Django doesn't see view - django

In my I have the followwing:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Examples:
#url(r'^$', 'welcome_page.home', name='home'),
#url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')),
url(r'^admin/', include(,
url(r'^welcome_page/$', include('OnePK_Web.views.welcome_page')),
Where views is a package with module welcome_page
When I am trying to run I have the following : The included urlconf doesn't have any patterns in it.
I don't understand how to fix it. Any Ideas?

If you are referring to an app view through your "PROJECT URLs" refer to following syntax:
If you are reffering to views corresponding to your "APP URLs" through your "PROJECT URLs" refer to following syntax:
else if your struck in the app urls, Try reading djangoproject documentation. For every django related problem, you will find an appropriate and logical way out

Remove $ from the following pattern if OnePK_Web.views.welcome_page is app name:
url(r'^welcome_page/$', include('OnePK_Web.views.welcome_page')),
# ^
If OnePK_Web.views.welcome_page is a view name, remove include(..):
url(r'^welcome_page/$', 'OnePK_Web.views.welcome_page')


Django 2: path('^$', home, name='home') not working

I am new to Django and trying to make a project, but I am facing a simple problem. I am writing a path in Django 2 for root and it's not working, but for other things it works. Can anyone point out why it's not working.
What is working:
path(r'home/', home, name='home'),
This is not working:
path(r'^$', home, name='home'),
And just to be clear: I am not loading both the line together. I comment one line at a time, so no order issues.
Beginning with Django 2 a new way of defining URL routes is introduced. There are the functions path and re_path.
You seem to mix some things. Here is how it should look like when using path:
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('', home, name='home'),
# or
path('home/', home, name='home'),
From this example you can obviously use only one path. I gave them both for illustrating.
As you notice the paths aren't raw strings and don't contain regular expressions like ^ or $.
For using regular expressions use re_path.

Django: Changing the index site? (home page)

The index site on my Django homepage stopped working because of a problem that will take a very long time to fix. The site can't be down for that long so I am trying to change the index site so that if you go to the primary url you will atleast end up on the website.
What I have done is change the file in the primary application, where I simply replaced the line
url(r'^', include('news.urls', namespace='news')),
url(r'^', include('events.urls', namespace='events')),
in the urlpatterns list, where news is the faulty page and events is the page that I want to be shown. However, after pushing this to live nothing changed, and for some reason my local Django development server is not working.
Did I do anything wrong, or is there anything else I have to do as well?
In the events app make sure you have a URL such as
url(r'^$', views.EventsIndex.as_view(), name='index'),
Replacing news.urls with events.urls may cause problems, if there are views/templates that try to reverse news urls. It would be better to leave the include as it is, and add a new URL pattern above that for the index:
from events.views import home
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', home, name='home'),
url(r'^', include('news.urls', namespace='news')),

Basic URL Django Issue

This basic url issue is giving me a headache. I have two links I wish to take a fictitious user to: localhost/prediction and localhost/prediction/. The first works, the second doesn't with an error saying that the site doesn't exist. Any clue as to why?
URl Patterns:
urlpatterns = [
# ex: /prediction/
url(r'^', views.post_list),
# ex: /prediction/<number>/
url(r'^(?P<number>[0-9]+)/$', views.show_body)
def show_body(request, number):
return HttpResponse(number)
You should change your pattern from
url(r'^', views.post_list),
url(r'^$', views.post_list),
There's no need to add a leading slash, because every URL has that. See the example in the Django docs.

Django index url confusion

Hi thanks for looking into this.
I have been following Django's tutorial on URLs and got a bit confused/stuck on this part:
what I do not understand is if, say, on page I provide only 2 possible URLs for and, what happens if the user goes to Obviously, I thought, the user will need to see some sort of 'welcome' page so I decided to add another URL to that
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^/', 'myapp.views.welcome'), #when it's just
url(r'^myapp/', include('myapp.urls')), #includes everything with
url(r'^admin/', include(,
But then I get redirected to that welcome view from whichever page, whether i go to /myapp or not. So, I decided to create a file outside myapps folder and put that welcome page there, and it seems to have worked, apart from that I get a 404.
I am so confused! Could you explain in lamers' terms please
It should be
url(r'^$', 'myapp.views.welcome')
otherwise any URL will match the pattern. Django will call the view for the first pattern in urlpatterns that matches, so you need to be specific and include the end-of-the-line character ($) into the pattern.

Django admin fails when using includes in urlpatterns

I am trying to refactor out my application a little bit to keep it from getting too unwieldily. So I started to move some of the urlpatterns out to sub files as the documentation proposes.
Besides that fact that it just doesn't seem to be working (the items are not being rerouted) but when I go to the admin, it says that 'urlpatterns has not been defined'.
The I have at the root of my application is:
if settings.ENABLE_SSL:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
urlpatterns = patterns('',
urlpatterns+= patterns('',
(r'^$', 'alchemysites.views.route_to_home'),
(r'^%s/' % settings.DAJAXICE_MEDIA_PREFIX, include('dajaxice.urls')),
(r'^/checkout/', include('commerce.urls')),
(r'^admin/', include(,
(r'^accounts/login/$', login),
(r'^accounts/logout/$', logout),
(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root':settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
The urls I have moved out so far are the checkout/offers/order which are all subapps of 'commerce' where the for the apps are so to be clear.
/ in questions (included here)
/commerce/ where the I want to include is:
order_info = {
'queryset': Order.objects.all(),
urlpatterns+= patterns('',
(r'^reports/orders/$', list_detail.object_list,order_info),
and the applications offers lies under commerce.
And so the additional problem is that admin will not work at all, so I'm thinking because I killed it somewhere with my includes.
Things I have checked for:
Is the urlpatterns variable accidentally getting reset somewhere (i.e. urlpatterns = patterns, instead of urlpatterns+= patterns)
Are the patterns in commerce.urls valid (yes, when moved back to root they work).
So from there I am stumped. I can move everything back into the root, but was trying to get a little decoupled, not just for theoretical reason but for some short terms ones.
Lastly if I enter www.domainname/checkout/orderform/onepage/xxxjsd I get the correct page. However, entering www.domainname/checkout/ gets handled by the alchemysites.views.get_path.
If not the answer (because this is pretty darn specific), then is there a good way for troubleshoot It seems to just be trial and error. Seems there should be some sort of parser that will tell you what your urlpatterns will do.
Adding the following line in my worked for me:
from django.conf.urls import include
Have a look at the django docs for including other url confs. I think you might have misunderstood them. In particular
Whenever Django encounters include(), it chops off whatever part of the URL matched up to that point and sends the remaining string to the included URLconf for further processing.
As an example, you have
(r'^/checkout/', include('commerce.urls')),
This means that
will all match the url pattern (r'^offers/$','offers.views.start_offers') in commerce/
If you want to define a view for /checkout/ in, you need to add the pattern
(r'^$', 'path_to_your_view')
because the /checkout/ part will be chopped off by the include()
As, an aside:
In /commerce/, use
urlpatterns = patterns('',
for the first patterns you define. You can then use urlpatterns += later in the same file.