Seemingly random program failure at end of completion C++ [closed] - c++

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Warning: I understand if anyone may want to stop reading now, this post contains ~275 lines of code across 6 files (although nothing very complex)! I realize this is usually a bad thing to do, but it's a last ditch effort as I've put cout's in everything method showing none of them crash or do anything that I wouldn't expect, researched implementation of the standard methods I'm using, and ran this code with a huge variety of inputs but sometimes it runs successfully, other times it fails (after finishing everything). I can't find any pattern or broken code segment.
The program simulates a type of shop with a single server allowing customers to order one of two things and there is a waiting line. The user inputs the simulation length, customer arrival probability per time unit (minute), and the time it takes for each item to be made. After running, the program then prints out a few statistics - total wait time (excluding those remaining in line), total customers served, and average wait time.
Even with long simulations (100,000 minutes) I've seen successful and failed runs (again, only failing after simulation completion). At first I thought it looked like using (>= 1) for arrival probability (customer arrives each minute) always worked, but have since noticed those failing. If anything, it seems fairly high arrival (> ~.8) and very low (<= ~.01) arrival probabilities crash the least often in long simulations, but still can sometimes in short ones. Very odd!
Whenever it does crash, the debugger shows the program counter stopping at the closing brace of queueType's destructor, but this destructor seems extrememly standard to me, and the same syntax has worked with other classes that allocate memory on the heap with their constructors? I feel like the answer must be something fairly basic that is eluding me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, code follows:
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
template<class Type>
class QueueType {
QueueType(const QueueType& other);
Type& getFront() {return queueArray[front];}
int getNumElements() const {return numElements;}
void reposition();
void addElement(Type);
bool isEmpty() const {return numElements == 0;}
bool isFull() const {return SIZE == numElements;}
void updateWaitTimes(Type*&, int&, int&);
QueueType<Type>& operator=(const QueueType other);
friend void swap(QueueType& first, QueueType& second) {
using std::swap;
swap(first.front, second.front);
swap(first.back, second.back);
swap(first.numElements, second.numElements);
swap(first.queueArray, second.queueArray);
static const int SIZE = 25;
int front, back, numElements;
Type *queueArray;
template<class Type>
QueueType<Type>::QueueType() {
queueArray = new Type[SIZE];
front = back = numElements = 0;
template<class Type>
QueueType<Type>::~QueueType() {
delete [] queueArray;
template<class Type>
QueueType<Type>::QueueType(const QueueType& other):
queueArray(new Type[SIZE]),
std::copy(other.queueArray, other.queueArray + SIZE, queueArray);
template<class Type>
void QueueType<Type>::reposition() {
front = (front + 1) % SIZE;
back = (back + 1) % SIZE;
template<class Type>
void QueueType<Type>::addElement(Type newElement) {
if (isEmpty()) {
queueArray[0] = newElement;
front = back = 0;
numElements = 1;
} else {
back = (back - 1) % SIZE;
queueArray[back] = newElement;
template<class Type>
void QueueType<Type>::updateWaitTimes(Type*& element, int& position, int& counter) {
if (isEmpty()) {
element = NULL;
} else {
if (position == 0) {
position = front;
element = &queueArray[position];
position = (position + 1) % SIZE;
if (counter == numElements) {
element = NULL;
template<class Type>
QueueType<Type>& QueueType<Type>::operator=(const QueueType other) {
swap(*this, other);
return *this;
#endif /* QUEUETYPE_H */
class CustomerType {
CustomerType(int, int);
CustomerType(const CustomerType& other);
void incrementWaitTime() {waitTime++;}
int getArrivalTime() const {return arrivalTime;}
int getWaitTime() const {return waitTime;}
CustomerType& operator=(const CustomerType& other);
int ID, arrivalTime, waitTime;
#endif /* CUSTOMERTYPE_H */
#include "customerType.h"
CustomerType::CustomerType() {
waitTime = arrivalTime = ID = 0;
CustomerType::CustomerType(int arrivalTime, int ID) {
this->arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
this->ID = ID;
waitTime = 0;
CustomerType::~CustomerType() {
CustomerType::CustomerType(const CustomerType& other) {
waitTime = other.waitTime;
arrivalTime = other.arrivalTime;
ID = other.ID;
CustomerType& CustomerType::operator=(const CustomerType& other) {
waitTime = other.waitTime;
arrivalTime = other.arrivalTime;
ID = other.ID;
return *this;
#include "customerType.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
class serverType {
serverType(const serverType& other);
bool isFree() const {return (status == "free");}
void setCustomer(CustomerType& newCustomer, int& transactionTime);
void decrementTransactionTime();
serverType& operator=(const serverType& other);
std::string status;
int transactionTime;
CustomerType currentCustomer;
#endif /* SERVERTYPE_H */
#include "serverType.h"
serverType::serverType() {
status = "free";
transactionTime = 0;
serverType::~serverType() {
serverType::serverType(const serverType& other) {
status = other.status;
transactionTime = other.transactionTime;
currentCustomer = other.currentCustomer;
void serverType::setCustomer(CustomerType& newCustomer, int& transactionTime) {
currentCustomer = newCustomer;
this->transactionTime = transactionTime;
status = "busy";
void serverType::decrementTransactionTime() {
if (transactionTime == 0)
status = "free";
serverType& serverType::operator=(const serverType& other) {
status = other.status;
transactionTime = other.transactionTime;
currentCustomer = other.currentCustomer;
return *this;
#include "queueType.h"
#include "serverType.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <climits>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int simulationTime, coneTime, shakeTime, currentTime = 0;
int customerID = 1, totalWaitTime = 0, customersServiced = 0;
double arrivalProb;
cout << "Time-driven ice cream shop simulation" << endl
<< "Enter the following information to begin:" << endl << endl;
cout << "Length of simulation (in minutes): ";
cin >> simulationTime;
cout << endl << "Probability of customer arrival each minute (example: 0.25): ";
cin >> arrivalProb;
cout << endl << "Minutes to make an ice cream cone: ";
cin >> coneTime;
cout << endl << "Minutes to make a shake: ";
cin >> shakeTime;
cout << endl << endl;
QueueType<CustomerType> Line;
serverType server;
float chance;
srand(time(0) % INT_MAX);
while (currentTime < simulationTime) {
chance = float (rand())/RAND_MAX;
if (chance < arrivalProb) {
if (!Line.isFull()) {
Line.addElement(CustomerType(currentTime, customerID));
} else {
cout << "Customer #" << customerID
<< " came during a full line and left!" << endl;
if (server.isFree() && (!Line.isEmpty())) { //going with 40% shake, 60% cone
if (chance < 0.4) {
server.setCustomer(Line.getFront(), shakeTime);
} else {
server.setCustomer(Line.getFront(), coneTime);
totalWaitTime += Line.getFront().getWaitTime();
} else if (!server.isFree()) {
CustomerType *customerPointer = new CustomerType();
int position = 0, counter = 0;
Line.updateWaitTimes(customerPointer, position, counter);
while (customerPointer != NULL) {
Line.updateWaitTimes(customerPointer, position, counter);
delete customerPointer;
cout << endl << endl << "Simulation complete." << endl << endl;
cout << "Total wait time: " << totalWaitTime << endl
<< "Customers serviced: " << customersServiced << endl
<< "Average wait time: " << float (totalWaitTime) / customersServiced;
return 0;
Note that the queueType copy constructor/overloaded =/destructor never getting called until the destructor does once in the very end. I also know I don't need to have a customerType (currentCustomer) as one of serverType's private members, but just for the sake of realism.

You are mismanaging memory here:
CustomerType *customerPointer = new CustomerType();
int position = 0, counter = 0;
Line.updateWaitTimes(customerPointer, position, counter);
You are allocating memory for customerPointer. Then you change the value of what customerPointer points to in the Line.updateWaitTimes function. Then you do this:
delete customerPointer;
So what you allocated and what you deleted have different values. You're corrupting the heap by attempting to delete an address that doesn't start at the beginning of the dynamically allocated block.
If what you are deleting is a pointer to dynamically allocated memory, i.e. you designed it this way, but is a "different" pointer than the original you started out with, then you need to rewrite your code so you're not doing this "pointer dance" between customerPointer and the Line.updateWaitTimes function.
This is just one of probably many issues with your code you need to fix. One fix is to quit with the manual memory mamagement within your main() function. Learn to write code that minimizes or eliminates the usage of raw naked pointers. Yes, your QueueType class must do memory management, sure, but that doesn't mean your main() has to do this also.
Also, your QueueType class maintains its own memory that should not be fooled around with by an outside entity. Look at your QueueType::updateWaitTimes function -- why is it giving a pointer to the passed in "element" pointer? You then use this pointer to your internal queue and finagle with it in main(), which gives disastrous results. Writing code like this means that you haven't totally grasped the meaning of "encapsulation".

This line likely as problem, as it can leave back as negative
back = (back - 1) % SIZE;
you probably meant something like
back = (SIZE + back - 1) % SIZE;

WOW. Just finally realized the reason it was crashing was how I changed back around in queueType::reposition and queueType::addElement, in reposition I didn't need to move back at all since it's just called after someone leaves the front, and in my add I meant to move back BACK one but used - not + and moved it forward...program fixed. Thank you for answers/comments


C++: bool method returning unexpected numbers after cout statement

I'm working on some exam-examples for a c++ programming exam and the example where I'm stuck at requires me to code a class for returning the contents of a "Closet" object. One of the methods required in the example adds a vector of Garment objects to a second vector of Garment objects, (so, filling the closet with clothes). Up until this point my code has passed all the references and checks I've been given (a list with the supposed runtime errors and cout/cerr statements), so I've removed method-definitions and calls in the code I'm posting here to only show the part where I'm getting the unexpected returns.
I supposed that one of the constructors or even another method might interfere with the output, so I've ran several versions of the code trough a visualizer (Python tutor for c++), but that didn't shed any new insight either, no other methods were called (as expected) and no other output prompted from the constructors either.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
enum class Color{Red, Blue, Gray, Yellow};
const std::vector<std::string> color_names{"red", "blue", "gray", "yellow"};
enum class Type{Pants, Blouse, Shirt, Skirt};
const std::vector<std::string> type_names{"pants", "blouse", "shirt", "skirt"};
class Garment {
int preis;
Color farbe;
Type typ;
Garment (int p, Color f = Color::Gray, Type t = Type::Pants){
this->preis = p;
this->farbe = f;
this->typ = t;
//negativer Preis = exception
if (p < 0){throw runtime_error("Preis kleiner als 0!");} }
int get_price() const{
return this->preis; }
Type get_type() const{
return this->typ; }
bool has_color(Color f) const{}
void deteriorate(int w){}
int get_index_color() const{}
int get_index_type() const{}
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Garment &g){
//[40000 Cent, yellow blouse]
out << "[" << g.preis << " Cent, "<< color_names[g.get_index_color()]
<< " " << type_names[g.get_index_type()];
out << "]";
return out;
class Closet {
size_t capacity;
vector<Garment> inventory;
//Konstruktor Beginn
Closet (size_t c, vector<Garment> inv){
this->capacity = c;
this->inventory = inv;
if (capacity < 5 || capacity > 300){throw runtime_error ("Komplette Kapazitaet ueber oder unterschritten!");}
if (this->inventory.size() > this->capacity){throw runtime_error ("Relative kapazitaet ueberschritten");}
vector<int>kleiderliste {0,0,0,0};
for (auto x : inv){
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Pants){kleiderliste[0]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Blouse){kleiderliste[1]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Skirt){kleiderliste[2]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Shirt){kleiderliste[3]++;}
int zaehler = 0;
for (auto y : kleiderliste){
if (y != 0 ){zaehler++;}
if (zaehler <2){throw runtime_error("Nur mehr kleidungsstuecke eines typs im schrank");}
bool add(vector<Garment> v){
if ((v.size() + this->inventory.size()) <= this->capacity){
cerr << 1;
return true;
cerr << 0;
return false;
double mean_price() const{
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,const Closet &c){
out << "[" << c.capacity << ",{";
for (auto x : c.inventory){
out <<x;
out << "},";
out << c.mean_price();
out << "]";
return out;
int main(){
Garment pants{34500, Color::Blue, Type::Pants};
Garment blouse{12700, Color::Red, Type::Blouse};
const Garment shirt{2300, Color::Yellow, Type::Shirt};
Garment shirt2{23500, Color::Red, Type::Shirt};
Garment skirt{26600, Color::Gray, Type::Skirt};
Garment skirt2{4600, Color::Blue, Type::Skirt};
Closet closet {10, {skirt, blouse, shirt, pants, skirt}};
cout << closet.add({shirt2, skirt2}) << closet.add({blouse,skirt,pants}) << closet.add({}) << closet.add({pants}) << '\n';
return 0; }
This code is supposed to yield the following output via cout:
1110. The Closet::add method is supposed to return true three times and false one time in a row.
What I actually get as return values via cout << is: 0111
To test if the code does what it's supposed to I'm outputting 1 for true and 0 for false on the cerr channel too, and there I get the correct 1110 numbers.
What leads to the return output not be 1110? Are the method calls made in a different order in the compiler?
As explained by Raymond-Chen the method is not guaranteed to be called in the left to right order that would produce the expected "1110" output. Different compilers lead to different order of the calls being executed. In this specific case switching to the clang compiler yielded the expected "1110" output.

Why is the static array member variable showing nothing after calling the instance of the object?

Currently working on Object Oriented Programming in c++ and having problems with an instance showing nothing changed from a method I've created.
The whole code is based off of this object I've created from a header file.
#ifndef DEQUE_H_
#define DEQUE_H_
#include <iostream>
const int CAPACITY = 5;
const int DEFAULT = -1;
class Deque
int get_size() const;
bool is_empty() const;
bool is_full() const;
int operator[](int i) const;
static Deque insert_tail(int);
int size_;
static int array_[CAPACITY];
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Deque &);
One of the problems I'm having is the insert_tail method that doesn't show any changes to my static array.
In the cpp file itself.. these are the function declarations.
include <iostream>
#include "Deque.h"
int Deque::array_[5] = {};
int Deque::get_size() const
return size_;
bool Deque::is_full() const
if (size_ == 5) return 1;
else return 0;
bool Deque::is_empty() const
if (size_!= 5) return 1;
else return 0;
int Deque::operator[](int i) const
int something = array_[i];
return something;
Deque Deque::insert_tail(int x)
Deque d;
d.size_ += 1;
int size = d.size_;
d.array_[size - 1] = x;
return d;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & cout, const Deque & dq)
cout << dq.get_size() << " [ ";
for (int i = 0; i < dq.get_size(); ++i)
cout << dq[i] << " ";
cout << "]";
return cout;
The operator works just fine. The bools work just fine and the remove_head and remove_tail thing I'll do once I figure out insert tail. Right now, it's not making any chances to the very object I've created inside the main.
#include <iostream>
#include "Deque.h"
void print(const Deque & deque)
static int i = 1;
std::cout << i << ". " << deque << ", empty: " << deque.is_empty()
<< ", full: " << deque.is_full();
void test_insert_tail(Deque & deque, int x)
print(deque); std::cout << "\n";
int main()
Deque deque;
std::cout << "\n";
test_insert_tail(deque, 2);
return 0;
The output should look like this,
1. 1 [ 2 ], empty: 0, full: 0
but looks like this
1. 0 [], empty: 1, full: 0
What's going on inside my static method for handling all the private attributes that I'm missing on? What did I do wrong exactly?
The problem with your code is the misuse of the static word. In fact, static means that is not associated with an instance of the object: this means that the content of the static member (the array_ variable in this case) is shared between every instance you will create.
That's the same for the insert_tail method, that can be used even if you don't create an instance. Now, let's try to understand what you've written in this method:
Deque d;
d.size_ += 1;
int size = d.size_;
d.array_[size - 1] = x;
return d;
In the first line, you created a new Deque object. That's the first mistake, cause you're not modifying the actual Deque. Then you add the operations, and in the end, you return the created Deque. However, this object is not saved anywhere, because when you call deque.insert_tail() you aren't assigning the returned value anywhere.
Let's try and get this a little bit more concrete.
Since what you're doing is creating a data structure, you won't need any static member. This because everything needs to be saved inside the data structure.
Then, inside the insert_tail you'll need to remove the object you created inside. It'll look something like this:
size_ += 1;
int size = size_;
array_[size - 1] = x;
With those two modifications the code will probably work as expected, however, I suggest you focus on improving the appearance of your code. Using the underscore character at the end of the variable name is a little bit confusing. In C the only scenario you can use it inside the name int foo_bar for normal variables, and at the beginning int _foo for reserved variables.

C++, Weird behavior of cout when trying to print integers

Im trying to write a class that stores an id and a value in an container class.
Im using an nested class as my data structure.
When im compiling the code sometimes it prints perfectly, sometimes it prints nothing and sometimes it prints half of the data then stops.
When i debug the code the same weird behavior occours, when it fails during debug it throws an error "Map.exe has triggered a breakpoint.", the Error occours in the print method when im using cout.
#pragma once
class CMap
CMap& Add(int id, int value);
void print() const;
class container
int container_id = 0;
int container_value = 0;
container* p_komp_;
int dim_ = -1;
void resize();
#include "cmap.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
p_komp_ = new container[0];
p_komp_ = nullptr;
cout << "destroy cmap";
CMap& CMap::Add(int id, int value)
p_komp_[dim_].container_id = id;
p_komp_[dim_].container_value = value;
return *this;
void CMap::resize()
container* temp_array = new container[++dim_];
if (dim_ == 0)
temp_array[0].container_id = p_komp_[0].container_id;
temp_array[0].container_value = p_komp_[0].container_value;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim_; i++)
temp_array[i].container_id = p_komp_[i].container_id;
temp_array[i].container_value = p_komp_[i].container_value;
p_komp_ = temp_array;
void CMap::print() const
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= dim_; i++)
cout << p_komp_[i].container_id;
cout << p_komp_[i].container_value;
cout << "destruct container";
#include "cmap.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main(void)
CMap m2;
m2.Add(1, 7);
m2.Add(3, 5);
These two things are a possible reason for your problem:
int dim_ = -1;
container* temp_array = new container[++dim_];
When you allocate, you increase dim_ from -1 to 0. That is you create a zero-sized "array", where every indexing into it will be out of bounds and lead to undefined behavior.
You also have memory leaks since you never delete[] what you new[]. I didn't look for more problems, but there probably a more.
And an "array" (created at compile-time or through new[]) will have indexes from 0 to size - 1 (inclusive). You seem to think that the "size" you provide is the top index. It's not, it's the number of elements.
It seems to me that you might need to take a few steps back, get a couple of good books to read, and almost start over.

Why does returning a data structure rather than a pointer mess with the integrity of my data?

I'm building a sparse matrix class that holds two arrays (row and column) of pointers to doubly linked lists (down and right). Sort of like this:
m4 A-->B-->
n5 | |
s6 | V
7 V D-->
8 C-->
Both arrays are initialized to have nullptr in every space until something is inserted in that place.
I have a function "readFile" that reads in objects from a text file and inserts them into this sparse matrix. For some reason, before this function returns, all of the data in it is fine, but after I return, I get random memory locations in my arrays. Here is main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "sparseMatrix.h"
using namespace std;
class basic
int x, y;
string word;
basic *down;
basic *right;
basic(int x, int y, string word)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->word = word;
down = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
int getX()
return x;
int getY()
return y;
basic *getRight()
return right;
void setRight(basic *newRight)
right = newRight;
basic *getDown()
return down;
void setDown(basic *newDown)
down = newDown;
void print()
cout << "X: " << x << ", Y: " << y << ", word: " << word << ".\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile);
sparseMatrix<basic> *readFile(string pathToFile);
int main()
cout << "Working:\n\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> *workingMatrix = readFile("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt");
cout << "After returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "Not working:\n\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> brokenMatrix = readFileBROKEN("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt");
cout << "After returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
delete workingMatrix;
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile)
ifstream inputFile;;
if (
cout << "Couldn't open " << pathToFile << "!\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> matrix(100, 100);
while (!inputFile.eof())
int x, y;
string word;
inputFile >> x >> y >> word;
basic data(x, y, word);
cout << "Before returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "press ENTER to return\n";
return matrix;
sparseMatrix<basic> *readFile(string pathToFile)
ifstream inputFile;;
if (
cout << "Couldn't open " << pathToFile << "!\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> *matrix = new sparseMatrix<basic>(100, 100);
while (!inputFile.eof())
int x, y;
string word;
inputFile >> x >> y >> word;
basic data(x, y, word);
cout << "Before returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "press ENTER to return\n";
return matrix;
and here is sparseMatrix.h:
template <class dataType>
class sparseMatrix
//The dimensions of the sparse matrix.
int width;
int height;
//Dynamic array of pointers to heads of linked lists.
dataType** xArray;
dataType** yArray;
//Constructor. Sets everything in the two arrays to nullptr.
sparseMatrix(int height, int width)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
xArray = new dataType*[width];
yArray = new dataType*[height];
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
this->yArray[row] = nullptr;
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
this->xArray[col] = nullptr;
//Deconstructor. First goes through the matrix and looks for every city it can find, and deletes
//all of those. Then when it's done, it deletes the two dynamic arrays.
dataType *currentdataType;
dataType *next;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
currentdataType = yArray[row];
while (currentdataType != nullptr)
next = currentdataType->getRight();
delete currentdataType;
currentdataType = next;
delete [] yArray;
delete [] xArray;
//Creates a copy of the data we are passed, then creates links to this copy.
void insert(dataType data)
//Make sure the data is valid.
if (data.getX() < 0 || data.getX() >= width || data.getY() < 0 || data.getY() >= height)
std::cout << "That dataType doesn't fit into the sparse matrix!\n";
//Copy the data we were passed.
dataType *newData = new dataType(data);
//Easy case. If nothing is in this row, set yArray[row] to the address of this data.
if (yArray[data.getY()] == nullptr)
yArray[data.getY()] = newData;
//Not so easy case. Move forward (right) until we find the right location, then set links.
dataType *current = yArray[data.getY()];
while (current->getRight() != nullptr)
current = current->getRight();
//Easy case. If nothing is in this col, set xArray[col] to the address of this data.
if (xArray[data.getX()] == nullptr)
xArray[data.getX()] = newData;
//Not so easy case. Move forward (down) until we find the right location, then set links.
dataType *current = xArray[data.getX()];
while (current->getDown() != nullptr)
current = current->getDown();
void printyArray()
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
if (yArray[r] != nullptr)
std::cout << r << ' ';
readFile reads everything in from a file that looks like this:
0 0 hello
5 2 world
6 8 foo
9 5 bar
As expected, before returning, the only locations that are NOT nullptr are the ones that I have inserted into. (0, 2, 8 and 5). However when the function returns, EVERY SINGLE location in the array is not nullptr. I added a second function which returns a pointer to dynamically allocated sparseMatrix object, rather then returning the object itself, and this fixed it. However, I don't understand why. It seems like these two functions should behave identically the same way.
Also, the part that is most confusing to me, why does this run perfectly fine in Xcode, but not in Visual Studio?
tomse's answer is correct and gives the why and a fix, but it's an unnecessarily expensive fix for this problem. His suggestion of the copy constructor also solves numerous future problems such as the classics Why did my vector eat my data? and Dude, where's my segfault? Make the copy constructor. Don't use it unless you have to.
I think Andras Fekete got the problem right, but his post is kind of garbled. His solution is bang on, though.
Define your function like this:
bool readFile(string pathToFile, sparseMatrix<basic> & matrix)
Remove the definition of matrix inside the function in favour of the one passed in.
Return false on error so you know the matrix is bad (or use exceptions).
Create the matrix in the calling function and pass it into the revised reader function.
sparseMatrix<basic> matrix(100, 100);
if readFile("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt", matrix);
That puts you right back where you were with the pointer version, but without the pointer and without having to do the extra work of copying data you didn't need to copy.
Your function:
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile)
returns a copy of the object (which is OK), but sparseMatrix does not define a copy constructor, so the default generated will be used which creates a shallow copy by just copying the adresses inside the returned object.
But the memory where the address points to is deleted when you leave your function (because the destructor of the locally created object is called).
To solve this you have to define your own copy contructor in sparseMatrix which copies all the content of the object.
sparseMatrix(const sparseMatrix& rhs) :
... and now copy all the content from rhs.xArray to this->xArray,
(same for yArray)
The problem is that you're allocating 'matrix' inside both of the readFile functions. Upon returning from the function, both variables are deallocated. However, returning the value (eradFile) the matrix is copied into your variable of the calling function, whereas returning the pointer (readFileBROKEN) is just returning the address where the matrix used to be stored.
To fix this, you should allocate the 'matrix' variable, and pass in a reference to the function. Then the function can return a void while stuffing the matrix properly.

Such a thing as C++ design pattern to avoid pointers?

I have a class hierarchy as shown in the example below, where a State contains a list of ZipCodes and a list of Citys, each of which contain pointers to the ZipCodes.
The goal is to be able to update the ZipCodes without needing to update Citys (or to create new instances of City).
The C++ code below meets this requirement, but it uses pointers, which I prefer to avoid because of this and that. How can I re-design this [naive] implementation so that it doesn't rely on pointers? Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Updated code below to use boost::shared_ptr instead of raw pointers. Note that State, City, and ZipCode are just example names, and they turned out to be poor choice names (I could've picked "A", "B", and "C") because the actual code allows the equivalent of City to share ZipCodes.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
using namespace std;
* Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code
class ZipCode {
ZipCode() : code_(0), plus4_(0) {}
ZipCode(int code, int plus4 = 0) : code_(code), plus4_(plus4) {}
virtual ~ZipCode() {};
int code() const { return code_; }
int plus4() const { return plus4_; }
void set_code(int code) { code_ = code; }
void set_plus4(int plus4) { plus4_ = plus4; }
int code_;
int plus4_;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ZipCode> ZipPtr;
* City points to one or more zip codes
class City {
const vector<ZipPtr>& zip() const { return zip_; }
void add_zip_ptr(const ZipPtr x) { if (x != NULL) zip_.push_back(x); }
// TODO: this vector should be a hash set
vector<ZipPtr> zip_;
* State contains cities, each of which has pointers to
* zip codes within the state.
class State {
const vector<City>& city() const { return city_; }
const vector<ZipPtr>& zip() const { return zip_; }
const ZipPtr zip_of(int code) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_.size(); i++) {
if (zip_[i]->code() == code) {
return zip_[i];
return ZipPtr();
void add_city(const City& x) { city_.push_back(x); }
void add_zip(int code) { zip_.push_back(ZipPtr(new ZipCode(code))); }
// TODO: these vectors should be hash sets
vector<City> city_;
vector<ZipPtr> zip_;
int main() {
State texas;
City dallas, houston;
// create state ZIPs
// point city ZIPs to the ones we just created
// print all ZIPs
cout << "ZIPs in Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr>& zips =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zips.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zips[i]->code() << endl;
cout << "ZIPs in Dallas, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs1 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs1.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs1[i]->code() << endl;
cout << "ZIPs in Houston, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs2 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs2.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs2[i]->code() << endl;
// change a state ZIP...
cout << "Changing Houston's ZIP 77220..." << endl;
ZipPtr z = texas.zip_of(77220);
if (z != NULL) z->set_code(88888);
// ...and show the ZIPs of the affected city
cout << "ZIPs in Houston, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs3 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs3.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs3[i]->code() << endl;
return 0;
I see the situation as two 1:n relationships
State : City == 1 : n
City : Zipcode
== 1 : n
Based on that, I think that the State containing
vector<ZipCode> zip_;
is not sound.
I might do
class State {
vector< City > cities_in_state_;
class City {
vector< Zipcode > zips_in_city_;
This does not require pointers.
Unless you want to duplicate your ZipCode objects, you fall into this category of usage (described in your first link):
The Bar instance is actually managed
by some other part of your program,
whereas the Foo class just needs to be
able to access it.
It seems like a legit use.
However, you might want to consider the copy option (to permanently avoid problems if the vector has to reallocate its data) or make State aggregate ZipCodes from its Cities instead of distributing them ZipCodes.
The copy simply implies that you stop using pointers in City. Aggregating the ZipCodes means that instead of giving State a list of ZipCodes, you would give City the list of ZipCode instances, and when calling zip_of, you would iterate through the cities and iterate through their ZipCode collection.