.OBJLoader, weird indices numbers - c++

I've been messing with OpenGL and c++ lately (with FreeGLUT and GLEW) and started to try and import .obj files from 3DS Max 2014. Everything is fine if i manual type the vertices and indices but, when trying to get them from a file i get strange numbers.
when getting the indices instead of 1 there was 1000 and instead of 3 there was 3965 and when there was a 12 is was 1212 (there are ones and threes etc but sometimes they are random)
Here is the code I use to import: http://pastebin.com/1ds6fgj9
std::vector<std::string> Object::split(std::string str, char splitter){
char charText[1000];
int number = 0;
int numberOfWords = 0;
char current[10][100];
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
strcpy(charText, str.c_str());
int size = sizeof(charText) / sizeof(*charText);
//std::cout << size << " size\n";
for (int i = 0; i < splitter; i++){
if (charText[i] == splitter){
number = 0;
current[numberOfWords][number] = charText[i];
return tokens;
Object::Object(std::string fileName, Vector3f pos, Vector3f rot, float Size, Vector3f color){
Position = pos;
Rotation = rot;
size = Size;
colors = color;
std::string data;
std::ifstream file(fileName);
std::string line;
Vector3f _verts[1024];
int noVerts = 0;
unsigned int _inds[1024];
int noIndices = 0;
while (getline(file, line)) // same as: while (getline( myfile, line ).good())
char charText[1024];
strcpy(charText, line.c_str());
if (charText[0] == 'v' && charText[1] != 'n' && charText[1] != 't'){
std::vector<std::string> splitLine = split(line, ' ');
_verts[noVerts] = Vector3f(atoi(splitLine[1].c_str()), atoi(splitLine[2].c_str()), atoi(splitLine[3].c_str()));
//std::cout << "Vertices Number:" << noVerts << " x:" << _verts[noVerts].getX() << " y:" << _verts[noVerts].getY() << " z:" << _verts[noVerts].getZ() << "\n";
if (charText[0] == 'f'){
std::vector<std::string> splitLine = split(line, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
std::vector<std::string> ssl = split(splitLine[i+1], '/');
//std::cout << atoi(splitLine[i].c_str()) << "\n";
std::cout << i << ": " << atoi(ssl[0].c_str()) << " " << atoi(ssl[1].c_str()) << " " << atoi(ssl[2].c_str()) << "\n";
_inds[noIndices] = atoi(ssl[0].c_str());
_inds[noIndices] = atoi(ssl[1].c_str());
_inds[noIndices] = atoi(ssl[2].c_str());
//std::cout << "number of indices:" << noIndices<< "\n";
verts = _verts;
inds = _inds;
SizeV = sizeof(verts);
SizeI = sizeof(inds);
noPoints = SizeI / sizeof(*inds);
length = SizeV / sizeof(*verts);
Matrix4f posM, rotM, sizeM;
sizeM.InitScaleTransform(size, size, size);
rotM.InitRotateTransform(rot.getX(), rot.getY(), rot.getZ());
posM.InitTranslationTransform(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
M = posM * rotM * sizeM;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++){
verts[i] = _verts[i];
I think it is an error in my code when reading the file but if not just ask to see my other code.
It does this for all obj files (not tried exporting with a different program and the obj files I have tried have very few faces).


"Function uses '80408' bytes of stack: exceeds analyze:stacksize '16384'. Consider moving some data to heap" C++ error

I am trying to generate data and place them into separate files
This is a part of the code which gives me a stacksize error. I have tried adjusting the compiler to change the stacksize and suppress the warning message but it did not work.
When I run the code it does not create the output files and keeps on running without giving an output.
How can I fix this PLEASE?
This is my code:
double generateWindData(double windData[4])
int avgWindSpeed = windData[0];
int gust = windData[1];
int simulationDuration = windData[2];
int stepSize = windData[3];
int stepCounter = simulationDuration / stepSize + 1;
ofstream windFile;
windFile.open("WindSpeedData.txt", ios::out);
if (windFile.fail())
cerr << "WindSpeedData.txt could not be opened." << endl;
int upperLimit = avgWindSpeed + gust;
int lowerLimit = avgWindSpeed - gust;
int randomWindSpeeds = rand() % ((upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1) + lowerLimit);
double simulatedSpeeds[10000];
int* initialSpeeds = new int[stepCounter];
int* times = new int[stepCounter];
int time = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stepCounter; i++)
initialSpeeds[i] = randomWindSpeeds;
simulatedSpeeds[i] = initialSpeeds[i];
times[i] = time;
windFile << times[i] << ' ' << initialSpeeds[i] << endl;
time += stepSize;
ofstream finalFile;
finalFile.open("WindSimulation.txt", ios::out);
if (finalFile.fail())
cerr << "WindSimulation.txt could not be opened." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < stepCounter; i++) {
finalFile << times[i] << ' ' << simulatedSpeeds[i] << ' ';
if (simulatedSpeeds[i] != initialSpeeds[i])
finalFile << '1' << endl; //this outputs 1 to WindSimulation.txt if storm takes place
else {
finalFile << endl;
I'd replace simulatedSpeeds with a dynamically allocated array, e.g. std::vector, so it would look like this: std::vector<double> simulatedSpeeds; (you can also use its reserve method) and then inside the loop the simulatedSpeeds[i] = initialSpeeds[i]; should be replaced with simulatedSpeeds.push_back(initialSpeeds[i]);

How do I convert long doubles to char arrays?

I am running a C++ program to sort strings as numbers.
I am saving strings in a char array vector but want to sort numbers as numbers so I am converting number strings into long doubles by calling "tonum()" then converting them back to strings when I am done by calling "tostring()". I am calling "numstr()" strictly for readability and debugging. I convert numbers 0 through 7 and the 6th number across for each value changes every time I run it. In my actual program, the first 5 numbers also seem to change. How do I get consistent results for a long double so that I can properly sort long doubles in char arrays?
std::string::size_type sz;
std::string tonum(std::string str)
const int len = sizeof(long double);
std::string out = "0000000000000000";
long double dbl;
char array[len];
dbl = stold(str);
catch(std::exception &err)
dbl = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
std::cout << (int)array[i] << "\n";
out[len-i-1] = array[i];
std::string fromnum(std::string str)
const int len = sizeof(long double);
std::string out = "";
long double dbl;
char array[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
array[len-i-1] = str[i];
out = std::to_string(dbl);
std::string numstr(std::string str)
std::string out = fromnum(str) + ":";
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
std::string look = std::to_string(str[i]);
int lookint = stold(look,&sz);
if (lookint < 0) lookint += 256;
std::string look2 = std::to_string(lookint);
out += look2 + " ";
int main()
std::cout << numstr(tonum("0")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("1")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("2")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("3")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("4")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("5")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("6")) << "\n";
std::cout << numstr(tonum("7")) << "\n";

get last line of file and write new record on it

i have a c++ program to get last line data of issuance.csv file(has id , date,time) and write new record on it
but when i try to write new data(like id,time,date) on it ,save blank line without data on issuance.csv file ,what should i do??
#define DEFAULT_ID "2000"
#define ISSUE_FILE_ADDRESS "/home/pi/file/issuance.csv"
int WriteNewRecord(string NewID, string NewCustomerID, string NewIssueDate)
fstream FileStream;
FileStream.open(ISSUE_FILE_ADDRESS, fstream::app | fstream::out);//Just for write into file
cout << "File Open Error1" << endl;
return -1;
FileStream << NewID << "," << NewCustomerID << "," << NewIssueDate << endl;//Just for write into file
return 0;
int GetLastData(string& LastID, string& LastCustomerID, string& LastDate, string& LastTime)
fstream FileStream;
FileStream.open(ISSUE_FILE_ADDRESS, fstream::in);
cout << "File Open Error2" << endl;
return -1;
string Line;
int Indices[3];
getline(FileStream, Line);
do {
Indices[0] = Line.find(",");
Indices[1] = Line.find(",", Indices[0] + 1);
Indices[2] = Line.find(",", Indices[1] + 1);
LastID = Line.substr(0, Indices[0]);
LastCustomerID = Line.substr(Indices[0] + 1, Indices[1] - Indices[0] - 1);
LastDate = Line.substr(Indices[1] + 1, Indices[2] - Indices[1] - 1);
LastTime = Line.substr(Indices[2] + 1, Line.length() - Indices[2] - 1);
getline(FileStream, Line);
} while (Line.length());
return 0;
int time(){
time_t currentTime;
struct tm *localTime;
time( &currentTime ); // Get the current time
localTime = localtime( &currentTime ); // Convert the current time to the local time
int Day = localTime->tm_mday;
int Month = localTime->tm_mon + 1;
int Year = localTime->tm_year + 1900;
int Hour = localTime->tm_hour;
int Min = localTime->tm_min;
int Sec = localTime->tm_sec;
cout << Day << "/" << Month << "/" << Year << ", "<< Hour << ":" << Min << ":" << Sec<<endl;
//std::cout << std::endl;
return (currentTime);
int main()
string ID,CustomerID,Date,Time;
if(!GetLastData(ID, CustomerID, Date,Time))
cout << ID << " " << CustomerID << " " << Date << " " << Time << endl;
//Issuance Operation...
// if(!WriteNewRecord("2008", "100000", "4/29/2015" , "10:55:15"))//Example for test
string NewID,NewCustomerID,NewIssueDate;
if(!WriteNewRecord(NewID, NewCustomerID, NewIssueDate))
unsigned int new_id = atoi(ID.c_str()) + 1;
char tmp[5];
sprintf(tmp, "%d", new_id);
NewID = string(tmp);
tmp[4] = 0;
char write[4];
unsigned int new_date=time();
//cout << write << endl;
sscanf ( NewIssueDate.c_str(), "%d", &new_date );
cout<< NewIssueDate<<"," << NewCustomerID<<","<< NewID <<endl;
//cout << NewIssueDate<<endl;
return 0;
If you look at your code, you do
string NewID,NewCustomerID,NewIssueDate, NewIssueTime;
if(!WriteNewRecord(NewID, NewCustomerID, NewIssueDate))
// Initialize variable but don't write them to the file
When you declare the std::string variables, they are initialized to be empty, so writing them to a file will write nothing. You then initialize the variables, after you write them to the file.
You could try using FileStream.seekp (std::ios::end); before writing

segfault variable creation c++

So I'm having some troubles with a segfault right now.
The problem appears to be on line 122
file_stream.read(binaryData, fileSizeInt);
The message seems to be unable to create variable object.
I'm using the debugger on CLion, if this is of any help.
I'm fairly new to C++ so please bear with me on this. I've included my source code below, since I have no idea what will and wont be relevant.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
//string dataLocation = "/dev/rdisk2"; // Variable for the mounting point of the SD Card.
string dataLocation = "/Volumes/Untitled/data/smith_data_backup.dat"; // Test location
int sectorSize = 512;
int bytesRead = 0;
string outDir = "/Volumes/Untitled/data/readData/";
char data_stop[10] = "Data_Stop";
char* findHeader(char* inputData) {
int i = 1;
//look for the end of the header
while(true) {
//cout << data[i] << '\n';
if (inputData[i] == '}') {
// found the end of the header
cout << "found the end of the header" << '\n';
if (i > 200) { // don't get into an infinite loop here
cout << "something went wrong here" << '\n';
// copy the header to a new char array
char* header = new char[i+1];
memcpy(header, &inputData[0], (size_t) (i +1));
return header;
int main() {
ifstream file_stream;
for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) {
char data[sectorSize]; // figure out a decent size for this.....
string date = "";
string time = "";
string site = "";
string intId = "";
string totalFiles = "";
string fileNo = "";
string fileSize = "";
try {
// read the data file... this will be fun
cout << "Reading the data file" << '\n';
file_stream.read(data, sectorSize);
bytesRead += sectorSize;
if (data[0] == '{') {
char *header = findHeader(data);
cout << header << '\n';
//loop over the header to find the date, time, site ID, Instrument ID, and expected file size.
int commasFound = 0;
for(int i = 1; header[i] != '}', i++;) {
// increment the number of commas that have been found
if (header[i] == ',') {
commasFound ++;
//check for the end f the header
if (header[i] == '}') {
//for some reason the first one never gets added
if (i==2) {
date += header[1];
// append to appropriate strings based on the number of commas that have been passed in the header
if (commasFound == 0) {
date += header[i];
if (commasFound == 1 && time.length() < 6) {
time += header[i];
if (commasFound == 2) {
fileNo += header[i];
if (commasFound == 6) {
site += header[i];
if (commasFound == 8) {
intId += header[i];
if (commasFound == 16) {
fileSize += header[i];
if (commasFound == 17) {
totalFiles += header[i];
//paranoia of infinite loops
if (i > 150) {
string formattedDate = "20" + date.substr(4,2) + date.substr(2,2) + date.substr(0,2);
cout << formattedDate << " " << time << " " << " " << site << " " << intId << " " << fileSize << " " << totalFiles<< " " << '\n';
// Read in the data size
int fileSizeInt = atoi(fileSize.c_str()) * atoi(fileSize.c_str());
char binaryData[fileSizeInt];
file_stream.read(binaryData, fileSizeInt);
bytesRead += fileSizeInt;
string dateDir = outDir + formattedDate.substr(0,4) + "/" + date.substr(2,2) + "/" + site + "/" + date.substr(0,2) + "/";
string fileName = dateDir + formattedDate + "_" + time + "_" + site + "_" + intId + "_Full_Data.dat";
//cout << fileName << '\n';
//create the directory with the date.
string mkdirCommand = "mkdir -p " + dateDir;
cout << "size " << sizeof(binaryData) << '\n';
//write data to file
try {
cout << "Write the data file " << '\n';
cout << header << " " << strlen(header) << '\n';
ofstream outFile;
outFile.write(header, strlen(header));
outFile.write(binaryData, sizeof(binaryData));
outFile.write(data_stop, sizeof(data_stop));
} catch (ofstream::failure e ) {
cout << "Unable to write the file " << fileName << '\n';
//read till the start of the next sector
int nextSector = (int) ceil(((double) bytesRead)/512.0);
int startOfNextSector = nextSector * 512;
cout << startOfNextSector << '\n';
int bytesToRead = startOfNextSector - bytesRead;
char dump[bytesToRead];
file_stream.read(dump, bytesToRead);
bytesRead += bytesToRead;
// The first block may be empty, quick check to see if the first block needs to be skipped
} else if (j == 0 && data[0] != '{') {
cout << "Skipping the first block" << '\n';
} else {
//cout << "no start here....." << bytesRead << '\n';
catch (ifstream::failure& e) {
cout << "Error" << "\n";
return 0;

C++ char vector addition

This is a part of a program that I am writing to compute the addition of two integers as strings. (Writing my own bigInt class).
There appears to be a problem when I am adding the two integers together. Because they are both in vectors of char type, I had to add a '0' to each element of the vector before concatenating it into a string.
However, the results are still not what I am expecting:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string const Number = "1000";
string const Number2 = "1000";
vector<char> reverse;
vector<char> reverse2;
//cout << (rostrNumber[1] - '0') << endl;
cout << "Original Number: " << Number << endl;
for (int i = Number.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cout << "Reversed: " << endl;
cout << reverse[0] << reverse[1] << reverse[2] << reverse[3] << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
for (int i = Number2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cout << "Adding these two integers" << endl;
vector<char> const rcvN1 = reverse;
vector<char> const rcvN2 = reverse2;
vector<char> Results;
//Local copies
vector<char> vN1 = rcvN1;
vector<char> vN2 = rcvN2;
int iSize1 = vN1.size();
int iSize2 = vN2.size();
int i, iSize = iSize2;
int iC = 0, iR;
for (i = 0; i<iSize; i++)
iR = vN1[i] + vN2[i] + iC;
if (iR > 9)
iR -= 10;
iC = 1;
iC = 0;
cout << Results[0] << endl;
if (iC > 0)
string ostr;
vector<char>::const_reverse_iterator rIter = Results.rbegin();
for (; rIter != Results.rend(); rIter++)
ostr += *rIter +'0';
cout << "Results: " << ostr << endl;
return 0;