using a bytes field as proxy for arbitrary messages - c++

Hello nano developers,
I'd like to realize the following proto:
message container {
enum MessageType {
evt_resultStatus = 1;
required MessageType mt = 1;
optional bytes cmd_evt_transfer = 2;
message evt_resultStatus {
required int32 operationMode = 1;
The dots denote, there are more messages with (multiple) primitive containing datatypes to come. The enum will grow likewise, just wanted to keep it short.
The container gets generated as:
typedef struct _container {
container_MessageType mt;
pb_callback_t cmd_evt_transfer;
} container;
evt_resultStatus is:
typedef struct _evt_resultStatus {
int32_t operationMode;
} evt_resultStatus;
The field cmd_evt_transfer should act as a proxy of subsequent messages like evt_resultStatus holding primitive datatypes.
evt_resultStatus shall be encoded into bytes and be placed into the cmd_evt_transfer field.
Then the container shall get encoded and the encoding result will be used for subsequent transfers.
The background why to do so, is to shorten the proto definition and avoid the oneof thing. Unfortunately syntax version 3 is not fully supported, so we can not make use of any fields.
The first question is: will this approach be possible?
What I've got so far is the encoding including the callback which seems to behave fine. But on the other side, decoding somehow skips the callback. I've read issues here, that this happened also when using oneof and bytes fields.
Can someone please clarify on how to proceed with this?
Sample code so far I got:
bool encode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t sval, size_t* sz, char* err) {
evt_resultStatus rs = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
rs.operationMode = sval;
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/*encode container*/
container msg = container_init_zero; = container_MessageType_evt_resultStatus;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &rs;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.encode = encode_cb;
if(! pb_encode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sz = stream.bytes_written;
return true;
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
//with the below in place a stream full error rises
// if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
// return false;
// }
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
//buffer holds previously encoded data
bool decode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t* sval, size_t msg_len, char* err) {
container msg = container_init_zero;
evt_resultStatus res = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &res;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.decode = decode_cb;
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msg_len);
if(! pb_decode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sval = res.operationMode;
return true;
bool decode_cb(pb_istream_t *istream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg) {
evt_resultStatus * rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if(! pb_decode(istream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
I feel, I don't have a proper understanding of the encoding / decoding process.
Is it correct to assume:
the first call of pb_encode (in encode_msg_test) takes care of the mt field
the second call of pb_encode (in encode_cb) handles the cmd_evt_transfer field
If I do:
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
return false;
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
then I get a stream full error on the call of pb_encode.
Why is that?

Yes, the approach is reasonable. Nanopb callbacks do not care what the actual data read or written by the callback is.
As for why your decode callback is not working, you'll need to post the code you are using for decoding.
(As an aside, Any type does work in nanopb and is covered by this test case. But the type_url included in all Any messages makes them have a quite large overhead.)


MySQL Trouble transitioning from Injection to Paramterization

I have the following code here that executes a query. Originally, I used SQL Injection to return row results. Hearing I should use parametrization, I rearranged my code and read the MySQL docs on how to do so. I'm using MySQL's C library in a C++ application.
However, it's not returning the results.
I know my SQL statement is 100% fine. It has been tested. The only thing I changed was changing %d (injection) to ?, which accepts the player's ID.
This returns -1. It's a SELECT statement though, so maybe it's normal?
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
This returns 2. This is correct. I have two fields being returned.
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
This returns 0 (success)
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
Finally, this returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
I need m_result so I can read the rows. "mysql_stmt_store_result" sounds similar, but doesn't return MYSQL_RESULT.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
/// <summary>
/// Executes a query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">The query to execute.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true on success, else false.</returns>
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery_New(const char *query)
int param_count = 0;
int affected_rows = 0;
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Initialize the statement
m_stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&m_conn);
if (!m_stmt) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
return false;
// Prepare the statement
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(m_stmt, query, strlen(query))) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the parameter count from the statement
param_count = mysql_stmt_param_count(m_stmt);
if (param_count != m_bind.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL\n");
return false;
// Bind buffers
// The parameter binds are stored in std::vector<MYSQL_BIND>
// I need to convert std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind to MYSQL_BIND *bnd
MYSQL_BIND *bind = new MYSQL_BIND[m_bind.size() + 1];
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind) * m_bind.size());
for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++)
bind[i] = m_bind[i];
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(m_stmt, &bind[0]))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Execute the query
if (mysql_stmt_execute(m_stmt)) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
//if (affected_rows == -1) {
// fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
// fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
// return false;
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
// Store the result
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " failed retrieving result\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
int d = mysql_errno(&m_conn);
return false;
// This looks similar to the last above statement, but I need m_result. I used mysql_store_result earlier when using injection and it worked fine, but here in this case it returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
// Close the statement
if (mysql_stmt_close(m_stmt)) {
/* mysql_stmt_close() invalidates stmt, so call */
/* mysql_error(mysql) rather than mysql_stmt_error(stmt) */
fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Delete bind array
if (bind) {
delete[] bind;
bind = NULL;
return true;
How I'm adding an int parameter (player's id):
void SQLConnection::addParam(int buffer, enum_field_types type, unsigned long length)
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
bind.buffer = (char *)&buffer;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.is_null = 0;
bind.length = &length;
My variables and their types:
class SQLConnection
MYSQL m_conn;
MYSQL_ROW m_row;
MYSQL_RES *m_result;
char m_errorMessage[ERROR_MSG_MAX];
bool m_connected;
MYSQL_STMT *m_stmt;
std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind;
int m_fieldCount;
// ...
And finally its calling function at the end of the SQL statement:
...WHERE player_id = ?;");
conn.addParam(m_id, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0);
if (!conn.executeQuery_New(buffer)) {
return "";
// Close the connection.
std::string s = conn.getField("max_value_column_name");
The error code I get is 2014:
Just for the sake of interest, this is a prior function I used. This worked fine for injection. Using the new function above with parameterization is the one causing the issues.
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery(const char *query)
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Execute the query
int status = mysql_query(&m_conn, query);
if (status != 0) {
sprintf(m_errorMessage, "Error: %s", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Store the result
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
return true;
After I started having language religious wars in my head about using C# over C++, I thought I'd give one last attempt here. Any help is appreciated.
This is how I read in column names prior to parameterization (maybe this code needs to be updated after calling mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt)?
std::string SQLConnection::getField(const char *fieldName)
unsigned int name_field = 0;
mysql_stmt_data_seek(m_stmt, 0);
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(m_stmt, &bind, 0, 0);
//mysql_data_seek(m_result, 0);
//mysql_field_seek(m_result, 0);
const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_stmt_field_count(m_stmt);
// const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(m_result);
std::vector<char *> headers(num_fields);
for (unsigned int i = 0; (field = mysql_fetch_field(m_result)); i++)
headers[i] = field->name;
if (strcmp(fieldName, headers[i]) == 0)
name_field = i;
while ((m_row = mysql_fetch_row(m_result))) {
return std::string(m_row[name_field]);
return "";
What I'm finding is in this last function there are equivalent functions for statements, like mysql_num_fields() is mysql_stmt_field_count(). I'm thinking these need to be updated because it's using m_stmt and not m_result anymore, which gives reason to update the functions so m_stmt is used. It's not very apparent how to update the second half of the function though.
You may need a better understanding of how stmt works.You can't get the final results by mysql_store_result() when you're using stmt.
You shoud bind several buffers for the statement you're using to accept the result set. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_bind_result(), just like mysql_stmt_bind_param().
Then you can use the buffers bound by mysql_stmt_bind_result() to return row data. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_fetch().
Do the fetch method repeatedly, so you can get the whole result set row by row.
The basic sequence of calls:
mysql_stmt_fetch (repeatedly, row by row)
It works for me.
It's a long time since I finished this part of my project, you'd better read the manual carefully and find more examples of stmt.
Sorry for my poor English. Good luck!

Rapidjson returning reference to Document Value

I'm having some trouble with the following method and I need some help trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.
I want to return a reference to a Value in a document. I am passing the Document from outside the function so that when I read a json file into it I don't "lose it".
const rapidjson::Value& CTestManager::GetOperations(rapidjson::Document& document)
const Value Null(kObjectType);
if (m_Tests.empty())
return Null;
if (m_current > m_Tests.size() - 1)
return Null;
Test& the_test = m_Tests[m_current];
CMyFile fp(the_test.file.c_str()); // non-Windows use "r"
if (!fp.is_open())
return Null;
u32 operations_count = 0;
CFileBuffer json(fp);
FileReadStream is(fp.native_handle(), json, json.size());
if (document.ParseInsitu<kParseCommentsFlag>(json).HasParseError())
if (!document.IsObject())
auto tests = document.FindMember("td_tests");
if (tests != document.MemberEnd())
for (SizeType i = 0; i < tests->value.Size(); i++)
const Value& test = tests->value[i];
if (test["id"].GetInt() ==
auto it = test.FindMember("operations");
if (it != test.MemberEnd())
//return it->value; is this legitimate?
return test["operations"];
return Null;
return Null;
Which I am calling like this:
Document document;
auto operations = TestManager().GetOperations(document);
When I inspect the value of test["operations"] inside the function I can see everything I would expect (debug code removed from the abode code).
When I inspect the returned value outside the function I can see that it's an array (which I expect). the member count int the array is correct as well, but when print it out, I only see garbage instead.
When I "print" the Value to a string inside the methods, I get what I expect (i.e. a well formated json), but when I do it outside all keys show up as "IIIIIIII" and values that aren't strings show up correctly.
rapidjson::StringBuffer strbuf2;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer2(strbuf2);
As this didn't work I decided to change the method to receive a Value as a parameter and do a deep copy into it like this
u32 CTestManager::GetOperationsEx(rapidjson::Document& document, rapidjson::Value& operations)
if (document.ParseInsitu<kParseCommentsFlag>(json).HasParseError())
if (!document.IsObject())
auto tests = document.FindMember("tests");
if (tests != document.MemberEnd())
for (SizeType i = 0; i < tests->value.Size(); i++)
const Value& test = tests->value[i];
if (test["id"].GetInt() ==
const Value& opv = test["operations"];
Document::AllocatorType& allocator = document.GetAllocator();
operations.CopyFrom(opv, allocator); //would Swap work?
return operations.Size();
return 0;
Which I'm calling like this:
Document document;
Value operations(kObjectType);
u32 count = TestManager().GetOperationsEx(document, operations);
But... I get same thing!!!!
I know that it's going to be something silly but I can't put my hands on it!
Any ideas?
The problem in this case lies with the use of ParseInSitu. When any of the GetOperations exist the CFileBuffer loses scope and is cleaned up. Because the json is being parsed in-situ when the buffer to the file goes, so goes the data.

Loading Local Content in Awesomium

I have written a local DataSource because from what I know there are none included in Awesomium, but the thing is that it request everything from the data source html, images etc
And I have no clue on how I should load all types of mime formats.
My current code only supports html/text, where I load the file into binary and send as a response. This does not work for images.
Does anybody know where I should go on from here?
class LocalDataSource :
public Awesomium::DataSource
LocalDataSource() { }
virtual ~LocalDataSource() { }
virtual void OnRequest(int request_id, const Awesomium::WebString& path)
std::string filepath = Awesomium::ToString(path).insert(0, "./");
std::basic_ifstream<char> is(filepath, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
if (is)
is.seekg(0, is.end);
int length = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, is.beg);
char *buffer = new char[length + 1];, length);
buffer[length] = '\0';
SendResponse(request_id, strlen(buffer), (unsigned char*)buffer, Awesomium::WSLit("text/html"));
delete[] buffer;
// Error
for now I will load the file relative to the executable and not use DataSource's.
I know this is old, but it was relevant to me, I fixed this the same way as Steven did, I will post the C++ code I used:
bool ResInterceptor::OnFilterNavigation(int origin_process, int origin_routing_id, const Awesomium::WebString& method, const Awesomium::WebURL& url, bool is_main_frame)
return false;
Awesomium::ResourceResponse* ResInterceptor::OnRequest(Awesomium::ResourceRequest* request)
bool isAsset = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "asset")==0;
bool isFile = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "file")==0;
if(!isAsset && !isFile)
//if it is neither of these we "may" still intercept the call, this allows for offline-online versions to work
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Blah blah, do whatever
else if(isFile)
//Blah blah, same
//As you can see this isn't very, but it worked for my purposes
std::string contentpath = "E:/Location/of/files" + ToString(request->url().path());
Awesomium::WebString datatype;
std::string filename = Awesomium::ToString(request->url().filename());
//I still want to check for the correct mime type
if (has_suffix(filename, ".html")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/html");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".js")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/javascript");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".css")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/css");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".swf")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/x-shockwave-flash");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".zip")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/zip");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".txt")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".text")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".png")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/png");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpeg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".webm")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/webm");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".mp4")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/mp4");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".ogv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/ogg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".flv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/flv");
FILE * pFile;
long lSize;
unsigned char * buffer;
size_t result;
pFile = fopen ( contentpath.c_str() , "rb" );
if (pFile!=NULL)
// obtain file size:
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell (pFile);
rewind (pFile);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*lSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}
// copy the file into the buffer:
result = fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile);
if (result != lSize) {fputs ("Reading error",stderr); exit (3);}
//This is where the magic happens!!
return Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create(lSize, buffer, datatype);
// terminate
fclose (pFile);
free (buffer);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Support function
bool ResInterceptor::has_suffix(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
return str.size() >= suffix.size() && - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
as for how I hooked it up, I simply added this line of code:
_web_core = WebCore::Initialize(config);
_web_core->set_resource_interceptor(new ResInterceptor());
This took me a whole night to nail down all because I was passing in a pointer with a variable and not using the "new" keyword directly! I got it now at least!
also note, I tried the exact same code above inside the LocalDataSource and it didn't work for anything except the text files, so I think there is a bug in there, good news is, this works the exact same way, but you get more control over every file request.
Thank you Steven for all the great reference code!
The easy way is to send the contents of a file without sweating mime type detection is to use the static method static ResourceResponse* Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create.
From the Awesomium docs:
Create a ResourceResponse from a file on disk.
I couldn't figure out a way to map ResourceResponse::Create to DataSource::SendResponse.
As a workaround, you could rewrite your data source as an IResourceInterceptor instead of a DataSource. I wrote up a detailed example in C# on how to use http:// scheme instead of the custom asset:// scheme for embedded resources It should be pretty straightforward to translate the C# to C++. Below is an edited down version of my post (not tested).
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Awesomium.Core;
namespace MyApp
public class ResourceInterceptor : IResourceInterceptor
/// <summary>
/// Intercepts any requests for the EmbeddedResourceDomain base Uri,
/// and returns a response using the embedded resource in this app's assembly/DLL file
/// </summary>
public virtual ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
ResourceResponse response = null;
string resourceName;
string filePath;
filePath = String.Concat("./", request.Url.AbsolutePath);
filePath = Path.GetFullPath(resourceName.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
// cache the resource to a temp file if
if (File.Exists(filePath))
response = ResourceResponse.Create(filePath);
return response;
/// <summary>
/// Optionally blocks any web browser requests by returning true. Not used.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method can implement a whitelist of allowed URLs here by
/// returning true to block any whitelist misses
/// </remarks>
public virtual bool OnFilterNavigation(NavigationRequest request)
return false;
Another option might be to hack the HTML content to inject a <base href="file:///c:/my/bin/path" /> element inside the <head> of the document. You would need to modify the href attribute value before loading the content. This may be more work than it is worth.

How to encrypt and decrypt a const char* in WinRT

I have been trying to write encrypt and decrypt functions whose signatures require the input and the output strings to be void* type only. The code works fine if the inputs can be specified as IBuffer^ but in the other case the source string and the encrypted->decrypted string do not match.
CodeIBuffer^ byteArrayToIBufferPtr(byte *source, int size)
Platform::ArrayReference<uint8> blobArray(source, size);
IBuffer ^buffer = CryptographicBuffer::CreateFromByteArray(blobArray);
return buffer;
byte* IBufferPtrToByteArray(IBuffer ^buffer)
Array<unsigned char,1U> ^platArray = ref new Array<unsigned char,1U>(256);
byte *dest = platArray->Data;
return dest;
int DataEncryption::encryptData(EncryptionAlgorithm algo, int keySize, void* srcData, const unsigned int srcSize,
void*& encData, unsigned int& encSize)
LOG_D(TAG, "encryptData()");
if(srcData == nullptr)
return DataEncryption::RESULT_EMPTY_DATA_ERROR;
if(srcSize == 0)
return DataEncryption::RESULT_SIZE_ZERO_ERROR;
IBuffer^ encrypted;
IBuffer^ buffer;
IBuffer^ iv = nullptr;
String^ algName;
bool cbc = false;
switch (algo)
case DataEncryption::ENC_DEFAULT:
algName = "AES_CBC";
cbc = true;
// Open the algorithm provider for the algorithm specified on input.
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider^ Algorithm = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider::OpenAlgorithm(algName);
// Generate a symmetric key.
IBuffer^ keymaterial = CryptographicBuffer::GenerateRandom((keySize + 7) / 8);
CryptographicKey^ key;
key = Algorithm->CreateSymmetricKey(keymaterial);
catch(InvalidArgumentException^ e)
LOG_E(TAG,"encryptData(): Could not create key.");
return DataEncryption::RESULT_ERROR;
// CBC mode needs Initialization vector, here just random data.
// IV property will be set on "Encrypted".
if (cbc)
iv = CryptographicBuffer::GenerateRandom(Algorithm->BlockLength);
// Set the data to encrypt.
IBuffer ^srcDataBuffer = byteArrayToIBufferPtr(static_cast<byte*>(srcData),256);
// Encrypt and create an authenticated tag.
encrypted = CryptographicEngine::Encrypt(key, srcDataBuffer, iv);
//encData = encrypted;
byte *bb = IBufferPtrToByteArray(encrypted);
encData = IBufferPtrToByteArray(encrypted);
encSize = encrypted->Length;
return DataEncryption::RESULT_SUCCESS;
int DataEncryption::decryptData(EncryptionAlgorithm algo, int keySize, void* encData, const unsigned int encSize,
void*& decData, unsigned int& decSize)
LOG_D(TAG, "decryptData()");
if(encData == nullptr)
return DataEncryption::RESULT_EMPTY_DATA_ERROR;
if(encSize == 0)
return DataEncryption::RESULT_SIZE_ZERO_ERROR;
IBuffer^ encrypted;
IBuffer^ decrypted;
IBuffer^ iv = nullptr;
String^ algName;
bool cbc = false;
switch (algo)
case DataEncryption::ENC_DEFAULT:
algName = "AES_CBC";
cbc = true;
// Open the algorithm provider for the algorithm specified on input.
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider^ Algorithm = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider::OpenAlgorithm(algName);
// Generate a symmetric key.
IBuffer^ keymaterial = CryptographicBuffer::GenerateRandom((keySize + 7) / 8);
CryptographicKey^ key;
key = Algorithm->CreateSymmetricKey(keymaterial);
catch(InvalidArgumentException^ e)
LOG_E(TAG,"encryptData(): Could not create key.");
return DataEncryption::RESULT_ERROR;
// CBC mode needs Initialization vector, here just random data.
// IV property will be set on "Encrypted".
if (cbc)
iv = CryptographicBuffer::GenerateRandom(Algorithm->BlockLength);
// Set the data to decrypt.
byte *cc = static_cast<byte*>(encData);
IBuffer ^encDataBuffer = byteArrayToIBufferPtr(cc,256);
// Decrypt and verify the authenticated tag.
decrypted = CryptographicEngine::Decrypt(key, encDataBuffer, iv);
byte *bb = IBufferPtrToByteArray(decrypted);
decData = IBufferPtrToByteArray(decrypted);
decSize = decrypted->Length;
return DataEncryption::RESULT_SUCCESS;
I'm guessing that the problem is with this function:
byte* IBufferPtrToByteArray(IBuffer ^buffer)
Array<unsigned char,1U> ^platArray = ref new Array<unsigned char,1U>(256);
byte *dest = platArray->Data;
return dest;
What you're doing there is allocating a new Platform::Array<byte>^ with 1 reference, then getting a pointer to its internally-managed storage, then returning that pointer-- at which point the Array is being dereferenced and is thus deallocating its underlying storage. Thus the pointer you return refers to freed memory. The next allocation is likely to overwrite those bytes.
What you'll need to do is take the return-by-reference Array<byte>^ from CopyToByteArray() (which creates a new Array, presumably wrapping the bytes of the input IBuffer^, and returns it) and copy that array's contents.
Your end result will function similarly to this snippet from the Readium SDK project, which takes a std::string instance, hashes it using SHA-1, and copies the hash data into a member variable uint8_t _key[KeySize]:
using namespace ::Platform;
using namespace ::Windows::Foundation::Cryptography;
using namespace ::Windows::Foundation::Cryptography::Core;
auto byteArray = ArrayReference<byte>(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(const_cast<char*>(, str.length());
auto inBuf = CryptographicBuffer::CreateFromByteArray(byteArray);
auto keyBuf = HashAlgorithmProvider::OpenAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmNames::Sha1)->HashData(inBuf);
Array<byte>^ outArray = nullptr;
CryptographicBuffer::CopyToByteArray(keyBuf, &outArray);
memcpy_s(_key, KeySize, outArray->Data, outArray->Length);
The steps:
Create an ArrayReference<byte> corresponding to the bytes in the std::string (no copying).
Pass that to CryptographicBuffer::CreateFromByteArray() to get your IBuffer^. Still no copying of data.
Call your hash/encryption function, passing the IBuffer^ you just made. You get another IBuffer^ in return, which may or may not be using the exact same storage (that's really up to the implementation of the algorithm, I think).
Create a variable of type Array<byte>^. Don't allocate an object, you're going to be given one by reference.
Pass the address of that object into CryptographicBuffer::CopyToByteArray() to receive a copy of your key data.
While that Array^ remains valid, copy its bytes into your native array.

Keeping the downloaded torrent in memory rather than file libtorrent

Working with Rasterbar libtorrent I dont want the downloaded data to sit on my hard drive rather a pipe or variable or something Soft so I can redirect it to somewhere else, Mysql, or even trash if it is not what I want, is there anyway of doing this in preferably python binding if not in C++ using Libtorrent?
EDIT:--> I like to point out this is a libtorrent question not a Linux file handling or Python file handling question. I need to tell libtorrent to instead of save the file traditionally in a normal file save it to my python pipe or variable or etc.
You can do this by implementing your own storage class to use with libtorrent. Unfortunately this is not possible to do in python, but you can do it in c++. The documentation for it is a bit scarce and can be found here.
Here's a simple example of how to do this by storing all the data in RAM:
struct temp_storage : storage_interface
temp_storage(file_storage const& fs) : m_files(fs) {}
virtual bool initialize(bool allocate_files) { return false; }
virtual bool has_any_file() { return false; }
virtual int read(char* buf, int slot, int offset, int size)
std::map<int, std::vector<char> >::const_iterator i = m_file_data.find(slot);
if (i == m_file_data.end()) return 0;
int available = i->second.size() - offset;
if (available <= 0) return 0;
if (available > size) available = size;
memcpy(buf, &i->second[offset], available);
return available;
virtual int write(const char* buf, int slot, int offset, int size)
std::vector<char>& data = m_file_data[slot];
if (data.size() < offset + size) data.resize(offset + size);
std::memcpy(&data[offset], buf, size);
return size;
virtual bool rename_file(int file, std::string const& new_name) { assert(false); return false; }
virtual bool move_storage(std::string const& save_path) { return false; }
virtual bool verify_resume_data(lazy_entry const& rd, error_code& error) { return false; }
virtual bool write_resume_data(entry& rd) const { return false; }
virtual bool move_slot(int src_slot, int dst_slot) { assert(false); return false; }
virtual bool swap_slots(int slot1, int slot2) { assert(false); return false; }
virtual bool swap_slots3(int slot1, int slot2, int slot3) { assert(false); return false; }
virtual size_type physical_offset(int slot, int offset) { return slot * m_files.piece_length() + offset; };
virtual sha1_hash hash_for_slot(int slot, partial_hash& ph, int piece_size)
int left = piece_size - ph.offset;
TORRENT_ASSERT(left >= 0);
if (left > 0)
std::vector<char>& data = m_file_data[slot];
// if there are padding files, those blocks will be considered
// completed even though they haven't been written to the storage.
// in this case, just extend the piece buffer to its full size
// and fill it with zeroes.
if (data.size() < piece_size) data.resize(piece_size, 0);
ph.h.update(&data[ph.offset], left);
virtual bool release_files() { return false; }
virtual bool delete_files() { return false; }
std::map<int, std::vector<char> > m_file_data;
file_storage m_files;
You'd also need a constructor function to pass in through the add_torrent_params struct when adding a torrent:
storage_interface* temp_storage_constructor(
file_storage const& fs, file_storage const* mapped
, std::string const& path, file_pool& fp
, std::vector<boost::uint8_t> const& prio)
return new temp_storage(fs);
From this point it should be fairly straight forward to store it in a MySQL database or any other back-end.
If you're on Linux, you could torrent into a tmpfs mount; this will avoid writing to disk. That said, this obviously means you're storing large files in RAM; make sure you have enough memory to deal with this.
Note also that most Linux distributions have a tmpfs mount at /dev/shm, so you could simply point libtorrent to a file there.
I've implemented a torrent client in Go just for this purpose. I wanted to able to handle and control the data directly, for use in writing torrentfs, and to have storage backends to S3 and various databases.
It would be trivial to plug in an in-memory storage backend to this client.
Try giving the library a cStringIO "file handle" instead of a real file handle. That works for most python libraries.