String.Split (and possibly the String.Join if needed) method, since I think that would make the code easy to read.
I would say Yes! this can be done with Regular expressions. Make sure you got the "multiline" option turned on and craft your regular expression using some capture groups to ease the work.
I can however say this will NOT be the optimal one. Since you mention the amount of lines you could be processing, it seems 'resource wise' smarter to use a streaming approach instead of the in memory approach.
Taking the Regex approach (and this took 15 mins so please don't think this is an optimal solution, just prove it would work)
private static Regex matcher = new Regex(#"^\$NETS\r\n(?<entrytitle>.[^;]*);\s*(?<entryrest>.*)\r\n(?<entrytitle2>.[^;]*);\s*(?<entryrest2>.*)\r\n\$END\r\n", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
static void Main(string[] args)
string newString = matcher.Replace(ExampleFileContent, new MatchEvaluator(evaluator));
static string evaluator(Match m)
return String.Format("$NETS\r\n'{0}'; {1}\r\n'{2}'; {3}\r\n$END\r\n",
Hope this helps,