C++ vector erase iterator out of range due to mutexes - c++

So, there is a vector of strings. Since its a static member of cl_mgr class, it acts as global variable.
std::vector<std::string> cl_mgr::to_send_queue;
However, i dont ever directly access this vector in my code. To add strings to it i call following function:
void cl_mgr::sendmsg(std::string msg)
std::mutex mtx;
if ( connected )
cl_mgr::to_send_queue.push_back(msg + '\r');
This is where it goes wrong: the line
sometimes gives iterator out of range.
This should only happen when vector is empty, but i already check for this in while condition.
So next i added sizes array to fill it with to_send_queue.size() and found out sometimes it returns zero ! Usually all array consists of 1's, but sometimes an element like sizes[9500] is a 0.
Whats wrong and how to fix this ?
std::mutex mtx;
while ( !cl_mgr::to_send_queue.empty() )
string tosend = cl_mgr::to_send_queue[0];
int sizes[10000];
for (int i = 1; i < 10000; ++i)
sizes[i] = cl_mgr::to_send_queue.size();
if ( sizes[i] < sizes[i-1] )
int breakpoint = 0; //should never be hit but it does !
cl_mgr::to_send_queue.erase(cl_mgr::to_send_queue.begin()); //CRASH HERE
send(hSocket, tosend.c_str(), tosend.length(), 0 );

This std::mutex is local to the method. This means every invocation of this method has it's own mutex and doesn't protect anything.
To fix this, you must move the mutex to the same scope as the vector to_send_queue and use a std::lock_guard. At the website, there is an example how to use this
int g_i = 0;
std::mutex g_i_mutex; // protects g_i
void safe_increment()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_i_mutex);
std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << ": " << g_i << '\n';
// g_i_mutex is automatically released when lock
// goes out of scope


Error occurred when using thread_local to maintain a concurrent memory buffer

In the following code, I want to create a memory buffer that allows multiple threads to read/write it concurrently. At a time, all threads will read this buffer in parallel, and later they will write to the buffer in parallel. But there will be no read/write operation at the same time.
To do this, I use a vector of shared_ptr<vector<uint64_t>>. When a new thread arrives, it will be allocated with a new vector<uint64_t> and only write to it. Two threads will not write to the same vector.
I use thread_local to track the vector index and offset the current thread will write to. When I need to add a new buffer to the memory_ variable, I use a mutex to protect it.
class TestBuffer {
thread_local static uint32_t index_;
thread_local static uint32_t offset_;
thread_local static bool ready_;
vector<shared_ptr<vector<uint64_t>>> memory_;
mutex lock_;
void init() {
if (!ready_) {
ready_ = true;
void new_slab() {
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(lock_);
index_ = memory_.size();
offset_ = 0;
void put(uint64_t value) {
if (offset_ == 1000) {
if(memory_[index_] == nullptr) {
cout << "Error" << endl;
*(memory_[index_]->data() + offset_) = value;
thread_local uint32_t TestBuffer::index_ = 0;
thread_local uint32_t TestBuffer::offset_ = 0;
thread_local bool TestBuffer::ready_ = false;
int main() {
TestBuffer buffer;
vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
thread t = thread([&buffer, i]() {
for (int j = 0; j < 10000; ++j) {
buffer.put(i * 10000 + j);
for (auto &t: threads) {
The code does not behave as expected, and reports error is in the put function. The root cause is that memory_[index_] sometimes return nullptr. However, I do not understand why this is possible as I think I have set the values properly. Thanks for the help!
You have a race condition in put caused by new_slab(). When new_slab calls memory_.push_back() the _memory vector may need to resize itself, and if another thread is executing put while the resize is in progress, memory_[index_] might access stale data.
One solution is to protect the _memory vector by locking the mutex:
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(lock_);
if(memory_[index_] == nullptr) {
cout << "Error" << endl;
*(memory_[index_]->data() + offset_) = value;
Another is to reserve the space you need in the memory_ vector ahead of time.

Switching from global static variables to static variables breaks code

I'm working on an assignment for school, one of the requirements of which is that I cannot use global variables, but I do need static variables for shared memory. The premise of the assignment is to use the pthread library and semaphores to ensure that created threads execute in reverse order. I've gotten it to work with global static semaphore/condvar/mutex as such:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <semaphore.h>
using namespace std;
#define NUM 5
static sem_t threadCounter;
static pthread_cond_t nextThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t makingThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t makingThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t nextThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void *wait_func(void *args)
// cout<<"Waiting"<<endl;
// pthread_cond_wait(&makingThreadCond, &makingThreadMutex);
// cout<<"Woke up"<<endl;
int tid = *((int *)args);
int val;
sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
// cout << tid << ":" << val << endl;
while (tid != val-1)
pthread_cond_wait(&nextThreadCond, &nextThreadMutex);
sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
// cout<<"evaluating condition in"<<tid<<", val is "<<val<<endl;
sem_wait(&threadCounter); // decrement threadCounter
// cout << "after decrement" << endl;
sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
// cout << "decremented val "<<val << endl;
cout<<"Exiting thread #"<<tid<<endl;
// cout<<"after nextThreadMutex unlock"<<endl;
// cout<<"after nextThreadCond broadcast"<<endl;
int main()
pthread_t tid[NUM];
if (sem_init(&threadCounter, 0, NUM) < 0)
cout << "Failed to init sem" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
*argId = i;
if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, argId))
cout << "Couldn't make thread " << i << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
but this isn't allowed as I said, so I tried to convert it where I share them through a struct and passed in with pthread_create arguments as such:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <semaphore.h>
using namespace std;
#define NUM 5
struct args
int tid;
sem_t* sem;
pthread_cond_t* cond;
pthread_mutex_t* mut;
void *wait_func(void *args_ptr)
// cout<<"Waiting"<<endl;
// pthread_cond_wait(&makingThreadCond, &makingThreadMutex);
// cout<<"Woke up"<<endl;
struct args* args = (struct args*) args_ptr;
int tid = (args->tid);
pthread_cond_t cond = *(args->cond);
pthread_mutex_t mut = *(args->mut);
sem_t sem = *(args->sem);
int val;
sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
// cout << tid << ":" << val << endl;
while (tid != val - 1)
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mut);
sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
// cout<<"evaluating condition in"<<tid<<", val is "<<val<<endl;
sem_wait(&sem); // decrement threadCounter
// cout << "after decrement" << endl;
sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
// cout << "decremented val "<<val << endl;
cout << "Exiting thread #" << tid << endl;
// cout<<"after nextThreadMutex unlock"<<endl;
// cout<<"after nextThreadCond broadcast"<<endl;
int main()
static sem_t threadCounter;
static pthread_cond_t nextThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t nextThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_t tid[NUM];
if (sem_init(&threadCounter, 0, NUM) < 0)
cout << "Failed to init sem" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
*argId = i;
struct args args;
args.tid = *argId;
args.sem = &threadCounter;
args.cond = &nextThreadCond;
args.mut = &nextThreadMutex;
if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, &args))
cout << "Couldn't make thread " << i << endl;
// cout << "Before posting sem" << endl;
// sem_post(&makingThreads);
// cout << "Sem posetd" << endl;
// cout<<"Broadcasting"<<endl;
// pthread_cond_broadcast(&makingThreadCond);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
This gets stuck immediately with "Exiting thread #4" twice. I would think that the second code is equivalent to the first, just without global variables but there must be something I'm missing.
struct args args;
This declares an object inside the scope of your for loop. When execution reaches the end of the for loop, this object gets destroyed -- like any other object that's declared locally within a function or within some inner scope -- and this happens before either the loop starts again from the beginning, or if the for loop stops iterating altogether. Either way, as soon the execution reaches the next } this object goes away. It is gone for good. It gets destroyed. It is no more. It joins the choir-invisible. It becomes an ex-object.
But before that happens, before the end of this loop, the following occurs:
if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, &args))
So you start a new execution thread, and pass it a pointer to this object, which is about to meet its maker.
And as soon as pthread_create() returns, that's the end of the loop and your args object is gone, and the abovementioned happens: it gets destroyed; it is no more; it joins the choir-invisible; and it becomes an ex-object.
And the C and the C++ standards give you absolutely no guarantees whatsoever, that your new execution thread actually starts running, and reaches the point where it reads this pointer, and what it's pointing to, before the end of this loop gets reached.
And, more likely than not, each new execution thread doesn't get around to reading the pointer to the args object, in the main execution thread, until long after it gets destroyed. So it grabs stuff from a pointer to a destroyed object. Goodbye.
As such, this execution thread's actions become undefined behavior.
This explains the random, unpredictable behavior that you've observed.
The usual approach is to malloc or new everything that gets passed to your new execution thread, and pass to the execution thread a pointer to the newed or malloced object.
It is also possible to carefully write some code that will make the main execution thread stop and wait until the new execution thread retrieves whatever it needs to do, and then proceeds on its own. A bunch more code will be needed to implement that approach, if you so choose.
Your code also has evidence of your initial attempts to take this approach:
int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
*argId = i;
struct args args;
args.tid = *argId;
mallocing this pointer, assigning to it, then copying it to args.tid accomplishes absolutely nothing useful. The same thing can be done simply by:
struct args args;
args.tid = i;
The only thing that malloc does is leak memory. Furthermore, this whole args object, declared as a local variable in the for loop's inner scope, is doomed for the reasons explained above.
P.S. When taking the "malloc the entire args object" approach, this also will leak memory unless you also take measures to diligently free the malloced object, when it is appropriate to do so.
You are passing a pointer to the local variable args to pthread_create. The variable's lifetime ends when the for loop iteration ends and the pointer becomes dangling.
The thread may be accessing it later though, causing undefined behavior.
You need to allocate args dynamically (but not argId), and pass that to the thread. The thread function must then assure the deletion of the pointer. Also don't name your variables the same thing as a type. That is very confusing. The struct keyword in a variable declaration is generally (if you don't name variables and types the same) not needed in C++ and may cause other issues when used without reason, so don't use it and name thing differently.
struct Args
int tid;
sem_t* sem;
pthread_cond_t* cond;
pthread_mutex_t* mut;
auto args = new Args{i, &threadCounter, &nextThreadCond, &nextThreadMutex};
if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, args))
cout << "Couldn't make thread " << i << endl;
and at the end of the thread function delete the pointer:
void *wait_func(void *args_ptr)
auto args = static_cast<Args*>(args_ptr);
delete args;
static_cast is safer than the C style cast, since it is much more restricted in the types it can cast between and e.g. can't accidentally drop a const or anything similar.
None of the variables seem to have a reason to be static either in the global or local case.
pthread_cond_t cond = *(args->cond);
pthread_mutex_t mut = *(args->mut);
This tries to create a new condition variable and mutex and initialize it based on the value of the condition variable and mutex pointed to. That doesn't make sense and won't work.
while (tid != val - 1)
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mut);
sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
// cout<<"evaluating condition in"<<tid<<", val is "<<val<<endl;
Here, you pass to pthread_cond_wait a pointer to the local condition variable and mutex you created above rather than a pointer to the shared one. Look at this code:
int a;
void foo(int* a)
int b = *a;
bar (&b); // If bar changes *b, that will not affect a!
See the problem? You passed bar a pointer to b, not a. So if bar changes the thing the pointer points to, it won't be modifying a but the local copy of b.
Don't try to create mutexes or condition variables that are copies of other mutexes or condition variables. It doesn't make semantic sense and it won't work.
Instead, you can do this:
pthread_cond_t* cond = (args->cond);
pthread_mutex_t* mut = (args->mut);
Now you can pass cond and mut to pthread_cond_wait, and you'll be passing pointers to the shared synchronization objects.

std::conditional_variable::notify_all does not wake up all the threads

I have a simple example here:
The project can be called academic since I try to learn c++11 threads.
Here is a description of what's going on.
Imagine a really big std::string with lot's of assembly source code inside like
mov ebx,ecx;\r\nmov eax,ecx;\r\n....
Parse() function takes this string and finds all the line positions by marking the begin and the end of the line and saving those as string::const_iterators in a job queue.
After that 2 worker threads pop this info from the queue and do the parsing of a substring into an Intstuction class object. They push_back the resulted instance of Instruction class into the std::vector<Instruction> result
Here is a struct declaration to hold the line number and the iterators for a substring to parse
struct JobItem {
int lineNumber;
string::const_iterator itStart;
string::const_iterator itEnd;
That's a small logger...
void ThreadLog(const char* log) {
cout << "Thr:" << this_thread::get_id() << " " << log << endl;
That's the shared data:
queue<JobItem> que;
vector<Instruction> result;
Here are all the primitives for sync
condition_variable condVar;
mutex condMutex;
bool signaled = false;
mutex writeMutex;
bool done=false;
mutex resultMutex;
mutex queMutex;
Per-thread function
void Func() {
unique_lock<mutex> condLock(condMutex);
while (!signaled) {
while (!done) {
JobItem item;
if (!que.empty()) {
item = que.front(); que.pop();
else {
//if i comment the line below both threads wake up
auto instr = ParseInstruction(item.itStart, item.itEnd);
The manager function that manages the threads...
vector<Instruction> Parser::Parse(const string& instructionStream){
thread thread1(Func);
thread thread2(Func);
auto it0 = instructionStream.cbegin();
auto it1 = it0;
int currentIndex = instructionStream.find("\r\n");
int oldIndex = 0;
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(1000)); //experimental
int x = 0;
while (currentIndex != string::npos){
auto it0 = instructionStream.cbegin() + oldIndex;
auto it1 = instructionStream.cbegin() + currentIndex;
que.push({ x,it0,it1 });
if (x == 20) {//fill the buffer a little bit before signal
signaled = true;
oldIndex = currentIndex + 2;
currentIndex = instructionStream.find("\r\n", oldIndex);
done = true;
return result;
The problem arises in the Func() function. As you can see, I'm using some logging inside of it. And the logs say:
Thr:9928 Waiting...
Thr:8532 Waiting...
Thr:8532 Started
Meaning that after the main thread had sent notify_all() to the waiting threads, only one of them actually woke up.
If I comment out the call to ParseInstruction() inside of Func() then both threads would wake up, otherwise only one is doing so.
It would be great to get some advice.
Suppose Func reads signaled and sees it false.
Then Parse sets signaled true and does the notify_all; at this point Func is not waiting, so does not see the notify.
Func then waits on the condition variable and blocks.
You can avoid this by putting a lock of condMutex around the assignment to signaled.
This is the normal pattern for using condition variables correctly - you need to both test and modify the condition you want to wait on within the same mutex.

Accessing random number engine from multiple threads

this is my first question, so please forgive me any violations against your policy. I want to have one global random number engine per thread, to which purpose I've devised the following scheme: Each thread I start gets a unique index from an atomic global int. There is a static vector of random engines, whose i-th member is thought to be used by the thread with the index i. If the index if greater than the vector size elements are added to it in a synchronized manner. To prevent performance penalties, I check twice if the index is greater than the vector size: once in an unsynced manner, and once more after locking the mutex. So far so good, but the following example fails with all sorts of errors (heap corruption, malloc-errors, etc.).
using std::cout;
std::atomic_uint INDEX_GEN{};
std::vector<std::mt19937> RNDS{};
float f = 0.0f;
std::mutex m{};
class TestAThread {
TestAThread() :thread(nullptr){
cout << "Calling constructor TestAThread\n";
thread = new std::thread(&TestAThread::run, this);
TestAThread(TestAThread&& source) : thread(source.thread){
source.thread = nullptr;
cout << "Calling move constructor TestAThread. My ptr is " << thread << ". Source ptr is" << source.thread << "\n";
TestAThread(const TestAThread& source) = delete;
~TestAThread() {
cout << "Calling destructor TestAThread. Pointer is " << thread << "\n";
if (thread != nullptr){
cout << "Deleting thread pointer\n";
delete thread;
thread = nullptr;
void run(){
int index = INDEX_GEN.fetch_add(1);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniformRnd{ 0.0f, 1.0f };
while (true){
if (index >= RNDS.size()){
// add randoms in a synchronized manner.
while (index >= RNDS.size()){
cout << "index is " << index << ", size is " << RNDS.size() << std::endl;
f += uniformRnd(RNDS[index]);
std::thread* thread;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
std::vector<TestAThread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
cout << f;
What am I doing wrong?!
Obviously f += ... would be a race-condition regardless of the right-hand side, but I suppose you already knew that.
The main problem that I see is your use of the global std::vector<std::mt19937> RNDS. Your mutex-protected critical section only encompasses adding new elements; not accessing existing elements:
... uniformRnd(RNDS[index]);
That's not thread-safe because resizing RNDS in another thread could cause RNDS[index] to be moved into a new memory location. In fact, this could happen after the reference RNDS[index] is computed but before uniformRnd gets around to using it, in which case what uniformRnd thinks is a Generator& will be a dangling pointer, possibly to a newly-created object. In any event, uniformRnd's operator() makes no guarantee about data races [Note 1], and neither does RNDS's operator[].
You could get around this problem by:
computing a reference (or pointer) to the generator within the protected section (which cannot be contingent on whether the container's size is sufficient), and
using a std::deque instead of a std::vector, which does not invalidate references when it is resized (unless the referenced object has been removed from the container by the resizing).
Something like this (focusing on the race condition; there are other things I'd probably do differently):
std::mt19937& get_generator(int index) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(m);
if (index <= RNDS.size()) RNDS.resize(index + 1);
return RNDS[index];
void run(){
int index = INDEX_GEN.fetch_add(1);
auto& gen = get_generator(index);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniformRnd{ 0.0f, 1.0f };
while (true) {
/* Do something with uniformRnd(gen); */
[1] The prototype for operator() of uniformRnd is template< class Generator > result_type operator()( Generator& g );. In other words, the argument must be a mutable reference, which means that it is not implicitly thread-safe; only const& arguments to standard library functions are free of data races.

One producer, two consumers acting on one 'queue' produced by producer

Preface: I'm new to multithreaded programming, and a little rusty with C++. My requirements are to use one mutex, and two conditions mNotEmpty and mEmpty. I must also create and populate the vectors in the way mentioned below.
I have one producer thread creating a vector of random numbers of size n*2, and two consumers inserting those values into two separate vectors of size n.
I am doing the following in the producer:
Lock the mutex: pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex1)
Wait for consumer to say vector is empty: pthread_cond_wait(&mEmpty,&mMutex1)
Push back a value into the vector
Signal the consumer that the vector isn't empty anymore: pthread_cond_signal(&mNotEmpty)
Unlock the mutex: pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex1)
Return to step 1
In the consumer:
Lock the mutex: pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex1)
Check to see if the vector is empty, and if so signal the producer: pthread_cond_signal(&mEmpty)
Else insert value into one of two new vectors (depending on which thread) and remove from original vector
Unlock the mutex: pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex1)
Return to step 1
What's wrong with my process? I keep getting segmentation faults or infinite loops.
Edit: Here's the code:
void Producer()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mTotalNumberOfValues; i++){
mGeneratedNumber.push_back((rand() % 100) + 1);
void Consumer(const unsigned int index)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumberOfValuesPerVector; i++){
I'm not sure I understand the rationale behind the way you're doing
things. In the usual consumer-provider idiom, the provider pushes as
many items as possible into the channel, waiting only if there is
insufficient space in the channel; it doesn't wait for empty. So the
usual idiom would be:
provider (to push one item):
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
while ( ! spaceAvailable() ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &spaceAvailableCondition, &mutex );
pthread_cond_signal( &itemAvailableCondition );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
and on the consumer side, to get an item:
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
while ( ! itemAvailable() ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &itemAvailableCondition, &mutex );
pthread_cond_signal( &spaceAvailableCondition );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
Note that for each condition, one side signals, and the other waits. (I
don't see any wait in your consumer.) And if there is more than one
process on either side, I'd recommend using pthread_cond_broadcast,
rather than pthread_cond_signal.
There are a number of other issues in your code. Some of them look more
like typos: you should copy/paste actual code to avoid this. Do you
really mean to read and pop mGeneratedValues, when you push into
mGeneratedNumber, and check whether that is empty? (If you actually
do have two different queues, then you're popping from a queue where no
one has pushed.) And you don't have any loops waiting for the
conditions; you keep iterating through the number of elements you
expect (incrementing the counter each time, so you're likely to
gerninate long before you should)—I can't see an infinite loop,
but I can readily see a endless wait in pthread_cond_wait in the
producer. I don't see a core dump off hand, but what happens when one
of the processes terminates (probably the consumer, because it never
waits for anything); if it ends up destroying the mutex or the condition
variables, you could get a core dump when another process attempts to
use them.
In producer, call pthread_cond_wait only when queue is not empty. Otherwise you get blocked forever due to a race condition.
You might want to consider taking mutex only after condition is fulfilled, e.g.
while true
while true
Here is a solution to a similar problem like you. In this program producer produces a no and writes it to a array(buffer) and a maintains a file then update a status(status array) about it, while on getting data in the array(buffer) consumers start to consume(read and write to their file) and update a status that it has consumed. when producer looks that both the consumer has consumed the data it overrides the data with a new value and goes on. for convenience here i have restricted the code to run for 2000 nos.
// Producer-consumer //
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <pthread.h>
#define MAX 100
using namespace std;
int dataCount = 2000;
int buffer_g[100];
int status_g[100];
void *producerFun(void *);
void *consumerFun1(void *);
void *consumerFun2(void *);
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t dataNotProduced = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t dataNotConsumed = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int main()
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
status_g[i] = 0;
pthread_t producerThread, consumerThread1, consumerThread2;
int retProducer = pthread_create(&producerThread, NULL, producerFun, NULL);
int retConsumer1 = pthread_create(&consumerThread1, NULL, consumerFun1, NULL);
int retConsumer2 = pthread_create(&consumerThread2, NULL, consumerFun2, NULL);
pthread_join(producerThread, NULL);
pthread_join(consumerThread1, NULL);
pthread_join(consumerThread2, NULL);
return 0;
void *producerFun(void *)
//file to write produced data by producer
const char *producerFileName = "producer.txt";
ofstream producerFile(producerFileName);
int index = 0, producerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] == 0)
static int data = 0;
cout << "Produced: " << data << endl;
buffer_g[index] = data;
producerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] = 5;
index ++;
producerCount ++;
cout << ">> Producer is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotConsumed, &mutex);
if(producerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
void *consumerFun1(void *)
const char *consumerFileName = "consumer1.txt";
ofstream consumerFile(consumerFileName);
int index = 0, consumerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] != 0 && status_g[index] != 2)
int data = buffer_g[index];
cout << "Cosumer1 consumed: " << data << endl;
consumerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] -= 3;
index ++;
consumerCount ++;
cout << "Consumer1 is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotProduced, &mutex);
if(consumerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
void *consumerFun2(void *)
const char *consumerFileName = "consumer2.txt";
ofstream consumerFile(consumerFileName);
int index = 0, consumerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] != 0 && status_g[index] != 3)
int data = buffer_g[index];
cout << "Consumer2 consumed: " << data << endl;
consumerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] -= 2;
index ++;
consumerCount ++;
cout << ">> Consumer2 is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotProduced, &mutex);
if(consumerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
Here is only one problem that producer in not independent to produce, that is it needs to take lock on the whole array(buffer) before it produces new data, and if the mutex is locked by consumer it waits for that and vice versa, i am trying to look for it.