Goals dialog not populated - sitecore

Sitecore 6.6 Update 4
I've got an instance of Sitecore that is having an issue with goals. After creating (and publishing) goals, I try to assign the goal to a specific content item. When I click on the 'Analyze\Attributes\Goals' button in the ribbon, the dialog is presented, but no goals are populated in the box.
I've looked at my error logs and don't see any errors. I've watched via Fiddler and don't see anything. I've used Chrome's developer tools and see no errors.
I have another instance of Sitecore running on the same server and it has no issues populating the goals dialog box.
Any ideas?

Likely your goals have not been deployed to your Analytics dataset. Try pointing SQL Management Studio to your Analytics Database and issue the following:
FROM [Sitecore_analytics].[dbo].[PageEventDefinitions]
And make sure that the goals you are registering are actually present here. There should be a Guid in PageEventDefinitionId that matches the Sitecore Item ID of your Goal.

Okay, thanks to Mark (+1) for pointing me down a direction for solving this. This has to do with automating analytics deployment on CD servers.
Looking at section 6.2.1 of the ECM Administrator and Developers Guide, you can see that there are two tasks:
Adding the Auto Publish action
Updating the Web.config with a workflow provider for the default definition database
The goals were associated with the "Analytics Workflow", but they weren't going into a draft state after creating them and they weren't being properly deployed when saving.
After ensuring that the steps from the ECM dev guide were followed in the client's CM/CD environments, everything started working again.
Note: this may not be something someone normally sees with a default install. I had begun the process of implementing the ECM autopublish by editing the web.config files and had not completed the process of adding the "auto publish" action. Once I ensured that all items were correct, the process worked as expected.


Google Cloud Build Step Logs Not Viewable in Console

I am not able to view Google Cloud Build logs in the console. For each step that I click on I cannot see the associated logs in the Build Log window on the right (see picture). This occurs with both the Build Summary and each detail step. The only way to view these logs is to click View Raw, but that is only a great workaround.
Another issue is that each build step status (Success/Failure) is only populated at the end of the entire build process, as opposed to updating after each step.
Is anybody also experiencing this or have suggestions to rememdy this issue? My browser is Google Chrome Version 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Experience shows that there can be adverse interactions between Chrome Plugins and a variety of websites that have rich content or streaming (such as Google's Console). If something seems odd, try and create a new Chrome profile or try running in incognito mode and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, you can incrementally add (or remove) the plugins until you find the one that is causing problems. If you do find the culprit plugin, consider posting that as a comment to others on what you find.
As per the documentation, if you’re storing your build logs in logging, you won’t be able to see them in the cloud build page, instead you will be able to see them in the Logging page(i.e. Operations logging).
To view the build in Cloud Build page in the Cloud Console, if your build logs are present in the Google-created Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Project Viewer role on the project but if your build logs are in a user-specified Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Storage Object Viewer role. And for more information, consider looking at the documentation.
Your second point is an expected behaviour, please look here.
Adding on Kolban's answer above, one of the Chrome extensions that interfered is Imagus. Uninstalling / disabling it should fix the problem.
Another Chrome extension that seems to cause the problem is "Dark Mode". My version is 0.4.2 on Chrome version 96.0.4664.110 and disabling this and refreshing the Build Detail page restored the build log listing.

Change deployment reason for Azure WebServices

I have been working on moving our continuous integration(CI) to Azure using Azure's built in CI. After each build, it shows the last commit message as the deployment reason. I would like to put the current version of my App in there.
Does anybody know if there is a way I can override, or extend the information shown in the Deployment details view after a build for Azure WebServices.
I haven't seen anywhere to add this, so I guess UserVoice is the best way to get their attention. I'd certainly vote it up.

SharePoint-hosted Task pane app not authenticating

I have an Office 365 E3 account where I'm trying to deploy a Word task pane app that will read some SharePoint list data. Right now, I'm just trying to get the task pane app to load, however, it shows the Office 365 login page (in the pane) but does not do anything after clicking Login.
I went through the instructions provided here:
Basically, I create an App for SharePoint configured as SharePoint-hosted, then in the same project, added an App for Office (Task Pane App for Word only). The SharePoint app also has a custom document library.
I am able to install the app to my App Catalog, and it correctly shows up in Site Contents where I see it being provisioned to the app web. I can also launch Word 2013 with the Trusted App Catalog configured correctly, and I am able to see my Task Pane App and insert it. When I click Insert, it loads it but prompts for credentials.
I am using the same credentials all throughout this exercise so by virtue of being able to install and deploy the SharePoint app, you can trust that I'm providing the right credentials.
It also appears the custom document library is never created - I wonder if both suffer from the same underlying issue.
I encountered the same problem and the solution provided in the answer below did not help.
After some desparation i created a taskpane app using the Napa Cloud App, opened the application in Visual Studio and went looking for differences.
In the Taskpane app manifest.xml file i found the following entries which were missing in my own application manifest:
This solved my problem and cured one horrible friday.
I was able to get this to work. It turns out doing a Deploy from Visual Studio (whether you right-clicked Deploy or F5-debug), the installation of the app isn't enough.
To make it work, I skipped doing a Deploy all together, but instead published my app. I then took the .app file and loaded it in my App Packages folder, and then deployed it from there.
Unfortunately, I don't know the difference between the two, but I'm assuming it has something to do with provisioning the app web for the Office App.

Sitecore Basics

I am quite new to Sitecore WCM and have been doing a lot of research and readings. Could someone please help me to clarify the following
basics of Sitecore?
I've a number of ASP.net web applications. If I convert the project to Sitecore project will it just work magically?
If I want to create new site, do I need to manually create a new site in IIS or Sitecore does it when I publish?
Are there any online training videos available, could not find a single (except Sitecore marketing demo).
If we have MVC and Web forms applications, is it possible to migrate to Sitecore?
First off, welcome to Sitecore!
Regarding your questions:
I've a number of ASP.net web application. If I convert the project to Sitecore project will it just work magically?
A Sitecore website is an asp.net web application. It just happens to start off with databases, DLLs, and web.config entries that are ready for you to get the CMS up and running. Standard .NET code works just as normal. However, part of what happens when you first setup your site as a Sitecore website is that Sitecore starts intercepting requests for pages and attempts to bind them to pages in the content tree. If a content item doesn't exist with the matching path, it won't return.
This is particularly important if you plan on just standing up your existing pages alongside new Sitecore pages. Your URLs won't initially work, and you'll have to do some configuration to get them to resolve and be ignored by Sitecore.
However, if you do NOT want to put your pages alongside the site and instead integrate them into the Sitecore solution as content items, you'll likely need to re-architect your solution. Sitecore uses 'sublayouts' (ASCX) for different components on a page, and these need to be represented in the database and the code base, and then added to content items as part of their presentation details. This can be easy, if your site is already heavily architected towards components, but sometimes you'll need to create a bunch of ASCX to represent your different pages.
Your business logic should not be affected, unless you decide to make changes to start leveraging configurations in the Sitecore database or accessing properties of the current context item. In this manner, your code should execute "out-of-the-box".
If I want to create new site do I need to manually create a new site in IIS or Sitecore does it when I publish?
Sitecore doesn't "create" anything when it publishes. Publishing is really just an action of taking the content approved in the Master database and pushing it out to the Web database for the selected target. Your IIS sites, and anything else you need for your application, you just setup as you normally would.
Are there any online training videos available, could not find a single (except Sitecore marketing demo).
I highly recommend taking the developer training that Sitecore provides. It's a very good introduction to the concepts, especially if you aren't working with folks who have a lot of Sitecore expertise. It also allows you to meet some other folks who are getting into Sitecore and you can help each other out.
If we have MVC and Web forms applications, is it possible to migrate to Sitecore?
Sitecore is a .NET application at its core, and web forms work. MVC is also supported with the most recent versions of Sitecore.
I know this question is a little old, and already answered, but I think I have some info to add.
I've a number of ASP.net web application. If I convert the project to Sitecore project will it just work magically?
Nothing is magic. If you want the content management or marketing aspects of Sitecore, plan on rebuilding your site(s) within Sitecore.
If I want to create new site do I need to manually create a new site in IIS or Sitecore does it when I publish?
Sitecore is an IIS site. When you install Sitecore, it creates an IIS site along with at least 3 databases (core, master, & web). Sitecore can have multiple subsites, but they're all built within the single IIS site that is Sitecore.
Are there any online training videos available, could not find a single (except sitecore marketing demo).
These videos may not have existed when this question was originally answered...so here's a few I found useful.
Sitecore Training: Developer Fundamental Series - Creating Visual Studio Project for Sitecore
Sitecore MVC - Getting Started (Part 1)
Sitecore MVC -- View Renderings, #Html().Sitecore, and Models
If we have MVC and Web forms applications, is it possible to migrate to site core?
Webforms and MVC are both supported in Sitecore. You will be thinking of both of them in a different way whenever you are rebuilding them in Sitecore though.
1) You can create blank solution and add existing items like sublayout, css , javascript etc and obviously need to change some codebehind. But sitecore has different database structure compared to normal web applications , so you will need to create template, items etc.
2) For sitecore , you will need to create website in IIS and make entry in your host file as follows:
local path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc find hosts file and in that file add entry as yoursitename.com
3) For demo video you can try Sitecore channel videos for basic sitecore learning from Youtube.

ColdFusion Unable to create Solr collection Error

I'm trying to create a Solr collection in ColdFusion 9. I have never used Solr before, but I am following the directions in Forta's Web Application Construction Kit.
Every time I go to create the collection, I get the following error:
Unable to create collection usaf.
Unable to create Solr collection usaf.
An error occurred while creating the collection: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException. Check the Solr logs for more detail.
Anyone have a clue what's wrong? I have read that the update to CF 9.0.1 causes some issues with Solr -- I tried installing that update and it failed several times. Could that be the problem?
If so, how to solve it? This is on a production Windows Server 2008 and a previous attempt to uninstall and reinstall forced us to restore the server from an image because it was such a disaster.
I know this is a bit old but here is what I did to fix the same problem. Solr service in CF Administrator wasnt showing the core collection and it wouldnt let me create a new collection (as per above).
Using Win7, CF9.0.1
Stopped the Search service and the Solr service via the windows service manager.
Edited the file ColdFusion9\solr\multicore\solr.xml and removed the entries for the collections I was working on at the time it all stopped working. This is the step that seems to have made the difference. Backup the file first!!!
For the entries I removed from solr.xml I also removed the collection folders and files completely from the file system using windows file manager.
Restarted the Search service and Solr service. Core collection now appears in CF Administrator. My CF pages now create and index collections as they should. Phew!
You can check CFAdmin under Data & Services > ColdFusion Collections to make Solr is running. Should be a default collection listed. If not, search runs as seperate services on Windows. Check that ColdFusion 9 Search Server and Solr Service are there and started.
Adobe has a standalone Solr install. http://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads.html
Updating to 9.0.1 and hotfixes corrupted my Solr install. Had to reinstall CF from scratch.
It's also possible for the ColdFusion Solr Search Service to be running even though Solr is not. This can happen, for example, when there are errors in a collection's schema.xml file. I imagine there are other conditions under which this can happen. At any rate, as the poster above explained, if you look on CF Admin under "ColdFusion Collections" you should see at least the default Solr collection (core0). If you don't see that collection then Solr isn't running properly even if Windows tells you that the service is running.
Also, you may want to see if you can reach the Solr web service (port 8983 by default): http://localhost:8983/solr/
There could be 3 reasons for this:
1. Solr is not running.
2. Solr is running and if you are on Unix, Solr/CF is running as a non privileged user.
3. Solr is installed after CF. In that case go to CF Admin Data& Services->Solr Server(CF10) and provide solr home path.
It seems like solr service is timing out or not working properly for some reason.
First make sure that you can go to the Solr Admin UI on one host. Try http://hostname:8983/solr/ or http://localhost:8983/solr/ from RDP. If it is not working, then you will get the exact error or reason for why you are getting an error while adding CF collection. Most probably there should be CF collection which is not configured properly and you may remove those from 'ColdFusion9\solr\multicore\solr.xml'.