How to add widgets positioned relative to a tab in a QTabBar? - c++

Is it possible to add some widgets to a QTabBar? I wanted to have a QComboBox to the side of the last tab, and have it only appear when the last tab is selected.

It's possible to add child overlay widgets to any widget, so the answer is: sure!
You can hook to the tab widgets's or tab bar's signals to get notified when the last tab is selected. Then use tabRect() to get the rectangle of the last tab. Position your combo box to the right of it. It'd need to be a child of the tab bar. That's it.

It might be easier to use a QStackedWidget to get your desired results. When you are using the QStackedWidget you can have different buttons outside that reveal the different widgets. Then use some custom signal for when the last button is activated to show a combobox that appears next to the last button.
Here is the link to the QStackedWidget


Is there a way to attach or anchor two QWidgets together?

I'm getting started with Qt and decided to build a full-screen text editor. I want to have a button (button with arrow in screenshot) attached to a QDockWidget which opens and closes it so the button is always visible to the right side of the screen and stay anchored to it when dock is visible or resized.
My current app is a simple fullscreen textEdit set to centeralwidget in Mainwindow.
I haven't found a way to do this yet with layouts or existing addAnchor() functions so any help or direction is appreciated.
You can achieve what you want by using a container for your text edit and the button. A QWidget instance can be used as an "invisible"*** container for other widgets.
So in Qt Designer you add a widget as a central widget of the main-window, inside this widget you add the text edit and the button, then you set a vertical layout for this container widget.
Don't forget to restrict the docking widget to only dock to the right side, you can do that with: dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::DockWidgetArea::RightDockWidgetArea); //assuming dock is the pointer to your QDockWidget.
In case you want the dockWidget to be able to dock to any side and the button to follow, you can do that too, but it get a little bit more complicated. Basically you need to connect a slot to dockLocationChanged of your dockWidget and based on where it's docked you need to set-up a new layout for the container widget to be vertical or horizontal and the order of the textEdit and the button based on the side the dock happened.
LE:*** you will most likely need to set the margins you want, since both the widget and it's layout can have them and the actual content might have higher spacing than you want.

Expandable list view with customized scrollbar in Qt

I want to build a widget like this one that we can find in Word :
So, there is a list view using a specific scrollbar with 3 buttons and no scroll.
When you click on the last button at the bottom right, a new list view with a classic scrollbar is shown over the previous list view (hidden when losing focus). So basically, the smae behavior as the one in Word.
We are already capable of displaying a list view with custom content.
My main concern is how to build the widget in the first image: the list view with the custom scrollbar (3 buttons, no scroll)?
What is the proper way to do this ?
I assume that you're implementing a subclass of QAbstractListView.
I don't believe you need a custom scrollbar - just put the scrollbar and the button into a QVBoxLayout; hide the button once it's checked (you could even connect its toggled() to its setHidden() for that).
At first hide the default scroll-bar by calling the QAbstractScrollArea::setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff) method.
Then create your three buttons on the left side and connect the QPushButton::clicked() signals to some slots where you just scroll your list by calling the QAbstractItemView::scrollTo(index), QAbstractItemView::scrollToBottom() or QAbstractItemView::scrollToTop().
While it is correct that you could just build a custom widget consisting of a view with hidden scrollbars and add the buttons to the layout, connecting the signals/slots needed to provide the proper actions, you can also consider to implement your own QScrollBar class. QListView is derived from QAbstractScrollArea, which provides setVerticalScrollBar() so you can just set an object of it to be used by the view. The integration of scroll area and scroll bar should be much more straightforward this way, but you'll have to do the painting of the scroll bar's content yourself, or put a layout and the buttons in there (QScrollBar derives from QWidget, and you'll have to reimplement paintEvent()).

How to add QMenus or Qactions on a Widget like QlistWidget area as a list item?

Is there any way to add QActions as a list item on QListWidget?
I want to make a customization window which will show list of actions on a widget for move up, move down, Rename and other options. I'd like to display it on the widget same as it appears as a context menu.
I tried adding it as a list item with icon and text, but the look it not very good:
i) list items with blank icon are not aligning properly, even after adding a blank icon of size 16*16 is not taking up any space and text with icons & w/o icon are not aligning.
ii) I'm unable to add right-pointing black triangle at the right most, in-case of sub-menus cause somehow unicode character for this is not getting displayed on my Linux machine.
That's why I want to add QActions as it are getting popped at original place.
Any suggestions?
Yes I have a suggestion : do not try to make fancy widgets like this, users will not find it intuitive
You should find another way to implement this.
Imo, something like a QToolButton with a QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup popup mode will do the trick. This way, you can embed menu and sub-menus in a widget, using QToolButton::setMenu().

How to Bring the Widget Bring to front in Qt?

Please have a look at this screenshot:
The circles are custom controls. When I click a control, I need to bring the widget to the front. Ex. if I click the second circle it should look like this:
When the control is clicked I am able to get the sender (i.e. the control). Only thing is how to bring the object to the front.
Please help me fix this issue.
Have you tried QWidget::raise()?
Raises this widget to the top of the parent widget's stack. After this call the widget will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling widgets.
Note: When using activateWindow(), you can call this function to ensure that the window is stacked on top.
So the pattern I usually use that will ensure a window is shown, brought to the front of sibling widgets and brought in front of other applications is:

Float a control over a CView

I've got an app that uses several CView-derived classes (actually CScrollView) to display document data. For one particular view, I want to add a fly-out edit box to add notes. That is, you'd see a tab at the bottom of the window labeled "Page Notes", and clicking on that would bring up the edit box. Clicking the tab while the edit box is visible would reduce it back to just the tab.
I thought I could use a one-tab CTabCtrl holding an edit box and just position it so that only the tab is visible initially. Capture the tab click notification and move the entire control, with edit box, into view. Clicking the tab again would move it back down so only the tab is visible.
Hosting the CTabCtrl on the CView is fine, and I can get it positioned correctly. The problem is that if the view is scrolled, the tab control is scrolled along with it, whereas I need it to "float" over the view and not be affected by any scrolling. I can move it back into place after the scroll, but the flickering is unsightly.
Is there a straightforward way to accomplish the "floating" effect? I mainly want the tab embedded in the view for maintenance, since it's the only view class out of the several in use that needs the "Page Notes" feature.
Should I just buckle down and put the tab in the view's parent window instead? I know it won't be affected by scrolling there, but I like the idea of keeping the tab as part of the view if possible.
It sound like the tab is functioning like a button. You click the tab and a fly out edit box appears. You could use a modeless dialog.
Select the "Page Note" and the modeless dialog comes up to edit your notes allowing you to scroll your view under the dialog.