Getting 404 errors in IIS 7.0 - web-services

I set up a website in IIS 7.0 the same way I have done it many times elsewhere, but keep getting 404 errors externally. Internally, everything loads fine. I have tried to set up logging, but nothing goes through and it may very well be because I am less familiar with how the logging works or where to look for it. I can see the IIS page when typing in the host, but anything past that will return 404.
I have very limited knowledge on the subject and any articles I find have too much jargon. Does anyone have any ideas on what or where I can look?
I found the error: iis 7.5 Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 404
But I have the WebDAV Publishing role turned off.


Nuxtjs fails to load some modern.js files in UK

I'm facing a very strange issue with nuxt 2.15.8 during production and specifically users who opens the site from UK. The main issue is that images are not hydrating, so after investigation the only thing I could notice in the console is this error
There are like 4 or 5 similar errors to this one. I can't ever replicate the issue locally and It never happens unless the user is opening the site from UK. I can replicate it in production by turning on a VPN in UK and open the site in incognito mode.
Any ideas that might fix the issue? The site is deployed on GoogleCloud and cloudflare.

Djang-allauth signup issue on Heroku

before I get any deeper I’d just like to ask if any of you have experienced this issue.
When in local environment logging and signing up redirection work fine.
After deploying to Heroku, logging is fine but after signing up, redirection is not working and I’m getting Server Error 500.
Unfortunately, Heroku logs don’t give me any closer description why it is so.
It is just suspicious that locally is everything fine.
Is there any known issue I should be aware of? I haven’t found anything online and already spent days digging.
Many thanks for any help.

ColdFusion Site Keeps Crashing Every Day

I have a Windows Server 2008 with IIS 6. There are 5 ColdFusion 9 sites running on the server. There are 2 specific sites that keep crashing every day and I am not able to track down the cause of the crash. The site simply stops responding to any requests. At the time of crash the SQL server looks good (no deadlocks found).
In order to bring the site back online I just need to restart the ColdFusion server or IIS services. ColdFusion logs look good and there is no error found in the IIS logs of the site. There is enough space on the 'C' drive so that the logs can grow.
What else am I missing? Please help me to find the cause of crash.
If you are using apache server there might be location that was missing or wrongly declared. try to see the config or log files. if you are using IIS then there might be a connector problem. Try to create a new application pool

External request limit on IIS

I have deployed django application on IIS. The application requests external link (API) to extract some data.
What I have seen is, it makes requests but fails to complete full request. It goes for about 4 request sometimes it goes further 9 requests and stops there. No sign of error is shown.
While I perform same task from django shell, all requests are made. So I guess this is something related to IIS.
I am new to IIS and windows server app deployment.
I tried googling about this but I could not find any relevant answer.
Did anyone of you here faced similar problem? If so what can be the solution. Also can you guide me on this?

django with mongodb giving a 504 Gateway time-out

So, I am writing a django-mongo app, using mongo for storing files as well, and using the python files mongoforms and mongoengine. Things were going well for a while, but just recently I have started to get 504 errors. I am using nginx -> apache (mod_wsgi) for non-static files.
Other (non-mongo) django apps on the same server are working, as are static html pages served up by ngnix. Also, if I turn off mongodb entirely, I get the normal django debug=True error page, so when mongo is just turned off it seems that nginx, apache, and django are all able to function.
However, with mongo in the picture I am now unable to get a response. I am able to use the command line interface to mongo, and although I'm only using the 32b version, it says that I'm only using 0.0625GB for the database in question.
So, I realize this isn't enough information to figure out what my problem is, but that's more or less what I'm looking for: where do I look next? I can connect to mongo, but not via django, although I used to be able to. I've tried commenting out virtually the entire django view, just leaving the index call which is not even asking for anything from mongo, so what I'm looking for is where do I look next? Are there any debugging techniques for mongo where I can figure out why it's taking so long to respond to django? Any other ways to debug this?
I don't expect anyone to miraculously solve my problem here but telling me what info to look for next would help as I don't have much experience debugging the django-mongo connection. It worked at one time but it has stopped working and I'm not sure where to look.