Basics of GetTokenInformation - c++

I've been trying to get this call to cooperate, but to no success.
I'm trying to get the SID value for the current user in order to get the User's account rights (using LsaEnumerateAccountRights). Although I'm lost as to why My call to GetTokenInformation is returning false. No error in retrieving the process token.
Here is my work so far on the subject:
HANDLE h_Process;
HANDLE h_Token;
HANDLE h_retToken;
DWORD cb = sizeof(TOKEN_USER);
DWORD dw_TokenLength;
h_Process = GetCurrentProcess();
if (OpenProcessToken(h_Process, TOKEN_READ, &h_Token) == FALSE)
printf("Error: Couldn't open the process token\n");
return -1;
if (GetTokenInformation(h_Token, TokenUser, &tp, cb, &dw_TokenLength) == FALSE)
printf("Error: Could not retrieve Token User information");
return -1;
And along with it, I might as well ask a follow up question that I have not yet encountered, how to retrieve the SID from the formed TOKEN_USER structure?
I apologize ahead of time for such a simple question, I'm just stumped and would like some help to continue. All the questions related to this one are far more complicated and give little insight to my current problem.
Thanks in advance,

According to the documentation For GetTokenInformation, if the function fails you can retrieve more information via a call to GetLastError.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
So you need to implement some checking for the extended error:
if (!GetTokenInformation(h_Token, TokenUser, &tp, cb, &dw_TokenLength))
int lastError = GetLastError();
// Should be a switch, of course. Omitted for brevity
As a general rule of thumb when using WinAPI functions that have varying buffer requirements, you typically
Call the function with a NULL buffer to determine the buffer size needed (in this case, returned in the ReturnLength parameter)
Allocate a buffer of the indicated size
Call the function again, passing the allocated buffer, to obtain the information

The first thing to understand is that Win32 UM (user mode) APIs that result into system calls generally require that you provide the buffer up front. This has to do with the fact that the kernel can access UM heap allocations, and UM cannot access KM allocations.
These calls typically follow a convention where you call once to get the required buffer size, and then call again with an allocated buffer that is large enough. It is even better though if you can create a reasonably sized buffer upfront. System calls can be expensive because of the context switching that it causes, so going from 2 calls to 1 can be a big performance improvement if it is a hot path.
Here is a sample of what you need. This has a loop that will try forever, but it is also common to just try twice. If the needed buffer is <= 128, it will only call once.
DWORD bytesReturned = 128;
LPVOID tokenUser = nullptr;
auto cleanup = ScopeExit([&]()
for (;;) {
tokenUser = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, bytesReturned);
if (!GetTokenInformation(token.get(), TokenUser, &tokenUser, bytesReturned, &bytesReturned))
tokenUser = nullptr;
The other big problem with your code is that you are passing in a reference to TOKEN_USER tp. The API actually just takes a PVOID. The SID's buffer will just be in tokenUser's buffer. You will need to cast it to a TOKEN_USER* to correctly access the memory.


Reading Memory from Another Process in C++ | Copilot's Solution

As the title suggests, I am trying to read memory from another process in C++ in order to check if the values from the other process reach a certain level. Since I don't know anything about this, I decided to consult GitHub Copilot for help. On a normal basis, I would search the docs, but Github seems to disagree. Since I have access to GitHub Copilot, and since the front page advertisement clearly encourages users to trust Copilot's programming ability, I chose to let Copilot make this function.
So I gave it a prompt in the form of a comment: //A function that can grab an address from the memory of another process and store it as a double value
What it gave me seemed pretty good, but I will never take a function that copilot makes and blindly use it unless I know for sure it will work (because I don't trust that everything Copilot makes is never going to cause issues, especially when dealing with pointers and such). I wanted to see if someone who had experience with memory in C++ could tell me if this function will work and why it would or wouldn't work as I know nothing about getting memory from another process.
There are three main reasons why I am not just searching the docs anyway despite GitHub's statement:
Since this is a complicated and real-world use case, this will really test Copilot's programming ability and it will give me insight into how much I can trust Copilot in the future for stuff I don't know how to do (Obviously I wouldn't let this get out of hand, but it would be good to know I can trust Copilot a little more than I do right now).
Searching the docs anyways despite the statement that GitHub made on their website is quite the opposite of what Copilot is supposed to help users with, and while I understand that it's a public beta and it's not complete yet, it should at least be good enough for real-world use cases rather than simple coding cases. An answer from someone experienced will really show if it is good enough for real-world coding cases.
The docs only tell me what a function does and what to put as its parameters, it doesn't tell me how to use it. If I really wanted to know how to use it, I would have to search the web. Searching the web will most likely get me complicated examples that don't pertain to my issue and defer me from what I am actually trying to accomplish. Not only that, but it is the opposite of what Copilot is supposed to help users with, as stated in reason #2.
Here is the code that Copilot generated for me:
DWORD GetAddress(DWORD dwProcessId, LPCWSTR szModuleName, const char* szProcName)
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwProcessId);
if (hProcess == NULL)
return 0;
GetModuleInformation(hProcess, GetModuleHandle(szModuleName), &modinfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO));
DWORD dwAddress = (DWORD)modinfo.lpBaseOfDll;
DWORD dwSize = (DWORD)modinfo.SizeOfImage;
while (dwSize > 0)
VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddress, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT && !(mbi.Protect & PAGE_GUARD) && mbi.Protect & PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
DWORD dwOldProtect;
VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddress, mbi.RegionSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect);
char* szBuffer = new char[mbi.RegionSize];
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddress, szBuffer, mbi.RegionSize, NULL);
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < mbi.RegionSize - 4; dwIndex++)
if (szBuffer[dwIndex] == '\x55' && szBuffer[dwIndex + 1] == '\x8B' && szBuffer[dwIndex + 2] == 'E' && szBuffer[dwIndex + 3] == 'A')
DWORD dwAddress2 = dwAddress + dwIndex + 7;
DWORD dwAddress3 = dwAddress2 + *(DWORD*)(dwAddress2);
if (strcmp((char*)dwAddress3, szProcName) == 0)
delete[] szBuffer;
return dwAddress2 + 4;
delete[] szBuffer;
VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddress, mbi.RegionSize, dwOldProtect, &dwOldProtect);
dwAddress += mbi.RegionSize;
dwSize -= mbi.RegionSize;
return 0;
You may point out an immediately noticeable error: The function returns DWORD rather than double, which is what I asked Copilot to return. I saw that error but from examples that I have seen (Yes, I have done at least some searching), returning DWORD works as well. I could have seen those examples wrong, and if I am correct me.
The function returns double but it only returns the value that is stored in the memory, not actually double-typed data. If you do a casting to double, you get back your original data.
You can't search in memory with anything other than a byte pointer on 64-bit systems:
There are different ways to search for a string in memory, depending on what you are looking for:
(Read more here:
Memory Scraper
This program uses several techniques to obtain information from processes and memory as it runs so that it can be added to the evidence file when Cofactor terminates the target process (by default) or when you terminate the program manually (with CTRL+C).
This code was mostly cobbled together from various examples at and, with some heavy modifications made to get the output in a useful format.
The process memory usage is checked continuously and added to the log file when it changes. This is done by getting a pointer to the process' memory region, then checking all of its pages as they are referenced. When they are changed, the contents of that page will be read and added to the log file as evidence. If a process goes in and out of sleep mode or is stopped for some other reason, this program will detect that and add it to the log file accordingly.
The current DLLs loaded by processes are recorded every 5 seconds so that if a DLL gets loaded after Cofactor terminates its target, it will still be included in the log file as evidence. A process is also checked every 5 seconds for new threads being spawned so that child processes are also included in our evidence files.
We could extend this program by having it check for two modules:
1) A module containing functions that correspond to debug breakpoints (which would detect whether a debugger was attached).
2) A module containing crash signatures - integers that would trigger an alert if they were found written to memory in any of our processes (like stack smashing protections might provide).
In order to do this without complicating things too much, I'd probably use CreateRemoteThread with an address within each module to continue execution from that thread into your own code where you can check for the breakpoint or crash signature and act accordingly.
If you need to debug a process and can't get it to stop for any reason, this program will still be able to grab the process memory at any time so that you can search for whatever you need.
You'll have to do some extra work in order to use the log file that is created, like parsing it with a parser of your choice and searching it (using regexes or something) which I assume is outside of the scope of what Copilot is designed to do.
If you end up using this program, please let me know! I'm curious to see how many people find this program useful.
Interesting Techniques I Learned From Other Programs
Finding DLLs Loaded by a Process
The C++ code below uses the Windows API GetModuleFileNameW() to get the full path of loaded DLLs and parses it with split() to extract just the filename and not the whole path. The rest of that code just tries to avoid duplicates while being simple enough that it doesn't get too confused between different processes and file system cases (hopefully).
// Code Example: Finding DLLs Loaded by a Process
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#define BUFF_SIZE 200
// Find the full path to a loaded DLL by process ID (PID) and its filename (first 8 characters)
void GetModuleFileNameEx(int pid, const char* szName, char* buff, int buffSize)
if (hProcess == NULL) { return; }
HMODULE hMods[1024];
DWORD cbNeeded;
if (!EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hMods, sizeof(hMods), &cbNeeded)) { return; }
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(cbNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE)); i++) {
if (!GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hMods[i], szModName, sizeof(szModName))) { continue; }
strcat_s((char*)buff, buffSize - 1 , (char*)szModName);
// Check if the first 8 characters of the filename in the process matches
// with what we are looking for and avoid adding duplicates
char* chPtr = strchr((char*)buff, '\\');
if (chPtr != NULL) {
*chPtr = 0;
strcat_s((char*)buff, buffSize - 1 , "\\");
strcat_s((char*)buff, buffSize - 1 , szName);
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); return; }
} else { break; }
int main() {
char szDllName[8]; // Maximum length of a module name is MAXPATH - 1 bytes including the NULL terminator. However we only need 8 characters to store the DLL name so use this limit to save memory.
int pid; scanf("%d", &pid);
if (pid == 0) { return 0; }
char buff[BUFF_SIZE];
GetModuleFileNameEx(pid, szDllName, buff, BUFF_SIZE);
char* chPtr = strchr(buff, '\\');
// Change the path separator character to a null terminator so we can split it
if (chPtr != NULL) { *chPtr = 0; }
chPtr = strtok(buff, "\\");
while (chPtr != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", chPtr);
chPtr = strtok(NULL, "\\");
return 0;

Direct data into non existing array

I want to find the number of running processes using EnumProcesses function from psapi library. The function requieres an array that will receive the list of process identifiers. It also writes the total number of bytes of found data into a given variable. I didn't want the process list, just their number. I did the following.
DWORD listSize;
EnumProcesses( &a, 1000*sizeof(DWORD), &listSize ) ;
This writes the real number of processes into listSize however the program stops working after that. I was wondering if there is a way to immediately send the retrieved data into oblivion and just get the number of it.
Not possible. However providing a big enough array isn't really much of an issue on modern systems.
I recommend writing a helper function that wraps this all away for you with a dynamically sized container, so you can handle cases where more processes exist than your original array can hold:
DWORD GetNumberOfProcesses()
std::vector<DWORD> processes;
DWORD size = 0;
DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
while (bytesReturned == size)
size += 1024 * sizeof(DWORD);
processes.resize(size / sizeof(DWORD));
if (!EnumProcesses(, size, &bytesReturned))
return -1;
return bytesReturned / sizeof(DWORD);

How to Change Access Permissions of a Running Task (c)

I want to change the permissions of a memory segment at run time (the memory section contains a function that I want to change its code at run time).
My first thought was to change the permissions to write - read, make the changes, return the permissions to execute only.
The thing is that I need to get the base address of my page, not the address of my function and only then I can tweak the permissions.
Here is the code, where I tried to execute it:
void encrypt_function()
PBYTE start_addr = (PBYTE)&function_to_hide1; // get location of function (can get some time jmp stub instead of actual function - need to find better approach).
DWORD size = (UINT_PTR)&empty_staub - (UINT_PTR)&function_to_hide1;
// try to get the base address of my function page - failed
VirtualQuery(start_addr, &lpBuffer, size);
DWORD old_flags = 0;
if (!VirtualProtect(start_addr, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old_flags)) // ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS - it's not the base address
printf("went rung %d", GetLastError());
}// make function page read write execute permission
// can't be done - i dont have permission
for (DWORD i = 0; i < size; i++)
start_addr[i] ^= 0x55;
VirtualProtect(start_addr, size, old_flags, NULL);
For some reason, I cannot get the base address (the linker will not compile this code for some reason).
Does anyone know a better way to do this (modify permissions and perform function modification)?
To get the base address of the page in which your function resides you can use VirtualQuery(), then you pass mbi.BaseAddress to the VirtualProtect() call.
VirtualQuery(start_addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
DWORD oldprotect;
VirtualProtect(mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.RegionSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
As was discussed in the comments you should use VirtualAlloc() to get a new memory space and decrypt your function there,and do a simple detour to jump to it rather than doing the decryption in place.

C++ memory allocation for windows

So I'm reading Windows via c/c++ fifth edition which was released before c11 so lacks some of the newer data types and methods, but was touted to be a great book on Windows.
I am just learning Windows development and c++ and when I posted questions related to file operations with code samples from the book, I got feedback that allocating buffers with the malloc function is not a good practice anymore as it requires freeing up the memroy. I should use vectors or strings instead.
That is ok. But what is the case with Windows's own data types? Here is a code sample from the book:
//initialization omitted
BOOL bResult = GetLogicalProcessorInformation(pBuffer, &dwSize);
_tprintf(TEXT("Impossible to get processor information\n"));
bResult = GetLogicalProcessorInformation(pBuffer, &dwSize);
Is there a better solution for this type of query than using malloc to allocate the proper amount of memory?
Or is declaring a vector of type PROCESOR INFORMATION STRUCTRUE the way to go?
The win32 api is sometimes a pain to use, but you could allways use the raw bytes in a std::vector<char> as a SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION:
std::vector<char> buffer(sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION));
size_t buffersize = buffer.size();
BOOL bResult = GetLogicalProcessorInformation(ptr, &buffersize);
bResult = GetLogicalProcessorInformation(ptr, &buffersize);
Just be avare that the value of &(buffer[0]) may change after buffer.resize(...);
Other than that, I normally don't use the win32 api, so any bugs concerning how to call win32, you have to fix yourself
Take a look at the MSDN documentation and you will see that buffer should be "A pointer to a buffer that receives an array of SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION structures. If the function fails, the contents of this buffer are undefined." So Zdeslav Vojkovic's answer will not work here (as Raymond Chen has pointed out). You could use std::vector<SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION> in this case and then just call 'resize' with dwSize / sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION) as the argument. This would look something like:
std::vector<SLPI> slpi;
DWORD dwSize = 0;
if (!GetLogicalProcessorInformation(, &dwSize))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { /* error handling */ }
// Not really necessary, but good to make sure
assert(dwSize % sizeof(SLPI) == 0);
slpi.resize(dwSize / sizeof(SLPI));
if (!GetLogicalProcessorInformation(, &dwSize)) { /* error handling */ }
Personally, I'd prefer to wrap the above into a function and just return slpi so you don't need to go through this entire shenanigans every time you wish to make a call to GetLogicalProcessorInformation.

FMOD Ex Memory Allocation Issue

I have a certain problem when using FmodEx. I've searched thoroughly over the net to see if someone had my same problem but I didn't find anything related to it.
I made a class that loads and plays my sounds, in this case, streams. Here is my code:
//Create system object//
m_Result = FMOD::System_Create(&m_pSystem);
//Check FMOD version//
m_Result = m_pSystem->getVersion(&m_FmodVersion);
if(m_FmodVersion < FMOD_VERSION)
MessageBox(NULL, FMOD_ErrorString(m_Result), "FMOD Version Error", MB_OK);
//Check if hardware acceleration is disabled//
m_pSystem->getDriverCaps(0, &m_Caps, 0, &m_SpeakerMode);
MessageBox(NULL, FMOD_ErrorString(m_Result), "FMOD Acceleration Error", MB_OK);
//Initialize system object//
m_Result = m_pSystem->init(2, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);
m_pChannel = 0;
m_IsLoaded = false;
void Audio::LoadMusic(char *filename)
m_Result = m_pSystem->createStream(filename, FMOD_CREATESTREAM, 0, &m_pSound);
void Audio::Play()
m_Result = m_pSystem->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, m_pSound, false, &m_pChannel);
After this I just do:
The sound plays no problem. The problem happens when loading the stream. The memory used keeps increasing all the time and it won't stop. I'm guessing that this happens because the small buffer it's using to read the mp3 stream is not beeing freed, thus, it looks for the next available piece of free memory in the RAM, thus the memory usage of the program doesn't stop increasing.
I thought that maybe using the "release" method after each play would work, but then I noticed that release frees ALL the memory in the sound instance.
Could anyone give me some pointers on to what I'm doing wrong here? How do I prevent this?
I'm not sure if I have made it clear enough or not.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Each time you call pAudio->LoadMusic you will allocate (leak) more memory because you are creating a new FMOD::Sound instance (which as you indicate has its own stream buffer). If you simply want to play the sound again, just call pAudio->Play and the stream will restart.
If you are concerned about FMOD memory usage you can call Memory_GetStats to monitor it, just in case I have miss-understood your usage and something else is causing the leak.