Navigate to "next" and "previous" Item - ember.js

I hava a slightly complicated data model.
The main model is a betround in which several people can bet on sport events. Within every betround everyone bets on multiple games (maybe 1 game day). Now I want to build a stats screen which shows all bets grouped by games. But I only want to show the bets for one game at a time and then via next / previous buttons navigate to the bets for the next game within the betround.
I am currently trying to achieve this with queryparams. ( Filter with query parameter based on related model).
But the next question will be how to navigate to the next game. Maybe query params are not even the best approach, maybe I should have went for a grouping or something. Anyways, I have no idea how to navigate / paginate around within one betround. My statsscreen might be active on game 30. And within my Betround there are only game 28, 30 and 31. I would need to create a Array only with the games, sort them by date and then locate the "current" game. And then determine the next and previous within my collection.
How could I tackle this kind of thing?


Graphene-Django possible to filter a set?

newly working with GraphQl and wondering is it possible to filter a set in a query? I'm still new to database design as well so could be an issue there.
So I run the below query, managerGwPicks has a field player with is a player object containig their name etc.
This player object contains a set of all the weeks they have played which is a separate table in my database.
So as can be seen in the above image when I display the set it shows all the gameweek data whereas ideally I would like it filtered by the gameweek:21 parameter passed to the managerGwPicks query.
I'm not sure it should be possible as there is no direct link between the managerGwPicks and playergwstats tables but I'd like to be sure that my thinking is correct.
My solution for my front end would be to have two queries, one similar to what I have getting the player information and a second query using the player id and gameweek to query playergwstats to get the player stats for the individual week. Does this sound like a reasonable approach?
It's preferable to avoid query patterns where you have to do multiple back-and-forths between the client and the server. If you can imagine making the link on the client then you can do it directly on the server. If you can go from a managerId and gameweek to a list of players and you can go from players to playergwstats then you can create a join that goes from your two parameters to all the relevant players.
I've covered patterns like this in a series of posts on GraphQL for SQL Developers - look at the join that's used to go from a booking reference to a series of tickets and flights.

How can I loop only the page records from the selected one to the latest?

I'm trying to loop all records displayed in a page, from the selected one to the end of the rows:
For example here, as I'm selecting only the 5th row it will loop through 5th and 6th row (as there are no more rows below)
What I've been trying is this:
ProdOrderLine := Rec;
UNTIL ProdOrderLine.NEXT = 0;
But it will loop through all records in the table which are not even displayed in the page...
How can I loop only the page records from the selected one to the latest?
Try Copy instead of assignment. Assignment only copies values of there field from one instance of record-variable to another, it died not copy filters or keys (sort order).
Alas, I have to mention that this is uncommon scenario to handle records like this in BC. General best practice approach would be to ask user to select all the records he or she needs with the shift+click, ctrl+click or by dragging the mouse. In that case you will use SetSelectionFiler to instantly grab ask the selected records.
This is how it works across the system and this how user should be taught to work. It is a bad idea to add a way to interact with record that only works in one page in the whole system even if users are asking for it bursting into tears. They probably just had this type of interaction in some other system they worked with before. I know this is a tough fight but it worth it. It is for the sake of stability (less coding = less bugs) and predictability (a certain way of interaction works across all the pages) of the system.

Kendo datasource and templates, specifically for Scheduler widget

I've noticed that the scheduler widget does things a bit differently from other widgets. In fact, I read in the documentation that the DS is a different one:
Anyways, on to my two questions.
when i was doing a template for the day cells, i noticed that if i used value called 'date' it would automatically use the correct date value for that day cell. But i never created this date variable, not did i include it in my datasource. So where did it come from? if its provided through framework, what other values similar to this one are available to me? where can i find some documentation on this?
For kendo widgets, when you apply a datasource and a template, it automatically maps each datasource item to one item in the widget (e.g. one row in the grid, one item in the list view etc.). its a one to one correlation. But this is not the case for the scheduler datasource since, like i stated above, it is a different type of datasource (its a schedulerdatasource). The scheduler datasource mandates that each item in the datasource have a start date and an end date so it can map it to the corresponding cell. hence, this destroys the one-to-one relationship of datasource item to day [template]. How can i revert to the behavior of the datasource with other widgets? do i have to somehow configure it to overwrite the schedulerdatasource to the original datasource? i want to preserve the correlation behavior of 1-to-1 between my datasource and my day template.
just to give a generic example of what i am trying to accomplish with this, imagine that instead of doing entrys with time slots, i want to instead have my scheduler display daily summaries of how many hours i worked out, how many calories i ate, amount of hours i slept etc. But i do not want to associate those amounts with hours in the day.
Sorry that was technically more than two questions.
But thanks in advance!
Straight to your questions:
The options available in the eventTemplate are listed in the documentation.
The SchedulerDataSource does one thing more than the regular DataSource - it expands recurring events. This means that for one event which says repeats two days the SchedulerDataSource creates two data items - one for each day. If you don't have any recurring events then you would have the one-to-one mapping. The scheduler can only be bound to a SchedulerDataSource instance (it will throw an exception otherwise).
It looks that the scheduler may not be the widget you are looking for. If you just want to display a list of items the ListView or Grid widgets may be a better fit.

variable date option in opencart

1st I want to remove text field for date so the calendar will replace it.
2nd I want to make the status order.. I want to sell the service, so I need to make booking order by calendar. If the date is green client can make an order. If red the client can't book an order. If yellow there certain items can be ordered.
I hope someone can help..
You have to try something at least and ask only for advice then.
Anyway, few suggestions:
it cannot be done using that option field of type date, at least not with the default datepicker.
You will need to create Your own datepicker component that will search for free/partialy/fully ordered days in the database and color the table cells accordingly.
It is not very wise to hide the input - by this visible user could anytime check what date did he pick - if it is not visible he would need to always open the datepicker to check for it...
Disallowing to order some service based on some reservations is highly decreasing Your conversion rate - thus decreasing Your income. I would definitely go the way let the user buy/order anything at anytime while having separate reservation system. If user buys a service at thank You page I would recommend him to book a concrete date for the service to be drawn. Here You do not need to fight with product options which are meant totally for something different that You are trying to.
Keep that in mind (mainly the 4th point) and re-think Your problem.

Designing MySQL table for Achievements system

I am creating a database for an achievement system (like something you would see in a Blizzard game). I would like to have a GUI that displays the current progress of all achievements in the game which means I will need to query the progress of all achievements for a user in order to populate the GUI. I plan on having somewhere around 100 achievements.
This brings about a design question. What is the best way to design the database and querying code to query the progress of ~100 bit fields?
It seems like the brute force method would be to get the entire row of achievements and then for each field in the row do some hardcoded string comparison to determine which achievement we are dealing with.
Another possible solution may be to have a big switch statement based on the column index of the table and handle each achievement for each case (requires not modifying the table or you have to refactor a lot of C++ code).
I'm curious to hear any other designs you guys may have for this.
I suggest building a solution using 3 tables. These tables are users, achievements and user_achievements. A user would be identified with a u_id in the users table. An achievement would be identified with a a_id in the achievements table. You would then keep track of users achievements by inserting a row in the user_achievements table that includes a u_id to identify the user and a a_id to identify the achievement. The user_achievements table would also contain a column that would specify the % completion of that achievement for the given user.
Came across this question and even though it's 5 years old, perhaps someone would be interested in following approach.
Achievements are usually broken down to numbers (the rest, like Name, Description of each achievement can be put to site/app core to avoid bloating the DB).
lets be simple, we are not FB and don't need separate table for them, so in "users" table we add just 1 single column: "Achievements" it is a varchar(50). Number in brackets (50) will depend on your actual needs to this column (i.e. how much data it stores).
so you end up having in each cell of the Achievements column a numerical sequence: 10982039482084109384
Read this line of digits as follows, from left to right: user has reached "1098 profile views", received "2039 likes", etc. Optionally, add a separator for easier distinction + to instantly handle cases when as first user had 25 likes, then 125, then 2039 (2 digits, 3 digits, 4 digits - or another alternative is to use 0025 then 0125 then 2039 given you know max digits is 4 per achievement). But still lets say we decide to use separators, i.e. a comma:
Then once you need a data, just SELECT achievements belonging to specific userID and subsequently (if you added a separator)
explode (',', $array)
then your site php core knows that first 4 digits stand for "profile views" and lets say this means that he has a level 10 badge for profile views (1 badge for 100 views).
Thereon, you can easily do operations with no further need for SQL queries. Example, user wants to know his progress on achieving a level 20 badge, you display: he has a 1098/2000 (or 55%) progress.
At that, achievement Description, Name, level information is stored in site core, while percentage is calculated on the go.
Hope the logic is clear and may be useful to any1 in community out there.