Time measure without using system clock - c++

Is there any way to measure elapsed time in linux/unix without using system clock?
The problem is that system clock changes in some situations and elapsed time measured by time or gettimeofday or anything else like that gives incorrect result.
I'm thinking of creating separate thread which performs loop with sleep(100) inside and counts number of repetitions.
Any better solutions?

std::chrono::steady_clock can be used to measure time, and takes into account changes to the system clock.

Use monotonic time, which represents time since some point: http://linux.die.net/man/3/clock_gettime
int64_t get_monotonic_timestamp(void)
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000000 + ts.tv_nsec / 1000;

Measuring elapsed time with sleep (or variants) is a bad idea. Your thread can wake up at any time after the elapsed sleep time so this is sure to be inaccurate.

For a time delay, you can use e.g. select.


time vs gettimeofday c ++

The time command returns the time elapsed in execution of a command.
If I put a "gettimeofday()" at the start of the command call (using system() ), and one at the end of the call, and take a difference, it doesn't come out the same. (its not a very small difference either)
Can anybody explain what is the exact difference between the two usages and which is the best way to time the execution of a call?
The Unix time command measures the whole program execution time, including the time it takes for the system to load your binary and all its libraries, and the time it takes to clean up everything once your program is finished.
On the other hand, gettimeofday can only work inside your program, that is after it has finished loading (for the initial measurement), and before it is cleaned up (for the final measurement).
Which one is best? Depends on what you want to measure... ;)
It's all dependent on what you are timing. If you are trying to time something in seconds, then time() is probably your best bet. If you need higher resolution than that, then I would consider gettimeofday(), which gives up to microsecond resolution (1 / 1000000th of a second).
If you need even higher resolution than that, consider using clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, just note that clock() is rarely an accurate description for the amount of time taken, but rather the number of CPU cycles used.
time() returns time since epoch in seconds.
gettimeofday(): returns:
struct timeval {
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */
Each time function has different precision. In C++11 you would use std::chrono:
using namespace std::chrono;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
/* do stuff*/
auto end = high_resolution_clock::now();
float elapsedSeconds = duration_cast<duration<float>>(end-start).count();

Measuring the runtime of a C++ code?

I want to measure the runtime of my C++ code. Executing my code takes about 12 hours and I want to write this time at the end of execution of my code. How can I do it in my code?
Operating system: Linux
If you are using C++11 you can use system_clock::now():
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/* do some work */
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto elapsed = end - start;
std::cout << elapsed.count() << '\n';
You can also specify the granularity to use for representing a duration:
// this constructs a duration object using milliseconds
auto elapsed =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start);
// this constructs a duration object using seconds
auto elapsed =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end - start);
If you cannot use C++11, then have a look at chrono from Boost.
The best thing about using such a standard libraries is that their portability is really high (e.g., they both work in Linux and Windows). So you do not need to worry too much if you decide to port your application afterwards.
These libraries follow a modern C++ design too, as opposed to C-like approaches.
EDIT: The example above can be used to measure wall-clock time. That is not, however, the only way to measure the execution time of a program. First, we can distinct between user and system time:
User time: The time spent by the program running in user space.
System time: The time spent by the program running in system (or kernel) space. A program enters kernel space for instance when executing a system call.
Depending on the objectives it may be necessary or not to consider system time as part of the execution time of a program. For instance, if the aim is to just measure a compiler optimization on the user code then it is probably better to leave out system time. On the other hand, if the user wants to determine whether system calls are a significant overhead, then it is necessary to measure system time as well.
Moreover, since most modern systems are time-shared, different programs may compete for several computing resources (e.g., CPU). In such a case, another distinction can be made:
Wall-clock time: By using wall-clock time the execution of the program is measured in the same way as if we were using an external (wall) clock. This approach does not consider the interaction between programs.
CPU time: In this case we only count the time that a program is actually running on the CPU. If a program (P1) is co-scheduled with another one (P2), and we want to get the CPU time for P1, this approach does not include the time while P2 is running and P1 is waiting for the CPU (as opposed to the wall-clock time approach).
For measuring CPU time, Boost includes a set of extra clocks:
process_real_cpu_clock, captures wall clock CPU time spent by the current process.
process_user_cpu_clock, captures user-CPU time spent by the current process.
process_system_cpu_clock, captures system-CPU time spent by the current process. A tuple-like class process_cpu_clock, that captures real, user-CPU, and system-CPU process times together.
A thread_clock thread steady clock giving the time spent by the current thread (when supported by a platform).
Unfortunately, C++11 does not have such clocks. But Boost is a wide-used library and, probably, these extra clocks will be incorporated into C++1x at some point. So, if you use Boost you will be ready when the new C++ standard adds them.
Finally, if you want to measure the time a program takes to execute from the command line (as opposed to adding some code into your program), you may have a look at the time command, just as #BЈовић suggests. This approach, however, would not let you measure individual parts of your program (e.g., the time it takes to execute a function).
Use std::chrono::steady_clock and not std::chrono::system_clock for measuring run time in C++11. The reason is (quoting system_clock's documentation):
on most systems, the system time can be adjusted at any moment
while steady_clock is monotonic and is better suited for measuring intervals:
Class std::chrono::steady_clock represents a monotonic clock. The time
points of this clock cannot decrease as physical time moves forward.
This clock is not related to wall clock time, and is best suitable for
measuring intervals.
Here's an example:
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// do something
auto finish = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
double elapsed_seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<
std::chrono::duration<double> >(finish - start).count();
A small practical tip: if you are measuring run time and want to report seconds std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds> is rarely what you need because it gives you whole number of seconds. To get the time in seconds as a double use the example above.
You can use time to start your program. When it ends, it print nice time statistics about program run. It is easy to configure what to print. By default, it print user and CPU times it took to execute the program.
EDIT : Take a note that every measure from the code is not correct, because your application will get blocked by other programs, hence giving you wrong values*.
* By wrong values, I meant it is easy to get the time it took to execute the program, but that time varies depending on the CPUs load during the program execution. To get relatively stable time measurement, that doesn't depend on the CPU load, one can execute the application using time and use the CPU as the measurement result.
I used something like this in one of my projects:
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval start, end;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
double elapsed = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000)
+ (end.tv_usec / 1000 - start.tv_usec / 1000);
This is for milliseconds and it works both for C and C++.
This is the code I use:
const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// Your code here.
const auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = end - start;
std::cout << "Time in seconds: " << elapsed.count() << '\n';
You don't want to use std::chrono::system_clock because it is not monotonic! If the user changes the time in the middle of your code your result will be wrong - it might even be negative. std::chrono::high_resolution_clock might be implemented using std::chrono::system_clock so I wouldn't recommend that either.
This code also avoids ugly casts.
If you wish to print the measured time with printf(), you can use this:
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/* measured work */
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start);
printf("Time = %lld ms\n", static_cast<long long int>(elapsed.count()));
You could also try some timer classes that start and stop automatically, and gather statistics on the average, maximum and minimum time spent in any block of code, as well as the number of calls. These cxx-rtimer classes are available on GitHub, and offer support for using std::chrono, clock_gettime(), or boost::posix_time as a back-end clock source.
With these timers, you can do something like:
void timeCriticalFunction() {
static rtimers::cxx11::DefaultTimer timer("expensive");
auto scopedStartStop = timer.scopedStart();
// Do something costly...
with timing stats written to std::cerr on program completion.

Why am I getting excessive CPU Usage with "clock( )"?

I'm trying to create a simple timer using the clock() method. When the application is executed, my CPU usage jumps from 0% to 25%. For a simple program that does nothing but count from 60 to 0 in seconds, it's a bit excessive.
I was following this: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/clock/
Any reason for this? Are there any alternatives I could use?
The code you reference:
while (clock() < endwait) {}
will clearly just chew CPU while waiting for the time to pass, hence the 25% usage ( one core).
while (clock() < endwait) { Sleep(1);}
should solve your problem.
Use boost::this_thread::sleep
// sleep for one second
My best guess is that your problem is not the clock function, but the wait function.
It loops until a certain time is reached. You should use a function that actually suspends your program, like the sleep function.
Most simple timing tests are better run with some pseudo-code like this:
start = get_time()
for 1 .. 10:
end = get_time()
diff = end - start
print "%d seconds elapsed", diff
On Unix-derived platforms, gettimeofday(2) returns a struct with seconds and microseconds since the Epoch, which makes for some pretty decent resolution timing. On other platforms, you'll have to hunt around for decent time sources.

clock() vs getsystemtime()

I developed a class for calculations on multithreads and only one instance of this class is used by a thread. Also I want to measure the duration of calculations by iterating over a container of this class from another thread. The application is win32. The thing is I have read QueryPerformanceCounter is useful when comparing the measuremnts on a single thread. Because I can not use it my problem, I think of clock() or GetSystemTime(). It is sad that both methods have a 'resolution' of milliseconds (since CLOCKS_PER_SEC is 1000 on win32). Which method should I use or to generalize, is there a better option for me?
As a rule I have to take the measurements outside the working thread.
Here is some code as an example.
unsinged long GetCounter()
return ww.wMilliseconds + 1000 * ww.wSeconds;
// or
return clock();
class WorkClass
bool is_working;
unsigned long counter;
HANDLE threadHandle;
threadHandle = GetCurrentThread();
is_working = true;
counter = GetCounter();
// Do some work
is_working = false;
void CheckDurations() // will work on another thread;
for(size_t i =0;i < vector_of_workClass.size(); ++i)
WorkClass & wc = vector_of_workClass[i];
unsigned long dur = GetCounter() - wc.counter;
if( dur > someLimitValue)
QueryPerformanceCounter is fine for multithreaded applications. The processor instruction that may be used (rdtsc) can potentially provide invalid results when called on different processors.
I recommend reading "Game Timing and Multicore Processors".
For your specific application, the problem it appears you are trying to solve is using a timeout on some potentially long-running threads. The proper solution to this would be to use the WaitForMultipleObjects function with a timeout value. If the time expires, then you can terminate any threads that are still running - ideally by setting a flag that each thread checks, but TerminateThread may be suitable.
both methods have a precision of milliseconds
They don't. They have a resolution of a millisecond, the precision is far worse. Most machines increment the value only at intervals of 15.625 msec. That's a heckofalot of CPU cycles, usually not good enough to get any reliable indicator of code efficiency.
QPF does much better, no idea why you couldn't use it. A profiler is a the standard tool to measure code efficiency. Beats taking dependencies you don't want.
QueryPerformanceCounter should give you the best precision, but there is issues when the function get run on different processors (you get a different result for each processor). So when running in a thread you will experience shifts when the thread switch processor. To solve this you can set processor affinity for the thread that measures time.
GetSystemTime gets an absolute time, clock is a relative time but both measure elapsed time, not CPU time related to the actual thread/process.
Of course clock() is more portable. Having said that I use clock_gettime on Linux because I can get both elapsed and thread CPU time with that call.
boost has some time functions that you could use that will run on multiple platforms if you want platform independent code.

Measuring execution time of a call to system() in C++

I have found some code on measuring execution time here
However, it does not seem to work for calls to system(). I imagine this is because the execution jumps out of the current process.
clock_t begin=clock();
clock_t end=clock();
cout<<"Execution time: "<<diffclock(end,begin)<<" s."<<endl;
double diffclock(clock_t clock1,clock_t clock2)
double diffticks=clock1-clock2;
double diffms=(diffticks)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return diffms;
However this always returns 0 seconds... Is there another method that will work?
Also, this is in Linux.
Edit: Also, just to add, the execution time is in the order of hours. So accuracy is not really an issue.
Have you considered using gettimeofday?
struct timeval tv;
struct timeval start_tv;
gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL);
double elapsed = 0.0;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
elapsed = (tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) +
(tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
Unfortunately clock() only has one second resolution on Linux (even though it returns the time in units of microseconds).
Many people use gettimeofday() for benchmarking, but that measures elapsed time - not time used by this process/thread - so isn't ideal. Obviously if your system is more or less idle and your tests are quite long then you can average the results. Normally less of a problem but still worth knowing about is that the time returned by gettimeofday() is non-monatonic - it can jump around a bit e.g. when your system first connects to an NTP time server.
The best thing to use for benchmarking is clock_gettime() with whichever option is most suitable for your task.
CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID - Thread-specific CPU-time clock.
CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID - High-resolution per-process timer from the CPU.
CLOCK_MONOTONIC - Represents monotonic time since some unspecified starting point.
CLOCK_REALTIME - System-wide realtime clock.
NOTE though, that not all options are supported on all Linux platforms - except clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) which is equivalent to gettimeofday().
Useful link: Profiling Code Using clock_gettime
Tuomas Pelkonen already presented the gettimeofday method that allows to get times with a resolution to the microsecond.
In his example he goes on to convert to double. I personally have wrapped the timeval struct into a class of my own that keep the counts into seconds and microseconds as integers and handle the add and minus operations correctly.
I prefer to keep integers (with exact maths) rather than get to floating points numbers and all their woes when I can.