LoadLibrary fails sometimes when starting as service - c++

We have a 64bit application running as service on Windows 7 64bit. When we start a service manually, it works fine everytime. When the service is started automatically with system startup, sometimes (like 1 in 10) it fails. Problem is with LoadLibrary function which is in fact the first thing it does. It is a load of our DLL where the most of the code is. I can't reproduce it on my computers, so I am just sending special testing binaries to colleague abroad. I added text outputs to file using unbuffered write operation so I can see exactly where it disappears. There is no crash dump, there is no exception, there is no NULL retrived, it just exits somewhere in LoadLibrary and service is not running after system startup. Our library does not have DllMain, but if I add it, it does not get there (in fail case). I tried delay loading of dependent system libraries, no success. It seems like sometimes something is not yet started in Windows and so the initialization fails, I am not sure. But adding sleep before LoadLibrary does not solve the problem (too late to sleep?). Do you have any ideas what is going on and how to proceed? I am currently going to remove the code from our DLL step by step to remove the lib dependencies one by one to see if in some moment it will start to work. I will be happy to provide additional information when needed.

Lenovo RapidBoot Shield app was the reason.
"RapidBoot Shield works by delaying non-critical applications and services to help your system boot faster. However, in some instances, RapidBoot Shield may delay an application and/or service that is critical to the system startup. This can cause the system to boot slower than expected or some applications may be unable to start normally."


Timeout when starting a Service in Windows

We're currently facing some issues trying to start a Service in Windows, which is an executable file and the output of a compiling process using .NET framework for C++ (Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727).
We are able to compile, start and execute the exact same service in our DEV Environment, which consists of Windows 7 installed in Virtual Box with VisualStudio2005 (it's old software, I know...).
When we do it in our Test environment, we get a timeout error when trying to start the Service (1053: The Service Did Not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion.). The server is running WindowsServer 2008 R2 Standard. We already tried to change the timeout time, without success. We also compiled the source code using the same Visual Studio 2005 SW and although we were able to compile it successfully we are still getting the same timeout message.
We are currently trying to understand what's objectively causing the different behaviour. The most obvious difference is the windows version, naturally, but since the compilation output appears identical and there are no errors during the compilation process in both environments and both output logs are identical as well we are running low on ideas to identify and validate objective differences. Our latest approach consists in trying to understand if by using Dependency Walker (dependencywalker.com) we are able to identify any issue regarding DLLs (we also checked if there is any corrupt DLL or system file in the environment and there isn't any, using the windows command for it). We're also checking some of the suggestion made on the following post: Error 1053 the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
Any one faced a similar issues? If so, can you suggest any kind of approach to identify the reason why the service isn't staring, other than the ones here mentioned?
Thanks in advance.
We ended up extending the timeout time regarding Service startup in Windows to 10 minutes followed by the necessary restart and we managed to start the service normally and almost immediately, which makes us think that the timeout time was never really an issue here. Although we haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause we are still inclined to think that it was a Windows/Server related issue.

Unexpected IConnectionPointImpl::Unadvise call on Windows Embedded Compact 7

We have a bigger software running on Win CE6 without problems. The core functionality is implemented in a COM server DLL that provides connection points. The COM client program registers event handlers for the connection points on program startup to get status notifications etc. On program exit it unregisters the handlers by calling the corresponding IConnectionPointImpl::Unadvise methods.
Now, we are porting the program to run on Win EC 7. The new Board Support Package (BSP) for Win EC 7 works well. There are also different versions with different options, created at different times with different sources from Microsoft, but our software always show the same issue.
On program startup, ~10s after launch, IConnectionPointImpl::Unadvise is called unexpectedly on all registered event handlers. We only have one method in our source code that calls IConnectionPointImpl::Unadvise and this is definitely not executed.
The issue appears ~95%, but sometimes the program starts and runs without problems. We cannot use the Debugger because of the size of the program, the performance is very poor.
We guess, that the COM runtime calls the IConnectionPointImpl::Unadvise methods for some reasons. But we have no idea, how to prevent this.
Has anybody observed the same issue? Is there a solution/workaround available? Thanks.
So we finally found how solve this problem.
We remove our dependency on MarshalByReObject and replace it by a proper implementation of ISerializable.
That allow us to load properly inside custom AppDomain our assembly and events are not loose anymore.
But this has a side effect on path where assembly a configuration file are loaded. To solve this we also implement an AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event which allow us to redirect the loading in a proper place.
I hope this can help you ;)

Blocking processes to start on startup from a service & continue running service after some processes are down.

I have a C++ windows service running on system privileges and I need to make some changes in some of my DLLs that are loaded to several windows processes (explorer.exe, etc.).
The only time to do so is when these processes are down. I'm trying to make to impact to the UX minimal, so I don't wan't to force quit those or to popup any annoying message boxes and ask the user to do so.
I have tried to start this task on the startup of my service, the issue is several of these processes start before I finished it.
I'm trying to understand if there is a way to delay the start of processes on Windows startup, until I finish my task. Is there any event or anything familiar that I can set that will block those?
The other option is to do the needed task on shutdown. I did not find a way to do so yet, and all the related questions seem a bit old (how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service
), and regard to older version of windows.
This solution needs to be compatible with Windows versions greater than 7.
You can do this by using MoveFileEx and setting MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT which will replace the file at the next reboot.
This should be well before any other processes have started, but without more details on your usecase its hard to tell if this'll work for you. Either way, searching for this flag should give you lots of information about this kind of issue.
According to the documentation, this has been supported since XP.

CreateRemoteThread failing with ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY

This is quite strange question, but, I believe, this is on-topic for SO.
I have an service, written in C#, which calls my C++ library. C++ library execute some 3rdparty software via WinExec.
3rdparty software injects DLL via CreateRemoteThread. I don't have source files for this software.
Main part
I have 2 PCs - Win2008 and Win10.
For Win10 - this frankenstein is working flawlessly, Service runs DLL, DLL runs 3rdparty DLL injector, DLL injector injects stuff.
For Win2008 things are different. If I run 3rdparty DLL injector from CMD - it works flawlessly. But if I run service - Injector returns, that he got ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY from CreateRemoteThread.
Service is working from LocalService account, and everything is OK on Windows 10. I am looking for possible ideas\clues, why there is a problem with SERVICE (remember, CMD works fine) and ONLY for Windows 2008.
This issue might be related to creating a remote thread across privilege levels, as explained in the following blog article:
Injecting Code Into Privileged Win32 Processes
With XP SP2 and later (2003, Vista) some new security measures prevent the traditional CreateRemoteThread() function from working properly. You should be able to open the process, allocate memory on its heap, and write data to the allocated region, but when trying to invoke the remote thread, it will fail with ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY.
For XP SP2 I did a little debugging and found that inside CreateRemoteThread(), there is a call to ZwCreateThread() which is an export from ntdll.dll. The call is made while specifying that the thread should start suspended, which it does properly, however down the road still inside CreateRemoteThread() before ZwResumeThread() is called, there is a call to CsrClientCallServer() which fails and eventually leads to the error message.
The article explains some different ways of injecting remote threads on different version of Windows to avoid the error, ending with this conclusion:
At this point, we can successfully execute remote threads into privileged processes across all target platforms, but as mentioned before, its pretty messy. We're using three different, largely undocumented functions and auto-detecting which one to use based on the OS version.
The better solution is to create a secondary program that adds a service object (your injector program) to the service control manager database on the target system. Since you're administrator, which is required anyway, you'll be able to add these entries and start the service. This will enable the injector program to run with different access rights than normal code, and the traditional CreateRemoteThread() will work properly on Windows 2000, all of XP, and 2003/Vista. The API functions for adding and controlling the service are documented by MSDN and remain consistent across all of the platforms.
So, what is learned is that we can use a number of different functions to inject code into privileged remote processes, including RtlCreateUserThread() on XP SP2, and NtCreateThreadEx() on Vista, but the optimal way is to install a temporary service and allow CreateRemoteThread() to be the single API that accomplishes the task for all platforms.
Of course, none of this really matters since you don't have the source code for the injector and thus cannot change how it works.
Also, you can't create remote threads across session boundaries, either. Calling WinExec() in a service will run the injector process in the same session as the service, ie session 0. If it is trying to inject into a process that is running in a user session, that will never work. This would also explain why running the injector from CMD works, if CMD is running in the same session as the process that is being injected into.
I encountered the same issue today and this seems to be the issue-
Prior to Windows 8, Terminal Services isolates each terminal session by design. Therefore, CreateRemoteThread fails if the target process is in a different session than the calling process.
This explains why your code works on Windows 10 but not on Windows 7/2008.
Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd405484(v=vs.85).aspx

Program Deployment Failing

The project my team has been working on has reached a point where we need to deploy it to computers without the development environment (Visual Studio 2005) installed on them. We fixed the dependency issues we had at first, but we're still having issues.
Now, once the installer is finished, our project gets stuck somewhere before entering WinMain. It only takes up 13MB of RAM, but takes up 50% of the cpu cycles.
Are there any suggestions as to how debug this problem?
Edit: Clarification - this is a C++ project.
Is it possible the hang occurs while some global variable is initialized? That happens before WinMain, and from a global variable's constructor any code could be run. Also, take a look at the busy thread's stack using Process Explorer (make sure you deploy the PBD in order to get a meaningful stack trace). The stack trace should make it obvious where is that thread hanging.
You might have to resort to old-time debugging - outputting print statements to a console that refer to what part of the application has been run successfully. Without the IDE installed on the target machine, there really aren't many options for debugging.
If your running vista or windows 7 you can create a memory dump from task manager (right click and select create dump file) and then transfer that to your dev computer, load the symbols and it will show you where the program was at that time.