Troubles linking the libnoise library to a project in Visual Studio 2010 - c++

I am still fairly new to C++ and even newer to Visual Studio. I am attempting to link the perlin noise library 'libnoise' (found here) to my visual studio 2010 project, I have searched online for many many hours to no avail, this has been a road block for a few days now.
What are the steps needed to link this library?
The files that are downloaded are a bin folder (contains the .dll and .lib) and a include (headers I believe)
thank you in advance and please correct any mistakes I have made with asking this question.

You'll need to:
1. Add the header directory to Additional Include Directories (PROJECT->Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories, on drop down select <Edit...>)
2. Add the .lib directory to Additional Library Directories (PROJECT->Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories, same above)
3. Add the .lib names you need to Additional Dependencies (PROJECT->Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, same above)
4. After building your project, copy the .dll to your project's build directory, usually at your solution's Debug directory ("Solution Path"/Debug) or you would encounter *.dll is missing error. You should find "yourapp".exe file there as well.
Good Luck.
Edit: more can be found at

You can use nuget.
Open package manager console and type : Install-Package libnoise


How to make lib files available to user in package recipe?

I'm creating a conan package for OpenCV but am at a loss on what to put in package_info. Building OpenCV places .lib and .dll files in the paths x64\vc15\lib and x64\vc15\bin. This means that once I install the package and try to link I get linker errors as Visual C++ cannot find the files.
What is the correct way of making these files available to Visual Studio? Should I add code to the package method to move the bin and lib directories out of x64 and into package_folder or should I add code to package_info to indicate the path to those directories via self.cpp_info.libdirs?

how to install boost/asio.hpp library for C++ visual studio 2015

Hello I am trying to install this library for use in one of my visual studio projects.
I know I have to go to \project properties-linker-general-additional library Directories but once I get there I don't know what to do.
I am stuck here :
Here's a step-by-step tutorial for installing, (optionally) building, and referencing boost in Windows:
Obtain a copy of boost and put it to a folder boost_root (name as you please). If you haven't done it already, the easiest way is to get a precompiled zip from boost
Find the directory where your boost binaries are located. It usually is under the lib subdirectory, ie boost_root\libs.
Under the Additional library directory of visual studio (the one you mention in your post), enter the full or relative path to the boost dll directory, ie path_to_boost_root\boost_root\libs

Setting up Aquila for my c++ Project in Visual studio 2012

I want to use Aquila DSP to compute MFCC features in my project and trying to make it work.I followed this tutorial but after mingw32-make install on the source code pulled from Aquila's git repo, it generates only libAquila.a in lib folder. I tried changing my project's include and library dependencies using these generated files after install. Also tried adding FindAquila.cmake and tried building my project with cmake for VS 2012, still no luck. Keep getting "aquila/global.h" no such file or directory when I try to include "aquila/global.h".
I also tried building Aquila with cmake for VS 2012 and able to compile it and it generates .lib files as well, but not sure how to proceed with that.
If anyone knows how to make it work, it will be great help.
So, I made it work with Visual studio 2013. Now what I am doing is I am building Aquila with both Mingw and with VisualStudio. Mingw gives required include files and visual studio build gives required .lib files. I am building Aquila in VS 2013 with configuration type static lib (project properties >> General >> Configuration type) for both debug and release configuration and then I build the project.
For Mingw, first I use cmake GUI with mingw cmakefiles configuration and then run mingw32-make install in the build directory, which will put the include, lib and share files in the installation directory( usually C:\\Programme files\\Aquila.
Now I create a Folder Aquila and put include and share from above path and create a new folder lib with two subfolder debug and release. Here I put two .lib files in each folder (aquila.lib and Ooura_fft.lib) (debug libs in debug and release libs in release folder, they will be VS build folder). Once this is done, in my project setting, I add Additional include directories under C++ >> general, Addiotnal library path under linker >> general and names of libraries under linker >> input for both bebug and release configuration. After doing all these things, now the library works with my project.

Cannot open source file in visual studio 2015

I am trying to compile OBS studio with this tutorial in windows using Visual Studio Community 2015. I have created a project in visual studio and copied the entire git repo into the project by dragging the files into the solution explorer. This project has dependencies on libav, x264, and curl. They are given as .lib, .dll, and header files.
The problem is I keep getting "cannot open source file". I have the the header files in a separate folder from the dll's and lib's (dll and lib are in the same folder). Under the project settings->VC++ Directories I added the include directory, and also added the library directory. Then I added the lib's specifically under Linker->input->additional Dependencies. Then I added the directory that contains the .dll files to the environment variable PATH.
After all this, I still keep getting the same error, as well as a few other errors. Here is a screen shot of one source file that has the issue.
These are my settings.
For the path, I have tried with and without the trailing forward slash.
Use the C/C++ settings instead of VC++ settings for additional include directories.
What is probably holding you up is that those folder icons in the VS sidebar are not actually related to the file system. They are filters and don't change depending on the actual directory.
This is another explanation for Drop's suggestion -- check to see if the files are really where you think they are.
In my case I already added the include libraries but that was not enough. The error went away once I switched the configuration from x86 to x64 in Project Properties.

How do I include libraries to a project in Visual Studio?

I am a beginner on C++ and trying to learn about including libraries, and I haven't found documentation about it.
What are the ways of including libraries to a C++ project (Visual Studio). How do I implement them and which is the best way?
I was trying to include the SQLite library to a project. I tried to:
Include the header file in the include folder of the Visual Studio installation folder. It did appear in the External dependencies of my project, so I can do #include <sqlite3.h> without problems, but I don't know where I should put the implementation (a C file) and how to link it (is it in the linker>Input>Additional dependencies?).
Is it necessary that in order to include a library the file should be a .lib? Because I can't find the .lib for SQLite 3, do I have to include it in the lib folder of my Visual Studio installation?
Note: I am interested on the management of including a library in general. The SQLite 3 part is only because I took it as an example in order to learn how to add them.
A library is added in two steps
Adding headers path to the project
Adding .lib reference
In the first step, you must specify in the project where library headers are header. Usually, the path is specified in the project properties -> C++ -> Additional include directories, and them including files with relative paths.
In the second step you must specify in properties->linker the path where libraries (.lib) are located and the name of the library. With this Visual Studio is able to link the project properly.
go to project add existing item you must then select from the browse screen the .lib file you wish to add. and BINGO it is there!
best wishes