How to build Ember API docs for beta builds? Or access beta API docs online? - ember.js

I use Ember beta builds in my project and would like to use most recent API docs.
Also would be nice to be able to browse the docs when I am offline.
Is there any way I can build the API docs from the Ember github project?

They are using YUIDoc to generate the documents from their sourcecode. So install that, checkout the ember sources from github and then run yuidoc --server from the commandline to get it hosted on http://localhost:3000/.


Configure Ember CLI Mirage to support liverload for mirage configuration with Embroider

I have an Ember.js application, which uses Embroider and Ember CLI Mirage. Sadly live-reload is not working for Mirage configuration changes. A change to Mirage configuration does not trigger a rebuild. It seems as if mirage/ folder is not watched.
I reproduced this issue in a newly created Ember application using Ember CLI v4.1 with the --embroider flag. So it is not related to any special configuration of my application.
Do I need to configure Embroider somehow to watch mirage/ folder?
I think this probably related to:
and there could certainly be more documentation, but there was a similar issue with Docfy here:
Does this work with mirage?:
EMBROIDER_REBUILD_ADDONS='ember-cli-mirage' ember s

I want to add “aws-iot-device-sdk” to my project

I want to add “aws-iot-device-sdk” to my project, but I couldn’t find such a plugin for vue js. Have you used it before.
You can install aws iot sdk for javascript.

Where can I find documentation for Ember 0.9.8?

I have a client from years ago that wants a few changes to an Ember app that was written in ember-0.9.8. I haven't used ember since then, and I know a lot has changed. But, I still need to refer to the old documentation, and the website seems to only go back as far as 1.10.
Ember v0.9.8 was release on May 21, 2012. This is a little before any of their git repos for the guides.
The guides back then were within the emberjs repo and had to be built manually.
Download the release:
The file has instructions for building the documentation.
Building API Docs
The Ember.js API Docs provide a detailed collection of methods,
classes, and viewable source code.
NOTE: Requires node.js to generate.
See for annotated introductory documentation.
Preview API documenation
run rake docs:preview
The docs:preview task will build the documentation and make it available at http://localhost:9292/index.html
Build API documentation
run rake docs:build
HTML documentation is built in the docs directory
You can give it a try, but good luck - it might be tough.
As mentioned by Lux the API documentation is in the code and that one is on GitHub. You could find the ember code at that point of time by tag. The readme contains information about how to generate the API docs. If you are lucky it will still work.
v0.9.8.1 was released on 23 May 2012. That's quite a long time for a web application to run without any major refactoring. Ember has changed hardly since then.

How do you sync Postman with a git repository

I'm wondering how you can sync your Postman config with a git repository.
I know you can export and import from Postman to a folder - which is OK - but I wondered if there was something more effortless.
I'm not exactly sure how you're trying to use this, but a few options would be:
First Option
to use their addon cli called newman. You can run collections from a URL or Local file with newman using
newman run
Then if you make the remote url a part of a git repository it would obviously update/change with each commit/pull
Second Option
Try this with extreme caution and only if you feel comfortable with the process, also this may not be compliant with their terms of use so I don't suggest you try it without first some research
If you can find the directory in which the Postman collections are held, you could create a hard link with the command line from a git repository on your machine to the directory or specific file you need to link. Whenever you change the source file the one in the Postman config will change.
The way in which you accomplish this will depend on the system you use and version of Postman.
In addition to exporting and cloud syncing as mentioned in the other answers, there's some other options too.
Postman added a Git sync in Postman app v9 so you can manage version control with forking, merging, and pull requests.
There are also built-in integrations to sync your Postman collections with GitHub, with GitLab, and other services for version control. These integrations are for users on the paid plans.
Postman also has an API so you can GET and run the latest version of your collection, environment, or whatever using Newman or continuous integration tools or to build your own integration.
Postman is not designed for that case. They offer a cloud service which keeps you and your collaborators in sync. You can try their cloud plan for 30 days for free. Check here:
You can use Postman integrations (Home > Integrations) to link Postman to your remote git repository.
The following article explains how to integrate your gitlab repo to Postman:
Also you can use Postman API versionning to do something similar:
For non-free plans, Postman now (version 9 and up) supports automatic sync of collections with a git repository on several popular git services.
(Again, it's currently only available for paid plans)
See the documentation for how to integrate Postman with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.
The process is roughly:
create a dedicated repo on your git provider (e.g. my-postman-collections-repo)
create a personal access token for the provider (e.g. GitHub) with the expected scope (e.g. repo and user)
define an integration (using postman UI) for each collection you want to be kept in sync
I'm working with the GitHub integration and it works great.

What are the respective purposes of the and ember-cli websites?

I am a bit confused regarding the ember websites "" and "". Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at ""? If so, why have a different website for ember-cli? Also, why do the sites differ regarding the versions of the prerequisite JS frameworks? For example, the getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or higher while the site says to use the latest stable version of Node (version 4.0.x).
the getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or
higher while the site says to use the latest stable
version of Node (version 4.0.x).
Seems like is out of sync, you can create issue on website repository on GitHub or hope that it's already created and it will be resolved shortly. Also, there was as issue with bufferutil in Ember CLI + node.js 4.0, so they might wait until it's resolved, but for some reason it's recommended on
Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at ""?
It isn't part of Ember.js. It's part of Ember.js ecosystem. It's recommended tool to work with library and that's why examples in guides assume that you're using Ember CLI. But, you could also use Ember.js without Ember CLI by loading jQuery, Ember.js, Ember.js template compiler and working on globals.
Ember.js documents everything about library itself, how logic behind library works, core concepts. You have components, routing, controllers, models explained there, but you won't find information there how to add CoffeeScript to your project.
Ember CLI website documents everything about Ember CLI, which is tool that provides:
asset pipeline
a strong conventional project structure
powerful addon system for extension.
You can see in user-guide that it documents possible build configurations, how to make SASS or CoffeeScript working in your environment etc.