How to draw a Cartesian plane via OpenGL? - opengl

I need to draw a Cartesian plane (standard OXYZ), where i would construct planes from equations ax+by+cz+d=0 and some objects.
How can i do that via OpenGL? Anybody?

You need to create triangle or quad. Calculate points in plane using your equation and from those points construct geometry.
For rendering geometry, look for some tutorials. There are plenty of them around.

If I am interpreting your question correctly, you just want to draw the axes of the Cartesian planes xy, xz, yz.
You can achieve this very easily by drawing a non-solid cube (glutWireCube should do the job), such that its bottom-front-left corner is at (0,0,0) (or bottom-back-left corner, based on the direction of positive depth).


OpenGL - Convert 2D Texture Coordinates into 3D Coordinates

I've got a 2D Texture on a 3D Sphere and I want to know how to transfer a 2D coordinate on the Texture into a 3D coordinate. I know it has to do with the clipping of the texture : I'm using the auto clipping function of OpenGL to put the texture on the Sphere.
To clarify the problem:
I have a 2D plane which is an image containing borders drawn in red now I put objects on this plane, that have a collision radius and are wildly moving around. Whenever the objects collide with the red border they bounce back.
Now I take this 2D plane and warp it around a 3D sphere. At the position of the circles I want to put 3D-Models that move on the sphere. The problem now is to get from the "simple" 2D coordinates on the plane to the more complicates 3D coordinates on the sphere to position the 3D-Models correctly.
My first approach would be to map 2D coordinates to spherical coordinates which can easily be transferred into 3D coordinates but how would I do this?
You don't "convert" the 2D coordinate to a 3D coordinate. The 2D coordinates you have are UV coordinates (from 0 to 1) and they represent a position in the texture space. What you do is to map these UV coordinates to the vertices.
You can read more about UV mapping here.
In OpenGL, it depends on which version are you using. Either you use glTexCoord calls before the glVertex calls (for old versions of OpenGL), or you set it in a VBO to be processed at the fragment shader on newer versions of OpenGL.
If you are planning to use gluSphere() function, you don't need to worry about calculating UV texture coordinates since opengl does it for you with the right functions.
Here you can check the gluSphere() documentation
Here there is an example code
If you are planning to render your own sphere, check this question

Screen space bounding box computation in OpenGL

I'm trying to implement tiled deferred rendering method and now I'm stuck. I'm computing min/max depth for each tile (32x32) and storing it in texture. Then I want to compute screen space bounding box (bounding square) represented by left down and top right coords of rectangle for every pointlight (sphere) in my scene (see pic from my app). This together with min/max depth will be used to check if light affects actual tile.
Problem is I have no idea how to do this. Any idea, source code or exact math?
Screen-space is basically a 2D entity, so instead of a bounding box think of a bounding rectangle.
Here is a simple way to compute it:
Project 8 corner points of your world-space bounding box onto the screen using your ModelViewProjection matrix
Find a bounding rectangle of these points (which is just min/max X and Y coordinates of the points)
A more sophisticated way can be used to compute a screen-space bounding rect for a point light source. We calculate four planes that pass through the camera position and are tangent to the light’s sphere of illumination (the light radius). Intersections of each tangent plane with the image plane gives us 4 lines on the image plane. This lines define the resulting bounding rectangle.
Refer to this article for math details:

OpenGL/GLUT - Project ModelView Coordinate to Texture Matrix

Is there a way using OpenGL or GLUT to project a point from the model-view matrix into an associated texture matrix? If not, is there a commonly used library that achieves this? I want to modify the texture of an object according to a ray cast in 3D space.
The simplest case would be:
A ray is cast which intersects a quad, mapped with a single texture.
The point of intersection is converted to a value in texture space clamped between [0.0,1.0] in the x and y axis.
A 3x3 patch of pixels centered around the rounded value of the resulting texture point is set to an alpha value of 0.( or another RGBA value which is convenient, for the desired effect).
To illustrate here is a more complex version of the question using a sphere, the pink box shows the replaced pixels.
I just specify texture points for mapping in OpenGL, I don't actually know how the pixels are projected onto the sphere. Basically I need to to the inverse of that projection, but I don't quite know how to do that math, especially on more complex shapes like a sphere or an arbitrary convex hull. I assume that you can somehow find a planar polygon that makes up the shape, which the ray is intersecting, and from there the inverse projection of a quad or triangle would be trivial.
Some equations, articles and/or example code would be nice.
There are a few ways you could accomplish what you're trying to do:
Project a world coordinate point into normalized device coordinates (NDCs) by doing the model-view and projection transformation matrix multiplications by yourself (or if you're using old-style OpenGL, call gluProject), and perform the perspective division step. If you use a depth coordinate of zero, this would correspond to intersecting your ray at the imaging plane. The only other correction you'd need to do map from NDCs (which are in the range [-1,1] in x and y) into texture space by dividing the resulting coordinate by two, and then shifting by .5.
Skip the ray tracing all together, and bind your texture as a framebuffer attachment to a framebuffer object, and then render a big point (or sprite) that modifies the colors in the neighborhood of the intersection as you want. You could use the same model-view and projection matrices, and will (probably) only need to update the viewport to match the texture resolution.
So I found a solution that is a little complicated, but does the trick.
For complex geometry you must determine which quad or triangle was intersected, and use this as the plane. The quad must be planar(obviously).
Draw a plane in the identity matrix with dimensions 1x1x0, map the texture on points identical to the model geometry.
Transform the plane, and store the inverse of each transform matrix in a stack
Find the point at which the the plane is intersected
Transform this point using the inverse matrix stack until it returns to identity matrix(it should have no depth(
Convert this point from 1x1 space into pixel space by multiplying the point by the number of pixels and rounding. Or start your 2D combining logic here.

Parallel plane in openGL

I'm working with OpenGL, I need to draw a plane in front of a triangle in the three dimensional space. So if one of the triangle points changes, the plane also changes
I have the 3 points, and using cross product, I can get the normal vector, so, to draw the plane, I only need to translate the triangle to the origin of the world in reference of one of the triangle points, translate a distance over the normal, rotate the normal angles in X, Y and Z, and draw the plane.
I need to know how to translate over the normal, and how to rotate the new plane, so, when one of the vertex changes, the normal changes, and the plane also changes.
As I understand, I can use the normal vector in glRotatef(angle, normal[x, y, z]), with angle =0. But the plane doesn't change when I change one of the triangle vertex.
OpenGl is not a scene graph. It will not deal with transforming objects for you. All OpenGL does is render what you tell it to render.
If you tell it to render a vertex (which YOU changed), and do not tell it to change the way it draws the plane, then of course the plane will not change.
Look into scene graphs, and how to do matrix and vector math. A simple scene graph is relatively easy to create.

opengl draw surface volume from data set

The code is loading a bin file which contains (x,y,z) coordinates for a set of points.
Let say the points form a cube and that there are some points in the cube as well, how do i make the cube look like a surface cube instead of a set of points?
I read about marching cubes and barycentric coordinates, but i don't understand how to do that in C++ and opengl. Thanks.
If they form an axis-aligned cube all you need to do is draw a cube from min(x), min(y), min(z) to max(x), max(y), max(z) where min(x) represents the minimum of all x coordinates.