How to Bring the Widget Bring to front in Qt? - c++

Please have a look at this screenshot:
The circles are custom controls. When I click a control, I need to bring the widget to the front. Ex. if I click the second circle it should look like this:
When the control is clicked I am able to get the sender (i.e. the control). Only thing is how to bring the object to the front.
Please help me fix this issue.

Have you tried QWidget::raise()?
Raises this widget to the top of the parent widget's stack. After this call the widget will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling widgets.
Note: When using activateWindow(), you can call this function to ensure that the window is stacked on top.
So the pattern I usually use that will ensure a window is shown, brought to the front of sibling widgets and brought in front of other applications is:


How to add widgets positioned relative to a tab in a QTabBar?

Is it possible to add some widgets to a QTabBar? I wanted to have a QComboBox to the side of the last tab, and have it only appear when the last tab is selected.
It's possible to add child overlay widgets to any widget, so the answer is: sure!
You can hook to the tab widgets's or tab bar's signals to get notified when the last tab is selected. Then use tabRect() to get the rectangle of the last tab. Position your combo box to the right of it. It'd need to be a child of the tab bar. That's it.
It might be easier to use a QStackedWidget to get your desired results. When you are using the QStackedWidget you can have different buttons outside that reveal the different widgets. Then use some custom signal for when the last button is activated to show a combobox that appears next to the last button.
Here is the link to the QStackedWidget

Button in MFC CtreeCtrl column

I have a CTreeListCtrl in my MFC application.What I need to do is add a button in a particular column of a node when a particular condition is satisfied(type is changed to reference).
In the image I have edited and added a blue rounded oval to mark the place of desired button.What I want to do is to invoke a dialog on clicking it.But I don't have any clue whether it is possible or not.If yes then pls give me some suggesions.
This is no normal tree control. It is already customized to use multiple columns and I am sure it uses some kid of owner draw. For me it seams more like a list control with tree Features... I know some similar code from Codepproject..
Creating a "real" button (window) isn't wise/good. because it is another window inside the list control...
Change your code to "Draw a button. You can use DrawFrameControl.
Just intercept the left mouse click. Check the range if this area is cliecked. Fire a user defined message to the parent window.

MFC Tab control without tabs?

I'm wanting to make something like a tab control, but without visible tabs at the top.
I would prefer to have the tabs selected from a list or tree at the left hand side of the page, something like this...
Selecting the list/tree item at the left changes everything on the right-hand side of the dialog.
I know I could do this by individually showing/hiding all the fields on the RHS, depending on the selected view, but this is unmanageable to design, when there are at least 10 different designs. C++ doesn't let me design groups and make them visible/invisible in one go. I would prefer to design them as totally separate dialog resources, and then bring them in, like a tab control.
I believe Windows Forms has a ContentControl, which is like a tab control without the tabs, which sounds perfect, but MFC doesn't seem to have this.
Is there a way to do this nicely? Or maybe even a 3rd party control to handle it?
In MFC you would do this by making a child modeless dialog for each group. For each dialog turn off the titlebar style and border style and it will blend in to the parent window instead of looking like a dialog. Create all the dialogs, then use ShowWindow to show/hide one at a time.
Minor detail: Put an invisible control (like a group box) on the parent window to serve as a landmark. When you create each dialog use MoveWindow to position and size it on the landmark.
Use window style WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT in the parent window to help with tab key navigation from parent to child.
Yes you can using DIALOG resources. Set the DIALOG Style to Child, Border to None, Title Bar to False. You can then add implementation classes/files for each DIALOG. The dialogs are then inserted/removed to and fro the parent as a child components by setting the containing window as the dialog's parent (i.e., SetParent)

Displaying a popup widget in QT over application border

Let's say that I have an application frame, and I want to show a popup QCalendarWidget over on the right side of the frame. Normally, QT will clip the edges of the QCalendarWidget, cutting it in half and not displaying the rest, as it would be over the right side border.
Is there a way to work around this limitation without resorting to implementing a QDialog?
I want the widget to be visible outside the bounds of it's container.
If you'd show your Calendar, let's say, after a button click, as QDateTimeEditor does, it's contents will not be clipped, cause it do not belong to frame. It will be just a widget, that shows in a dialog manner. And maybe you should even place it in QDialog, that is modal and provides some convenience methods, rather then simple QWidget.
Btw, why don't you want to use QDatetimeEditor?

Custom dropdown for CComboBox

I'm trying to create a custom dropdown for a derivative of CComboBox. The dropdown will be a calendar control plus some 'hotspots', e.g.
So I figure the best way to achieve this is to have a simple CWnd-derived class which acts as the parent to the calendar control, and have it paint the hotspots itself.
The window needs to be a popup window - I think - rather than a child window so that it isn't clipped. But doing this causes the dialog (on which the combobox control is placed) to stop being the topmost (foreground?) window, leading to its frame being drawn differently:
alt text
This spoils the illusion that the dropdown is part of the combobox since its acting more like a modal dialog at this point. Any suggestions on how I make the custom dropdown behave like the regular dropdown?
Are there any other pitfalls I need to watch out for, e.g. focus and mouse capture issues?
When you create your popup window, you need to specify its owner. Owned popup windows will activate their owner when you activate them. Not specifying an owner will cause your window to get activated, which causes the change in the owner you're seeing.
Yeah I had this problem once. A quick google makes me suspect I solved this by using CreateWindowEx() and specifying WS_EX_NOACTIVATE. I have some other code that achieves the same effect by making the window with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW rather than as a popup window, but I'm not sure of why that was done that way, my intuition would say that making it a popup window would be the way to go.
You can find in the following links two sample project that put in the CComboBox dropdown window a CTreeCtrl or a CListCtrl controls ... similar, you can put whatever you need there. Here is the links:
Tree ComboBox Control
List ComboBox Control
I hope this help you.